Keep It Together (OHSHC/Hikar...

By SydPhantomhive

205K 6.8K 1.1K

Amarante, or if you go by her Japanese name, Katashi, is Tamaki's fraternal twin sister. After two years of n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 25

5.1K 165 41
By SydPhantomhive

Summer vacation had finally arrived, and I couldn't have been happier. I was ready for a break from schoolwork and the Host Club. I loved the guys and all, but I didn't think I could handle them or the customers for much longer.

On the other hand, I wasn't excited to return to France to talk about a wedding I didn't want to happen. Plus, it was going to be hard to know I would be so close to Mama but forbidden to see her. And to top it all off, Eric was going to be incredibly stressed. Over the past few years, Eric's family's company's stock prices had gradually gone down in large increments. I had caught wind of a rumor claiming they were about to be bought out by Tokarev, which Eric had told me wasn't necessarily true, but they had made an offer. It was going to be like a zoo in his house.

I guessed I was happy about being back in a familiar place, though. And it wasn't like Eric was all bad. He was still a great guy, and I liked hanging out with him. I just didn't like the engagement part, and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to help with his concerns.

About three days into summer vacation, I was sitting in my family's private jet, waiting for it to take off. It was going to be a lonely flight, but it wasn't the first time. I heard my phone begin to ring, and I turned it off, not even checking to see who it was. I didn't want to get yelled at by one of the flight attendants. Or, at the very least, be given glares for the entire flight.

It was time for me to take off, and I waited for the announcement to inform me of just that. Instead, a nervous woman working on the plane came up to me. "Um, Mistress Katashi? I think you might want to see something," she said to me.

I followed her to the door of the plane and went down a few of the steps. I gasped at what was blocking the path of the plane. "Ce qui se passe? What is the meaning of this?" I demanded angrily. Why was there a helicopter blocking the take off zone? The woman looked completely dumbfounded, and another came up to me holding a phone on a tray.

"There's a call for you," she offered me the phone.

I took it and asked angrily, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Katashi! I've been trying to reach you all morning!" Tamaki yelled in my ear.

"I'm about to take off for France; I couldn't have my phone on! Is this helicopter yours?" I questioned, glaring at the machine in front of me. I saw two people get out of it, and I immediately recognized them as Hikaru and Kaoru.

"You have to come with us! Haruhi was turned out of her home, kidnapped by gypsies, and forced into servitude in Karuizawa!" my brother yelled.

"You're talking nonsense! Did you really just arrêter my flight?" I shrieked. The twins smirked when they reached the steps leading to the jet, and I gave them a warning glare.

"Well, hello there, Katashi," Kaoru greeted me.

"Fancy meeting you here," Hikaru grinned as they started up the steps.

I dropped the phone and shouted, "Don't you dare!" They picked me up and ran back to the helicopter despite all my struggling.

And that was how the Host Club kidnapped me.

I sat silently fuming the entire trip. When we finally arrived at Karuizawa, Tamaki must have spotted Haruhi on the ground because he shouted at her through a microphone, "Haruhi! Despair not! Daddy's come to save you!" Not only did I know that I got pulled away from my flight for nothing, but Haruhi was going to hate us forever.

We reached the ground, and I had to leave the group to cool off and call Eric. "They kidnapped you?" he repeated in disbelief.

"I hate them so much sometimes," I muttered. "Yes, they did, and I won't be able to get to France."

Eric asked, "When will you be able to get here?"

I glanced over at the Hosts talking to the owner of the bed and breakfast, Misuzu, Haruhi was working at. I overheard some of their conversation, and I discovered she was a tranny who used to work with Haruhi's dad, Ranka, who was also a tranny. I only knew about her father from Tamaki since he had gone to see her once while I was busy with homework. "At this point, I don't think it's happening. I'm sorry," I apologized. Secretly, I was relieved to know I wouldn't have to deal with any kind of wedding any time soon.


Knowing he would argue, I rushed, "Oh, sorry! Gotta go! Love you! Bye!" I closed the cellphone. He was going to kill me later, and I didn't mind at the time. I snuck back over to the group next to Haruhi.

"I went into business for myself two years ago, and believe you me, running this adorable little pension is like living a fairytale!" Misuzu smiled as he spun around. He was rather energetic....

"So then, is Haru-chan like your indentured servant?" Honey wondered innocently.

Kyoya explained, "She's more like an unpaid employee. This also happens to be Ranka's preferred method of keeping track of his daughter while he's busy working."

I sighed, "I told you all she was probably working!"

"Oh, are you one of Haruhi's friends, too?" Misuzu asked while Tamaki was getting increasingly more irritated with Kyoya.

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry, I had to make a call explaining why I am suddenly unable to be somewhere else. I'm Katashi Suoh, Tamaki's twin," I told him, shaking his hand.

He told me, "Ranka will be happy to know Haruhi is also spending time with a girl." He grabbed Haruhi by the shoulders and pulled her to him. "'Take my little girl under your wing,' he says! He practically begged me, and since I still can't afford the expensive hired help, it works out for everyone! She's a model employee, really. It's such a shame I can't pay her anything.

"Oh, tell me what you all think of this cute little apron she's wearing. I made it myself!"

We all gave her a thumbs up as Tamaki praised, "You're an exquisite seamstress!" I feel like I'm in a circus, I groaned internally.

After that, Misuzu suggested we all go outside for tea. Haruhi, the twins, Honey, and I sat at a table while Kyoya sat at a separate one nearby, and Mori stood behind Honey. Tamaki was off somewhere, sulking. Kaoru spoke up, "A job, huh?"

"I don't get it. You turned down our invitation to Bali for this?" Hikaru asked.

"I offered to take her to Paris with me. It's a lot nicer if you have someone with you who speaks the language and knows their way around," I said.

"And we even asked her to go with us to Switzerland, didn't we?" Honey wondered, looking back at Mori.

Mori confirmed, "We did."

Haruhi reminded us, irritated, "Yeah, well, I still don't have a passport, remember?"

"Oh, I didn't even think about that," I commented, leaning back in my chair. I guess she did have a good reason to decline us.

Then, Kyoya revealed, "Which is precisely why I recommended one of our domestic resorts, and at a discount, no less."

Tamaki came out of the bush he had been apparently hiding in, leaves and all covering him, and was shaking with fury. He accused, "Traitors! Asking Haruhi to go on a summer vacation with you behind my back. Have you no feeling of loyalty, of any solidarity? Togetherness is our guiding principle. I work myself to the bone upholding that, and this is the thanks I get." He fell on the ground and gripped the grass.

I reminded him, "Tamaki, you were standing right next to me when I offered for her to come along with me. You easily could have said something about wherever you and Father decided to go."

He completely ignored what I had said and pointed at me, "You!" He crawled closer to me, and I raised an eyebrow. "How could you, my own sister, do something so sinister?"

"It wasn't sinister! I thought it would be nice to bond with her a bit and show her around where we grew up." I lowered my voice and brought myself closer to him. "And excuse me for not wanting to discuss wedding details my entire trip!" He frowned and glared, but he had nothing to say to that.

"Why was your cellphone..." Hikaru started, making my eyes shift back to them.

Kaoru completed, "... turned off?"

Haruhi shrugged, "I just don't think about it, really." It did make me feel better that they had tried to contact her before jumping to such severe conclusions.

Tamaki froze, not knowing that she had a phone. They all showed them theirs as he asked, "Did you say... you have a cellphone?"

Hikaru explained, "We convinced her she should borrow one of ours so we can keep in touch."

Kaoru said, "It's a part of a special friends and family plan."

"Yeah, we're in each other's top five. We even managed to get Katashi to join in."

"Top five? Friends and family?" he shrieked. His eyes fell on me for some sort of explanation.

I took out my own phone and showed him my contacts, proving they were right, "Yeah, I didn't want them to keep pestering me, so I told Hikaru if he could ask me in French without a translator that I would do it. It took him a week or two, but he eventually got it, so I kept up my end of the deal."

Hikaru put an arm around me and smirked, "Totally worth it! Now, I talk to her even at home." I hit him on the arm to get him to shut up before he made things worse, but he just laughed.

"But wait, I'm your daddy and buddy, so I'm part of the plan, too, right?" Tamaki asked Haruhi, not even wanting to deal with the fact Hikaru talked to me a lot more than he thought.

"Tamaki, whatever planet you're on, come home," she told him. Tamaki went to sulk again, but he decided to stay near that time. She stood up. "Speaking of which, why are you even here? I'm gonna have to see you guys every day when the new term starts. Don't I have the right to spend my summer vacation the way I want to?"

Even though I was forced to come along, I felt extremely guilty that we were imposing on her time away from us. Kyoya, on the other hand, must have felt differently because he informed us, "According to the handbook, jobs are prohibited."

"Uh.... I, uh... had no idea," Haruhi immediately clammed up. He had caught her.

"Hey, did you hear? Haruhi went and got herself a job without the school's permission," Hikaru whispered with an evil look one his face.

"No way! That's grounds for expulsion," Kaoru replied.

Honey voiced as he and Mori looked in a guidebook, "I think Karuizawa is way better than Switzerland, anyway." Mori nodded in agreement.

Kyoya added, "And oversea travel is so exhausting."

The twins elbowed me, and I surrendered, "Yeah, it's a nice place."

Tamaki stood up, reenergized since he had found a way to stay. He said, "Of course, you do have the right to spend your vacation as you please, but then again, like it or not, so do we. And you know, I, for one, find Misuzu's pension to be exceptionally charming."

"No!" Haruhi screamed as she fell to the ground. I apologized and did my best to comfort her.

Misuzu, having heard our conversation, interrupted, "I'm so sorry, boys and Katashi. I'd love to have you all as guests, but I'm afraid there's only one vacant room left."

I rushed, "Aw, only one room? I guess that means we all have to leave Haruhi alone to enjoy her summer! Well, let's go!"

Tamaki stopped me, "Only one room, you say? Well, that settles it. I'll have to stay here to represent the club." Oh, it just never ends! I thought.

"Hey, that isn't fair!" Honey protested, tears in his eyes.

"Have you no feeling of loyalty? Of any solidarity, Boss?" Hikaru teased.

"Togetherness is our guiding principle," Kaoru grinned. They snickered.

Tamaki muttered, "My own words twisted... and thrown right back at my face."

I patted him on the back, "That's what happens when you don't think before you speak."

Just looking at the twins, I knew they had some sort of plan. They had their arms wrapped around each other, and they had the look of evil on their faces. Hikaru suggested, "Here's an idea. We bet you'll like it! Why not hold a little competition?"

Kaoru mentioned, "Call it 'The Guest Relations Odd Jobs Contest at Pension Misuzu'." Tamaki began to listen.

The older twin elaborated, "It's very simple. We all just lend a hand around the place for the afternoon."

"And whoever makes the best impression on Misuzu-chi gets to sleep in the vacant guest bedroom," Kaoru finished explaining.

"That's brilliant! I think it's an absolutely delightful idea! Yes, the winner of the contest will be determined by how refreshing they are! Remember: refreshing is the name of the game in guest relations!" Misuzu immediately got on board. I would have agreed, too. I mean, he was getting free work, and whoever won would still have to pay him for staying in the room. It was a win-win situation for him.

"Refreshing! Refreshing! Yay!" the twins cheered.

The owner warned them, "Now, don't think this is going to be a walk in the park because I'm planning on working you all to the bone!"

Haruhi groaned, "Sounds like a blast."

And that was how they all managed to get tied up into a day of work. I decided not to play, but considering we were causing Haruhi so much trouble, I did try to help out any way I could. Mostly, that meant helping the hosts. They seemed like they could use it. Misuzu hadn't been kidding when he said he would work them hard.

I walked out of the pension carrying another log. I set it down in the pile and told Mori, "That's the last of it." I wasn't sure why he was chopping firewood in the middle of summer, but if that was what Misuzu wanted, then so be it.

"Thanks," he said, setting down his ax to pick up one of the logs.

I wondered, "Hey, Mori? If Honey is out, and you win the contest, what are you going to do? Will you go with Honey? You don't seem to stay away from him much, but you're also not too far behind in points from what I've added up." Misuzu was rewarding refresher points to the hosts. It was supposed to be for how refreshing they were since everyone went to Karuizawa to be refreshed or something. I wasn't too sure I understood, but I wasn't going to argue. I guess it was a lot nicer than in the city from the little I had seen.

He said, "I'll go with Mitsukuni or give it to him."

I smiled, "That'd be really sweet." I guess he really did care a lot for Honey, didn't he? Mori smiled back at me before going back to work. I left him to go see if anyone else needed help.

While passing by, Kyoya called out to me, "Katashi, why don't you join me? I want to talk to you about something." He was sitting at one of the tables on the patio.

"Oh, alright," I replied and walked up the stairs to where he was, sitting across from him. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, as you know, I am constantly doing background checks on all of the members of our host club," he began, and I already knew where the conversation was going. "Congratulations on setting the wedding date. I hope to get an invitation."

I rested my head against my palm and begged, "Please, don't tell the others, yet. Or remind me."

He smirked, "I didn't think you'd be too happy. I wanted to check, though. On occasion, people in arranged marriages fall in love."

I sighed, "If only. Tamaki had a fit when I told him I'm getting married soon. Not that I blame him. I'm just as angry about the whole thing. I was hoping to have a bit more time...."

"To find a way out?" he wondered. I was silent. "If family affairs have taught me anything, it is that there is always a loophole, Katashi. Yours just might be a bit more hidden."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot you had two older brothers. I guess you have your fair share of drama when it comes to heirs," I remembered.

"I have to work a little harder, is all. It's nothing I can't accomplish," he assured me.

"I'm sure. Your brothers might be smart, but you're brilliant. I mean, you manage Tamaki every day. You'd do the best at running your family's company," I told him.

He smiled, "Thank you, Katashi. I hope you're right."

Haruhi was walking by and spotted us, "Kyoya and Katashi, you're keeping your distance from all of this?" She went up the few steps to where we were sitting.

I shrugged, "I'm not playing, but I'm helping out."

"Winning means I end up staying here alone, which frankly doesn't appeal to me. I'll just sit back and watch things unfold, then head for the cottage," Kyoya explained.

"The cottage? You mean, your family's?" Haruhi clarified.

I answered, "All of us have on in the area. That's why I'm not playing, either." She looked completely done with us, and I couldn't blame her. She was going through a lot of trouble, even though they all could have simply visited her there.

"So, who's your favorite to win? There must be someone you have in mine. Do either of you care to bet?" Kyoya offered smugly.

She declined, "Um, no thanks. I don't have a clue."

I shrugged, "Well, of course, I'm rooting for my brother. Still, I have an idea on who might win, but I'm not sure enough to bet."

He smirked, "Really? It's easy enough to tell at a glance. Honey's brand of cute doesn't quite fit Misuzu's notion of refreshing, so I'm afraid he's out. Tamaki comes a little closer to the ideal, provided he keeps his mouth shut, but we all know the likelihood of that. Ordinarily, you'd figure Hikaru and Kaoru. Then again, seems we have a dark horse." We watched as Misuzu awarded Mori twenty points for just drinking water.

"So then, you think he is the one?"

I frowned, "But I already talked to Mori about it. He said if he wins, he'll just give it to Honey."

Kyoya nodded, "That's true. If Honey drops out, Mori is bound to go along with him. His competing in the game at all is more or less conditional to that." That sounded right to me, so it looked like the twins were going to win, as I expected.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tamaki trying to fix a fence with Honey by his side. "That looks bad. I better go help. I'll see you two later!" I waved as I ran over. In front of my was a mess of a white fence with boards horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and just about every other way possible, not to mention the amount of excess nail used to build it. "Uh, Tamaki, do you want some help with that? It's looking a little... rough," I approached carefully.

"No, I can do it!" Tamaki immediately denied, a frustrated and slightly crazed look in his eyes that made Honey whimper.

I giggled nervously, "Really, Tamaki. It's okay. This must be the first time you've ever held a hammer, right? I might be able to help take it apart, at least." He growled at me, making me jump back with Honey hiding behind me.

He returned to his work, muttering, "Gotta be refreshing.... Gotta protect Haruhi...."

"Okay.... Hey, Honey, maybe we should leave him alone. Can you help me serve tea and sweets to the guests inside?" I asked.

Honey's face brightened, "Sure!" We walked back to the pension and into the kitchen. "You look tired."

I smiled wearily as I looked for the teacups, "It's been a long day. I was up late last night packing. I had been planning on sleeping on the plane, but then, this all happened."

He apologized, "I'm sorry, Kata-chan."

I shrugged, "I didn't want to go. It's all fine."

"You didn't want to see Eric?" he wondered. I set down the cups and sighed.

"It's not that I don't want to see him. There were just events going to happen I don't want to take part in," I explained. It might have been a little strange not to want to tell anyone about the wedding, but I felt like if I said anything, it would only make it more real. I wasn't prepared for that.

"You always have the rest of the summer," Honey smiled. He was eating a cupcake he had just found, and I figured there were going to be more eaten by him than by the guests.

"I guess so. My father is really mad with Tamaki and I for wasting plane fuel, though. I doubt I'll be allowed this summer," I frowned. I filled a kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil and started to prepare a tray. I paused for a moment. "Honey, would you mind if I asked you a question?"

"No, what's wrong, Kata-chan?" Honey asked, reaching for another cupcake.

"If you had to do something you really didn't want to, what would you do?" I referenced my situation vaguely.

He answered simply, "I wouldn't do it."

I raised an eyebrow, "Really? Even if you were hurting a lot of people?"

He said, "Yeah, because if I did, I would be miserable." I thought about that for a moment. "You know, Kata-chan, there are a lot of people who hated how much I liked cute and sweet things. Even my younger brother hates it."

"I didn't even know you had a younger brother," I stared at him, surprised.

"Yeah, but Chika doesn't come to see me at the high school very often. Anyway, I did what everyone wanted me to for a long time, but I was never really happy. It was Tamaki who told me it was okay for me to like those things. He was the first person to say that to me, and that's how we became friends. I joined the Host Club because I knew I could be myself without anyone telling me differently.

"The way I see it, you and Tama-chan have been through a lot, and you both gave up a lot. Don't you think you should do things that make you happy?" he grinned. The kettle went off, but I lost the ability to move as I looked at him.

Finally, I moved the kettle off and turned back to him. "Yeah," I nodded. I smiled at him. "Yeah, okay. I'll think about that. Thank you." I poured the water into the cups and placed the teabags in them.

"No problem!" he said as he took a strawberry off one of the desserts he was setting on the tray.

I laughed a bit and told him, "And don't stop eating sweets. You're fine the way you are." He smiled and hugged me, and I returned the gesture. "Alright, let's see who wants tea!"

It had been a very long day, but it wasn't over, yet. I knew I wasn't exactly right on the amount of points, but the twins were winning by far. Tamaki was second, Mori third, and Honey fourth. I didn't really think there was a way for Tamaki to catch up, though I knew he desperately wanted to, until I was walking by a window and heard a piano playing. I peered inside and saw Tamaki playing, which was attracting new people into the pension. I went around and walked inside, watching him. He had been playing Mozart's Sonata in D major, for one piano, that time.

I listened until he finished the song and began a new one. I recognized it instantly and realized there was supposed to be lyrics with it, but he wasn't singing. I thought about it for a moment before I walked up beside the piano and started singing with the music. Tamaki glanced up at me in surprise, and I winked and smiled, jumping up to sit on the top of the instrument.

We stayed like that for a while, and it felt like we were back in France as children, playing for our mother. He played French and Japanese songs, and I always translated the French into Japanese so the customers could understand. Misuzu even came in at one point to see what all the fuss was about and listened to a few of the songs. It looked like his tactic had really worked.

I sang for around an hour until the sun began to set. We finished the song, and I grinned, exhausted, "I think I'm done for the day. I don't want my voice to give out." I slid off the piano.

"Thank you, Katashi. This really means a lot," Tamaki thanked.

"It was no problem. Good luck with the rest of the contest," I told him. I had to help him. Even if he didn't realize it, he was madly in love with Haruhi, and I wanted to help any way I could. He deserved to be with her. Maybe I felt more like that because of my situation, but he was my brother. I would have helped, anyway. I hoped I gave him the extra push for him to win.

I left the building and began looking for Haruhi to see if she needed any more help. Instead, I found someone different. "Hey, Hikaru. Where's Kaoru?" I asked. He had just been coming out of the back of the pension where the kitchen was, and he was carrying some trash bags.

"I had to go get some trash bags since we were sweeping the porch. I told him to stay there," he explained, coming a bit closer to me.

"You look exhausted," I noticed.

"Yeah, today's been a lot of work. It looks like it was all for nothing, though," he laughed a bit, pointing inside where we could still see Tamaki playing the piano. "You did really good. He's lucky."

I smiled, "Thanks, but I'm sorry about helping him get points. He is my brother, after all."

"I would rather you help him than you two fight," he told me as sat down on the steps. I sat next to him.

I said, "You never know. The contest isn't over, yet."

Hikaru shrugged, "There's no way we could compete with that. It's fine." Tamaki finished a song inside and switched to a new one. "Hey, I know this one. We've played it at the club's parties before."

"It's one of my favorites," I commented, swaying slightly to the tune. I felt Hikaru watch me for a few seconds before he stood up. "Where are you going? Back to Kaoru?" He offered me his hand, but I stared at it, confused.

Hikaru looked away and blushed, "Well, come on. Are you going to leave me hanging here? You've looked pretty down lately. Let's see if you can dance as well as you sing, Frenchie." I smiled a bit and took it, standing up. He led me a little away from the house to give us more room before he placed his hands on my waist. Both our faces heated, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We began swaying to the music.

As bad as his temper was and how jealous he could be, Hikaru was a whole lot nicer than I thought he wanted others to know. Maybe that was because he thought the world was full of idiots. I knew he and his brother used to, but when they opened up more, that only changed a little. Select people were pulled into their world, and it was sad I was only just realizing that I was one of those people. He never would have done that for anyone else.

"It's not hard to tell you and your brother apart," I said, breaking our silence.


"I never told you how I do that. It's not just because of your voices, your hair, or because I'm a twin, too. The problem with everyone else is that when they look at you and your brother, they see the same person, and they don't stop to see the difference. Sure, you guys are similar, but you're not one person. I've always seen you as two different people. That's honestly all it is. I just.... I thought you should know, je suppose," I told him.

"I...." he trailed off, thinking about what I had said. Then, he nodded slowly. "I get it. I never thought about it that way. Thank you, Katashi."

I asked, "Would you mind telling me something, though? Have I really been that depressed lately?"

He said, "Well, you're planning a wedding with a guy you don't like. You have a reason."

I frowned, "I knew you were listening in on my phone call."

Hikaru defended, "I get worried when you talk to him! He's so irritating. Plus, I had to work for it. You only speak French to him."

"Yeah, whatever you say. I don't even want this wedding. I do have to admit, I'm having a lot of fun in Karuizawa. I'm glad you guys stopped my jet and all, but it'll be pretty lonely in the cottage if Tamaki wins," I shrugged, showing I really wasn't mad about him eavesdropping.

"Well, uh... I guess you could always stay in our cottage if he does. You know, if you want," he offered, looking away from me nervously.

"Really?" He nodded. "I would really like that, Hikaru. Thank you." His eyes brightened, and we both smiled.

Something like glass shattered nearby. I asked, "Did you hear that?"

He gasped, "Kaoru!" I followed Hikaru to where he had left his brother on the porch. When we got there, Kaoru was covering Haruhi on the ground, and shards of a vase once filled with flowers and water were next to them. "Kaoru!" I watched as his brother sat up and touched his face. There was a bit of blood dripping from the wound. Hikaru kneeled next to him and said, "You're hurt. Let me see!"

Kaoru dismissed it, "I'm fine. It's only a little cut." I walked around them to Haruhi and helped her up.

I asked, "What about you? Are you okay?"

Haruhi nodded, "Yeah, thanks to Kaoru. He pushed me out of the way."

"Bravo! Bravo!" we heard someone cheer. I looked on the roof and gasped. Misuzu was spinning on it, having watched us the entire time. "One hundred points for brotherly love and the refreshing moment between Hikaru and Katashi!"

Hikaru and I blushed, "Hey!" I didn't realize anyone was watching us!

"A perfect score! And the victory goes to the Hitachiin brothers!" he announced.

"Congrats, you guys," Haruhi told them.

"Yeah, you did a good job," I congratulated, though I did feel a bit bad for Tamaki.

"Oh, it was nothing, really," they smirked. My blood ran cold.

Haruhi froze, "What the...? Hang on a second. Was all of that... staged?"

They shrugged, "Well now, who could say?"

"Vous démons!" I gasped.

"We love you, too, Frenchie," they winked.

I shook my head at them, "How can you be so mischievous?" I turned and began to walk back into the bed and breakfast to comfort Tamaki, who was undoubtedly distressed.

"Hey, Katashi," Hikaru stopped me. I looked at him over my shoulder. "If you were wondering, you are good at dancing."

I smiled a bit, "Yeah? You're not too bad yourself. We should do it again sometime." He grinned and nodded in agreement.

With that, I went into the building to console my brother. I glanced out the window at Hikaru and Kaoru, and I couldn't help but think about how different they were from the first time I met them. Then again, even I wasn't the same as I was when I met them, and they had played a big part in that. The more I thought about it, I owed them a lot. Especially Hikaru.

Oh, where would I be without those devilish twins? I wondered.

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Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction NONE OF THE CHARACTERS, ART, NOR STORY LINE ARE MINE. ALL RIGHTS GO TO THEIR OWNERS. Being a twin is hard en...
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Y/N was new to Ouran Academy. She had just moved to Japan after her parents passing. Y/N discovers the Host Club, a club full of handsome men who en...