G Dragon Scenarios

By valkyriev

148K 1.1K 240

GD smut one shot collection 🚨🚨18🚨🚨 More

Thai restaurant
after school
I will get you later
The King's request
Traffic jam
Birthday present
first time
Its been a long time
The meeting room
I bought you something
The interruption
Presentation -part 1
Can you help me?
Deep blue bath tub
Changing things up
Movie night
You dont need it
The quickie in the bathroom
Caught red handed
the mistress


4.6K 34 3
By valkyriev

The heel of my bare left foot falls flat against the carpet beneath me as I slightly cock my body sideways, watching in the full mirror how the denim material shapes the gaunt frame of my leg. I shake my head, an iffy conscience prodding the front of my brain with its negative demeanor. These jeans look no different from the pair I tried on earlier. But just to be sure, I turn in the other direction with my eyes still intently fixated on how the material shapes my leg. Again, it looks no different. "I should've known," I mumble, head shaking again as I lock eyes with my own reflection.

It's some wonder why Jiyong still bothers to dote on a figure like mine. Sighing in deep thought, I subconsciously prod at the button of the jeans, only to be abruptly interrupted by a loud thud on the dressing room door. "Baby, come on," Jiyong's voice comes to me with a slight muffle from the other side. "Just because I promised a day of shopping, doesn't mean you can spend a half hour in the dressing room."
"What's the matter, fashionista?" I crack a smile, arm falling to my side as I lean up against the door with a cheek and palm pressed to the hard material. "Can't your girl have some fun with clothes, too?" After a slight pause of silence I find myself picking against my thumbnail, and grin timidly. "I just can't believe how disgusting I look in these."
For a few moments, Jiyong doesn't say a thing. But then as if reality had suddenly struck him hard, he mutters sternly from the other side, "You know how beautiful I think you are, baby. I'm sure you look fine."
"Jiyong," I groan with a whine and let it hang loosely in the air between us, just like the wooden door. I continue to pick at the nail of my thumb, thankful the door is where it is. Had it not been there, Jiyong would've witnessed the severe reddening of my cheeks. And along with the blushing, my teeth involuntarily sink into the pout of my lower lip as a smile spreads again.
"Here, I got you this while I was waiting." He interrupts the dreaming of my reality yet again, just in time for something soft and lacy to hit my bare foot. "Try it on and let me see it."
The thin cloth barely covers my wiggling toes as I reach down to collect it in my hand with curiosity. My fingers slip with ease through the silk material of the garment I just picked up. Maybe with a little too much ease. With a cautious look, I glide the thin material between my thumb and finger before holding it up with both hands to finally see at a full angle. Hardly a few inches from the hem of the waist to the lace of the bottom, I know something so tiny would never fit. Then again, leave it to Jiyong to decide on something so vulgar. "Oppa!" My voice reverberates from the walls enclosing me within the small space, slipping through the wood of the door like a liquid lacking viscosity. "I am not trying these on!"
"Yes you are. And this, too."

My gaze shifts back down to the carpeted floor beneath my bare feet just in time to see the matching bra being kicked under the door and into the dressing room, the tip of Jiyong's sneaker coming into view just slightly. With a low, objecting huff, I bend down to unwillingly collect the second garment along with the first.
"It's your punishment for making me wait so damn long."
"Jiyong," I begin my objection with a low groan, my shoulders slumping to match. "I will not try these on, I mean it."
As if he'd prepared ahead of time for my refusal, he retaliates: "Try them on, or I'm not buying you anything today. I mean it."
I could easily fight my way out of it, being that Jiyong would buy me anything as soon as asked. But something in the stern sound of his voice screams his mindset. Plus, it's the least I could do after making him wait on me for so long. After all, it's just for show, right? At least I'll never have to wear it again.
I slip from the abrasive, denim material and eye the matching mess of black lace before me strewn against the beige carpet. I can picture the exact reaction Jiyong had whilst choosing such an outfit. What the hell was he doing wandering the lingerie section, anyway?

"Are they on yet?"
"No," I respond quickly, forcing the lace to stretch and bend over my skin as I tug up the panties he'd so keenly picked out for me to wear. Upon the sight, I scowl in disgust. Never in my life had I thought I'd get away with wearing such a vulgar piece of clothing. The dark weavings of lace create an ornate pattern against the color of my skin as I pull the material up around my waist. The black hem hugs my hips tightly, and I have to sneer at the sight of my reflection.
"Finished now?"
"No, Jiyong."

Taking my time tugging the black bra straps up over my shoulders, my eyes become fixated on the intricate patterns of the black lace. Why do men dote on such a sight? It's not even pretty. But as soon as I've clasped myself fully into the lingerie outfit, I turn my body to get a better look. Something about it screams something I'm not even sure I can make out. It's certainly unfamiliar, and it makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable being trapped in such material.
"Are you done now?"
Rolling my eyes, I mumble a nonchalant, "yes", however, my eyes are still fixated on the sight before me. "Maybe I should buy these," I say with a hint of slight uncertainty.
"Show me." Jiyong begs with an eager spring in his tone. "Come on, I want to see."
"No," I tell him through the small cracks above and below the wooden door. Running a palm down the contour of my hip, I almost have to admire how well the dark material actually fits. Maybe I'm not a supermodel, but my body isn't as bad as I'd imagined when attempting to fit into the jeans I picked out earlier.
A loud pounding on the door puts a halt to my personal admiration, a whine from Jiyong shortly following. "You know the deal, babe. Don't think I don't mean it."
"Someone's persistent today." I mumble with a stubborn sneer towards the door as if Jiyong would actually be able to see it through the wood. I gently tug at the door handle just in time to see Jiyong's eager expression through the slight crack between the door and the frame. "I don't want to show you just yet, oppa," I say with a smirk, hiding my body from him. "I think we should wait until we get back to the apartment. It'll be a bigger surprise."
"No, you know the deal." He repeats with a glint in his brown eye, telling me he means exactly what he says. For a reason unknown, he's picked today to flaunt his stubbornness without any sign of backing down, what-so-ever. I know I'm going to lose. And with a hard shove against the door, he creates a crack barely wide enough to slip himself into the enclosed space with me.
He lets his eyes speak for him as he scans me, the small lump in his neck bobbing as he gulps. For a few moments, he's silent as he stands with his back against the closed door, taking all of me in without a single emotion. Then, his eyes narrow.
"Okay," I mutter in a hushed, embarrassed tone as I stand completely open for his eyes to scan every crevice. "You saw. Can I take it off now?"
"You really have gotten so much better looking, you know that?" Jiyong's voice remains soft as he lifts his hand to grip my upper arm. Turning me to face the wall-mounted mirror, my back falls against his chest with not a single sliver of space between our bodies. At first, I don't know whether or not to take his remark as a compliment, therefore I leave it at nothing by staying silent. But he concludes his positive statement by muttering, "You've gotten sexy." He finishes with a low, playful growl into my ear. Pressing his cheek to mine, the both of us ponder over the image in the mirror's glass before us. I watch as his reflection shifts to match his movements, his head turning slightly to plant a kiss against the side of my neck.
"J... Jiyong-ah?" My voice flutters. I continue to watch him as he tattoos a trail of kisses onto my shoulder, the color in my cheeks turning a slight pink. My toes curl as I feel him nip at my skin with his lips before he looks back up, melting his gaze back into my reflection.
"I remember when you used to be this cute little thing." He whispers. "My little teenage girlfriend, grown up into this."
"Jiyong, that's embarrassing." I murmur lowly as if a bystander could hear him say such a thing.
He smirks, his arms slipping around my bare waist to squeeze the both of us even tighter together. "I'm not embarrassed. What's there to be embarrassed about?"
I slap him away as his hand begins to wander down the flat plane of my stomach. But to match his stubborn personality, he insists on continuing. And once the tingling feeling in my stomach arises upon the feel of his soft kisses starting up again, I begin to melt back into his embrace. With half-lidded eyes, I continue to watch his reflection with mine.

The tip of his finger lightly brushes my neck as he drapes my hair out of the way, leaving yet a new line of kisses leading to the nape of my neck. His face becomes hidden behind my head, blocking himself from my watchful gaze. More and more, I find myself falling for his sweltering touch. More and more my mind buzzes with enticement just knowing the life of society is still going on just outside the dressing room door while the both of us stand secluded in a small room barely large enough to hold one person.
"You're so beautiful,sofia." He whispers into my skin. "You just... make me want to..." He seals his unfinished sentence with a light nip to the skin just above my backbone. And had I been paying any attention at all, I'd have noticed the wandering of his fingers before he'd gotten the chance to unhook the clasp of my bra in one swift movement. "I love you, baby."
"Jiyong, no," I quickly pull out and away from his grasp as best as I can in the confined space. I turn to face him, completely erasing the images of our combined reflections from my mind. "W-we can't... I mean, someone'll..."
With a slight thud against the wall opposite the door, I find myself trapped under Jiyong's deep kiss as well as his persistent hold. He dives right into me, taking advantage of me being mid-sentence in order to slip his tongue between my parted lips. And why I'm so suddenly adamant as well, I have no idea. My conscience begs of me to stop, but my body screams otherwise. I know I'm just as warmed up as he, for just the simplicity of his touch can make my knees shake upon command. Tilting my head sideways as he cups my face, he deepens the kiss by feasting from my lips as if he'd never get to taste me again.
A war for dominance soon breaks out amongst the pair of tongues dancing between two sets of moist lips, my taste buds succumbing to the slight taste of mint as his mouth seals mine. I know I can't back out, and neither can he. His mindset is strictly focused on me, and I know he'll never break his stubborn streak.

My nails dig into his shoulder blades, clawing desperately at the material of the shirt on his back. With a light pop, my lips are cold and bare against the air of the dressing room as Jiyong's mouth suctions itself to the sweet spot hidden below my ear. "Hmmph," I barely breathe into the sticky air with an exhilarated sigh, careful to keep my voice low and audible only to him.
With just the tug of his fingertips, the lace bra falls to the floor between the two of us. Feeling me shiver slightly, Jiyong presses his chest into mine to cover my cold, revealing skin.
"Jiyong..." I moan above the pooling warmth of my body as he continues to nibble against my ear. "W-what if someone hears us?"
He reaches behind him towards the handle of the door, and with a quiet click of the lock, he cracks a smirk. "Just keep your voice down, baby. We'll be fine."
"B... but we can be as loud as we want back at the apartment."
He gives off yet another smile to accompany the elusive glint in his gaze. "Knowing we could get caught at any given second makes it so much better."
"Jiyong, please." I beg softly, grimacing as the sounds of other customers are heard just outside the door to signify just how far from "secluded" we actually are. There's no way in hell we'll get away with doing this.
Jiyong begs to differ though, lips trailing down my torso. He falls lower and lower to his knees, lips never caving even when he reaches the hem of the intricate and lacy panties still hugging my waist. He uses his cautious fingertips to pull it down and reveal everything he's been eagerly waiting for. I shiver against the cold air, lifting a leg and stepping out of the remaining garments when Jiyong's hands beg of me to.
He starts soft, gentle-as if we were back home, rather than stuck behind the door of a dressing room. His lips trace a warm pattern up the inside of my thigh, fingertips following shortly behind until I begin to shiver beneath his enticing touch. My head rolls back, lightly thunking against the wall behind me. And soon my own fingertips begin to wander through the locks of perfectly swept hair before me.

Jiyong forces a leg to slightly raise, hooking over one broad shoulder just to widen his boundaries. But his lips seem to target only one thing, and I gasp when I feel him hit it. The warmth drapes over me like a silk blanket, and I almost fall without having a single thing to grip onto. I ball my hand into a fist, push it hard into the wall beside me so as to hold myself up as much as possible. "F-fuck." I tremble more than usual, just listening to the sounds of waiting patrons just beyond the dressing room door.
Jiyong knows every right spot to make me writhe, and he's sure to hit it with every movement of his tongue. He sucks softly, blows, kisses, tastes every bit of me until I'm nothing but a complete mess wanting so much more. I have to keep myself from moaning a little too loud, yet I slowly begin losing control with every stroke of his tongue.
"You like that, baby?" He keeps his tone soft, eyes lifting to observe my reaction and breath teasing my clit until I buck forward with a light hiss and a simple nod. I want him to keep going, but he doesn't. He thumbs my clit in soft motions, just enough to have me writhing beneath him but not enough to bring me any closer to the climax I'm so desperately clawing for. "See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad."
"Shit." I barely pay his remark any mind, eyes and lips squeezing together as he sheathes himself in my warmth with just a single slender finger. "Hmm... m-more."

He fails to listen again, his fingertip brushing the tender spot hidden between my legs. That's all he focuses on-making sure I'm close, but not close enough to finish. He knows I absolutely hate when he teases so relentlessly. His free hand rubs a pattern up and down my thigh, lips close behind. He bites, but not hard enough for it to hurt. It only adds to my tender senses, forcing me to buck forward even more.
"Just relax, babe. Calm down."
"I c-can't help it."
I feel him chuckle against me, face closing back in on my warmth. He catches my clit between his firm lips, and I gasp a little too loud. He chuckles against me, sending a wave of vibrations up my spine and into my lower stomach where it only adds to the build-up of pleasure. He adds a second finger, holding me steadily against the wall just to ready the release he can feel coming. I can feel it too, like a brick against my gut ready to burst at any given second.
It takes just a few more quick strokes of his tongue and a few more strokes of his paired fingers before I feel myself give in completely. I cry out at first, quick to stop myself with a fist between my teeth. I bite down on my knuckles-hard. Hard enough to nearly break the skin. I keep my other fist balled in his soft hair, grip tight enough to having him nearly wincing in pain. But never once does he let me go, until I've completely ridden out my orgasm and he's swallowed every last bit of it.
I feel my heart rate lower; I can even hear it in my ears, loud enough to cancel out the little smacks of his lips as he trails wet kisses back up my torso and into the crevice of my neck. "How was that?"
My only response is a whimper as I try to catch my breath with a few hard gulps. I think I even nod, still trying so very hard to regain my sloppy composure in front of my companion who watches with a sly grin. He instigates a deep kiss, abnormal but delectable taste speckling every bit of his tongue.
"Now it's my turn."

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