The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

94.8K 3.8K 436


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out
The Weak And Helpless

Taking Action

1.3K 61 4
By Shizuko-Chan

I stood on the port bow with Yona and Yun we where all dressed up and it was the day we would be infiltrating Kumji's shop. I slowly rotated myself looking over my shoulder as I examined my Kimono through the mirror Captain Gigan had brought up from her quarters. The kimono was the same one I had gotten from the woman in the village the silk fabric flowed beautifully at the bottom on my feet.

It was just the right size as well it fit my small form perfectly the sleeves not to long and not to short. The end of the kimono stopped at my ankles giving me the freedom to run, confident in the flexible, smooth fabric.

Deciding that my appearance was good enough I quickly shifted the five daggers that had been skillfully hidden in the sash on my kimono. Once I had double check my hair that was currently wavy and lazily flipped over my small shoulders causing my eyes to pop slightly I descended from the ship deciding to patiently wait for the two on land. I watched Yona and Yun talk with the others about the soon to be mission. I raised my hands to my shoulders and hugged myself fighting back trembles.

Why am I trembling? I released myself and slapped my legs angrily. They were trembling as well. I was furious with myself as thoughts of chickening out crossed my mind. No May! Your not going to chicken out! Your going to be there for Yun and Yona you've experienced this before you now how desperately they'll need a friend.

As such thoughts conflicted with each other inside me I didn't notice Jea-Ha sitting on the ground not to far away watching me scowl at myself with curious eyes. "So you really have been in human trafficking." He sighed sadly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Jea-Ha!" I shouted out in surprised jumping from the sudden voice. "Only someone who experience something like that word be trembling so much." He stated sadly looking down at my shaking legs. I slapped them again, leaving a red hand print that caused me to wince as my leg stopped trembling the shaking sensation turning to one that stung.

"Don't hurt yourself!" Jea-Ha scolded getting up and examining the mark sighing out in relief as it slowly began to disappear. "I'm not stupid enough to bruise myself now. Not when I'm literally trying to sell myself off by my looks." I chuckled believing that was why the dragon had been so worried about my injury. He looks slightly hurt as I said this.

"I wasn't worried about your injury because of the mission." H protested . I raised a brow at this. Why does he care? "Out of all the woman I meet your the most stubborn and courages one I've encountered." He chuckled rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. My face flushed red at the complement and I turn away from him doing my best to hide my burning face.

"You must not have meet many woman worth knowing if the most courages girl you've meet is a little kid." I chuckled my back still to Jea-Ha as I fanned my face desperately doing what ever came to mind to stop the burning sensation that resonated from my face."Or your just that amazing." Jea-Ha said teasingly leaning toward me and looking over my shoulder a chuckle echoed in my ear as he spotted my maroon face an amused smile curling his lips.

"I never though I'd say this but if that's what you think, you need to meet more woman. I'm not courages." I managed to reply turning to my side, trying to hide my face that was slowly starting to return back to it's normal color. Jea-Ha's laughter only raised in volume as he heard this. My face now normal I spun on my heel turning to face him a brow raised as I watched him continue to laugh.

"What's so funny!" I demanded placing my hands to my hips as I looked up at him determined to get an answer. "Nothing, it's just for a girl who constantly puts herself in harms way for others I don't understand how you can't see how courages you are." He chuckled as my smile disappeared. Seeing my reaction caused Jea-Ha to stop chuckling, he leaned forward looking me in the eyes.

I didn't see him though. My mind was else where as the dragon waved a hand in my face attempting to gain my attention. My eyes looked out to space as a thought accrued to me one that I hadn't even considered. What if they recognize me? The thought of this happening chilled me to the bone. If Kumji and his men recognize me I'm a goner.

Just the thought of returning to such a life terrified me. The cages.... That's what scared me the most. The endless pain and suffering that went on behind those impossible to brake bars was unbearable. The chains that was cuffed around my ankles and wrists as I had cried out desperately for help begging for freedom as I was laughed at and mocked as they would present food just out of my reach waving it back and forth as I clung to the cage bars. The shame of wanting to eats an other persons scraps.

And worst of all the constant bottomless pit feeling that clung to me as my stomach growls knowing that every meal that was so rudely thrown at you could be your last. Memories of refusing to eat the scraps of food offered to the caged people as the thugs longed for entertainment popes into my head. The vivid picture of the small children of 5-7 year old kids clinging to each other as they trembled fearfully came to mind as well.

All I could remember of the poor children was that when ever a meal was presented to me, I would give it to them. I couldn't stand the eager looks they gave me when I tried to eat. The sight of their clothes revealing their rib cages was all the encouragement I had needed.

"MAY!" Shouted a familiar voice. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Yun's Make up covered face appeared before me. I would of laughed if I wasn't so terrified. Yona stood next to him her face painted with worry as she looked down at me. "What! What!" I cried jumping in surprise as I looked around wildly for anything that would be of any danger to us. "What's going on?!" I demanded fearfully, afraid of what was wrong.

Yun sighed shaking his head in disbelief. "Nothing's wrong, I just couldn't seem to get your attention." He explained looking at me with worry most likely second guessing the decision to allow me to go with them on the mission. "Oh, are we leaving?" I asked looking around now noticing the absents of Jea-Ha. "Yep, let's go." Yun answered grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the near by town.

As I walked into the town I look behind me looking out at the ocean, mixed emotions filling me as I thought about my experience in the water. I was still amazed I had lived through that. I watch the pirate ship take sail onto the open sea and my heart dropped. Watching the ship sail away filled me with a sense of loneliness and despair as I remembered that I never said my fair wells to the others. Please come back unharmed. The ship slowly sailed further away turning to a dot. I'll return, I swear it!

Shizuko-Chan~ Hay guys! I just wanted to thank you all for the comments and support you've given me! It's given me the encouragement to continue on with the book and update as much as I can! Also I wanted to answer two very important things that have come up quite a lot that I've neglected till now. First question. What is May's age?

Ok so I posted in an other chapter that she was really young like 9 I think it was. I want to say I didn't consider Mays age when I added her as a character. Now that I actually thought through it more I agree that a better age would be 13. So she's 13. Thank you to all the people who commented she should be more around the age of 13 and brought the subject up.

Second question. Am I going to change the speeding from Gija to Kija? The answer is no, I have no intension of doing so unless a lot of you guys want me to. I want to explain quickly why I spelled it like that. When I first watched Yona of the Dawn it was subtitled and that was how they had spelled his name. Thank you to all the people who brought this subject up as well. Please comment below if you want me to change it to Kija and if there are any other things in the book that need to be changed. Thanks for reading!
Bye Reader-Chan

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