Dancing With The Stars *Narry...

By potatomustaches

21K 902 99

"What's your name?" "Nicolette." "No, your real name." "That is my real name," (Or the one where Harry is a s... More

Character List
1 - Nice To Meet You
2 - Not-So-Warm Welcome
3 - Predicaments
4 - First Dances
5 - Sleeping On The Job
6 - Here Comes The Sun's Parasitic Autopsy
7 - In One Ear
8 - Dancer's Block
9 - Water Fight
10 - Visit
11 - Seven Years
12 - All Tangled Up
13 - Behind Blue Eyes
14 - Switch
15 - Contemporary
16 - You Look Good on The Dance Floor
17 - Team Lover Boy
18 - Reunion
19 - Casual
21 - Semi-Finals
22 - Last Dance
23 - News
24 - Departure
25 - Uncomfortable
26 - Truth
27 - Figuring Out
28 - Hollywood

20 - Shirts

525 21 0
By potatomustaches

Surprisingly, there weren't many people that bothered us during our meal. Almost all the girls and some guys who wanted something had come around right at the beginning when we were contemplating our meal choices.

Harry didn't get much, which made me feel kind of bad when I got a huge omelet with an added side of bacon and toast. He told me that I shouldn't worry about it, and I eventually stopped when he began taking some of my food from my plate.

I'm not sure when we left; all I know is that it was dark by the time we made it back to Harry's. He opened my door for me on the way out of the restaurant and also in and out of the car, making me punch him in the chest because he's being too gentleman-like.

We walk up to the door together. Harry is holding my hand before he kisses it on the doorstep, followed by pecking my lips lightly. He goes at far as to give me the key to the door and walk back to his car, starting it up again. I shake my head and go into his house, locking the door back for when he comes back and tries to get in.

I watch out the window as he actually does drive off, his car leaving my view.

I walk into his kitchen and get myself a glass of apple juice, sitting on the couch until he returns. After five minutes, I get bored and click the television on, flickering through a few different programs before I settle on an episode of Big Bang Theory from three years ago. I sit there watching the rest of the episode, not even noticing that Harry hasn't returned when it rolls over into the next episode.

My eyes look towards the clock on the cable box, seeing it's almost 10 and Harry still hasn't returned.

My knees pop as I stand back up from my seated position on the couch. Knowing Harry, he probably got lost in his own neighbourhood and can't find his way back.

I roll my eyes, turning the television off with the remote and dropping it on the couch. Harry has a designated basket for the remotes, but it wasn't there when I picked it up, so I won't put it in there when I put it back down.

Even though Harry is okay with me sleeping in his bed, I still feel weird going into his room when he's not here. It feels like a breach of privacy. Instead, I make my way towards the guest room which I actually haven't been in for quite a while.

Sadly, though, I'm forced to go into his room, because I forgot the one thing that I would only need to go in there for.


Fuck's sake.

I stand back up from placing my bag onto the floor and sigh. Of course, of all things. I could very well fall asleep in this, but I was planning on wearing this tomorrow, and I really don't want it to look like I literally fell asleep in my clothes.

I stop in front of his closed door, trying to remember where the light switch is, because I really don't want to be in here longer then I need to be.

I flick the light on before I even step foot into the room. After my eyes adjust to the light, I make my way towards his draws, where I'm hoping he has normal clothes to wear.

I pull out a black Ramones t-shirt, holding it close to my body to see if it would fit. It seems a bit oversized for my body, which means it would be a bit tight on Harry.

I look around, making sure Harry hasn't returned or has any cameras on, before I pull my own shirt off and pull his onto me. During the time that it's going over my head, I'm able to smell it a bit, only to find out that it doesn't smell much like Harry, but instead some random laundry detergent brand. I'm guessing he hasn't worn this shirt in a while.

I roll my eyes, thinking back to his weird shirts that he doesn't wear properly. I have one in particular on my mind, some bright yellow shirt with big red flowers littered all over it.

I leave the room just as fast as I went in, shutting off the light and cracking the door.

There's still no sign of Harry when I get back to my room. He hasn't texted or called me yet, meaning he's not outside knocking on the door, trying to get in.

I resort to calling him instead, holding the phone up to my ear. After a moment of it ringing, I notice the sound of vibrating coming from somewhere else in the house.

I follow the noise to his bedroom door, pushing it open and seeing Harry's phone screen lit up and the phone vibrating on the edge of his nightstand. One more ring and the phone falls to the floor.

I turn the light on again and go to pick it up, seeing that the screen is still lit. I see that there's a missed call from his mum about an hour ago, and the call from me a few seconds ago. I lock the phone and place it back on charge, setting the phone on the nightstand again.

My eyes travel over his bedspread, the fluffy white comforter looking more inviting than the one in the guestroom. Just then, my eyes are covered over, but I can still see some light filtering through, so I can only guess it's someone's hands.

I squeak, my leg kicking up behind me on a reflex, trying to trip whoever it is that's got me.

Harry's annoying laughter is heightened in my senses. I pull my body out from under his hands and turn around to see his trying to control his laughter.

"And where the hell did you come from?" I ask, pushing his down onto the bed. He falls onto it unceremoniously, his limbs sprawled out, almost covering the whole bed. He puts a hand up and offers it to me. When I take it, he tugs onto me so I'll fall down next to him.

"I snuck in through the guestroom balcony. I saw your stuff in there, and I'm glad you weren't in there when I got in because it didn't go as smoothly as I planned."

"What took you so long?"

"Well, I was driving around because I wanted you to already be in bed when I got in so I could scare you, but then when I did get here, I noticed that you locked the doors so I had to find another way in. I would have used my balcony, but there's no tree or anything close to it so I could climb up."

"You seemed to have quite the adventure." I tease. Instead of rolling his eyes like I would do, he leans down a little bit so he could kiss me.

"Are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah. I was planning on sleeping in the guestroom since you weren't here, so I'll go get my stuff."

"I already told, you're welcome to my bed anytime." He smiles innocently.

"Your smile should not be as innocent as it is considering what you just said." I point out. His smile changes to a smirk, and I roll my eyes, picking up a pillow and shoving it against his face and holding it there for a few seconds. When he pulls it off and tries to throw it at me, I'm already out of the room and halfway down the hallway.

I head into the guestroom, pulling the sheet back that I've moved on the bed and grabbing my bag. On my way out, I check in front of the balcony to see that there are a few branches that has fallen from the tree onto the balcony because of Harry weighing it down. I kick them off and close the balcony door, leaving the room.

After I turn the light off and close the bedroom door, I turn back to Harry's door and see the pillow just barely outside the door. I pick it up on my way in and close that door behind me as well.

"You could have killed me." He says, already hidden beneath his covers.

I go over and plug my phone charger in and resting my phone on the nightstand on my side of the bed, waiting for the screen to light up so I know it's charging. "You were being perverted. That's my thing."

He laughs again, pulling me down on top of him with a hand on my waist.

I comply with him as he pulls me up so I'm lying my head onto his pillow instead of mine, letting him cuddle into me. His body curls into me a but, but he still has full control of how we're laying. His head is laying farther up on the pillow so his chin can just barely rest on my head, while my arms curlce around his torso and squeeze.

"G'night, darling dove."

"Night, babe."

I'm not sure when Harry fell asleep, but I do know that I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


The next few days are mainly spent practicing for our dance on Monday. The season is wrapping up and soon, someone will go how with the mirror-ball trophy in a few weeks.

It's crazy to think about how far Harry and I have come. Honestly, I never have really sought out to win. I'm lucky enough to even be here, doing the thing I love the most week after week, with a new partner every few months. In my time off, I generally spend my time doing nothing. I'm still allowed in the studio if it's open if I want to help out or use the practice rooms, but I generally don't do that. I'm so accustomed to dancing with a partner that dancing alone in a room by myself would just seem strange to me.

Louis and I would sometimes get together over the breaks to dance around and goof off together, and also Derek, Henry, and Val when he used to be here, we would create little group dances and pull pranks on crew members or workers.

Although I've never strived to win, that doesn't mean the person I was paired with hasn't wanted to win. The farthest I've ever gotten with anyone on the show is to the week just before the semi-finals, and that was a few years ago when I didn't really have any friends here so all I really ever had to do was create dances and practice. That's still all I do nowadays, but ever since I've met Harry, he's changed my life around.

Harry has never really shown a desire to win. He would sometimes comment on things and say that it would be nice to, but has never outright said that he would want to win.

My mind flashes back to my parents. Their vague answer as to what and when they are going to "get me to come back" still replays over in my ears. I hope their useless planning doesn't interfere with Harry or the end of this season. Strangely enough, I want Harry to win. I want us to be able to go up there and have him accept the trophy with a big smile on my face. Just imagining it makes me smile.

"Ni?" Harry waves a hand in front of my face. "You alright?"

I blink a few times and avert my attention to Harry. "Sorry, I was thinking."

"About what?" He leads me to sit down on his couch, which I'm guessing means we're taking a break before practicing more.

"Just random things. The end of the season and such."

"Can you believe that it's already been two months since we started dancing together?"

"I know, it's crazy. These seasons always seem to fly by, and I always find myself doing the exact same thing once it's over. It's quite monotonous, you wouldn't believe."

"Maybe I could help with that. I mean, most of my time is spent here or back at home when I'm not on tour. You never know, I could move in here permanently."

"Aren't you going back on tour next year? I know you had a break for most of this year, but what about next year? You can't just disappear for two years straight."

"I didn't mean it like that, I meant that I could stay out here during my breaks. Or you could move back to England with me. Oh, or you could join me on tour?" He suggests.

"You're thinking a bit too far ahead, babe." I say. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into him o my shoulder is resting onto his chest.

"I know... I guess I get carried away sometimes. I've always wanted someone with me on tour or anywhere, really, that I could go to for comfort. Being on a tour bus gets quite boring when you're all alone."

"And you honestly think I could make that any better? I annoy you, ignore you, blast my music too loud, get in moods that come out of literally no where, I walk around with no pants on, barely ever wear a bra, I--"

"Those are all things I've gotten used to just having you around here, and I haven't gotten sick of you yet."

"You will."

"I won't, love. I promise."

The conversation seems to end there, as both of us get up, get into our starting positions, and I start counting off as we perfect our dance.

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