Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fa...

By cupcakeNOUISx

1.8K 105 26

After a contest in her school, which she wasn't even allowed to join, 18 year old Amber wins the biggest pric... More

Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fanfiction) (english)
chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 2

134 7 3
By cupcakeNOUISx

here is chapter 2. 

Again; please tell me if there are any typos, because english isn't my native language..

xoxo, Dimphy <3


What had just happened? This couldn’t be real, that was impossible. I had to be dreaming. Niall horan didn’t just grab me and ran off with me like our lives depended on it..

‘Are you allright?’ an irish accent rang through my ears, pulling me back in to the real world. My breathing was ragged because of the running we just did, but when I looked up, right in those bright blue eyes, I stopped breathing completely. So, apparently I wasn’t dreaming..

before I had the chance to react to his question, an ear splitting scream sounded from next to us, immediately making me cover my ears and scrunching up my face. Julia was jumping up and down, pushing me in the shoulders.

 ‘I can’t believe this, Amber, is this real, omg is it real, Ammi, is it real??’ she screamed while flailing her arms around. I pushed her back rather aggressively, which calmed her down a bit, a frown on her face while she rubbed her arm.

Niall cleared his throat, an amused look on his face. ‘so, who are you guys anyways?’ he asked, while his eyes stayed on me. I wished they’d stay on me forever. Ashamed for my thoughts I pointed my blue/green eyes on the ground while I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks, again. Great, why did I  always have to have a tomato face?

‘That’s Amber, and I am Julia’ Julia piped up, while she smiled excitedly at Niall. I sensed how she tried to flirt with him, the way she had her hands on her hips, her head helt a tiny bit to the side while she jutted her bottom lip out. I felt jealous of her, for being the one that always knew what to say.

It had always been like this. Julia was the talker in new situations, while I stayed quiet and observant, always accompanied by my blushing cheeks. ‘Aren’t you getting in trouble for running away like that?’ Julia still hadn’t given up.

 I looked up from the ground, to see Niall still looking at me. He smiled genuinely. ‘Nope’ he responded, popping the P while his eyes stayed at me. I felt like I was on fire, and immediately looked back down again. What an interesting gravel we were stood on!

‘Or at least, I don’t care.’ He added.  I looked up, watching Julia so I could calm my stupid face down. I heard some shuffeling, and when I looked up, Niall was sitting down on a bench a few meters away from us. Julia and I looked at eachother and then went to him. She immediately sat next to him, while I stood there, kind of awkward.


I just didn’t know what to do or say, and that didn’t happen a lot. I shuffeled a bit with my feet, the gravel underneath the park bench getting kicked up by my supra’s. ‘So, Amber, right?’ I questioned, my eyes glued on the girl that stood in front of me. I would’ve kicked my ass if I could. Why was I shy, all of a sudden?

This girl, Amber, she was just so pretty. It was unbelievable. Her friend, what’s her name, Julia, was all up in my face, trying to grab my attention, screaming and trying to flirt with me. But all I wanted was to get to know this little, blushing girl with the long brown hair. She was too cute to be true, and the best part was, she didn’t seem to realize this herself.

‘Yeah, and you’re Niall.’ She answered, making me laugh. So, she didn’t lose her voice after all. I grinned like a mad man. ‘well, Amber, I’m kind of hungry, why don’t you take me to the city so we can grab a bite?’ I just needed to get her alone, without that jumping, mad friend of hers. I needed to get to know her, to find out if she was like I imagined; sweet, caring and funny.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Julia jutting out her bottom lip, looking sad. Her hands were playing with the hem of her shirt. ‘okay, I get it, I’m not wanted her.. I’ll go home, we have a lot of homework.. so.. yeah..’  she said awkwardly, while she stood up from the bench.

a victorious grin made its way to my face, and I couldn’t do anything to keep it from showing. Grinning like a mad man I stood up, watching the girls say goodbye.


I didn’t get it, why did Julia have to leave? Her lame excuse for homework wasn’t something I would buy. She never did homework.. She could’ve just joined us to get something to eat.. apparently Niall was happy with it though, because the grin on his perfect face got even bigger when she stood up.  I decided to let it rest.

I hugged my best friend, who then waved at Niall and walked off, leaving us in the deserted park. Niall stood up from the bench to, grabbing my hand in the process. I immediately blushed like mad, and I unclasped my hand from his, nonchalantly brushing it through my hair. ‘okay…’ I muttered under my breath, while I cleared my throat. Awkward turtle..

‘Amber, I’m hungryyyyy.’ Niall whined, while he put on puppy eyes which made my heart melt. I giggled and then turned around, walking to the city.

even though it had begun rather awkward, it was fun hanging out with Niall. We were sitting opposite from each other at the baker, stuffing ourselves with food. Niall had ordered so much, that it made me question his health. Fat ass. While we were walking here, we had talked about everything and nothing. Niall and the rest of One Direction were in the area for some concerts, and as soon as our school had heard it, they arranged a meeting with the boys’ manager.

they wanted to do a competition, and the manager had immediately agreed, thinking it would be an awesome publicity stunt. He probably had already seen the headlines. ‘One Direction volunteers to help in English classes.’ Yep, great publicity for the band.

Finally Niall had finished all his food. I grabbed a napkin and giggled while pushing it in his hands. I pointed at his chin. ‘you’ve got something right.. there..’ he frowned, taking the napkin from me and started to rub his face, totally missing the splodge. ‘No, no, more to the left!’ I guided him while I was feeling a laughing fit starting to take over.

Niall sighed, and threw the napkin ad me. I catched it easily, making myself proud for not making a fool of myself in front of him. He put his big hand over mine, guiding me to his face with the napkin. ‘you do it.’ He said simply, while his eyes lit up with amusement. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I felt like dying, his warm, big hand on mine, shooting all kinds  of feelings through my body.

finally, he broke the awkward tension between us by clearing his throat. I lifted my eyes from our hands, and forced myself to smile at him. Grabbing the napkin a bit better, shaking his hand of mine, I rubbed his face until the dirt was gone. ‘Thanks’ he grinned, while he stood up from his chair, putting his hood over his head. We couldn’t take the risk of fans spotting him here.

As soon as we were outside, I looked up at him. ‘uhhm.. I guess I have to go home now..’ I was shuffling my feet on the ground, not exactly knowing what to say or do. ‘No!... no, you can’t!’ Niall burst out, almost sounding desperate, which made me lift my head up to look at him again.

Wrong choice. Those blue eyes immediately fired up my cheeks, again. ‘you. Uhh.. you need to bring me to my hotel, I don’t know how to get there..’ Niall spoke quietly, and I swear I could see a blush appear on his cheeks this time.

I simply nodded my head. Ofcourse that was the reason I wasn’t allowed to leave him yet. What else could it be? We talked about the hotel he was in, and I realised it was literally 2 blocks from my house.  He was lucky. Right next to the hotel was a big mac donalds.. man, how I love my mac.

we strolled back to the school, where Niall stood a bit to the side while I got my bike. He immediately took the steer from me, motioning for me to get on the back. Without hesitating, I did as told. I jumped on, wobbling a bit. ‘Hold on to me, you don’t want to fall, do ya?’ his irish accent rang through my ears. I silently grabbed his sides, trying not to scream because of the firm body I was holding now. He pedalled like crazy while I laughed my head off, giving him directions.


‘Give me your phone.’ Niall said when we stood in the entrance of the hotel. I lifted up my brow, than got my blackberry from my pocket and handed it to him, carefully. Eventhough I had a lot of problems with that crackberry, it still was my baby. If he did anything to it, I would have to kill him.

he gave it back quickly, a grin on his lips, while he got his sleek iphone from his own pocket, typing in it. Immediately, the light on my phone started flashing, and I had a new message from ‘Niall the sexy Leprechaun.’ I raised my eyebrow at him, laughing because of the nickname he had gotten himself.

‘Hey amber, I really enjoyed today… again tomorrow? xx’ was al the message said.

I looked up from my phone, at Niall who was smiling unsurely at me. Tomorrow was Saturday. I guess I could manage that.. ‘Yeah, that would be fun.’ I agreed while smiling at him. His face lit up instantly.

‘but, don’t you have work tomorrow?’ he asked, a bit insecure. My eyes grew large while I pocketed my phone again, jumping on my bike. ‘shit shit shit, I had work today!’ I quickly glanced at my watch. ‘I HAD TO START 20 MINUTES AGO!’ I screamed, while paddling the bike to the street, waving back at Niall who was laughing like a maniac.

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