Demigods At Hogwarts

By dam_percyjackson

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The seven plus Nico, Thalia and Calypso are going Hogwarts to protect the golden trio from the war that is co... More

Chapter 1: We're going where?
Chapter 2: Diagon Ally
Chapter 3:The Train Ride
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: Our Dorms
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Percy Has Blue Cookies?! ATTACK!!!!
Writers block!!!!!
Chapter 8: Training in the woods and a sister
Chapter 9: Hermione Goes To The Library And We Meet Percy's Little Sister
Info about Mia
Chapter 10: Reviled
More info about Mia
Chapter 11: Nonsence And More Nightmares
Not sure
Chapter 12: Dont Die On Me
Chapter 14: War Plans
Chapter 15: Getting Ready For The Ball
Chapter 16: The Ball
Gotta hate sisters
Happy Birthday Me
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part One
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Two
Blue Cookies and Pancakes
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Three
Rock Concert
Chapter 18: Saying Goodbye
The Watty's
Shit like this gets me pissed
Author Q and A
New Book Info
Hiiii New Book will Be Out Soon
First Chapter Is Up
Holy Shit
Hi + About Me

Chapter 13: Reunion

4.2K 86 83
By dam_percyjackson

Me: hey guys!

Leo: I thought u were dead

Me: *punches Leo* shut up and let me speak repair boy!

Leo: well some one is cranky u should of not woke up at two in the morning and started watching the walking dead with izzy

(The whole thing about the walking dead is true me an my sis got up at two)

Me: I'm not that cranky! piper can u do the disclaimer?

Piper: sure thing! Mia doesn't own PJO HoO or HP J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan do

Me: thanks! story time!!
Mia's POV

What? Where am I? I'm sleeping and then I end up in a cemetery?! No one is here, and I'm in a coffin and my shrine is here too.

Ok I'm getting up. I sat up and winced. Ow ow ow ow ow! I lifted up my shirt and I had a scar across my stomach.

What?! How in Hades did I get that! Oh great an other one on my arm and oh, my leg! What is going on? Is Hera up to her tricks again!
Oh well I'm gonna look around.

Ok well I am not in New York I'm still in England and that's all I know.

Then a car pulls up and I dive behind a grave.

Is that? I whispered, "Percy, Nico, Annabeth and is that Kayla?!" (a/n Kayla is Mia's twin)

"Where is she?! She's supposed to be here! She's not in the coffin!" Annabeth said.

"What?! Impossible! I felt her pass! Though I did..." Nico faltered. "I felt something like someone rising."

Ok time to show myself.

"Guys, I'm right here." I said getting teary eyed.
They thought I was dead! And I was!

"Mia!" they chorused. I ran up to them and we had a bone crushing group hug along with lots of kisses.

When we separated Nico picked me up kissed me, with tears coming down his face. "I love you." he whispered. "I love you too."

Another car pulled up and Leo said,"Nico I know you loved Mia but you cannot make out with a dead person." He didn't realize I was alive yet. Lets have some fun with this.

I turned to Leo. "Braaaaiiiins! I need Leo's braaaaiiiiiins!" I said then put my arms out and stalked towards him.

"AAAAHHHH! MIA'S A ZOMBIE!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" he yelled than ran but he didn't get too far because he tripped on a rock and face planted into the ground.

I launched myself at him and landed on his back.

"AAAHH!! GET HER OFF OF ME!!! SHE WILL EAT ME!!! I DON'T WANNA DIIIIEEE!!!!!" Leo cried out. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not gonna eat you repair boy. Get a grip!" I laughed. "Wait your alive?" he asked cautiously. "No what was your first thought." I said sarcastically.

"Anyways, why am I supposed to be dead? And how did I die?" I asked them. "You had another dream but it was way worse than the first time." Percy said uneasily. Then the memories came flooding back.

The dream, the torture all of it. I carefully touched my stomach. Gods I probably died from blood loss or something. Either that or the dagger cut one of my organs.... Ok happy thoughts happy thoughts.

I shivered. Its getting cold. "Guys lets go back, its getting cold." I said. I swear the temperature just dropped like 20 degrees. I looked down and noticed the grass frosting. Odd, the grass was healthy green but now it is frosting like its a cool fall morning.

"Mia look out!" a voice shouted behind me. I looked and saw dementor coming strait at me. I did the logical.

I drew my sword. In a millisecond my ring sprang into a sword and my I sliced the dementor in half.

And that didn't do a thing to it. I tried to run but the dementor started to do its weird sucky thing to me. (a/n that sounds soo wrong!!!) Memories from my past started flooding through my mind like a dam (hehe dam) broke. The day I found out my mom died, the day my grandma died, my cousins being mean to me and Kayla. All the memories I tried to push back, far away from me.

After that was the day that my aunts house got over ran, she pleaded me to go, take Kayla and my cousins far away. It was also the day she gave me the gift from my father, a Celestial Bronze sword, Kayla got one to. I remember the tears streaming down her face, pleading me to protect her children and my sister.

I tried to push that all away, and now I have to live through it again. The last image I saw was Kayla rushing over, pleading me to come back. Then everything went black.


sad I know but hey she's alive (wat you think I would kill myself?) and even though she has a rough past, she lives. Bye!!!!


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