All Bets Are Off

By GirlLuvsHae

76.2K 2.1K 291

Dara's delinquent days in high school is catching up on her as she got fired three times for each job in a ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

2.6K 70 5
By GirlLuvsHae

Stop thinking about it! No, it did not happen! It never happened! That was just something that happened by accident so... it doesn't mean that it actually happened. It's like being bitten by a bug. You're not aware of it until it stings so it's best to just forget about it. Then why the hell can't I get it off my mind?? Arrrghh!!!

Her mind had been warring with herself as she sat on the stone bench beside Chaerin who was laughing and watching the boys play water dodgeball. The game looked fun but her eyes were unfocused and her face feels like it's carved on stone as that... incident... replayed in her mind over and over and over again. It felt like it had been a dream -no- a nightmare she needs to wake up from. Why did he kissed her like that? Why did she let him? And most importantly, why did she kissed him back? The same way he was kissing her?

She wanted to punch someone. Or better yet, she wanted to punch a hole in the ground so she could jump in and hide for the rest of her life. Okay, you need to relax. It's not like it meant something. It's just a freakin' kiss for crying out loud. And I don't have problems with physical contacts. It's just a skin touching a skin. Nothing else. And besides, it's not like I kissed him for nothing. It's all for show. Because Chaerin was there. She snuck a glance at Chaerin at the corner of her eye. Did she saw it? Why is she not saying anything? How long was she there? Now that she think about it, when she went out from the kitchen, she already saw Chaerin sitting on the bench and and she hurried over to her side out of nowhere to go because her brain's a mush. A horrified thought struck her. How long had they been kissing? Was it that long for Chaerin to go out of the kitchen and sit comfortably on the stone bench? Oh god! What about the two boys, Bobby and Hanbin. How long were they standing there? Oh dammit!

For some unknown reason, her senses suddenly went on alert and she glimpsed Donghae who went out from the kitchen following the two younger boys. She averted her eyes and focused her attention on the intricacies of the sun's reflection on the pool.

"Are you okay?"

Dara spun her head to look at Chaerin who was looking at her in concern. "Of course," Dara answered immediately. "Why do you ask?" She hates it that her voice sounds like she was guilty or something.

Chaerin's forehead creased at her high pitched tone. "Are you sick?" Chaerin's hand went to her forehead.

"Of course not," Dara said taking her hand off her.

"You look flushed," Chaerin said.

Dammit! Of course her face picked that moment to flame even redder at Chaerin's observation. She forced out a little laugh fanning her face with her hand. "Oh, well... yeah... I do feel a little... hot-" wrong choice of word. "-I mean, sick! Sick... right now. Yeah, I feel a little sick. Like heating up." Then she realized what she said again. "I mean, feverish!" What the hell is happening to her interminable wordlist?

Chaerin's brows furrowed even more in puzzlement. "Do you just want to take a rest?"

"Yeah, I think I'll do that," Dara agreed immediately and already starting to stand up from the bench.

"Donghae oppa!" Chaerin called.

"What are you doing?!" Dara hissed covering Chaerin's mouth. She saw Donghae glance in their direction at the corner of her eye but she refused to look back at him.

Chaerin shrugged off Dara's hand from her mouth. "What? I'm calling your boyfriend so he could take care of you."

"Take care-" She uttered in disbelief then shook her head. "I'm not a baby."

"But you're his baby," Chaerin teased lightheartedly.

"What?!" Another flood of embarrasment assaulted her thinking Chaerin is teasing her because she saw them earlier.

Chaerin made a face at her. "Why are you so embarrassed? It's just normal for a boyfriend to take care of his girlfriend, you know." Her expression became dreamy. "I wish my boyfriend is here to take care of me."

Dara grimaced at Chaerin's expression. "I think I'll just walk around a little." She didn't wait for Chaerin's response and she started to walk, her eyes on the side where Donghae isn't.

"Dara!" Chaerin shrieked.

Too late. Dara turned her head to chide Chaerin not to yell her name at the exact time when a whizzing water ball smashed in her face, the sheer plastic exploding, soaking her. The water dripped from her face to her neck and down her shirt. She opened her eyes and saw Jackson who was laughing hysterically across from her and all the other boys were chuckling. Donghae just looked shocked but his mouth was twitching. She returned her gaze at laughing Jackson.

"Oh no, you just di'nt," Dara said her eyes looking around and fell on a water hose. She gave Jackson an evil smirk before marching over to it.

Jackson was still laughing but saw where she was headed. " Oh c'mon noona," he said. "It's just a game."

Dara picked up the water hose and turned on the faucet full blast while the boys scampered away from her. Ooohhh this is the game! She pointed the hose directly where Jackson was while walking over to him and he yelled as it hit his face and he ran away but Dara kept the hose on him until he's where the water can no longer reached him. Dara tugged on the hose but it already reached its most stretched point. She yelled at Jackson. "Oh c'mon! You're already wet anyway! What's the point of running!"

"That hurts!" Jackson yelled back.

All around them, the spectators are laughing. Dara even saw Donghae laughing on the side too. Smirking even more, she turned the hose over to him and he immediately yelped as it him. Laughter got even louder when Donghae tried to avoid the blast of water but Dara kept it on him. Donghae walked to where the waterballs are placed all the while trying to see through the water hitting his face. He managed to pick one, ducked, ran immediately to the side and flung the water ball in Dara's direction, hitting her on the head, the ball exploding.

"Bull's eye!" Donghae yelled.

Laughing, Dara turned the hose over to him but he kept on running. When she saw Chaerin laughing on the stone bench, she hit her too.

"Whhhyyyy!!" Chaerin whined while the water drowned her voice.

Dara didn't see it coming but Donghae suddenly sprinted over to her, tackling her and they flew over to the pool with Dara shouting in defiance. She didn't know she already wandered beside the pool. They both resurfaced from the water and Donghae's eyes were crinkling in laughter. She splashed him.


"You started it!" Donghae retorted.

They heard another splash and they saw Jackson going in followed by Bobby, then Mark. Then the other boys all went it to, the fight turning over from water dodgeball to splashing each other in the face. Dara was laughing like she had never laughed before. Fought as hard as they did. Even Chaerin joined in. She even went on Donghae's back to get him under the water, what happened in the kitchen momentarily forgotten. Yes, this is what it should be. Just pure fun with no worries and no concerns to mull over. Everything is perfectly normal.

Completely soaked and dripping, they all gathered around the vast dining room to eat what the elders had prepared. They ate heartily, teasing each other between laughs and merriment. Her grandmother told them that Jaejoong had an urgent business call and had to schedule a flight to Japan early that morning and he regretted that he couldn't stay to celebrate with them. Donghae felt bad for feeling glad that his cousin is no longer there to piss him off.

"Aish, he's always work work work," Chaerin muttered. "How rich does he want himself to be?"

"That's called responsibility," the matriarch chided her.

"Hey, we're responsible too!" Yoochun protested.

"If you are, you should've listened to me when i tell you to meet the Leung Family."

"Ah not this again!"

Dara laughed as she ate, Donghae chuckling beside her. Dara her stomach couldn't be able to take another bite but she reached for a lemon pie anyways as dessert. Her gaze went to the door when a guy she had never seen before entered the room. What surprised her is that the happy buzz around the table gradually receded as the family looked up and saw him. The guy stood on the door and smiled awkwardly, "Am i too late?"

No one answered him and the boys all looked at each other. Dara could feel Donghae tensing beside her. The matriarch broke the silence as she stood up and welcomed the newcomer. He was of medium height, his shirt showed his muscular build,he had a trace of foreign blood on him and his hair is dyed blonde. Or at least Dara thought it was dyed.

"Of course not," the matriarch said hugging him. "Come and sit." She made him sit near her and Dara had to look around as she felt the tension built up. She returned her attention back at the guy whom the matriarch had handed a plate. Who was this guy?

"He's another one of our cousin," Chaerin whispered under her breath at the look of puzzlement in Dara's face.

Okay, so why the silence? The coldness in here is brewing. It's like the guy isn't even welcome. She watched as the guy nodded her thanks to the matriarch and started to eat. Then his eyes met hers for a brief moment and he smiled awkwardly again before averting his gaze down.

"Where's your father?" The matriarch asked.

"He's in LA. He can't come so he sent me instead since i was already here."

"What are you doing here in the country?" Donghae asked and Dara was surprised at the tone of vehemence in his voice.

"Just to sign the documents i've left," the guy answered.

"You're not welcome here," Donghae said.

"Donghae!" his grandmother rebuked him.

The guy just kept on looking at the table, probably knowing that it's true. Dara just watched the exchange in bafflement. All the teasing, the laughing, had stopped leaving only silence and the sound of mouths chomping on food. She put a beef in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. What is happening here?

Donghae put his napkin down and excused himself and the matriarch just sighed. His mother just followed him, followed by his father. Dara is left confused as ever as she watched Donghae's retreating back. Another family drama? Seriously, Donghae is such a drama queen!

After all the food has been eaten, Dara draped a towel over her shoulders to keep her warm as she hasn't changed her soaked clothes yet and helped with taking the plates in the sink. The boys all disappeared one by one, and she saw some of them whispering. Chaerin also went with them and before she knew it, she was already alone to do the dishes. Aish, these guys. She sighed as she started with putting the plates in the dishwasher.

"Hey," a voice said and she looked up to find the mysterious guy who came in earlier.

"Hey," she greeted back. The guy helped her with the plates and putting the spoons and forks in the dishwasher as well.

"I haven't seen you here before," the guy said.

Dara closed the dishwasher and straightened up. He was taller than she was. "If you ask if i'm a maid here, i'm going to literally shove you in the sink."

The guy looked surprised at her response and she chuckled. Oops, she was so used to talking like this that she forgot to keep her manners in check for strangers. "Oh, sorry. I...uh... i came here with Donghae."

The guy nodded. "Ah..." He smiled a little. "I'm Rick, by the way." He extended his hand to her and Dara shook it.

"Dara," she said,

"So... you probably noticed how they all welcomed me, huh?"

"Oh no," Dara said. "They had been really quiet and cold from the first time i met them."

The guy just chuckled. "You're their cousin?" Dara asked.

"Distant cousin," Rick said. "My father is a foreigner. My mother is the daughter of the matriarch's cousin but she still treated me as like one of her own grandchildren. That's why i came when she invited us. If it were me, i would never have set foot in here." He added wistfully.

Dara wanted to ask why but felt that it was too much of a personal issue to probe on. "Well... since you're already here, why don't you take care of helping me with the dishes?"

"I think i already did," Rick said fully smiling now.

"I meant the glasses and the other stuff," Dara said.

Rick reached over behind Dara to take the glass sitting on the sink when Donghae suddenly came bursting in and charging over to him, pushing him back, shocking Dara. The glass fell from Rick's and and crashed on the floor.

"Donghae!" Dara said putting a hand on his chest trying to stop him from charging at Rick again. She was so shocked at how angry he looks.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" Donghae said, his veins already popping out of his neck.

Rick just stepped back away from them, putting both his hands in a gesture of surrender and without a word just turned and walked out of the kitchen leaving the broken shards of the glass on the floor. Dara just watched him go then looked at Donghae, his contained fury all over his face.

"Just what the hell is with you?" Dara said stepping back from him. "We're just talking!"

"He put his arm around you," Donghae said.

"Wha..." She couldn't believe this. "He was reaching for the glass! Ugh! Seriously, this jealous act is getting way too far. Just stop it!"

Donghae just looked at her and he sighed after a moment, trying to calm himself. "Stay away from him Dara. Don't talk to him."

Now he's telling her who she can and can't talk to? She was about to open her mouth to tell him exactly what she thinks of him when Donghae spoke again. "If Jaejoong was here, he would tell you the exact same thing." Dara's brow furrowed at the look of seriousness on Donghae's face.

"I'll help you with the dishes," Donghae quietly said then glanced at the broken glass. "I'll take care of that."

He turned to get the broom and the dustpan and Dara just watched his back feeling more confused than ever. Just what the hell is going on?

Donghae told her late that afternoon that they need to go back to the city now. After packing and telling her goodbyes to the matriarch, to Donghae's parents, to Chaerin, and to his cousins, they strode over to his car. She no longer saw Rick around after Donghae lit into him. She still got a lot of questions but since it was unlikely for anyone to give her any answers since she wasn't really asking, there's no point spenidng a minute thinking about it. She decided to just forget about it. It's Donghae's family's issue anyway.

She snuck a glance at Donghae who was focused in his driving. He seems to be deep in thought and Dara took advantage of that moment to study him. His profile was perfect, to be honest. His nose was prominent, his eyes always have that mischievous look on it yet when he stare at you, it's like they're boring into your soul. The thought of his earnest gaze brought her gaze to his lips. She doesn't want to think about it but he's got about the softest lips it's almost a crime for a guy to have. Of course, she shouldn't be a judge of that since she had never kissed anyone before. Her mind inadvertently replayed that and she slighty shook her head and turned her attention out of the window. Yes, it was her first kiss, so it was just natural for her not to not think about it. She pursed her lips still remembering how it felt.

"Dara," Donghae said breaking the silence. "About what happened-"

"Let's not talk about it," Dara interrupted already tensing. Why would they talk about that kiss? It should completely go untalked about! "Let's just.. forget it happened."

Donghae just glanced at her before turning his attention on the road. "It was really wrong and i might have overreacted..."

It was really wrong? That offended her a little bit. "Well, if you think it was really wrong, then its best for you not to do it again," she said a little miffed. "Didn't do much for me anyway."

"You just have no idea how much i wanted to..."

Dara looked at him in surprise. How much he wanted? "You... did it because you wanted to?"

Donghae sighed heavily. "I know it's wrong and i shouldn't have done it especially when grandma is celebrating her anniversary but i just... " His jaw was clenched and his hands gripped the steering wheel even tighter.

"Well... i understand," Dara said suddenly feeling good and fighting to keep the sudden smile that is threatening to take over her face. She wondered why Donghae looked like he wanted to hit someone though. Maybe he felt like he took advantage of her or something so she tried to make him feel better. "We had to keep up with the act and you had to shut me up because i was prattling on about the bet and Chaerin... so... i understand."

"Chaerin?" Donghae asked. "What are you talking about?"

Dara noted the look of question in Donghae's face and it suddenly struck her that they might not be talking about the same thing. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about what happened in the kitchen with Rick," Donghae explained.

Oh crap. Yeah, they were talking about two different things. "Oh yeah..." She turned her head towards the window to hide her embrassment. Here's Donghae contemplating on his brash action with his cousin and here she is, thinking about the kiss like a pervert!

"What are you talking about?" Donghae asked back.

"Nothing," Dara answered unable to look at him.

Donghae just glanced at Dara whose head was turned away from him then a slow smile settled on his lips as he realized what Dara is talking about.

"Are you... talking about the kiss?" Donghae said with a slow smile.

Dara could feel a blush creeping up her neck but she still refused to look at him. She's an idiot. "What kiss?"

Donghae chuckled a little. "it's good to know my kisses aren't easy to forget."

Dar a whipped her head to look at him. "They aren't easy to remember either!"

"Is that why you can't get it off your mind?" Donghae said teasingly.

Dara let out a breath of disbelief but unable to find any words to rebutt. Her wittiness is going AWOL nowadays.

Donghae smiled even wider. "At least you now know it wasn't my first kiss."

Dara scowled remembering how she teased him about that.

"But the way you kiss was a little..." Donghae out his hand up and moved it slightly. "mediocre."

Dara could not believe the audacity of this guy. If it wasn't because he was driving, she would've punched him.

"Was that your first kiss?" Donghae continued relentlessly.

"Yes! Yes! It was my first kiss! Are you happy now?!" Dara said feeling really annoyed.

If Donghae's grin could get any wider, it would reach over at the back of his head. "Maybe i should give you pointers. You want to start now?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Shut up," Dara said before turning her head back towards the window again ignoring Donghae chukling beside her. It kinda annoyed her when Donghae is so blatantly unconcerned about it. Goes to show many girls he have kissed and already forgot. While she? She had to sit in here thinking about it and wishing she could not think about it when the guy who caused all of it is sitting beside her teasing her about it. Life really can be so cruel sometimes.

Dara yawned as she climbed on the bus to get to CSW the next morning. She knew Siwon gave her a three day leave but she just couldn't stay at home doing nothing so she decided to go to work today. She met a cranky Mr. Kraz, a happy Suzy, and a cluttered desk. She started to get to work, editing scripts and filing them over for Mr. Kraz's approval. It was already lunch when she received a message from Donghae.

You went to work?

Yep. She hit the reply button.

His reponse came in a minute later. Why don't you ever listen? Pick you up for lunch?

Dara bit her lip at the sudden giddiness creeping up on her. She hesitated for a minute then typing her response.

Sure, treat me at

She shook her head and deleted it before typing a new one.

I'm not really hungry but i could

She deleted it again and sighed leaning on her chair. Why is it suddenly so hard to answer him.She didn't know if she should say yes or just tell him he shouldn't bother because she already ate even if she haven't yet. She doesn't want to see him but she wanted to see him. Ugh. Even her logic is suddenly getting so messed up lately. She let out a breath then typed in a short reply before hitting send.


She got up from her seat and went to the convenience store to buy ramen, water, and some bread. She picked two of everything and went to pay on the cash register. She was about to leave when a familiar figure entered the store and went straight to the coffee machine. She furrowed her brows before walking over to him.


Rick turned and looked surprised when he saw her. "Dara! Hi." Then he looked around before looking back at her. "Donghae's not here, is he?"

Dara shook her head. "No, but i was going to meet him."

"Oh," Rick said. "Then i guess i should hurry huh?" He pressed the latte and the coffee cup filled out. "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked Dara.

"I work here," Dara answered.

"Here?" Rick looked surprised again.

"I mean, not here here. I work in CSW," Dara said.

"Oh Choi Siwon. Well, it was really bad luck for me to pick this store to buy coffee out of all the convenience store in the country." He shook his head then carefully pulled out the coffee cup.

"Why?" She couldn't help but ask.

Rik shrugged. "Well... they all hated me. If that isn't obvious when Donghae was close to punching me yesterday. His friends, most of my cousins... I left early this morning. I couldn't stay at somewhere i'm not welcome at."

Dara suddenly felt bad for him. From what she can see, he seems like a pretty nice guy. She studied him as he blew the steam off his cup of coffee. His skin was pale and there were tattoos on his arms. There is a slight dark circle around his eyes and even with his muscular build, his face looks gaunt and tired. Life hasn't been so nice to him.

"Well, see yah before anyone of them spotted me," Rick said. "Tell Donghae happy birthday from me, okay? Though i'm sure he wouldn't be too... keen about it if it came from me."

"Birthday?" Dara repeated. "It's his birthday?"

Rick looked surprised again at her question. "Uh... week. You didn't know?"

"No... i didn't."

Rick just smiled. "Donghae wasn't really big on birthdays so it wasn't surprising. If it wasn't for grandma announcing it last night, then i wouldn't have known. See you around. Or maybe never. Take care Dara." He smiled again before exiting out of the store. Dara just watched him go, her brows furrowed. It's Donghae's birthday next week? A buzz from her cellphone interrupted her thoughts and she took it out, reading the message.

I'm here at CSW. Where are you?

She sent a reply. Meet me in the cafeteria.

Donghae came in after Dara is already stirring her noodles. Donghae sat in the chair in front of her. "You're already eating?"

Dara tapped the ramen she bought for Donghae. "Yep. This is my treat."

Donghae scowled. "Ramen is your treat? Wow, i feel so honored."

"Shut up and just eat," Dara commanded.

Donghae just smirked before taking his chopsticks and opening his bowl of ramen. Dara glanced at him wondering if she should tell him she saw Rick but decided against it. He looks like he's in a good mood and she doesn't want to ruin that. She settled on one subject she wanted to ask him anyway.

"So... it's your birthday next week?"

Donghae blew out the noddles before stuffing them in his mouth. "Yep."

Dara just made a face at him wanting to ask him why he didn't tell her. And she had to know about it from the person he wanred her to stay away from.

Donghae paused then looked up at her. "This... ramen is not your gift is it?"

"No." Then tapped the water bottle. "My gift is the ramen and the water."

Donghae scowled. "You're such a penny pincher." But he continued eating it anyway.

"What's up with your family anyway? It's like one celebration after another. Don't you get tired?"

"My grandmother loves to celebrate any event," Donghae said. "Let's just say that... my grandma want to celebrate everything like it was her last because she was afraid she can no longer be around much longer." A look of sadness settled on his eyes. "And we try to please her as much as we can."

"But she's really healthy," Dara said.

"She is," Donghae agreed. "But you can never tell, right?" He smiled though there was a faint of sadness at the thought of what the future will inevitably bring to his grandmother.

Dara smiled trying to cheer him up. She never should've brought that subject up. "Where are you celebrating your birthday then?"

"I don't know," Donghae said. "Somewhere, maybe just with the family."

Oh, okay. That means she's out. She sipped the soup of her noddles. Well at least she needs to get him something on his birthday. She wanted to ask him what he wanted but it will sound so unlike her. And besides, she wanted to give it to him while looking like she did it only at the last minute. Asking him about it will probably make him list out all the thinngs she probably couldn't afford.

"And friends too," Donghae added. "Since you've become close to one, then i guess i don't have any other choice but to invite you."

Dara glared at him. "Who says i want to be invited?"

Donghae just chuckled and took the bottled water. "Make sure you come with a gift. And i want it wrapped."

Dara just wryly looked at him grinning at her. His phone rang and he picked it up. Dara took a swig off her water bottle her mind already thinking of what to give him. Just what the heck is he fond of anyway? Well, she's got a week to think about it but she might as well start to look for it anyway. She would consider it as a thank you gift as well. Because she really does consider Donghae as close to one of her friends.

Donghae hit the end button of his phone. "Crap, i had an urgent meeting today. I'll just pick you up later tonight, okay?"

"No, don't bother. I had... some things to do..." Dara said.

"Like what?" Donghae said.

"Like... you know... girly things...." She said in a small voice.

"Girly things? Since when do you do girly things?"

Dara glared at him. "Since when do i give you the impression to question me? I'm the master around here in case you forgot."

"Right," Donghae said and Dara wanted to punch the smirk off his face. He stood up. "Well, call you later then, master."

Dara made a face at him before she remembered something. "Ya!" He turned to look at her. "Where's the guys' phone numbers?" They were the perfect bunch to ask what she could get as a gift for a guy.

"What guys?"

"My gang? The models?"

Donghae narrowed his eyes at her. "Is that girly thing you're going to do got to do with them?"

"Pretty much," Dara answered.

"Then i don't have it," Donghae answered curtly before turning to walk away. Dara just scowled after him. What an ass. She sighed. She guessed she's going to have to shop it for herself.

She went to the nearest mall after her shift that night looking in different stores, even asking one of the attendant what to give for a boyfriend while she felt her face flaming. They pointed her to different things and she had to graciously declined as they are either way too expensive or way too not Donghae's style. Maybe she could buy him a book but he doesn't strike her a bookworm type. Or she could call Jaejoong to ask him what Donghae is fond of but that would mean bothering him over something as simple as getting a gift. She had never bought a gift to anybody before so this is a little new to her. She had always thought it would be so easy like picking up anything and wrapping it up but getting something to give someone you care about is a little harder than that. She froze at where her thoughts were heading. She cares about Donghae? She shook her head. No, this is probably just some kind of gratitude feeling or something. Well... she might care about Donghae but only because he took care of her mother. That would bring any daughter to soften against any guy. She nodded at her own explanation. Yes, maybe that's the reason why she's beginning to care about him.

Feeling exhausted by going through different stores for three hours now, she went inside a milk tea store and ordered a milk shake, pulled out a stool and sat on the bar near the glass window. She pulled out her phone and went on facebook trying to search for the guys' page wondering if she could send them a message to meet her here but she found none. Only fan pages and it was only then she realized that they were actually popular models now. They should not be seen hanging around with a girl like her. She sighed sipping her milk shake.

"Are you following me?"

She turned her head and met Rick's eye who was smiling at her. His eyes were sort of bloodshot and the dark circles are a lot more pronounced now. Wow, he must be really tired.

"No," Dara answered, her humor already leaving her. "What are you doing here?"

Rick's smile faded a little, taking note of her sour mood. "I'm just having dinner with my girlfriend when she decided she wanted some milk shake." He pointed over to where a very tall, foreign girl is ordering on the counter. "What about you? Why're you here alone?"

Dara sighed ignoring the warning bells that suddenly tolled inside her head at his question on why she was alone? How did he know that? She could be sitting in her and waiting for someone. But anyone would've guessed that she was alone seeing how long she had been sitting here morosely.

"I was shopping..." Dara said deciding to tell him. Maybe he knew what she could get for Donghae but before she could ask him, the girl bounded over to him hugging Rick in the middle.

"Heeeyy," she said in a singsongy voice.

"Hey baby," Rick said. "Meet Dara, my cousin's girlfriend. Dara, Zena."

They exchanged courtesies before Rick prodded her again. "So, you're shopping?"

Dara nodded. "You don't happen to know what Donghae wants for his birthday, do you?"

Rick just looked at her in surprise then burst out laughing. "You're shopping for a birthday gift? Isn't that a little too early?"

"it's best to get a headstart," Dara said.

Rick still chukcling gave the matter a serious thought. "Hmmm... From what i know, Donghae has always been fond of miniature superheroes."


"He collects them. He's got about a shelf full of them in his room, i think."

Dara rolled her tongue on the inside of her cheek. Huh. She had never even pegged him as a collector of some sort.

Rick smiled at her. "Look, don't overthink too much. I think he would be pleased on whatever you can get him."

Dara studied him. Why did Donghae hate him. He seems like a really nice guy. "Why is Donghae mad at you?" She asked before she can stop herself.

Rick looked surpised at her sudden question. After a couple of minutes studying her face, he turned to Zena and asked her if she could sit on the table and wait for him. He pulled out a stool beside her and looked out the window. "It was so log ago but i can still remember it like it just happened yesterday." He looked at her. "You sure you want to hear it? It's a really long story."

Dara shrugged. "Sure. I'm really curious anyway."

Rick sighed but a look of determination settled on his face. "I'm not going to ask you to believe me but... What i am is some kind of criminal tainting the family's name. At least that's what the family thinks of me.

It was all just a matter of misunderstanding but... i don't see any point of trying to clear it anymore because they already thought the worst of me. They had never listened in the first place anyway."

He sighed and he continued, "You see, there was... this freshman girl... who seems to always follow Donghae's group around. She was annoying but... i think they already grew fond of her. I already forgot her name. She looks really... Innoncent. Pretty... But I already met that girl before she graduated high school. She was the sister of one of my frat brothers. And behind that innocence... she was really... disturbed. I don't know. I don't know why they can't see that. She has this... tendency to be... really obsessive about something and at that point... her target was Donghae. But Donghae always treat him like a sister and it infuriated her. She was always smiling but when she comes home, while we were in the basement, we could hear her yelling, glasses splintering... it was a total mess. Her bother already gave up on her. I think her parents did too and just let her do whatever she wants. When she found out i was Donghae's cousin or distant relation... she suddenly latched onto me... asking me questions about him. What he wants to eat... what he does... his hobby.... And when she saw she's not getting anywhere, she started to come all over me. Brushing my thighs, those hints..." He shook his head. "I was stupid. I was a guy so of course i..." He waved his hand and Dara didn't need his words to know what happened. "Nobody knew we were getting it on. Not even his brother. And it was my mistake. I shouldn't have listened to her when she told me to keep it a secret. Then it was... one night, she invited me home... she said her parents are at some party, her brother... well her brother is with me. We were at the dorm but i told him i need to get home for something and i went to their house. And then... she just knocked me out. Like literally. I think she hit me with a vase or something. Next thing i know, i woke up and the police are swarming around me. Donghae was there, her brother was there... They were cursing at me and i have no idea. Until i looked over at her. She was... bloody and banged up. She was tied on the post of the bed, her eyes were all... blood, her head was blood... and i have no idea why. I don't know what she did to herself but Donghae came to her and comforted her and that's when it hit me. She did it for Donghae. She did it to get his attention. And i was just some... fool who she can use to get that. God, i was so stupid."

Dara just watched him recall what happened, her heart going out to him.

"For weeks while i was held in prison, i tried to tell them i didn't do it. Over and over and over but... they said i raped her, beaten her, gagged her... god, i don't even know what else they accused me of and i just... gave up. They wouldn't listen to me anyway. I had been telling them her brother knew how messed up she is but... even her brother is accusing me and i realized he was doing it to protect his sister. They don't want the public to know they have a mental daughter so it's better to sacrifice someone to become the public fodder. And i knew nothing's going to change. I have nothing to prove i didn't do it. Suddenly all these proofs are surfacing. Like i was on drugs... They would believe what they want to believe anyway. My grandma was the only one who listened to me and... she worked on setting me free. But the condition of their family was that i would be exiled in LA. Imprisoned in a rehab. They said their daughter was traumatized and..." He shrugged again. "I just agreed to it. Anything to get out."

"You were in a rehab?"

"I got out a year ago. For good behaviour. I guess. And i just came here to sign documents which would permanently expunge my nationality. As of tomorrow, i would be an american citizen." He smiled in pain.

"Oh," Dara said.

"It's all for the better anyway. I think my life got better in the US." He smiled. "Listen, if you're really wanting to give Donghae something, i've got about a limited edition of miniature avengers i got stashed."

Dara narrowed her eyes at him at his sudden offer and Rick laughed.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't actually giving it to you for free. I really needed the money. So if you wanted that, i could sell it to you. With a discount of course."

"How much?" Dara asked after a moment. She calculated how much money she got left after Rick told her the amount. Yes, she thinks she can squeeze that in her budget. Althought that could take her back a couple of lunches and dinnners.

"Okay, i'll take that," Dara agreed.

"Cool," Rick said. "Thank you! And please, don't tell anyone what i told you. As far as i know and everyone's concerns, it's all over so...let's not drudge up the past okay?"

"Okay," Dara said rolling her eyes.

Rick agreed to meet her at the exact place at around 1 in the afternoon to bring her the miniatures and Dara gave him half of the price with the full amount upon his delivery tomorrow. Rick gave her his number and thanked her again and called for Zena, both of them waving and smiling as they exited the store. Dara watched him go feeling sorry for him. Poor guy. Victim of cruel fate. Maybe she needs to let Donghae know what really happened or... maybe she shouldn't stuck her business on something she's not even a part of. She sipped the remains of her milk tea before standing up, her mind at ease now that she finally found Donghae a gift. A wry smile appeared on her lips. Geez, Donghae fond of playing with little toys? Who whould've guessed?

Dara checked her watch and looked out at the glass window as she waited for Rick to come as they had agreed on last night. She only had an hour break and Mr. Kraz would probably feed her to the sharks if she overbreaks again. So far, Rick was late for about 25 minutes now. Her phone rang and she answered the unknown number all the while cursing that her battery's already at 5 percent. She forgot to charge it last night.


"Dara? Is this you?" A woman asked.

"Uh... yeah, who's this?"

"It's Zena,"the girl answered. "Rick's girlfriend? Anyway, Rick hasn't come in yet and we're supposed to meet you there. He got holed up in a meeting with the lawyers about his nationality change or something and he told me to let you know he would be late but for how long he can't tell. We're about to leave for LA tonight and he's worried we might not have enough time to get you these toys. I mean, i could get these over to you but i don't think i even had time to pack. I'm so sorry!"

Oh crap.

"But... i would be really thankful if you can drop by here at the hotel and get it. Please! Rick wouldn't be too pleased to know you went in here to get it yourself so please don't tell him. Okay?"

Dara sighed as Zena rattled on uninterruptedly. She checked her watch. Okay, maybe she could take Mr. Kraz' s hell for today. If only to get that stupid toys. Which she already paid for anyway!

"Okay, which hotel are you in?" She asked in resignation.

Zena rattled off the address and the room she is in and Dara took a cab thinking it would be the quickest way to get there quickly. The hotel was far off the main town but it looks way too expensive for someone who needed the money. She paid the cab before entering the building. She buzzed on the doorbell when she reached the floor. The door opened and Dara was surprised to see Rick behind it.

"Rick? I thought you were out?"

Rick smiled at her. "I just arrived and Zena told me you were coming. Come in."

Dara blinked, the warning bells tolling inside her head again as she studied Rick smiling kindly at her. She's getting paranoid. Zena would be here anyway and it's not like something is gonna happen to her. She took a step and went in. Rick closed the door behind her.

"i'll get it. I'll just be minute."

Dara watched as Rick entered another room, closing it behind her. She looked around. It was just a regular sized room. The bed was in the middle of the room, the TV on the wall in front of it, a couch near the window.

Too clean.

It was way too clean. Panic suddenly rearing up inside her, she looked around. No sign of any feminine utensils, like a brush, or a powder, or make up. The bed looked like it hasn't been slept in. It was too immaculately clean. And the smell. Air freshener. The curtains were unruffled. Not a cloth or a shirt on sight. Eveything was still in a place.

Like it would have been to be ready for a new guest.

Her hand automatically went to grope on the knob to get out of here. She doesn't know why, but Donghae's words rang in her ears. Stay away from him. Fuck the toys and fuck the money. Or not. She would get it later. Probably tell Donghae about everything and asked him to help her get her money back. She pulled the knob but the door stayed closed. She looked at it and realized it was an electronic door. She need a key to get it to open. She stepped back now breathing in panic. Shit shit shit. This is bad. Really bad. She spun around looking for anything to use as a weapon in case she does need it, half hoping that Rick would appear with the box of miniature toys like he had promised. And wouldn't that be a laugh if he found her with a bat in her hand or something. Except that there is nothing to hold except a lamp shade on the bedside table.

Okay, this is just a misunderstanding. She's overreacting. But her hand, pulled out heer phone from her pocket and dialled a number, praying her battery would be able to make even just one call. It was alreay on 1%. Her hands were steady but she can feel her body shaking with sudden fear for the unknown no matter how much she tried to stop it.

"Dara?" Donghae answered after three rings.

"Donghae? I'm sorry, i don't know if i'm overreacting but i feel uneasy. Rick told me about all these miniature toys... avengers something and i bought it-"

"Rick?" Donghae said.

"-and now i'm at his hotel room and i can't get the door open and i'm really panicking right now and i don't know-" Toot toot. "-why i believed him but maybe i'm just paranoid like you are but i'm at The Crown Hotel. You can scold me later but i would be really glad to see you now. Donghae?" No answer. She looked at her phone, already dead. Shit! She put the phone back in her bag. She didn't know how much Donghae was able to get until her phone died on her. Okay, calm down. Breathe in breathe out. She put her feet together and inhaled trying to get as much calmness as possible. She's a fighter. She knows how to punch. She knows how to box. Although she didn't know if she's still good at it. Fear isn't really something she's familiar with and it doesn't come to her that often but why it chose that moment only made her more panicked than she already is. She tried to tell herself she might really be overreacting. Like Donghae. So she just needs to calm down. And besides, no matter how buff Rick is, she's pretty sure she could take him. Or maybe injure him until she found the key. Either way, she knows how to take care of herself so there's no need to panic. If she's going to go down, then she's gonna take him with her. She looked around the room. The closed space only made her feel trapped. But if Rick would come out with the toys, she would fall down on her knees and beg his forgiveness.

The door opened from where Rick disappeared to and Dara looked up. She made a small gasp before inadvertently stepping back feeling thw door behind her, the fear now she knew reflected on her eyes.

Rick stood there with a naked torso, only wearing the cargo pants and a towel hanging on his shoulder. A strong smell of smoke and a foul odor is emanating from him. But what made Dara stepped back on is the look on his eyes. The whites of his eyes were more red than it had been last night and it was looking back at her. An evil smirk on his face. The guy who gave her a kind smile last night was gone. And Dara was sure that this is not something she should take lightly. She realized that Donghae was right. I should've stayed away from him.


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