The Whispering of the Wind (A...

By yellowumbrellas

1K 81 19

The world never revolved around me, but I always felt that it did. Then, I had a wake-up call. I was forgotte... More

It's Our Mother's and Father's
Its the Place Where I was Born
Broken Windows, Broken Lives
These are the Songs we Always Sang
Formed in the Beginning
Our Generation
No One Knows When They Began
My Country Right or Wrong
It's Dirtier
The Beauty Lies Within
Beneath the Soil and 'Neath the Sand
A Sublime Eternal Tune
Where I Live
Rhythms of the Moon
It Sings To Me

Darkness of the Night

29 2 1
By yellowumbrellas

I had gone to Diagon Alley, and there were wanted posters everywhere. Everyone walked next to someone else, and people looked genuinely scared. Not many people were outside, most came and went by Floo. It amazed me to see how much one person could affect the entirety of Wizarding London. They were like little mice. Always scurrying about, scared of their surroundings, and fearing what will happen next.

I, however, wasn't like that.

I walked freely through the alley in the same proud manner that I always do. I did gain a few odd looks. I also got a few frowns from the people who knew of my relation to the 'mass murderer' on the loose. Most people held back from doing anything because they saw that that the Minister was walking next to me. He was there because he had business with a resident at The Leaky Cauldron, and I had scholl stuff to get. It was late, so most stores were closed, but I could still get potions ingredients from the Apothecary. Minister Fudge also said that I might like to see the aforementioned person, so we got the potions supplies and went to The Leaky Cauldron.

I sat in the pub while Minister Fudge went upstairs to find Tom who in turn would lead him to this person.

About ten minutes later, Minister Fudge came down.

With Harry.

I walked up to him as calmly as possible, and I hugged him. Once again, awkward, but I was so worried about him. He was a lot skinnier that when I last saw him. He looked like he did at the beginning of first year.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, Charlotte." He responded, feigning annoyance.

"I'm so sorry I didn't write to you very much. I was very busy."

"It's alright."

"How are you? Are your relatives treating you right? Oh, I wish you could come to my house, but the situation is com-"

"Charlotte, calm down. I'm alright for the first part."

"I hope you are. There is always something happening with you." I said, amused.

"Not my fault."

I gave him a look because that wasn't completely true. He caved.

"Alright, well, partially not my fault."

"Alright, are you going to Hogsmeade? I know your relatives hate all things magic, but surely signing a paper isn't so bad."

"No, they didn't sign it." He said, downcast.

"Did you talk to Minister Fudge about it. I'm sure he'll sign it for you. It isn't fair that your magic-hating relatives couldn't be convinced to sign a permission ship to go to a magical village."

"I talked to Fudge about it, but he denied. He said my guardians had to sign it and he couldn't do anything about it."

"Let me talk to him about it. That doesn't sound very right to me. I'm sure the Minister of Magic can sign permission to Hogsmeade. He signed mine, and our situation isn't very different."

"Ok, it's fine if you can't convince him. I could always try again next year."

"I hope that won't have to happen. Anyway, Harry, you need more clothes. Those oversized grey things drown you out. It makes you look so tiny. Why don't you go shopping?"

"I never have time to do it. I only leave the house once I'm going to get school supplies and go to school."

"Well, when you're not busy, you and I are going shopping. It's getting late, we both need sleep. I'll be back in three days at noon, so be ready. I'll see you then."

"Goodbye, Charlotte."

I left promptly and came back three days later to see him and get the rest of my school supplies. Hermione and the Weasleys were also there. We all went to get our stuff together. I was fitted for robes with Harry, and Ron, Hermione, and everyone else went to get all the books. It was a bit chaotic at first, but we managed to get everything done.

The rat started to avoid me when I tried to catch it, but then again it was always being chased by Hermione's demon cat, so I couldn't go after it because I was scared of cats.

The next day, we left to Hogwarts. It was hard to find an empty compartment, so we sat next to a sleeping man. We figured he was the new DADA professor, and that wasn't surprising. The thing that was surprising was his name. His trunk read Remus J. Lupin. My mind travelled back a few weeks, and I remembered, he was one of Sirius's friends. I refrained from commenting because Hermione would press for more information that I couldn't share.

The train ride was normal, until the Dementors came.

It was horrible. The compartment got cold, the lights went out, and Neville and Ginny came in. We tried to orient ourselves, but it didn't quite work. Then, Professor Lupin told us to be quiet and stay where we were. He appeared to be holding blue flames. The door flew open, and all you could see was the cloaked outline of the Dementor. Everything went downhill from then.

My mind went blank for a minute, then, I could very clearly see my brother with a sheet over his head. I wasn't really there, my eyes were open, but I could see it as if I was. There was a loud thump on the ground, and I could hear whimpering.

Professor Lupin was the next person to make a sound.

"None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go."

All I could see was this glowing silvery light and then, the lights came back on.

Harry was on the floor and Ginny was in a corner crying. I don't know what happened to Harry, but I could only imagine that the Chamber of Secrets was on Ginny's mind.

Harry woke up after a bit of effort, and Professor Lupin shoved a piece of chocolate in his face. He didn't eat it until after Professor Lupin explained everything and then told him again to eat it.

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride. Yes, I admit, it was only 10 minutes, but a lot could be said in that time.

The next day, we had gotten our schedules. I had Muggle Studies when Harry, Ron and Hermione had Divination, and I had Ancient Runes when they had Care of Magical Creatures. Also, Hermione had a strange schedule, and she was also scheduled to have Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes with me. Magic Theory was run by Professor Babbling (who also taught Ancient Runes) and the club met Tuesdays and Thursdays before school, and Sundays after Lunch.

Malfoy had gotten himself put into the hospital wing on the first day for being an idiot. He went and cried to his father about that, so now the school governors are considering what to do with the hippogriff that "caused" the problem. I hope for Hagrid's sake that nothing bad will happen to Buckbeak even though I have never seen the hippogriff.

Malfoy decided that since his arm was covered in bandages in a sling that he was too invalid to prepare his own Potions ingredients, and Professor Snape being the bully he is, made Ron and Harry do it.

When I looked over to them, it looked like Malfoy was trying to rile them up and it was working. Harry was seething and Ron practically had steam coming out of his ear. I couldn't tell what they were saying. I say all the way across the room and I was focusing hard on my Potion because I'm prone to mess ups. I was satisfied with my potion. It was a few shades lighter than what it was supposed to be, but It was better than 3/4 of the class.

Neville's wasn't going so good. At one point, his potion was a bright orange even though it was supposed to be green. Snape had unfairly berated him and he knew that threw Neville off balance. Snape was fully aware that he was the cause of Neville's failure, and when Hermione jumped in, Snape told her not to.

She did it anyway. Neville's potion was perfect because she explained it in a way where it made sense, and she didn't scare him half to death. I feel Hermione would be a great teacher.

Snape, who decided he would still be a git, punished Hermione for being a helpful person. I swear I just wanna choke him sometimes.

After class that class we had our first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year.

Professor Lupin was a handful. I could understand how he was friends with Sirius. At least his first lesson beat every other DADA lesson I'd ever had.

There had to be some kind of catch. A perfect DADA professor is hard to come by, and I don't think he is one of them.

We had learned two spells in his class. I was nerve wrecking, seeing your fear showcased in front of the entire class, but at least it was helpful. Except for Harry and Hermione.

They never had a chance to do it.

Defense after that was still just as good. Most people christened it their favorite class.

I didn't. Professor Lupin is not the type of person that I like.

Classes went by in a blur, and Hermione was looking more and more tired. I don't know why, but I know that slowly, she is getting closer and closer to a mental breakdown. I couldn't help her because we all know how Hermione is. She likes to figure things out for herself.

October came and Quidditch season was beginning. Wood decided that since it was his last year that he would work us to the ground just for that brass cup that he would only get to touch once before it was put in the trophy cabinet in the dungeons.

Priorities, right?

But before he worked us to the ground, Oliver had one of his little motivational speeches.

"Gryffindor hasn't won for seven years now. Okay, so we've had

the worst luck in the world — injuries — then the tournament

getting called off last year. . . ." Wood swallowed, as though

the memory still brought a lump to his throat. "But we also know

we've got the best — ruddy — team — in — the — school," he

said, punching a fist into his other hand, the old manic glint back in his eye.

"We've got three superb Chasers."

Wood looked at at Angelina Johnson, and Katie

Bell, and I.

"We've got two unbeatable Beaters."

"Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us," said Fred and George

Weasley together, pretending to blush.

"And we've got a Seeker who has never failed to win us a match!"

Wood chanted, looking at Harry with pride in his eyes. "And

me," he added as an afterthought.

"We think you're very good too, Oliver," said George.

"Spanking good Keeper," said Fred.

"The point is," Wood went on, resuming his pacing, "the Quidditch

Cup should have had our name on it these last two years.

Ever since Harry joined the team, I've thought the thing was in the

bag. But we haven't got it, and this year's the last chance we'll get to

finally see our name on the thing. . . ."

Wood spoke so dejectedly that even Fred and George looked


"Oliver, this year's our year," said Fred.

"We'll do it, Oliver!" said Angelina.

"Definitely," said Harry.

I stayed quiet the whole time, but I smiled supportively at Oliver. This was his last year, and he's an amazing Keeper. I hope he gets recruited by Puddlemere, because they're the best and Ron's team can just go shove it.

The rest of the month when we weren't doing school work, we talked about stuff. I was playing a game of wizarding chess with Seamus and I was losing, badly.

"Checkmate." He taunted.

"Not fair! I want a rematch!." I screamed.

"I would take you up on the offer of our 5th rematch, but you promised to help me with Herbology."

"Why did you ask for my help anyway? You could've asked Neville. You know he's better at it than everyone else. Even Hermione. Speaking of Hermione-"

"Nope, a deal is a deal. I promised a game of chess for help with Herbology. You got five games, so you have to help me."

"Alright. Come with me. We're going to the greenhouses."

I spent about two hours helping him identify each plant and its magical properties. It would've taken a lot less time, but he kept making me laugh. Professor Sprout had come in in the middle of one of those laughing fests, but she paid us no mind. She did what she had to do and went on her way. We ended up being late for dinner, but no one really paid attention to us walking in together. Except Lucy. She was going to tease me to no end about that, and I wasn't excited about that.

The first Hogsmeade visit came around, and Harry couldn't go. I stayed with him because I was feeling under the weather, and I felt it was my fault that Minister Fudge didn't sign his permission forms.

I stayed with him for a bit in the library, but I started to feel worse.

"Harry, I'd love to stay longer, but I'm starting to feel a bit faint. I really need to go to the Hospital Wing. I'm really sorry I have to leave you by yourself."

"It's alright Charlotte, I'll just find something else to do."

"Alright. Well, if you don't, you're always welcome to visit me in the Hospital Wing."

I stayed in the Hospital Wing for hours. It wasn't until the feast that I was allowed to leave.

It was alright. I'd rather go to another one of Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Parties. Everyone was talking about Hogsmeade, and eating the so called delicious food. I really couldn't tell you how it tasted. I wasn't very hungry.

Snape kept looking over at Lupin, and I swear if here wasn't as much malice in his eyes that he ad some sort of crush on Lupin*.

Harry seemed to be in a better mood than earlier, even though Malfoy was still mocking him for the dementor incident.

"The dementors send their love, Potter!"

I guess Malfoy is running out of things to say. I t was two months ago, and last time I checked, he had just about peed his pants. Whatever. He'll find something to say eventually. He's obsessed with Harry to the point that he always has to say something to him every time they make eye contact**.

After the feast was when things started going downhill.

Everyone was standing in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, but we didn't know why.

"Why isn't anyone going in?" Ron asked.

"Do you really think that we know, Ron?" I responded, annoyed.

There was a lot of noise until Percy all shut them up.

"Let me through, please," Percy said loudly as he pushed through the crowd. "What's the holdup here? You can't all have forgotten the password — excuse me, I'm Head Boy —"

Everyone went completely silent.

"Somebody get Professor Dumbledore. Quick." Percy said urgently.

There was no need for that because Professor Dumbledore arrived.The crowd parted to let them through, and we got to see what caused this.

The Fat Lady was gone. Her portrait slashed brutally with a knife. Professor Dumbledore was joined by Professors McGonagall, Lupin, and Snape. I had no idea why the last two professors came because they weren't the Headmaster or the Head of House. They had no reason to show up. It couldn't've been for our safety because Lupin barely knew us, and I don't think Snape would care if we all died.

"We need to find her," said Professor Dumbledore. "Professor McGonagall, please go find Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

Then Peeves came in. After a lot of intentional stalling, he told Professor Dumbledore who did it. It was Sirius Black.

That idiot.

Okay I would like to apologise for my lack of updating, and I can't promise it won't happen again, but I can do something. Wednesdays are now a bad day for me along with every other day but Sunday, so the new days to update will be Sundays. I tried out for Footloose and I was casted so we have rehearsals a lot. No rehearsals on Sunday. Also, I don't watch Football (American) or go to church, so Sundays are perfect. This chapter took so long because I was trying to make it long enough, and I didn't know how, but I finally got it over 2600 words so I'm good. I don't apologise for Charlotte not liking Lupin. There really isn't a reason, but it just happened. It might change. Don't count on it. She is inching away from that numbness in the last chapter, so that is good. Also, next chapter is planned to be the last in Third year. You know what happens with the story, just not with Charlotte. Me either. Also, I know exactly what will happen between Charlotte and Seamus. Don't guess. You'll probably get it wrong. BTW, Wood's speech is direct quoting from the book because honestly that this the best thing that Oliver Wood has ever said. Most of the dialogue is also direct quoting because every once in awhile, I quote from the books. Done

P.S. Someone told me that he didn't like my short sentences, and I want to know if it is just him or not, so do you prefer shorter sentences or longer ones?

*Guilty. I know all you Snupin shippers are jumping in your seats

**Guilty again. This is for you Drarry Shippers.

Hufflepuffs in their year is up top or to the side or whatever. It was supposed to be in the last chapter, but I forgot, so it is in this one now. I don't know what I will do with all of these people, but they'll show up.

Also, if you have a Harry Potter friend who would like this story, then share it because Charlotte loves the attention. You don't have to share it, it is just a suggestion. I don't mean to badger you about it (did you catch my pun?).

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