Kiss me

By Ivettexz

558K 10.3K 1.4K

"I've learned my lesson Mr. Bateman" I say as I stand up from my desk and walk up to his. "Have you really Mi... More

Chapter 1
~Chapter 2~
Chapter 3
~Chapter 4~
Chapter 5
~Chapter 6~
Chapter 7
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
Chapter 11
~ Chapter 12 ~
Chapter 13
~ Chapter 14 ~
Chapter 15
~ Chapter 16 ~
Chapter 17
~Chapter 18~
Chapter 19
~Chapter 20~
Chapter 21
~Chapter 22~
Chapter 23
~Chapter 24~
Chapter 25
~Chapter 26~
Chapter 27
~Chapter 28~
Chapter 29
~Chapter 30~
Chapter 31

Chapter 9

18.7K 353 23
By Ivettexz

"So you guys wanna have a movie night?" Brianna said holding onto Eric's hand. I shrugged. We're eating pizza right now. I got pretty hangry and needed something ASAP. "Where?" I asked.

"Wherever, your house?" She said.

"Yeah that's fine." I said smiling. Did I leave my flat clean? I did didn't I? I sure hope so.. I don't want them to see my bra or anything on the couch... Nah I'm just kidding....kinda..

"Okay then it's settled! Is that okay with you Nick?" Oh god his name.. Stop it Victoria!

"Uh yeah it's fine with me." He shrugged. Dammit he's gonna come into my house! Well at least I know that I cleaned.

"Let's go!" She said excitedly. Once we got to my house we parked and went inside. "Um you guys can have a seat in the living room, I'm gonna go put my bag in my room." I said walking towards my room. I wanna get comfy. So I put on some shorts and a tank top. I have to admit the shorts were pretty short. Mainly because I want to get Mr. Bateman back for telling me that very wonderful idea on the ride. I walked out making sure you kinda have a view of my breasts but not a lot. But then again I can't really hide them. They just show I guess. I don't want to seam like that kind of girl.

My tank top was going down regardless so oh well at least it doesn't show a lot. I walked out and went downstairs.

"Damn Tori! Can I get your number babe!?" She exclaimed from the living room. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her joke. Way to put me on the spotlight Bri.

"Stop it Brianna!" I said as I immediately met eyes with Nick. His eyes raked over my body. I shivered and he licked his lips. Oh god. Why does he have to be so goddamn sexy? "H-Have you picked out a movie um Bri?" I asked trying to concentrate on her and not the hot ass god sitting on my couch.

"Um yeah we picked the movie Insidious Chapter 3."

"Okay well I'll see what snacks I have while you put the movie on." she nodded. Dammit I have no snacks! I forgot to go grocery shopping today. Damn.  I walked back into the living room. "Bri I'm gonna go to the store real quick to get some snacks. I forgot I didn't have any at the moment."

"Okay just hurry okay? Don't want you getting raped. Because Jesus Tori you're gonna sure get a lot of attention with those legs and body girl!" I glared at her. "I'll go with." Said a deep, sexy voice. Oh no.

"You really don't have to I got it." I said walking toward the door.

"I really want to." He said lowly. I bit my lip and ignored the butterflies in my stomach.

"Okay fine." I said walking out. "Don't you two dare get crazy in here!" I yelled back to Bri.

"We'll try!" They yelled back. I giggled.  She better not use my bed cause I'll kick her ass! I walked downstairs and into the parking lot. I forgot I have Mr. Bateman with me. Ugh why did he have to come? He could've just stayed. "I'm driving." He said.

"Okay."  I simply said. Before my hand could reach the door handle he opened the door before I could.  "Thank you," I said getting in. He nodded and got in himself. Once we got to the store we grabbed a cart and made our way to the aisles. "So what are we getting?" He asked turning towards the chips aisle.

"Um well I was thinking some chips, ice cream, and some drinks. And popcorn if you guys want." He nodded. Wow I'm actually having a conversation with him! That's beyond amazing! God he looks so fucking sexy right now. Just looking at him gets me aroused. Calm down Victoria. Remember it's wrong. It is wrong. Ugh. Well I mean like he said we are adults. I don't see a problem. You know damn right you want his body. You want him to take you. You want him to kiss, lick you. Oh god yes I do.

"Victoria?" The way he says my name just...

"Huh? I mean yes?" I snapped out my daze, shaking my head.

"We can leave now." He said chuckling softly. I noticed we got done paying. I blushed and I caught up to him. Once we got into the car, we drove off. It was pretty quiet.. All there was was silence.

"We actually had a conversation." I said breaking the silence. He smiled.

"We certainly did. Isn't it crazy how you didn't once mention how unbelievably sexy I am?" My eyes widened. Did I say what I was thinking out loud!?!?

"I-I most certainly would not say that!" I exclaimed at him gasping. He chuckled.

"Whatever you say Victoria.." He said showing his pearly whites.

"I swear I wouldn't say that!" I said crossing my arms. He looked at me then lower. What is he Staring at? I looked down and noticed that crossing my arms made my boobs show a little. He licked his lips. Oh god. I immediately put my arms down. He looked up. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Enjoying the view Mr. Bateman?" I said smirking.

"I most certainly am. I want to feel you." I gulped. My breathing hitched.

"W-What?" He smirked.

"You know what I said babe." He said looking back at the road. I gasped as his hand went on my thigh. I knew we wouldn't survive being alone somewhere without saying how attracted we are to each other. His thumbs did circles on my skin. I swear this man is driving me out of my mind. My body is a traitor right now. How could you give in so easily?! Traitorous body.

Once we got there he insisted that he'd carry the groceries up to my apartment. I opened the door and walked into the living room. I immediately regretted it. They were making out. Bri on top. Her shirt off.

"Bri put on your shirt!" I shouted going back into the kitchen with Mr. Bateman. It's just I wanted to help him.

"Sorry!" She shouted. I chuckled. I went to the counter and began taking out the chips and stuff from the bag.

"You should really take off your clothes," Mr. Bateman whispered into my ear standing right behind me. What? Here?

"W-What?" I asked confused. He wants me to take off my clothes?

"I said you should take off your clothes." He said holding my waist. Oh god there he goes again..

"You want me t-to take off my clothes? I can't. That'd be very i-inappropriate M-Mr. Bateman.." I whispered. He chuckled. Why is he laughing?

"I meant change love. Not strip," I blushed. Curse me and my dirty minded mind! Embarrassing!

"Although, you stripping does sound way more amusing.. And don't call me Mr. Bateman. Call me Nick."

"O-Okay.." I nodded. He walked into the living room with the chips. I immediately missed his warmth. Curse him and his hot ass body!


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my book! It means a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to vote! Also, I made a new story! It's called 'His assistant'. I just started it. Oh and let me know if there's any errors in the book! I would really appreciate it! Thanks and I Love you guys!

Love Always,

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