Keep It Together (OHSHC/Hikar...

Par SydPhantomhive

205K 6.8K 1.1K

Amarante, or if you go by her Japanese name, Katashi, is Tamaki's fraternal twin sister. After two years of n... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 8

6.5K 192 38
Par SydPhantomhive

It was about two days later when we opened the doors to the Host Club. I felt nervous standing with them to greet the customers, but before we really opened to them, Tamaki pulled me closer to him and said, "Princesses, could we please have your attention before welcoming you in?" Their excited chatter ceased as they stared excitedly at Tamaki. He continued on, "As you all know, Katashi, my twin sister, came to this school not too long ago from France. After completing her training, she is now our very first Hostess!" The girls began clapping and looked shocked by the announcement.

I spoke, "It's a pleasure to be a part of the Host Club. Gentle and loyal, I am the feminine type. That means I'm here to entertain you as well as be someone to come to in a time of need. Everything you say to me is strictly confidential, so don't be afraid." I flashed them a dazzling smile like Tamaki had instructed earlier. "I hope we have a fantastic time, mes chéris!"

Then, we all said, "Welcome!" With that, we officially opened the Host Club. They were having a theme that day, so we were all having to wear kimonos designed by the twins' mother, who I found out was the acclaimed designer Yuzuha Hitachiin. Also, sliding doors were set up for everyone's space, and we had to sit on traditional Japanese zabutons, which were those pillows you sat on.

Surprisingly enough, I did have a few customers. They were three girls named Asako, Choko, and Miki. Asako asked, "So, we're your first customers?"

I grinned, "You are. You'll definitely have a lasting impression on me. Would any of you care for tea?" They all nodded, so I poured it into the three teacups I had set.

As I fixed the tea, Miki wondered, "Your rose color is yellow, isn't it?" I glanced at the bouquet of roses in the center of my table.

"It is. You see, yellow roses stand for friendship, joy, and promises of new beginnings in western culture. Having just moved to a new place, what better rose is there?"

"What about jealousy? Doesn't it mean that in eastern culture?"

I smirked a bit, setting the teapot down, "Well, I am a bit overprotective of the ones I care about it. I simply can't stand the thought of anyone else being with them. I have to feel wanted, or else I get awfully lonely." I sighed and put my elbow on the table, resting my cheek against my hand. "I guess that's the hardest part of coming Japan. I'm so happy I finally get to be with my brother, but I really don't know anyone. I didn't spend much time here when I was growing up."

"We can be your friends!" Choko said immediately.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Katashi!" Miki chimed in. That was much easier than I thought it would be, I commented silently. I guessed those girls really did believe just about anything we said.

I widened my eyes a bit, "R-Really?" When they all nodded enthusiastically, I said, "You three are so sweet! Thank you. Now, mon chéris, how were all of your days?"

After my time was up with them, we said our goodbyes, and they left. Tamaki almost tackled me with a hug, gushing, "You did so good, Katashi! You've made me so proud! I knew you would be a natural!"

I removed him and said, "Thank you, Tamaki. I'm trying my best." If I was doing something I didn't really want to do, I might as well been good at it, right?

"You'll have tons of customers in no time!" he assured me.

Nearby, we heard a girl say, "I didn't know you liked sweets, Haruhi." I saw Haruhi had some sort of dessert in her hands.

"Well, to be honest with you, I don't really. But, you know, I think it would be a nice memorial offering for my mother," Haruhi smiled at it. A memorial? I hadn't known Haruhi's mom was dead....

Tamaki cried, being overly dramatic again, "How admirable of you! Such devotion to your mother's memory. Please, Haruhi, take as many of these as you like." He started stacking the desserts in her hands. The rest of the hosts clapped.

"Let me guess. The tears are fake," she figured.

"How could you? My tears are always genuine, Haruhi. Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host," he told her.

I took the eye drops out of my pocket and asked the twins, "Is that why you gave this to me earlier?"

They responded, "It's a real hit with the ladies."

Kaoru began, "If you can show that you're in touch with your sensitive side..."

Hikaru finished, "... you become a lot more desirable."

"Huh. I'll have to remember that," I said, sticking it back in my pocket. "I might be able to use them later."

Something moved out of the corner of my eye, and I noticed that it was the figure of a girl. I couldn't quite see her, though, because she was standing halfway behind the door. The twins spoke up, "Looks like the Host Club has a brand-new guest."

They moved over to the door, and Kaoru welcomed her, offering her a red rose, "Come on in. What are you waiting for?"

"Watching from afar is no fun," Hikaru commented, also offering her a rose.

"Please, Miss."

Tamaki scolded them, "Stop that. How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first-time guests?" He offered the girl his hand. "Please, you don't have to be afraid, my princess." He put a finger under her chin and got closer to her. "I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club." I could hear her make a noise. "Yes?"

The girl suddenly pushed away his face and shouted, "No! Don't touch me, you phony!" I gasped. I knew that voice.

He held his injured cheek and demanded, "What do you mean I'm phony?" I could finally see her. C'est impossible! I denied what was right in front of me. How could it possibly her? There must be some sort of mistake.

"Just what I said! You're phony. I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club! You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!" With every insult, he acted like he was being struck by something before he finally fell to the ground.

"I don't suppose you are...." Kyoya trailed off.

"It's you, Kyoya!" she squealed, running over to him while stepping on Tamaki in the process. She hugged him, "Oh, how I longed to meet you. My one and only prince charming."

"R-Renge?" I finally managed to say. Renge finally looked at me, and her eyes widened.

"Katashi! It's you!" she grinned, hugging me tightly next. I couldn't even hug her back because I barely believed it. "I had no idea this was the school you were transferring to!"

"Y-Yeah, Ouran Academy is my school. Je ne peux pas le croire!" I exclaimed, saying I couldn't believe it.

Tamaki raged, "You know this girl?"

"Wait, why are you here? Please tell me you're not here to be swooned by that phony!" she begged, ignoring him completely.

"No, I'm a Hostess here. Tamaki's my frère," I revealed.

She gasped and pointed at Tamaki, "That's René? That's the amazing guy I've heard so much about?"

"Yeah, I know. He's a bit different from my stories, but this is his club."

She said, "I can't believe you could be related to someone so selfish and arrogant! I expected so much more after hearing about him, not that boy!"

"But Renge, why are you here?" I asked.

"I came to see my sweet Kyoya! I'm his fiancée!" she revealed, sitting on the sofa. We all looked at Kyoya in confusion.

Haruhi spoke up, "I think we should close up for today." After asking everyone to leave, we all changed out of our kimonos into our regular uniforms. Tamaki went to the corner, and the rest of us returned to Renge.

"Your Kyoya's fiancée?" Hikaru asked.

"Of course. My name is Renge Hoshakuji, and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first-year class A tomorrow," Renge answered.

Kaoru wondered, "Then, how do you know Katashi?"

I told them, "She went to my previous school. Even though I'm a year older, we were in a few clubs together. She was always drawn to the fact that I'm Japanese. That's also why she refers to me by my Japanese name instead of my French one. I didn't know she was transferring, and I certainly didn't know about an engagement."

I sighed, looking back over where Tamaki sat. This captured the attention of the rest of the Host Club, and Hikaru said, "Why is he sulking?"

"Because Mommy and Auntie were keeping secrets from Daddy," Kaoru answered with a smirk.

"Tante?" I repeated, confused by the analogy.

"Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?"

Renge sighed like she always did when she was about to go off in her head, "Oh, this is a story of love at first sight! I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking, and how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten." My eyebrows came together in confusion.

"She serious?" the twins questioned.

"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi asked carefully.

"Wait, Renge, are you talking about-"

Renge interrupted me, "No way! I could recognize my love anywhere!" The twins started running around in confusion of what was going on. "He's a gentleman who's kind to everyone and doesn't ask for anything in return. He likes solitude, but in fact, sometimes he gets lonely. He looks like the star of the popular dating sim, Uki-Doki Memorial!" No, she can't be sérieux! I thought. She pointed right at him, "You're my real-life Ichijo Miyabi!" She continued talking about the game and Miyabi.

I groaned. She never stopped talking about Uki-Doki Memorial, or the guy in the game she loved. I basically knew everything that happened because of how much she mentioned it. She was pretty obsessed with it and Japanese culture, but I never thought it would go that far! How could someone be so delusional?

Tamaki screamed, "Otaku!"

"Otaku?" Hikaru cowered away from her.

"I've never seen one!" Kaoru yelled.

I hit all of them on the head and scolded, "Cut it out! They aren't as bad as they seem." When they gave me skeptical looks, I adjusted my statement, "They aren't usually."

Kyoya sat down and crossed his legs, thinking aloud, "I get it now. You're in love with that character. You're projecting that love onto to me, and you somehow deluded yourself into thinking that we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably wears glasses as well."

I apologized, "He does. Je suis très désolé de cela. She gets carried away a lot."

Tamaki double-checked, "So, she made it up? You're not really her fiancé, right?"

"Well, no. I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides, this is the first time I've ever met the woman," Kyoya admitted, earning a sigh of relief from everyone.

Renge sat down next to him and looked at him admiringly, "According to my research, I understand that you are in charge of managing the club. Is that true, Kyoya?"

"That's right! Kyo-chan is our director!" Honey answered for him.

"You're the club's director? That's perfect! Oh, wow, I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business," she said.

The twins frowned, "We don't advertise. We're just a host club."

My old friend ignored them, making them groan, "I've made up my mind! From now on, I'm gonna be the manager of this host club!"

Tamaki hesitated, "Um, listen, Kyoya."

Kyoya told him, "Miss Hoshokuji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client. So, please be polite and try not to offend her, alright?"

I added, "Plus, she is my friend. All she ever did after school was go home and sit in the dark while playing these video games, even when I invited her to go out somewhere. If this can help her see there's more to that game and get her over her delusions, this would be a really good opportunity." My brother sighed in defeat.

"Well, Hosts and Hostess, I can't wait to work with you," Renge smiled.

As much as it was nice to see a familiar face, I was worried about how everything would turn out. Not only did she have an overactive imagination, much like Tamaki, but her obsession over things could skyrocket out of control. Actually, there had been a huge chance of that happening. I had watched it unravel quickly a few times myself. Adding in her favorite video game....

Maybe it won't be so mauvais, I hoped, even though I knew the chances were slim.

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