The Joker's New Toy { Wattys...

By Beautiful_slut

582K 7.4K 2.3K

What happens when The Joker kidnaps Jim Gordon's daughter as part of his new evil plan? (sadly there is no Ha... More

Authers Note!!!
A Big Mistake Was Made
Teaching Submission
Can We Go Out And Play?
Play Time At The Mall
Spoiled Fun
Flying Rodents And Psychological Torment
Emma Napier
Young Love
It Only Takes One Bad Day
In The Clutches Of A Schizoid
Hair Trigger Between Sanity and Madness
His Own Worst Enemy
Misery Does Love Companionship
Third Murders A Charm
Braking His Bunny
Celebrating Insanity
Found Memories
The Joker's Disciples
Rat In The House
His Little Harlequin
Her Clown Lover
Unpleasant Surprise
One Big Happy Family
Day At The Museum
A Deal Gone Wrong
Stacy's Discovery
Coming Down
Home Sweet Home
Authors Note

Getting Let Off The Leash

27.9K 369 142
By Beautiful_slut

Ok sorry, not much kink in this chapter. The next chapter will have definite kink. For those of you grossed out by the "daddy" thing, remember that Stacey is an adult and it's just the Joker's way of messing with her head and humiliating her. NOTHING to do with Incest or pedophilia as I think both are the sickest things on the planet. Just throwing that out there! I do apologize if the Joker does show a soft side as well. I am a sap. I can't help it. By the way I just realized I've been spelling Gordon as Gordan. Quite annoying and just a typo. I fixed it in this chapter. Anyway enjoy!


Stacey trembled as the Joker led her down the stairs behind him on his leash. She struggled to walk in the platform heels he made her wear, and prayed he would slow down a bit so she wouldn't end up falling down the stairs and breaking her neck. A group of his cronies gathered around the living room, and all eyes were fixated on her in her new skimpy little schoolgirl outfit. If they had seen her anywhere else, Stacey would have gotten an earful of whistling and hollering. But this was the Joker's house, and she was his pet. And so the room fell deathly silent as the group of otherwise large intimidating men were scared stiff, not wanting to acknowledge Stacey's presence in fear of angering their boss.

The men had been drinking beer and happily chattering prior to the Joker and Stacey joining them. Now they all held their tongues, some of them clearing their throats nervously, wondering if they were allowed to be celebrating. Stacey yelped as the Joker tugged her to his side and put his arm around her clinging her beneath it possessively. "Gentlemen" he said calmly. "Please, continue. You all did well today. Very good." The men felt more at ease, smiling and nodding at their boss's approval. They tilted their beer cans to him and continued on with their happy chatter.

The Joker pulled Stacey with him over to the couch that was settled in the middle of the living room. The few men that had been sitting on it had quickly moved, clearing the way for their boss and his pet. The Joker sat himself comfortably on the couch pulling Stacey down with him. He cuddled her to himself as he put his feet up on the coffee table. Snapping his fingers he said "Stanley. Glass of Merlot if you don't mind-uh. One for the lady too please," he ordered one of his henchmen, a younger blond fellow. The Joker only drank classy liquor. He felt plain old watered down beer was beneath him. His goon obediently complied and quickly brought them two glasses of wine, handing one to his boss and attempting to hand the other to Stacey.

"I don't feel much like drinking, but thank you," Stacey said weakly.

The Joker squeezed her arm. "What's the matter? Don'tchya wanna celebrate with us darlin?" The Joker asked. "I think you need to relax a little. You're always so tense. And a little wine is good for you. But just a little bit," the Joker snickered and forcefully took the glass from Stanley and handed it to her. Knowing that it was no use to argue with him, ever, Stacey took the glass and sighed within herself. Perhaps a little wine would be good for her to help ease her of her misery.

"Let's see what's on the tube shall we?" said the Joker to his henchmen, and at those words one of his men handed him the remote to the large flat screen T.V that hung on the wall before them. The Joker turned it on and immediately breaking news appeared on the screen.

Stacey felt her stomach drop as a brunette reporter appeared on T.V, a sea of smoke and debris flowing behind her and fire fighters eagerly trying to put out the remaining fires on what was once an elaborate structure that had recently been blown to bits. "This is Laurie Woods on location at what was once 'Gotham State University.' Fortunately no casualties have been found. The entire building has been evacuated and no known injuries have been reported."

"Oh my god, that was my school," Stacey breathed quietly under her breath.

"Well, good thing you weren't there instead of safe here with me," the Joker snickered, and patted her leg. "Though looks like there won't be a class reunion there this year un-for-tu-nately."

A trail of words flashed continuously over the bottom of the screen. "Gotham state University now destroyed. The Joker made good on his threat. Location of the Joker still unknown. All civilians urged to stay indoors at this time and only go out when necessary."

"If you're just tuning in, the Joker has just blown up Gotham State University. He made a threat that normal citizens were to take down city hall immediately or he would blow up the school. He stayed true to his word.....hold on. It looks like we're switching to a live feed of Commissioner Gordon." The brunette news reporter continued, and Stacey's heart skipped a beat.

The T.V screen switched to a press conference with Commissioner Gordon addressing a crowd of reporters. He had tears in his eyes and he was having trouble speaking. "We still don't know of The Joker's whereabouts at this time," His voice cracked. "And my daughter...Stacey," he choked. He seemed like he was about to have a breakdown. "My daughter Stacey Gordon is still missing. We are assuming that the Joker has her hostage. We pray she is still alive. We have the entire police force searching for this maniac."

"Commissioner Gordon. Is it true you've been working with the Batman again even though he's an armed criminal wanted for several murders including the possible murder of Harvey Dent?" One of the reporters asked.

Jim Gordon appeared to be annoyed by the question. "We do not know if Batman is responsible for those murders as of yet, only that he's a suspect." Said Gordon. "And I do not know of the Batman's location either at this time. Only that I pray he's watching and I pray he helps me find my daughter and this mad man. Lord knows, we need him now. No more questions will be taken at this time." Gordon quickly bailed out of the conference, looking like he was ready to bawl. The crowd of reporters hovered around the stage like a flock of vultures, all yelling questions at once and continuing to snap photos.

"Jim, Jim Gordon. Always a liar. Why don't you just tell the good people that you're best buddies with that freak Bats hmm? At least I'm not a liar," Scoffed the Joker and took a sip from his wine glass.

Stacey could feel tears stinging her eyes at the sight of her pained father. She turned away from the T.V and buried her head into the Joker's chest. The Joker patted her head. "Hey," he whispered, almost soothingly. "What's the matter precious? Daddies right here." She was surprised that there wasn't a snicker in his voice this time.

"My poor father," said Stacey. "I miss my family!" she hiccupped.

"Hey," the Joker tilted her chin, forcing her to look at him. "There's no need for that now. I'm your family." He kissed her on the forehead.

"You blew up my school..." Stacey trailed.

"No I didn't," The Joker said tersely. "The citizens brought this on themselves. I tried to get them into the game. I warned them to take down City hall, but as usual they didn't comply. If they would just play the game, they would save themselves a lot of trouble. Just like I told you doll face." He spoke seriously and Stacey knew he believed his own logic.

"This city needs a little bit of what you'd call...balls-uh. Humans are sheep, doing whatever the government tells them. What a ridiculously boring existence these poor fools lead. Day in and day out, go to work, come home, have a beer, watch some laughably bad sitcoms on television, go to sleep then get up and do it all over again. How...boring." The Joker said with disgust then took another sip of wine. "They follow the rules no matter how ridiculous the rules may be. If the law is laid down they follow it. Until of course someone like me introduces a little chaos. I try to bring a little excitement to this city and they panic and turn to an outlaw vigilante freak who has broken just about every pathetic little law these politicians try to shove down our throats. Once I have this city under my complete control though, things will be different and the little sheep will be playing by my rules."

The Joker felt Stacey trembling by his side again. "Why still so nervous doll face? Better that you're by my side rather than out there with everyone else. We wouldn't want a pretty little thing like you out on the streets with my mob on the loose. You'll be safer by my side." He chuckled and stroked her hair.


With henchmen still patrolling the mansion, the Joker allowed Stacey to go outside and get some fresh air and sunlight. He let her off the leash and allowed her to wander around the large yard alone, reminding his henchmen to keep an eye on her. Stacey's lungs felt relieved to breath in some fresh outside air and she took in the smells of the many flowers and trees that aligned the large estate. At this moment, she didn't even bother trying to think of an escape again. She was just grateful to be allowed outside. If he caught her trying to run away again she knew she would lose her privileges.

After a nice walk around the elaborate yard, the guards keeping an eye on her like hawks, she set herself down on the grass and let the sun warm her pale skin. She was just now noticing how beautiful the Joker's hideout was. She wondered who the previous owners were, and if he had actually owned the property himself, or killed the previous owners upon his escape from county.

He had told her she had only one hour to be outside, and then he would call her back in. He had motioned her outside with a tap on the bottom and a reminder that she better obey him and not hesitate to come when he called. She felt just like a dog and it was incredibly humiliating. The Joker's little pet. How did she end up in this situation? Why her? Her playing along seemed to be helping her avoid punishments though, so she had no choice but to obey.

The Joker seemed to be very punctual. As soon as her hour was up he beckoned her back inside. "Staaaacey" he called in a sing- song voice, then he whistled. "Come inside girl," he laughed. Stacey groaned under her breath but followed the voice of her 'master.'

When she walked up to him, she was annoyed when he attached her leash back onto her collar. "Did you enjoy your walk?" he asked in almost a mocking tone of voice.

"Yes," Stacey muttered.

"Yes what?" He asked smiling. He enjoyed making her say things he knew she hated.

"Yes sir," Stacey groaned on the inside.

"Hmm, I prefer you calling me daddy but I guess that'll do," The Joker laughed.

The Joker tugged Stacey back inside and led her to the large dinning room table, where many of his men were seated. Once again the room grew deathly silent upon the Joker's arrival. He took a seat at the far end of the table where he had all of his men's attention. He gave a gentle tug on Stacey's leash. "Stacey, sit on Daddy's lap precious," He ordered. Stacey did what she was told and sat on his lap, her head bowed and looking rather miserable. Some of the men shifted uncomfortably in their seats at the sight of the scantily clad female seated upon their bosses lap. They were sexually starved and deprived and the Joker never allowed them to rape any of their victims.

The Joker smirked to himself, knowing that this sight was driving them mad. "Ah my poor sexually frustrated apes. You want her but you can't have her. She's mine. I'm the alpha male of this pack" The Joker thought in his head. He enjoyed the control he had over them and teasing them with his new pet. Stacey was amazed that just one tall wiry man in clown makeup had so much influence over an entire mob that they wouldn't even dare show their lust for her in front of him. He scared the living hell out of them.

"Now," the Joker spoke and his hand wandered to Stacey's bottom giving it a good pinch. She yelped weakly. He petted her head "Sh, sh sh," He told her. "No yelping while daddy's talking," He kissed the top of her head and rubbed his hand down her back showing off in front of his men. "Now then. Everyone is clear on what they're supposed to do, correct?" The Joker addressed his men.

Nods and mumblings of "Yes boss" occurred around the table. Stacey didn't know what he was talking about and quite frankly she didn't want to know. She feared they'd blow up an old folks home or something next. The Joker clung her to himself tightly and territorially a sign to all his men that she was his property.

Stanley, the man that Stacey had seen earlier, the one who got them the wine, had his eyes fixated on her chest. She was wearing a pushup bra and her cleavage stuck out of her blouse quite nicely. Stanley couldn't help but stare as he was seated right next to the Joker on his left. Stanley was one of the younger and newer men to join the group, so he didn't have the experience as the other mob members did. What he was doing was dangerous and the other men knew this. The Joker noticed him sweating as he glared at her chest.

"Find something interesting do ya Stanley my boy?" The Joker spoke in his law drawl. The other men looked away from their boss, not wanting to get involved. Stanley's eyes shot up coming in contact with the Joker's. The Joker shook his head and squinted at him. "Stanley, Stanley, you know it's rude to stare at a ladies chest." With one arm wrapped around Stacey, he pulled out a pocketknife with the other and flicking it open he said ""Perhaps we should cut out your eyes and shove them down her blouse. Then you can get a closer look, hmm?"

Stacey bit her lip, worried not only for the poor sap but also for herself just in case she would be forced to witness the Joker using his knife on someone. "I...I wasn't staring. I mean....I'm sorry boss. I didn't mean to..." The young man stammered, now sweating even more, but this time it wasn't from arousal.

"You will be sorry if you don't shove those eyeballs back in their sockets," the Joker hissed. "It's rude to glare at your boss's pet dear Stanley boy."

Stacey almost felt sorry for him as she watched the young man fidgeting before her, his mind racing, searching for something to say that wouldn't upset his boss further. Drips of sweat now poured off his face and splattered on the table. He couldn't have been more than twenty and his appearance was that of a normal looking college boy bookworm. Stacey knew his mental state couldn't have been all there. The Joker ensnared minds that were easy to manipulate.

What Stacey did next surprised even herself. "Daddy J?" She whispered in his ear causing him to divert his attention in her direction. When he did she immediately pressed her lips against his, kissing him with a hungry force. The Joker reciprocated and roughly, passionately kissed her back, causing the men's loins in the room to secretly ache even further.

When he finally pulled away from her, he looked at her and smiled with predatory eyes. "Well, well my little baby is finally showing her daddy some affection." Stacey looked at him with innocent eyes. "You didn't wanna see Daddy J use his knife though did ya sweets?" he chuckled. Stacey bit her lip nervously. "Well that was a good way to sway me. Clever girl. I'm assuming you've never seen blood before. So innocent. I guess what my princess wants my princess gets." He laughed heartily, a chilling laugh that even shook up his own men in the room. The men were surprised though when he closed the pocketknife and stuck it back in his pocket. Stanley inwardly sighed in relief. The Joker whispered in Stacey's ear. "Though if you knew what Stanley was capable of, you might of thought differently doll face."

After the Joker had dismissed his men from the table and sent them off to prepare for their tasks, he carried Stacey up the stairs like a husband carries a wife over the threshold. When they were back in the bedroom the Joker set her on the bed, and sitting on the bed next to her he ran his hand softly over her cheek. "That little display down there was....interesting," He giggled.

"That guy. All guys stare. They can't help it. As a female, I'm used to it by now. He looks really young too and I'm sure it was involuntary. Please. I don't want you hurting anyone on my account. I can handle being stared at." Stacey bravely stated.

The Joker's smile wiped off of his face. "First of all, I am the boss of this household and you are mine so any advances made towards you, even an animalistic stare, and yes he was staring at you like a dumb animal, is disrespectful to me," he hissed. "Secondly, you have no idea what these men here are capable of do you sweat heart?"

"But..." Stacey began but he cut her off.

"Do you realize, darling girl, that the only reason you haven't had a hair harmed on that pretty little head of yours since you've been here, is because of me? Hmm?" He looked at her seriously.

"Not to be sarcastic, but you have hurt me already," Stacey muttered, rubbing her bottom.

"That's not exactly what I meant. And you deserved that," he said sharply. "You disobey me and you will be punished. Those are the rules. But the only reason you're still alive, un raped is because of me. Those men out there?" He pointed to the door. "They're savages. If I wasn't here to keep their claws off of you they'd have raped you and ripped you to shreds as soon as you set foot in this house. But they know you're mine see. They wouldn't dare put a finger on you as long as I'm here. Remember that sweets." She scrunched her nose as he leaned over and kissed it.

"Oh and little Stanley boy? You should've seen him a week ago. I had to pry him off of this pretty little red head. He was about to ravage her like a starving pit bull. But you see darling we don't do that here. Not in my clan. I am the one keeping the order here and I consider myself to be a higher class of criminal." He patted her on the head and stood up from the bed. "All I can say is you better be grateful," he giggled. "But I'm afraid daddy J has some more work to do tonight." She squeaked as he pulled her from the bed and into a tight embrace.

"I trust you won't be trying to run away again. We both know it's pretty much useless," he chuckled, licking his lips. He was so tall compared to her that it strained her neck to look up at him, but she shook her head 'no' in response. "That's what I thought," He smirked. "A group of my men and I will be away for a while, but the rest of my apes will be staying behind. I don't think any of them would be ballsy enough to try anything, but I still prefer you stay up here while I'm away."

"Where are you going? What are you going to do?" Stacey asked, feeling uneasiness in the pit of her stomach.

"Curious, curious," The Joker tweaked her nose. " That's for me to know and...well there's really no need for you to find out. Daddy J business, no need for my little girl to know." He laughed. He was probably right. It was probably better that she didn't know. "Oh I almost forgot." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small Gameboy advance, much to Stacey's surprise. "I know you like video games. I remember seeing some in your apartment." He handed it to her.

Stacey looked at it puzzled then back up at the Joker. "How many things do you keep in those pockets? Are you a magician?"

"Hmmmm I might have been one at some point." He winked at her. " I do love this jacket. Perfect for holding guns and knives and other fun toys," he giggled.

Stacey still looked at him puzzled. Just a few days ago he had whipped her callously with a belt and locked her in a cage, and now he was giving her a gameboy advance. "You got this for me? Why?" She didn't want to ask him where he got it. Hopefully not from some poor kid.

"So you won't be bored. A bored Princess turns into a naughty princess and a naughty princess becomes disobedient." He laughed. "We wanna keep her mind from wandering to naughty thoughts like escaping or hitting daddy J with objects don't we?" He rustled her hair. " An amused pet is more obedient." He chuckled. " I'll be back beautiful. I trust you won't try to leave this room while I'm gone." He said with a warning in his voice, and left her alone yet again.


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