The Joker's New Toy { Wattys...

By Beautiful_slut

591K 7.5K 2.3K

What happens when The Joker kidnaps Jim Gordon's daughter as part of his new evil plan? (sadly there is no Ha... More

Authers Note!!!
A Big Mistake Was Made
Teaching Submission
Getting Let Off The Leash
Can We Go Out And Play?
Play Time At The Mall
Spoiled Fun
Flying Rodents And Psychological Torment
Emma Napier
It Only Takes One Bad Day
In The Clutches Of A Schizoid
Hair Trigger Between Sanity and Madness
His Own Worst Enemy
Misery Does Love Companionship
Third Murders A Charm
Braking His Bunny
Celebrating Insanity
Found Memories
The Joker's Disciples
Rat In The House
His Little Harlequin
Her Clown Lover
Unpleasant Surprise
One Big Happy Family
Day At The Museum
A Deal Gone Wrong
Stacy's Discovery
Coming Down
Home Sweet Home
Authors Note

Young Love

16.9K 224 54
By Beautiful_slut

                 To answer some questions before they are asked, yes I know Gordon's daughter in the comics is named Barbara and Barb is also Batgirl. Stacey isn't batgirl, she's just an OC. I decided to make the female character an OC, just so I can do more with her without her being at risk of being out of character. This is Nolan's universe so in my head, batgirl, robin, and many other characters don't exist. If you want, you can imagine that Stacey's little sister is Barbara and hasn't become Batgirl yet. For those of you who read "The killing Joke" you know that the Joker does something a lot worse to Barbara in that comic than my Joker does to Stacey. Also, yes it does seem that he spanks her in every chapter LOL. I am going to try and spread that out a little bit, *but* I also have this story on , and they want me to put smut in every chapter. And sorry, there is more smut in this chapter LOL. Anyway enjoy and please review more, all you lurkers! LOL.


The Joker ripped Stacey away from the closet and threw her on the bed. Stacey instinctively launched herself off of the bed and scrambled away from the Joker's reach. It was a survival maneuver, for right now he looked like an angry dragon about to attack, and Stacey could almost envision fire blowing out of his nostrils. She stumbled sideways but he advanced on her and backed her against the wall.

He slammed his hand against the wall and pinned her to the corner with his body. He grabbed her chin with his other hand and squeezed her face, forcing her to look up into his infuriated eyes. "I'm sorry, sorry it was an accident! I was just curious." Stacey pleaded in muffled words, as he was squeezing her cheeks rather hard, forcing her lips to pucker outwards.

"Oooh little bunny. Hasn't anyone ever told you curiosity killed the cat? If that's so, what happened to the curious little bunny hmm?" The Joker growled viciously.

Stacey's heart filled with a sudden and fleeting burst of valor as the next question escaped her lips. "Did you love her?" She asked.

The Joker licked his lips, taken aback by the question. Stacey saw the expression on his face. His makeup was worn from the day, messy and in desperate need of revamping. Stacey could see the man underneath, and the details of his protruding scars. "How did you really get those scars?" Stacey asked, shocking herself with her own question. Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know where this sudden courage was coming from, but she had a sudden rupture of it in her gut.

The Joker growled, and Stacey expected that he was going to drag her back to the bed, pin her over his lap and wallop her to where she was within an inch of her life. But he did something that frightened her even more. He reached into his pocket and abruptly whipped out his knife. He brought it up to her cheek and Stacey's breathing quickened as her face shivered in his grasp, her eyes growing wide at the sight of his knife. He had never pulled a knife on her before. She knew she had struck a nerve.

His teeth were clenched together so tightly in her face, Stacey almost swore she could hear them cracking from the force. "So," The Joker said nastily. "You wanna know how I really got my scars huh? Do you little bunny? Dan-ger-ous-ly curious little bunnies may find themselves with their lit-tle heads being ripped off by the fox's teeth," The Joker spoke in a malicious tone, almost as if the devil himself had possessed him and was using his voice to speak.

"How did you get them?" Stacey asked again, wondering when this sudden burst of bravery would pass and when she'd turn back into a whimpering coward begging at his feet.

The Joker patted her cheek gently with the side of the knife. Stacey stood still, too scared to make any sudden moves. She didn't think he'd really use it on her, but he was still unpredictable so she could never be too careful. She prayed he would remove it from her face. She had a phobia for sharp objects.

The Joker glared at her for a moment. "Now when I was a kid, about eight or nine, my parents used to make me walk to school everyday," The Joker began. "One day, as I was walking to school, I heard the 'Greensleaves' melody in the distance. I turned, and I noticed an ice cream truck parked outside of the school, with a friendly looking man dressed as a clown sitting in the driver's seat," The Joker spoke solemnly.

"He blew a clown whistle, and motioned for me to come to the van and get some ice cream before school. Against my better judgment, I complied. No kid can resist ice cream right?" The Joker jerked Stacey's face, and she nodded frantically in agreement. "So," the Joker continued. "The nice clown says to me 'why hello there son. Care for some ice cream? I've got the best in the back. You look like such a nice lad that I'll give you a cone for free, or how's about a free Big Stick? I'm fully stocked.'" The Joker lowered his tone drastically when he spoke in the clown's voice. "So like a dummy, I climb into the back of his ice cream truck, where he kept the freezers. Making sure no one is around, he slams the sliding door shut quickly, and he turns to me with an evil gleam in his eye. He viciously grabs at my arm, and kicks open one of the freezers. He throws me in and slams it shut. I'm locked inside," The Joker licked his lips.

"That's when I notice that there was no ice cream in this freezer. As I'm lying in the ice I turn my head, and all around me, stuffed together in this large icebox, are frozen body parts, hacked up and preserved. Frozen lit-tle heads of children and lit-tle fingers and lit-tle legs and other parts all neatly packed together around me and underneath my back. I let out a chilling cry and pound at the freezer lid. No one can hear my screams. That's when I feel the truck moving. I'm thrown around inside the icebox with dead mutilated children, all the while freezing my eight year old butt off," The Joker continued.

Stacey watched him attentively. "So he drives me to the outskirts, and my air is slowly declining. I can't breath. Up in the forest somewhere, where no one could save me, he finally pulls me out of the freezer. I'm frozen stiff and my skin is blue. Holding a knife, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and shoves me to the floor on my knees. I hear him unzip his pants behind me. 'Now for your free ice cream my lad. How's about a nice big stick?' He laughed maliciously behind me."

"Knowing I was amidst a child murdering rapist, I fight and kick with every ounce of strength I have. Putting all of his fat grotesque weight on top of me, he takes the blade and says 'Oh my dear boy, you really should smile when someone offers you a free big stick!'" the Joker licked his lips. "So he takes the blade and slowly, and painfully slits my cheeks, giving me my love-ly smile. Tears in my eyes I'm now bleeding profusely, and he starts to lick the blood off of my cheek. I didn't like that. Not. One. Bit," the Joker paused and sneered.

"That's when I turned and I noticed his toys lying around the floor of the truck. Hacksaws and machetes and knives and other sharp goodies. As luck was bestowed upon me, I manage to reach an ice pick that's lying near me, and as he attempts to rape me I furiously jab the ice pick right into his eye socket," the Joker tapped Stacey's cheek with his blade once more, and snickered coldly. "He screams and jerks away from me. I'm not a completely stupid kid, so I know I gotta keep my weapon handy right? I rip the ice pick back out of his eye socket, and deciding that his face should match, I ram it into his other eyeball."

"Blinded and stumbling and screaming about the truck, his 'big stick' now limp and flopping about pathetically, I take one of his hacksaws and remove his 'big stick' and throw it into the freezer where it belongs," the Joker spoke earnestly. "With no eyes, and no big stick, the pitiable creature is writhing about on the floor of the truck, spluttering like a wounded puppy. I stayed there and watched him bleed to death. I had a smile on my face the entire time."

The Joker glared at Stacey acutely, searching for an uneasy reaction. "Tha-that's a terrible story. Really horrible," Stacey sputtered nervously. "And I must say, it sounded like he deserved it. But I can't help but notice how your scars healed. I remember reading once, that children's scars heal more..." Stacey stopped herself for a moment, and swallowed hard at the look the Joker was giving her. Still she continued. "Na...not that I'm saying your scars are horrible. They aren't! I don't even know why you chose to cover them up with makeup. I mean, they really aren't that bad. But....but I mean the way they seemed to have healed. I da..don't see how you could have gotten them as a chi..."

"Quit your sputtering little girl!" The Joker snapped, causing Stacey to flinch.

"Sa..sorry," Stacey stuttered.

"Are you calling me a liar?" The Joker licked his lips and leaned his face closer to hers to where their noses were almost touching.

"Na-na-no! Of course not!" Stacey muttered timidly. "I mean I'm sure however you got those scares was quite a painful memory. But I have reason to believe that you got them as an adult, or at least a teenager." Inside Stacey was yelling at herself and calling herself nuts for challenging him. She would surely pay for it. Was she dense? " father told me that what you have is a Glasgow smile. He told me it's something rival gangs might do to each other. Is that true?" Stacey asked apprehensively, feeling as though she were about to swallow her tongue.

The Joker glared at her intensely. "Oh he did, did he? Dear old dad thinks he knows me that well does he? Telling his little princess about Glasgow smiles," The Joker clicked his tongue. "What a thing to be telling a little girl about. Did he share the details with you my dear?"

"Juh-just that it originated in Scotland and that it's something gangs do to each other," Stacey stuttered.

"Very good princess. Who would of thought that a Glasgow smile would have originated in Glasgow, Scotland? Oh you're ever so smart," The Joker mocked her. "Yes, the Glasgow mafia used to use it as a torture method. Nowadays they stick a credit card in the victims mouth, then slice two one inch incisions in each corner of the mouth. Then further pain is inflicted upon the victim until they scream, causing the incisions to rip further along the sides of the face towards the ears," The Joker licked his lips. "Are you saying my scars are horrendous enough to be a Glasgow smile little bunny?" His eyes narrowed.

"Not horrendous!" Stacey countered very quickly. "No, no not at all! I'm just curious. It must have been such a traumatic experience for you. That's why you're always changing your story, am I right?" Stacey inwardly kicked herself again. "I mean did it have anything to do with that girl? You loved her didn't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have..."

The Joker suddenly growled and slammed his knife into the wall with a hard and heated force, inches away from Stacey's face. Stacey squeaked. The Joker let go of the handle, and it rattled from the impact. He left the knife sticking into the wall by Stacey's head. He pressed his nose firmly against hers. "Sa..sorry, I didn't mean to upset you! Sorry I..." Stacey began to plead.

The Joker scoffed in her face, then tore himself away from her. He turned around and stomped to the other side of the room. He grabbed one of the stuffed rabbits off of one of the shelves and ripped it's head off, then proceeded to tear out it's stuffing all the while growling like a mad pit bull. He shook it and ripped it to bits, venting his anger. When he seemed to be satisfied that it was destroyed enough, he threw the remains on the floor then lowered his head and leaned it against the vanity mirror. He rested his face in his hands.

Stacey stood behind him, shakily twiddling her thumbs and feeling both anxious and awkward. For a moment there was silence, as the Joker had his back turned to her and seemed to be in deep thought. Stacey glanced at the knife in the wall. She wouldn't dare think about it. She had already learned her lesson from before. She found herself slowly walking over to the Joker. "I..I'm sorry. I know something horrible must have happened to you. M..maybe if you told someone about it you would feel...better?" Stacey suddenly felt like a very naïve psychiatrist.

The Joker raised his head and looked at her in the mirror as she stood behind him. He glared at her unpleasantly. He abruptly twirled around and Stacey shivered in his gaze. "So," the Joker began to saunter towards her, resulting in Stacey taking a few steps backwards. "You think there's a reason why I'm such a monster hmm? You think somewhere deep within my abused and twisted soul that there might be a spark of good that's somehow redeemable? That something had to have happened to me to make me this way, for what normal decent human being could morph into something so vile that is this?"

"I....uh...I.." Stacey choked as she backed away from him.

"You spoiled little brat!" the Joker spat. "You've never experienced real pain in your life have you? You've never had to struggle, have you? Raised by a cop whose now the commissioner. Mommy and daddy happily married. No fighting. White picket fence. Parents paid for you to go to a nice college, and helping you pay your rent. Bought you a new car didn't they? You were all one big happy family right? What a nice sickening happy go lucky little bubble they've kept you in. I'll bet you've never experienced any real disruptions in your little world until you met me have you?" The Joker gave a mock laugh.

"I was just trying to help. Seriously. Please..." Stacey rambled.

The Joker picked her up and threw her on the bed. He climbed on top of her, and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and causing her to scrunch her face in pain. "If I find you tampered with any of my belongings..." The Joker began, hissing in her face.

"No, no, I was just looking! Please, I didn't even know what was in there," cried Stacey. Tampered with his belongings? She had no idea an old shriveled up rose and two old photos could mean so much to him.

The Joker snorted in her face, and picked himself up off of her. "Don't move," he ordered, pointing a finger dangerously at her. He turned his attention back to the closet, and kneeled in front of the open toy treasure chest. For a long moment, he just stood there staring down at it. Stacey noticed the room becoming deathly silent again, and she sat herself up on the bed and watched him anxiously from behind.

The Joker slowly and gently picked up the preserved rose in his fingers. It was squashed and shriveled up between the plastic and if it were exposed to air, or if someone handled it the wrong way, it would probably turn to dust. As he held it in his fingers, his eyes remained cold and callous, but his expression somewhat softened as if deep within his blackened soul, a normal human emotion was dying to come out.


Eight Years earlier...

A young couple pulled up in front of a modest little apartment complex in downtown Gotham. Both giggling, the young man helped the girl out of the taxi. She squealed as he playfully picked her up in his arms. They couldn't contain their laughter as he stumbled up the steps, and struggled to open the door to their new apartment while still holding her in his arms. "Jack," the girl laughed. "Why don't you just put me down first and then open the door?"

"No, no, no," Jack said with a determined voice. "A husband is supposed to carry his new wife over the threshold!"

"Oh but Jack, we already got married two weeks ago!" The girl giggled.

"Emma, Emma, Emma," Jack clicked his tongue. "This is our new home, and you're my new bride, so please let me do my job!"

Emma giggled as Jack was finally able to open the door. He flung it open to reveal a tiny, one bedroom apartment, with an extremely tiny kitchen that looked like it could only fit one person in it. "Welcome to your new home my lovely little wife," Jack sighed. "Oh Emma. I really wish I could give you a real home. With a yard and two puppies, and flowers and sprinklers and a white picket fence and all that home and garden jazz." Jack frowned as he scoured the apartment with his eyes, thinking it looked quite pathetic.

"Oh Jack," Emma said in a soothing voice, and she kissed him on the cheek as her arms were wrapped lovingly around his neck. "I'd be happy living in a worn out box in the alley, as long as we're together," She purred.

"Oh yes I'm sure your parents would love me even more then," Jack chuckled, and he gently set Emma down on her feet.

"Oh Jack. I know my parents can be difficult. But you have to understand. They're just over protective and they think you're stealing their little girl away from them. I'm sure they'll come around eventually," Emma stroked his back.

"Are you kidding? They hate me. I wouldn't be surprised if they hired a hit man to come after me. So uh, be careful opening up the door to any strangers," Jack snickered.

"Oh Jack don't be ridiculous!" Emma giggled. "Just give it time. They're just stubborn, is all."

Jack glared down at her, and playfully tussled her hair. "Well, now I know where your stubbornness comes from," he grinned.

"Hey!" Emma playfully punched him in the arm.

Jack chortled. "Ok baby doll. We better start unpacking," He said, letting go of Emma and beginning to fiddle with the suitcases.

Emma stuck her lips out in a playful pout. "Aw Jack, can't it wait? We just got here and I'm exhausted from the drive," she whined. "Look, the place came with a bed," She purred in a seductive voice and pointed to the bed in the tiny little bedroom.

"Yes I know," Said Jack. "That way, we don't have to buy a new one. It said it came with a bed in the brochure. But we don't know where that things been and I'd like to throw sheets on it first. So come on baby doll and help me unpack."

"But Jack!" Emma whined.

"No buts Emma," Jack said sternly. "Move your little tush and help me. We have to get moved in here." He ordered her.

Emma crossed her arms in a huff, and a mischievous smile crossed her lips. "It's not like we have much to unpack. You do it yourself. I'm going to lye down," Emma giggled and started walking towards the bedroom.

"Emma," Jack said warningly. "Get back here."

Emma felt a sudden ache 'down there.' She loved it when he tried to be all 'strict' with her. It was irresistibly adorable. She turned and looked at him. He tried to make a serious face at her, but it was no use. His face was still so kissable and handsome with his puppy dog eyes and adorably messy golden brown hair. Emma merely stuck her tongue out him. "No," she said flatly.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Do you really want to defy me little girl?" Jack said seriously, trying to keep himself from smiling. He knew she was trying to play a little game with him. But they still had to unpack first. Jack sighed. "Emma seriously now. Let's get this over with."

Emma let out an exasperated sigh and threw her arms down dramatically. "Fine." She stomped over to the suitcases like an irritated child and began to fiddle with them.

"Good girl," Jack snickered, and turned his attention back to unpacking.

"Ooooh Jaaaack," Emma called in a sing-song voice. Jack turned his head, only to get walloped in the face by a large Pillow. "Makeup!" Emma giggled hysterically and whacked him in the head with the pillow again.

"Emma-oof! Stop this-ack! Nonsense right now!" Jack ordered as she was walloping him continuously with the pillow that she had pulled out of one of her suitcases. He couldn't hold back the smile that was now plastered on his face, but he still attempted to keep his stern demeanor. "Emma Napier are you trying to earn a trip across my knee?"

Emma couldn't stop her giggle fits. "Oooh you're gonna spank me big boy? You don't have the balls!" Emma chortled and pummeled him with the pillow again as he was kneeling down by his suitcase.

"Oh that does it!" Jack abruptly stood up, and towered over her. "You're gonna get it now!"

Emma squealed and threw the pillow at him, then ran towards the bedroom. Jack let out a manly roar and before Emma could even reach the doorway of the bedroom, she felt herself being easily scooped up by two strong arms. "Gotchya, ya little scamp." Jack snickered in her ear.

Emma giggled and kicked her petite legs as Jack carried her over to the bed. He sat down on the bare mattress and sat her on his lap. He brushed a strand of dirty blond hair out of her eyes, and tried to appear as strict as possible. "You do know that I'm gonna bare your little bottom for this spanking, don't you little girl?" Said Jack, trying to sound as strict as possible.

Emma bit her lip, fighting back her enormous grin. "Oh, Jack, please don't spank me. I promise I'll be a good girl."

"Ha! That'll be the day," Said Jack. "And don't you 'oh Jack' me. You're not gonna manipulate me anymore you little brat." With that, Jack flipped Emma over and laid her across his lap. Emma was already unbelievably wet when he started stroking her skirted bottom. He ran his hands up underneath her shirt, and then back down over her bottom again, and trailing down over her bare legs. Emma's breathing was already growing heavy. Jack smiled knowingly as his little angel was already fidgeting over his lap in anticipation.

He slid his fingers back up her legs and then slowly pulled up her skirt, revealing her white cotton panties underneath. He gave her bottom a firm pat, causing Emma to suck in her breath. He chuckled. Then slipping his fingers into the waistband of her panties, he slowly peeled them down, unveiling two pale globes underneath. He noticed she was drenched as he pulled her panties off of her pussy. Emma gasped as she felt the cool air of the room blowing against her exposed vagina, as Jack slid her panties down to her knees.

Jack rubbed her bottom for a moment. "Emma, Emma, Emma, what am I going to do with you, hmm?" Jack scolded and patted her bottom. "I'm glad I married you. You need a firm hand." He snickered and began slapping each cheek at a time at a steady rhythm. Emma panted heavily, and lifted her bottom in anticipation for his swats. Jack grinned like a Cheshire cat. He knew she loved it, and so he loved it too.

"Ooooh, ow, stop, it hurts," Emma playfully pleaded in a nonchalant voice. She playfully teased him. Jack decided he wasn't spanking her hard enough so he gave her a hard smack, the sound echoing off the walls. "Ouch! Jack, that one hurt!"

Jack chuckled. "It's supposed to hurt little girl."

When her bottom reached a healthy shade of pink, Jack stopped and rubbed her bottom in circles. "Now Emma, I hope you know I know do this because I love you." He slapped her bottom again. "Now are you going to be a good girl?"

"Yeessss," Emma managed to get out with a groan.

"Good," Said Jack, with a satisfied smile. He helped the sweaty aroused girl up off of his lap. "Now I hope you learned you lesson little gir..."

Jack was cut off when Emma forcefully pressed her mouth against his, invading his mouth with her tongue. She ran her fingers through his thick golden brown hair and pulled his head closer, smashing her face into his. Jack nearly fell backwards from the sudden overwhelming passion. He pulled his lips away from Emma for a moment, and caught his breath. "Wow," he panted, his cheeks now flushed. Emma gave him a catlike leer.

Jack leered back at her. "You naughty, sexy little vixen," He grinned. "C'mere!" He pulled her back to his mouth, and kissed her roughly. Emma's hands reached for the zipper of his jeans and she began to fiddle with it. Jack helped her undo his pants, pulling out his erect member. Emma stroked it lovingly, and Jack pulled off the rest of her clothes.

Soon all of their clothes lay in a heap on the floor, and the two lovers were naked, bodies intertwined on the bare mattress. Emma was lying on top of Jack's hard body, her little hands trailing over his smooth chest. Emma kissed Jack lovingly on the lips as Jack very lightly trailed his fingers over her back and bottom. Emma felt his erect penis poking her from behind, her own wetness dripping onto his penis head.

Then Jack entered her, and Emma moaned, pushing herself up, letting Jack's penis slide all the way inside of her. She began bouncing up and down on his hips at a steady pace, and Jack admired her nicely shaped breasts as they bounced before his eyes. With a growl, he squeezed her breasts as Emma rode her handsome stallion.

Jack let her have 'control' for a while, until his testosterone kicked in. With a manly growl, he picked little Emma up off of his penis and spun her around to where she was on her back. He slammed her on her back and then entered her again, taking control and pounding her hard and fast. Emma groaned in ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and Jack slammed his lips onto hers. Emma could barely take it as she felt his hips slamming against her clit.

Jack was always the unselfish lover, and he waited for Emma to cum first. As soon as he felt her little body shuttering beneath his masculine form, he released his fluids inside of her, and together the two lovers shared in an explosive climax.

Emma moaned as Jack gently laid his weight on top of her, panting heavily. Then he pushed himself up, and looked deep into Emma's eyes. He kissed her all over her sweaty, flushed little face and pulled his penis out of her. Then he pulled her into a loving embrace, and cradled her against his chest. As they finally caught their breath, Jack was the first to speak. "I love you my little wife. Little Emma Napier," he spoke in between pants. "And now we still have to unpack."


"Emma. Emma what's wrong? What's Jack done? I told you not to move to Gotham. A rotten mob infested city is no place for our little girl! Has Jack been taking care of you? Have you been eating? Do you need money? If you need to come home, we'll send a one way train ticket right a..."

"Mom, mom stop! Please!" Emma was crying to her mother over the phone while Jack was at an audition. It had been several weeks since they had moved into their new apartment and money was running thin. "Mom. I called because...because I need someone to talk too, so will you please listen?"

"Emma. Why are you upset?" Her mother asked over the phone.

Emma paused, and wiped her nose with a tissue. "Mom," She took a deep breath. 'I'm pregnant." There was a moment of silence. "Jack doesn't know."

"Emma," Her mother sounded slightly upset. "How could you let this happen?"

"I don't know!" Cried Emma. "I..I don't know what to do!"

"Let me talk to her!" Emma heard a masculine voice in the background. "Emma, you're coming home right now!"

"Dad? Oh damn it mom, am I on speaker phone?!"

"Your father wanted to talk to you too Emma." Said her mother.

"Does that bum have a job yet? How in the hell is he going to take care of you?" Her father growled.

"Jack's not a bum dad! And for your information he's at an audition right now!"

Her father scoffed. "Audition? What circus is that clown applying at now? You told me he tested at a genius level so why doesn't this so called genius get a real job? Why doesn't he go become a scientist or something if he's so incredibly smart?"

"Oh yeah dad, there are tons of openings for scientists in Gotham!" Emma said sarcastically. "And Jack isn't a clown dad. He's a comedic magician. And he performs because that's what he loves to do. He loves to make people smile and as his wife I'm going to stick by him!"

"Emma McKinley, please tell me how that loser is going to support you and a child with no means of income?"

"Jack is not a loser dad! And my name is Emma Napier now. Jack and I are married, and that's not gonna change! And I'm not coming home!" Emma yelled into the phone and she slammed it on the hook. She sniffled and wiped tears away from her eyes. She was sitting at the corner of their bed.

"Ahem," Emma turned around and Jack was standing in the doorway of their bedroom.

"Jack! How long have you been standing there?" Emma cried.

"Not long enough to hear anything that I haven't heard before," Jack chuckled, but there was a slightly disappointed look on his face. He sighed. "I didn't get the job." His eyebrows furrowed at her. "Sweetie. Your eyes are all puffy and red. Have you been crying?"

Emma flew off of the bed and trotted over to Jack. She threw her arms around him, and Jack responded by pulling her tightly against his chest. "Hey," Jack soothed. "Little bunny, what's wrong?"

"Jack, Jack I'm pregnant!" Emma sobbed into his chest.

Jack's stomach dropped. "Oh," He rubbed her back and swallowed hard. "Oh."

"What are we going to do?" Cried Emma.

"Emma, stop crying now. That's wonderful! It's wonderful news, really. It's gonna be okay. Shhh," He soothed into her ear.

"But...but you didn't get the job. Maybe I can get a job at a department store or something. Maybe..."

"No!" Said Jack. "No, no, no. I don't want my little pregnant wife to be stressed. I'm the man and it's my job to take care of you. And if I can't, well...then your parents are right, and I am a loser, and you should then go stay with them until I get myself straightened out."

"Jack, stop it! I'm not going anywhere! I love you and I'm staying by you, no matter what!"

Jack kissed the top of her head. "Well I certainly don't want to raise a child in this neighborhood. I have another audition tomorrow. Don't worry sweetheart. Things will get better." Jack tried to be as optimistic as possible as he cradled Emma in his arms.


The next day, Emma was trying to keep her mind off of their situation by vacuuming the floor. She hoped to God Jack would come home with better news today. She turned off the vacuum when she saw the door swing open. Jack stood in the doorway of their tiny little apartment clad in a brand new custom made elaborate purple suit. He had a large grin stretched across his face. Emma's mood brightened from the look on Jack's face.

"Jack, where did you get that new suit?" Emma asked.

"Oooh I stopped by at the tailors on the way home," smiled Jack. "After all, what kind of performer would I be if I started a new gig wearing a T shirt and jeans?"

Emma smiled and excitedly hoped over to Jack to give him a big hug. "You got the job! Where?"

Jack chuckled and stroked her hair. "I did. At 'The Mad Hatters Comedy and Magic Club.' It's a small little hole in the wall place, and it doesn't pay a ton yet, but it's a start."

"Jack, that's wonderful," Emma cooed, burying her face in his chest.

Jack pulled away from her for a moment. He did a little trick for her waving his hands around and a bouquet of daisies appeared in his hand. "Flowers for the lovely lady?" He handed them to Emma.

Emma launched her arms around him and gave him another crushing hug. Jack chuckled. "I love you Jack," Emma purred.

"And I love my little bunny," Jack soothed back and patted her head. "I think things will work out for us Emma. I have a good feeling."


Ok Jack and Emma's background is coming out a lot longer than I planned, and I couldn't resist putting in a little smut with them. I hope this chapter wasn't corny. Sorry to end it here LOL. To be continued soon! Lurkers review! :P

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Penguin is up to his tricks again, but this time Batman is not here to stop him since he is doing his time with the Justice League and Commissioner G...
297K 10.2K 62
What would happen if the Joker turned a four year old girl into a loyal and merciless killer? Joker meets a little girl on the street and she asks if...