Red-Heads On The Battle Front

By RetiredRed

89.1K 6.4K 758

When Gwen Taylor, book nerd and all round geek, meets an old friend, sparks fly. No really, dynamites and int... More

1. First Impressions Aren't Always Best Impressions
2. I Hate Coincidences with a Burning Passion
3. This Means War
4. Mum Is The Name Of A Much-Loved Piece Of Bread
5. Locked and Loaded
6. Bloody Hell
7. Polaroid Cameras and War Dances
8. Barbies and Whoopee Cushions
9. My Cousin's Getting Hitched and I'm Getting Revenge
10. The Official Flag Of Mr. Moron-Land
11. Tempers, Echoes From The Past, and Old Flames.
12. Pairings
13. You Can Change Your Friends, But Not Neighbors
14. Pillow Shields
15. How The Hippo Got Her Skin
17. You're Gonna Hear Me Roar
18. Crime And Punishment
19. Engagement Party
20. 2 AM and WHY
21. Animal Love Is Not The Only Kind
22. Diabolical Diabolicalness
23. Carry On My Wayward Son
25. Let Us -Never- Know What Old Age Is
26. You Aren't A Stranger No More
27. Our Stars Are The Only Constellation I Want To See
28. And In The Afternoon Light, I Saw You
29. You Are My Sunshine
30. My Fine, Feathered Friend
31. Letters From The Past
32. Wedding Greens and Browns
33. I Will Never Let You In
34. In Between This
35. No Breath Left Inside Of Me
36. Pin Me Down and Hold Me Up
37. Hello
38. I Kind Of Maybe Sort Of Possibly Like You Perhaps
39. At Long Last
40. Once Upon A Time
Epilogue-HOLD UP

­­24. ­­­­­­"He Got Involved With Another Dog"

1.8K 141 8
By RetiredRed

Warning - Swearing ahead, so if you're susceptible to that kind of thing, I suggest you don't read on.
Further Warning - There. Are. Spoilers. Ahead. Can you please not stab me? Supernatural spoilers (till Season 10). SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED IT DONUT READ ON AND IF YOU DO READ ON DONUT BLAME ME. Kk love you <3

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"I hate you" he said the moment he looked at me. I smiled at Mr. Moron.
"You know you love me" I said teasingly and something flickered in his eyes. I must've imagined it because not a moment later he was scowling.
"What?" he said and I realized I hadn't stopped staring.
"Nothing. There's something on your face" I said, pretending to squint at him
"Oh wait, that is your face"
"Har har har, very funny"
"It is" I said and we walked in amicable silence to the animal shelter. I hated to admit it, but he wasn't so bad a partner. I still hated him, don't get me wrong, but he didn't suck as much as I thought he did. Which was a little less than a lot now.

This would make the visits to the animal shelter a lot easier, but even if this wasn't the case, there always was kitty. She. Was. Adorkable. No seriously. The thought of her waiting for me with those big blue eyes made me walk faster in anticipation. Kitty kitty kitty.

"Gwen? Gwen! Slow down, will you?" I ignored him and continued my power-walk to the animal shelter. Pretty soon he was matching my pace. Unfortunately.
"You sure do walk fast for someone who doesn't do any physical activity" he said lazily walking backwards. I glared at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"What? It's true!"
"The reason I'm so fit is because I've spent all my life running away from your kind" I said.

Kitty kitty kitty.

"My kind? Do explain, darling" he drawled
"Idiots" I said "That an explanation enough? And don't angry-pout at me, that looks good on no one but Dean" And that's how I got sidetracked from thinking of kitty and back to Supernatural
"Aah yes, the rage-pout" he said, cracking up. I looked at him, surprised.
"You like Supernatural?"
"Like? Try love!" I paused and gave him a long, calculating look.

I was faced with a dilemma. Now, there was Supernatural, which I loved to the ends of the Earth and back, and there was Devon, who I'd have thrown off the same ends of the Earth if it weren't round.

"Who's your favorite character?" I said cautiously. He made a face
"Too difficult"
"Hmm...if you could sort four characters, where would you sort them?"
"Charlie and Sam would be Ravenclaws, Crowley and Rowena, Slytherins, of course, Dean's a Gryffindor, and Cass is obviously the Hufflepuff" I looked at him critically and he raised an eyebrow, smirking.
"You're not the only one who's part of a fandom, Weasley"
"That was more than four. I'm just not used to dumb jocks having brains, Mr. Moron...oh wait." I replied sweetly. I looked forward and continued. This didn't change anything.

As we reached the animal shelter, my heart sped up. Kitty kitty kitty. Devon laughed at me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and practically ripped open the front door...and fell flat on my face.

"Unnhh­..." I groaned into the floor as he wheezed with laughter above me. Oh god, the mortification.

"Are you okay?" he asked, hiccupping as his laughter halted.
"Fine..." I mumbled, getting off of the floor. My whole face was probably red. I was not a Gwen. I was a tomato.­­­­­

He held out his hand, eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that was so innately familiar that the old anger rushed to the surface. I grabbed it, and pulled him down. The betrayal on his face made my heart sing and I smirked as I got up, dusting myself off. As I turned to the front lobby, I paused, and my face burned red again.

Mariam was looking at us, her mouth a little open. She straightened herself out when she caught me watching her wearily and cleared her throat.
"Well...since you guys seem to be in higher spirits, you can walk the dogs. Don't worry, you can see the kitten later" she said, noting the way my face fell. I perked up at that and happily walked to the kennels, a grumbling Mr. Moron trailing behind me.
"You're a terrible person, Weasley"
"Why, thank you, Mr. Moron"
"And I'm the dumb one?"

I was saved from replying as the puppy who we played with last time yelped a bark. The cry was soon taken up by others, and soon the din was deafening. Mariam winced and then blew on a whistle that she had hung around her neck. They quieted down, and she turned to us, digging through her pockets.
"You'll take Milo, that's the one that started off, Lady, and Casper" she said, motioning to a Yorkie and a German Shephard. Their ears pricked up as she listed of their names and they looked at us beseechingly.
"You'll want these" Mariam continued, handing us leashes, and whistles similar to the one she had.

I didn't know what to do and stared. Sensing my lack of...well any knowledge, really, Devon took them from her and walked over to the kennels, opening them up one by one and affixing the leashes onto collars. Mariam smiled and left us to it.

He really was good with dogs, and they loved him to bits. He grinned from ear to ear as they licked him and he even got little Milo to stand still while he was leashing him. As soon as he was done, he walked over to me, the three dogs obediently trotting behind him, and handed me a bright pink leash. Stereotypical as it was, it was Lady's and I looked at her and the leash nervously.

"It's not that bad, Gwen, just hold onto the leash and try not to let her round you up with it. She's a good girl, she won't, but it's just precautionary" he said soothingly. When I continued to look worried, he huffed and tugged a little on the leash. Lady obediently stepped forward and he pressed the leash into my hand, where I looked at it dumbly.

"Look" he said, and took my hand. I was about to snatch it away and ask him what the hell he was doing when he gently guided it to the Yorkie and placed it on her head. Lady's ears perked up and she looked at me, tongue hanging out, tail wagging. "See?" he said, quietly as I patted her awkwardly, and then a little more as she rubbed her head into my hand. I grinned and scratched her behind the ears.
"Okay, not so bad." I said turning towards him. He was looking at me a little weird and I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I said, cautiously. He blinked then grinned.
"Nothing, just something on your face" he said slyly and I elbowed him good-naturedly.
"Very funny" I said, rolling my eyes, but grinning. He laughed and got up, taking Milo and Casper's leashes.
"Come on" he said and I obliged, Lady trotting at my heels and licking my calf every now and then.

We walked the dogs to the park. It was a very...interesting experience. For starters, they seemed very keen on making as much of a mess with their leashes as they possibly could. Several minutes were spent, attempting to untangle them from each other, and from us. It was very Pongo-Perdita-like. Secondly, they liked sniffing at everyone and everything, which meant many unfortunate and awkward bumps. For example, Cynthia Green.

She was, as usual, put together perfectly and seemingly effortlessly – hair tousled in attractive beach waves, painted toes wedged into flip flops, just a hint of cleavage that I couldn't help notice attracted someone's attention. I scowled, tucking a stray hair back into my bun, feeling the full extent of my sloppiness. Clearly she noticed too, because her lip curled in a sneer and switched just as fast into a flirty smile for the one and only. I rolled my eyes as she leaned down and pet Casper. Bite her, I thought viciously, but Casper being the sweetheart he is did not comply.

"Hey" she said. I do not understand how someone could possibly make 'Hey' sound that sexual. I glanced up at Devon and, to my annoyance, saw him checking her out. Seriously, man?
"Hey" he said back and I rolled my eyes
"Very extensive vocabulary, you two. Get a room." I said, annoyed. Clearly, I wasn't the only one because they both looked at me like I was the turd that Lady had chosen to make not a second before. More eye-rolling and I bent to pick it up in her little doggy bag. Once I was done, I straightened up. Devon and Cynthia had moved a little further and were talking. Well, no, blatantly flirting. My annoyance mounted and I couldn't help but imagine smashing the poop-filled bag onto Cynthia's face. I smirked at the thought, but alas it was but a dream. I dumped the poop in a bin and stooped to pet Lady, "Come on, girl. Let's go." And with one last annoyed look in Mr. Moron's direction I stalked off.

Cynthia Green has been a pain in the butt for every minute of her immature life, and every minute of my respectable one. Well, more respectable than hers anyway. She has chosen to make my life a living hell in every way possible, although there aren't many because she's stupid and I couldn't care less. Yet, I found myself annoyed, and annoyed in a way I hadn't been in a while, and that surprised me.

"Lady, can you be a little more discreet?!" I shout-whispered at the dog as she peed on a tree, something she was clearly not supposed to do. I looked around furtively and tugged on her leash. She just went right on peeing. Hopefully no one would see me. I tapped my foot impatiently and waited for her to finish up. The moment she was done, I lugged her back to the animal shelter. I was so done with this walk and she'd gotten enough exercise. She seemed to think so too and walked quietly beside me.

As the shelter neared, I couldn't help but feel a pang. An odd, unrelated pang. I shook it off and entered.

"Where's Devon?" Mariam asked me and I glared at her, even though the poor woman hadn't done anything to offend me in any way "He got side-tracked. I expect he'll come back...eventually."
"He got involved with another dog" I said snidely and sniggered quietly as I led Lady back to the kennels. She obediently got back in, but gave me a puppy-dog look when it was time to shut her back in. I softened.
"I'm sorry, girl"

I headed out, intending to give Mariam the leash and whistle and found Mr. Moron talking to her. She looked pretty concerned and kept gesturing to the dogs.

"Gwen said you'd run into a little bit of trouble with another dog-"
"Oh no, Mariam, I got it all sorted out" he said, glaring at me. I smiled sweetly and handed her the leash, turning on my step to head to the cats.

I was just getting started with kitty, when Mr. Moron stomped into the room.

"She's not that bad, you don't have to be so rude?" he growled
"Oh yeah? Says who?" I calmly put kitty back in her cage and turned to face him.
"Says me."
"Why? Because you want to get into her pants?" His eyes darkened and he made to grab, before thinking better of it and clutching his hands in fists to his sides "So what if I do?" he said aggressively. I raised an eyebrow.
"Well then it's up to you to do that. I'm not going to be your fucking wingman" somehow, this was making me angry...angrier...
"You know what? Screw you" he said, turning to stalk out of the room.
"Yeah, well, screw you too" I whispered as kitty blinked and meowed.

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A/N: Soooo yeah...that happened.


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