Hermione and Ginny: Travellin...

By Sanaxox1

193K 5.7K 515

When Hermione and Ginny mysteriously travel through time through two glamorous necklaces, they are transporte... More

September the first
Daily prophet
Friends again
Back in time
Hospital wing
Meeting Another Redhead
Dumbledores Office
Dark Dreams
The Marauders
The Secret Exposed
A Puzzled Lily
The Marauders New Mood
Day 8
It Was James!
Snape's Secret Talent
The Slug Club
Ginny's Daydream
The Hogwarts Library
The Restricted Section
The Last Day - Part 1
The Last Day - Part 2
Still Not Home
Authors Note: Sequel?
Ginny's Goal
Godric's Hollow
Authors Note: The Ending
The Sequel

Trelawney's prediction

4.6K 163 24
By Sanaxox1

Hermione and Ginny woke up on a Monday morning with Hermione thrilled to complete more classes while Ginny depressed that the weekend had already ended. Hermione headed to Professor Trelawney class which was the worst of the day, but in a high spirit, she sat further away from Ron than usual and sighed.

She had forgotten to do the prank but hoping to do it tomorrow instead.

"Now everyone I will be making more predictions today on some of you."

'Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact' Hermione thought knowing Trelawney would make up some ridiculous theory.

"Hermione! I will do you today!"

Great, Hermione thought and sighed silently.

"Oh no! I see something grave happening to you, today."

All the class gasped but some of the Slyrthins cheered silently and laughed. Hermione raised her eyebrows but did not say anything while she looked at Hermione gravely. The Professor got the message that she didn't believe her and went over to the next person.

All day in lessons which wasn't like Hermione she was daydreaming about rons red face and everyone's laughter, 'ok maybe its a little harsh but he'll get over it. Hopefully.' She thought.

When she went back to the dormitory at the end of the day she was absolutely exhausted, she had received avalanches of homework which she wanted to do tonight so she started on it before Ron came in. He took one look at Hermione and sniggered.

"Great! Just like Hermione, starting on her homework straight away!" He said harshly which Hermione heard.

She stood up furious, sick of taking things from Ron went over to him looked him deep in the eye. She thought for a moment and decided, her small hand whooshed through the air and slapped Ron causing his face to fall backwards.

Harry was in shock, but then laughed, Ron furiously looked at Harry hoping that he would back him up but he shrugged his shoulders. "You deserve it!" Ron growled shaking his head and pushed against them making his way upto the dormitories.

"I really wish you made up."

"I want to too but I couldn't just sit there and let him insult me."

"I know but one of you needs to say sorry even if you don't mean it just so you make up."

Hermione agreed and then remembered the prank shed been hoping she could do.

"Well cant I just get him back and then say sorry, because I think ill feel good when we are even and plus at least he'll know what it feels like for a change."

Harry laughed and nodded then Hermione went up to her dormitory too tired to continue her homework. And there was Ginny smiling at her.

"Hey Hermione." Hermione was about to reply however her yawning took power over her speech. She pulled the covers and saw something under her bed the two necklaces she had bought in Hogsmeade.

"Oh I forgot about those, shall we try them on?" Ginny nodded and they both fastened their necklaces around their necks. Suddenly their vision was blurry and changed and for a second everything went pitch black.

They both opened their eyes and they glanced around their room, it was their room however the whole decoration was different. It was covered with red freshly painted walls, a gryffindor scarf tied to the wall which didn't look like the ones they had. Even the beds had different covers, everything was different.

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