following his footsteps a ari...

By curly3392

187K 3.3K 503

this is a story about Ariana Grande a girl who moved from America to England and her brother convinced her to... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Authors note

chapter 12

4.8K 79 14
By curly3392

guys please can you give me some feedback in the comments because it really helps me make my stories better and hopefully more interesting for you! thanks guys xx


-Arianas POV!!-

It had been a week since Ollys granddad had died. He was still really upset but was slowly getting better. All of the other contestants had come back from Tulisa's house and they had all kindly brought back my things. We all had a month off because the shows were now going onto the telly and then we would be starting live shows.

In the month off we were instructed to look after our voices. Think of a song we would like to sing and start to get used to it but not finish it because our mentors would help us with that when we got back. I was quite happy that I had a month off. It meant I had time to see My parents, Frankie and Josh. I had missed them so much but you never really realise it when you are practising non stop and doing interviews and whatever.

Me and Frankie were sat on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle. It was a Saturday morning and we were eating breakfast. We both had some SugarPuffs in our special bowls. Mine had Eeyore on it from Winnie the Pooh and Frankie's had Winnie on.

The post came so I went to collect it. There was a few bill, a postcard from Aunty Mary who was away in Barbados and some newspapers. I took it all through and gave Frankie the postcard to read and put the bills on the table. I unfolded the newspaper to see something I really didn't expect. A picture of me was on the front cover.

It was a picture of when me and Caroline had been running through the airport. There was also one of Olly. I grabbed Frankie's arm and we both began to read the story.

'On the date of Friday the 12th of July Olly Murs, Caroline Flack and X-Factor contestant Ariana Grande were seen running through Agrinio airport in Greece. Olly had been walking through, crying about something which we believe to be his grandfathers death. Then about 20 minutes later Caroline and Ariana were seen running through the same airport. We believe in order to help their dear friend Mr Murs. Caroline was overheard as to have said that 'The man she loves was on that plane' then when the airport security realised who she was then let her through the door to board the plane. Caroline had said 'The man I love has just got onto that plane. He is about to go and be there at his granddads last moments while they are taking him off life support. I will do anything' She then proceeded to empty out the contents of her bag to try and bribe the lady to let her on. They had been filming out in Greece in Tulisa's house for the X-Factor. The girls have obviously been given to Tulisa this year and Olly and Caroline's relationship has now become official. What else does this years X-Factor have in store? There is only one way to find out'

We finished reading and I immediately got really worried but Frankie on the other hand was ecstatic.

'Oh my gosh! Your first newspaper! You look amazing even though you were running. Like some kind of hero or something! The clothes you have on were really nice as well. Maybe this will help you get more votes! What if y-' I covered Frankie's mouth with my hand. He then licked it so I took it away. 'What's wrong?' He asked looking concerned.

'We were all told not to tell anyone except our families things like if we got through or who our mentor was or anything! Otherwise there would be serious consequences! And now everyone knows! What will I do?'

'Well it isn't your fault is it? It's the newspapers and paparazzi's fault! You couldn't of stopped them being there and stopped them working it all out and you also couldn't not be there for Olly when he needed you most! All this shows is that you are a lovely person and everyone will appreciate that' Frankie smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged him tightly. He really was an amazing brother he really helped me through things like this!

That night I got a phone call from the producers at X-Factor. I knew it was coming but I still couldn't help feeling sad when it finally came. I answered the phone and held it to my ear. It was a young woman by the sounds of things.

'Hello?' I answered.

'Hi, this is Ariana Grande correct?'


'Well then I have been told to call you to tell you that you have been requested at the recording studio for a meeting tomorrow morning at 9AM' She replied very professionally. My heart sunk.

'Am I allowed to ask why?'

'Involving the airport incident I believe miss'

'Ok then, Thank you I will be there' I replied then hung up. My heart felt as heavy as a boulder in my chest. I had a lump in my throat and my head was spinning and buzzing full of thoughts about the meeting and tomorrow. I was deadly scared. Had I ruined this for myself? Just because I wanted to help my friend? It's not like Tulisa said I couldn't! And I was with Caroline it was as much her fault as mine. I hope she didn't get the sack! I could always audition again but she wouldn't be able to get her job back. This was horrible. Especially knowing I couldn't do anything about it. It was killing me knowing that my dream could be over just like that.

I went to bed and lay there for hours staring up at my ceiling thinking of things. All the possible outcomes. Many imaginative ways they would keep me on the show and not kick me off. How harsh they would be. Who would be there. Would I get shouted at? I dreamt all night about the meeting and let me tell you, those dreams were certainly not the best I have had.


hey guys hope you liked it please vote, comment and fan! Thankyou so much! if you like this you might like my other fanfics so please check them out x

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