Hang on to your IQ (On Hold)

By The_Used_Grrl

2.7K 111 20

Unfinished, but if you want to read it and be mad at me go ahead. Another Molsdal story. More

I'm Lonely
The Molko Effect .
You see through my disguise
Nothing Ever Goes My Way
Stepping Back In Time
Sadness The Name of The Spike That Took Me.
I'll Make it, That's All.
Crush and crumble under your defenses
I'll ask the sea for answers.
Nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling.
So all that I can do, is make your fears come true.
Drink You Pretty
I didn't mean it
God knows I've tried
I don't enjoy to watch you crumble

Days Dawning, Skins Crawling

172 4 0
By The_Used_Grrl

Brian smiled. "I think you know the answer." He looked down and Stefan gave him another kiss.

"I'll go let them in." Stefan had a plan for himself. He was going to almost cleanse Brian's home. It seemed right, so something like this would never happen again.

Brian smiled weakly and watched the door open. He felt a little relieved Stefan had stopped yelling and bitching at him, he didn't seem to like it as much as happy Stefan.

Stefan stepped out into the hall, catching the gaze of the doctor instantly.

He seemed wildly nervous to be around Stefan, even though he had nothing wrong with him.

"How's my patient doing?" He started to mumble. "Brian, I mean."

He looked up at Stef, everyone seemed to be shorter than him. He was looking forward to meeting someone quite taller than him, so he wouldn't have to feel this anymore.

Stefan smiled. "He's doing great now." He turned to the four waiting.

Bert was the only one listening to their conversation.

"You guys can go in if you want."

Bert was the first one to go in, then the rest followed. Robert had shown up to, Stef heard them welcome him into the room.

"Alright," the doctor replied, "you two seemed to be fighting when I came over here before."

Stef nodded, not wanting to lie. "Yeah, but everything's cooled down."

"Okay," the doctor passed him and went to the room. Stefan followed, actually speaking when he entered.

"Brian?" He tried to grab his attention.

Brian turned to look at him. "What my dear?" This caught the doctor off guard.

He probably didn't realize what was going on.

"I'm going to go for a bit." He picked up his coat, the EMT's had thrown it off Brian and onto the floor. It was still mostly clean.

"Okay." Brian questioned this a little, but he did know Stefan wasn't going to do the same thing he did, that would be idiotic of him.

Robert turned around. "I would think you'd like to be here right now." His eyes shot at Stefan.

Stefan paused and turned around. "I'll be back. Just gotta clear my head."

He walked out of the room, without another glance at any of them. Brian might be furious if he found out all his drugs and alcohol were gone, but it needed to be done.

Brian turned to look at everyone there and smiled weakly, he felt like something terrible was going to happen. He just let the feeling slide, hoping that feeling in his chest wasn't true.

"So Brian." Robert said, he seemed to be somewhat happy in this moment.

Brian opened his blue eyes wider, to get a better look at him. All he could really see was a face with brown eyes and blonde hair.

He really didn't like Robert, but since his friend Steve was in another band, this is what they got.

"What?" He asked. He felt the doctor take his arm, looking at his pale skin. He seemed intrigued by his arm. He was just probably doing something and Brian didn't know what.

"I got us a gig to get sighed." He smiled. "Are you excited about that?" He seemed to be.

"Cool, we'll have to get some songs together." This was probably the happiest Robert had seen Brian.

Smiling and hoping to actually get a record deal.

"Yeah, the show is in two weeks so we have some time to get set." Robert left the room. "Bye man."

"Bye Robert."

Brian put the fakest smile on his small, porcelain face. Robert was always doing this stuff without telling him anything about it.

He was pissed off, but at least they got a show.

"So, you guys got a show, that's amazing." Bert said, sitting down next to him.

Bert really wanted to be in a band with Brian, but the space was filled when Stefan arrived.

"Yeah," Brian sighed. "I guess it's cool." Brian was fearing for the show. He mostly wanted Stefan to be talking to him about it right now. He was even wondering what Stefan was doing.


The entrance of the flat was deceitful, to say the least. The door had been knocked off it's hinges and was a mess on the floor.

Stefan didn't know, or at least didn't want to know why the door was off, but he went further inside.

He wanted to know if everything was okay.

The woman, whom was outside when Stefan arrived, had left her door open. Her birds were almost shouting at him, making him feel worse, with birds squawking.

He eyed a cat walking slowly out of the room. He was wondering if the lady knew all of her animals wanted to leave or be around Stefan.

Stef took the stairs, passing the old broken elevator. He wished it was working, but it would never be fixed.

Stefan entered the home of Brian, it was an even uglier sight since the E.M.T's had been through it.

The glass had been put into even more than a million little pieces. Stefan had shuffled through it into the kitchen where his supplies to clean were.

"Fuck," he sighed.

He didn't want to do this, but it had to be done.

He started with cleaning the bathroom, then on from there was the bedroom and the flat's living room. Stefan hated every minute of it, but he knew he was helping Brian out.


Brian sat alone in his room, his friends had all gone home.

He was surprised that they went home early, though he had been waiting for Stefan.

The young man had been told about his Ketamine overdose, the doctor said he would need to take these 'health' pills. Small green pills that would make him healthy, or at least feel better.

Brian thought of so many other shitty drugs that could help him out, but just stuck to the doctor's meds since they were the only thing here.

He had also been told he was allowed out in a few days. Hopefully it was a small amount of time like the doctor had said.

He wanted to practice his songs.

Brian's glassy blue eyes gazed up at the opening door. He saw dyed blonde hair in the window, making him happy.

Stefan entered, looking like he wanted to pass out right on the floor. Brian welcomed him, Stef just wanted to be asleep.

"Hey." The taller one said, sitting beside Brian. He pulled his arms around Brian and kissed his forehead. "Do you know when you're coming home?"

He wanted to know, just so he everything was cleaned on time.

Stefan hated the cleaning.

Slender Man movie He fucking hated it.

Brian looked up, blue eyes shinning brightly. "In a few days. Did Robert tell you about the show?"

Stefan shook his head. "What show?" The band hadn't had a show in a few weeks, but they were hoping for a show soon.

"Robert got us a show to get signed without telling us." Brian looked pissed off to the idea. "Robert should've asked us before he got it."

Stefan leaned his head into Brian's shoulder. "Yeah, but we have a show." He shrugged. "At least we got it."

Brian sighed. "Yeah true."

The doctor who Brian had been told to call 'Marcus' came in soon after. Stefan had basically fallen asleep on Brian, his head rested on his chest. Brian looked down at the sleeping Stef, enjoying his company with the man.

Marcus had found Stefan with his own gaze, unsure what was going on. "Brian," he said, "he has to go home." He stood near the door, with his eyes attached to Brian's. Marcus thought the larger man sleeping on the smaller was odd.

"Oh," he sighed, "okay." Brian put his soft hand on Stefan's shoulder shaking him a little. He rose like something from it's gave, giving a kiss to Brian immediately.

"What my Ashtray girl?" He asked, sliding his fingers around Brian's jawline. Brian looked up at Marcus, smiling awkwardly.

Brian looked back at him. "The doctor says you have to go." He frowned. "I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow."

Stefan got up, noticing the doctor in the room. "You'll be able to see him tomorrow." Marcus didn't really have a clue at what to say. Stefan wanted to shout at everyone right now, knowing how much Brian needed him. But he couldn't do it.

"Yes." He turned back to Brian, the idea of having him alone for a night again scared him. "I'll be back in the morning." He grabbed his jacket and left. He walked the halls in the hospital, giving him a feeling of sadness. He listened to the monitors going off in each of the separate rooms. He wanted to turn around and bolt right back, but he knew he couldn't.

The tall twenty-one year-old went through the front door, finding his car and sitting down in it. He sighed, knowing how much he needed Brian. Brian was all he ever wanted, all he ever needed. He cried thinking about it.

"Why can't you be here Brian?" He asked through cold, wet tears. "Why can't you fucking be here." His brown eyes pour tears. He left his head up against the window, wiping his eyes while his darted to Brian room. The light had turned off, he hoped that Brian was fine. Stefan got too overwhelmed with thoughts the 5'6 man, so he stayed in the lot, slowly crying himself to sleep.

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