Rare Blood

Oleh ilovenickP

1.1K 48 26

"People notice me because I'm different. It's like I'm an equation they can't solve." Being the only human i... Lebih Banyak

Surprise 3
Morgana Le Fey
Blood Moon's Three Phases
1st Phase
2nd Phase Part 1
2nd Phase Part 2
2nd Phase part 3

2nd Phase part 4

39 1 2
Oleh ilovenickP

"You know, if you don't want to be hunted, I suggest you close your mouth." A voice echoed behind me. I stopped howling and used my abilities to approach the source of the sound slyly. However, there was no need for a wolf was stood right in front of me. It had a black and silver coat that glistened in the red light. I knew exactly who he is but couldn't believe that he was as big as me. He walked forward, eyes locked onto mine the whole time. "You're . . ." I stammered. The voice didn't escape my mouth. I spoke in my head instead. Is this how Wolfbloods communicate, through their minds? Will he able to know what I'm thinking then? "What?" He asked me. His mouth didn't open. But I heard his voice in my head. He doesn't seem to know what I'm thinking though. "You're almost as big as me." I replied shakily. I hear him chuckle in my head. This needs getting used to. This way of communication is driving me crazy!   

"True. But I don't have Rare Blood." He turned to look at the view beyond the mountains. "Let's just say, I come from a line of Alphas." This guy sure needs to explain a lot to me sooner or later before I break his neck. I walked next to him enjoying my four paws. "Really? How did you end up being second in command?" I asked curiously. He stared at me and I saw his features clearly. The shape of his eyes was a balance of sharp and round and his pupils were as dark as his human eyes however there was a tint of gold on the rims. He sat on the ground and it wasn't long before he returned into his human form. He makes it look so easy. One thing I notice, is that if you're in your wolf form, there is no telling of your emotions. I guess that's why, wolves are always thought of as vicious creatures because there is no deciphering whether they are happy or not. He sat at the edge, looking at me from my paws right up to my head. There was a small smile on his face as he surveyed me as if I was something from the market he wanted to buy and oh how I want to punch that smile right off his face. I growled at him as I try to shift back to my human self. It seems weird because once you have successfully done it once, it's a lot easier to do it again. He's right, it does feel like a claw. My paws slowly disappeared and returned to my boots. I enjoyed the tingling feeling they give me and I closed my eyes as I let it engulfed me. This feeling is so much better than the pain I felt when I first shifted. I surveyed my hands to see if they're fur free and when they can't be seen, I let out a satisfying breath.

Julie sat on the edge next to Ben, who never once looked away as she shifted. Now that she has less hair everywhere, the cold managed to surround her making her run her hands up and down her arms. "Well done." He spoke as he moved his gaze away from her and focused it towards the castle. Julie smiled as she turned to stare at him. "Thank you." She replied gratefully. His head turned to face her, eyes darting everywhere on her face. He gave a small nod as his eyes remained locked onto hers. They both edged closer to each other closing the gap between them however, an irresistible scent caught her nose. Julie faced the castle and inhaled a sharp breath.

"Julie?" Ben's voice entered her ears but faint. He slowly shook her shoulders to turn her attention towards him but as she met his eyes, Ben was met with two gold orbs. Julie's wolf eyes. She growled at him as she moved her arms away from his touch and stood up. "Julie!" He shouted this time, but the Julie he know is no longer there, no longer in control of her own body. She shifted swiftly and ran while he followed her footsteps.

With the wind hitting his face each time, he tried to focus on his speed and the direction Julie's going. He tried communicating, but all he could receive back is her direct goal to eat. Once they're out of the forest, Ben felt like he was punched in the chest as he saw her approaching the gates.

What is she doing? I thought Rare Bloods can control their hunger when they successfully shift for the first time. Turns out I was wrong. "Julie!" I yelled again. I know for a fact that she can break the Northern gates down on her own. As we passed our tribe, I caught a glimpse of her friends and I quickly sent them a message of help. She's too close. She's almost too visible for the tower guards to be seen. I see her jump but I am still too far to grab her away. A wolf knocked her to the side, away from the gate and from the guards view. She managed to regain her balance and lunged at the wolf who knocked her out. I had to think of a way to make her regain control of her wolf before the whole village is turned to dinner. "Bryn! Go to her hut and ask Lollinda to lay all the fresh meat she has inside the house!"

"Got it!" I hear her say in my head. Trying to calm her hunger is like a puzzle. All I have to do is put the pieces together one by one but it's too hard to grasp them. They're scattering in my brain and I can't seem to put them together but I know I have to bloody try. "Hunter, I need you to shift back and keep watch of any humans in sight! We'll take care of her!" I see her turn towards me and nod. We are so close to the gate but not close enough that could give us away. She ran ahead of us and turned into her human form. To my left, Julie is getting restless. I ran towards the four of them and tried my best to block her from the gate when we all stopped to smell something in the crisp breeze that blew past our noses. Before I can turn, Hunter's pierced warning entered my ears. "What are you doing outside? Go back!" She yelled at the person who just emerged from the bushes. He stood there frozen, looked at us back and forth. From Hunter, to me, to Julie. "Whatever you do, don't let Julie come near him!" She shouted towards us. When I turned to face Julie, something crashed on top of me. Ren almost crushed my lower leg, if I didn't move nearly all of my body away. He whispered an apology and bolted back towards Julie's restless wolf. I got up slowly when I heard a whistle, a shout.

"Hey! Over here!" He cried as he whistled in between. I was horrified, I guess we all were. Does this guy have a death wish? I turned to face Julie hoping that she didn't hear but she was already running towards him. I thought he would just stay there, but the idiot ran towards the tribe, Julie not far behind. Wherever he's taking her, he won't last long.

Merlin ran as fast as his skinny legs would carry him. Now that he has drove Julie away from the castle, he has to think of some place to take her, but he knows he can't run for much longer. He could feel her approaching behind him. Should he use magic now, but what kind of incantation or spell could he do to stop her from eating him? If he hides himself, she would just return to the castle again and try to break in. His eyes are getting cloudier, it's almost too hard for him to see where he is going. "In here!" He heard a voice. To his right, was a girl he recognised as Julie's friend when he went to her party. Bryn he remembered. "Lead her here." She spoke again. Merlin forced himself to run a bit longer and bolted inside the house. Bryn grabbed his shirt and dragged him upstairs and up a wooden ladder before pushing it up towards him. "Stay up there. That way she won't smell you. Don't come out unless I tell you to understood?" He nodded as he gathered his breath back. He can hear them approaching downstairs, he can hear the clatter of furniture on the ground. Though he's a wizard, he is afraid, not because of dying but because his friend would be the one to kill him. He sat in the room with only the red glow from the moon entering the round window.


As soon as Julie entered the hut, she went for the closest meat she could see without hesitation. She tore through the flesh, savouring the taste and texture of raw meat. After a few humungous bites, she felt something click inside of her. She looked down and saw red pieces of meat scattered everywhere. Licking her teeth she tasted its foul, grim taste and quickly backed away. When she turned around her friends were there staring at her. Bryn and Hunter were in their human forms but the boys weren't. She rapidly shifted and saw them all followed afterwards. Now human, Julie felt her tummy churn, insisting that she dispose of everything she just ate. She covered her mouth quickly and went outside the hut while her friends called out to her. Heading towards the bushes she vomited everything until her stomach was satisfied. Ren and Hunter came right after and saw her mess on the ground. They both chuckled lightly and wrapped their arms around her. "C'mon lets ask Lollinda to cook you a proper meal." She heard Hunter say.

All three of them made their way back to the house and everyone was sat down waiting. Fraser gave her a seat while Ben offered her a blanket. She took it gratefully and covered herself with it. She can hear Lollinda in the kitchen already frying and slicing. Her friends did nothing for a while but sat and observed her a bit longer. All of their eyes were at her peering up and down. As much as it made her uncomfortable, she had no strength to tell them off. Moments later Bryn appeared, Merlin following behind her. Julie remembered how he got here and quickly stood up from the chair and wrapped her arms around her friend. She buried her face on the nape of his neck and whispered an apology. "Hey, it's okay. I'm alive, thanks to your friends." He replied. Julie released him and smiled. "Actually, we didn't even know it was you. Ben was the biggest help." Hunter added. The others agreed and Julie turned to look at him. He showed a small smile as he met her eyes. That was a thank you enough.


Alone in her room again, she was sat on her bedside table brushing her hair. The tip of the brush travelled up and down her hazel coloured hair while her mind wandered somewhere far away. How will tomorrow unfold? Will it be a joyous celebration or a disaster? A knock interrupted her thought and Hunter's head popped in. "Can I come in?" She asked. Julie smiled at her from the mirror and she entered politely . . . which was unusual. She walked towards her and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry it had to be this way." Taking the brush from her hand she started brushing it up and down her hair. "Not exactly the future we expected when we were little right?" She replied. Hunter chuckled lightly. Settling the brush down she started plaiting her hair. "Yeah. Julie. . . we were thinking maybe you should stay within the tribe only until you can control your hunger." She sighed.

"I understand. It's okay I have a lot to do here anyway." She replied. They stared at each other in the mirror for a moment and smiled at each others reflection. "Okay I'll leave you to rest. See you tomorrow." She kissed her head and left the room. As soon as her footsteps can no longer be heard, Julie went to the window to see them all leave the hut. She counted two minutes exact and listened closely around her. She wanted to make sure Lollinda is asleep before she leaves her. When she can hear her deep breathing she jumped out of her window again and headed further North.

The Alpha hut, the biggest hut in Fidelis. Only the Alpha and his pack could inhabit this hut and since Rhydian has a pack as well,a lot of them stays there. Julie observed the house and wondered how she could get inside without waking all of them up. She tried looking up and saw a way in. She found a small table that would help push her up a little higher. Jumping up higher than any human could is probably one of the best things of becoming a Wolfblood. She grabbed the handle of the round balcony on top and pushed herself over the railing. When she landed she froze on her spot as five wolves were fast asleep in front of her. She's completely clueless as to whom these wolves submit to, Ulric or Rhydian. She tried her best to walk silently as she circled the balcony looking for a way out. However, she soon realised that the only way out is either jumping down from the balcony or through the door in which they were all barricading. "What are you doing here?" Someone asked from behind. Julie stopped walking and froze, as if somehow by being immobile she would be invisible. It was Rhydian, she recognised from his voice. Slowly, she turned to face him. "Umm" She shuffled like a little girl on her spot. "How are you?" He looked down staring at his feet.

"Okay, you? I heard about the umm. . ." He replied without confidence. It seemed weird that tomorrow this man would become the Alpha of Fidelis and she would have to stand by him until death. "Oh yeah, that." She countered. She hated this. She hates the awkward atmosphere surrounding them but then she remembered the last time she saw his face was after she slapped him and walked off without another word. She shook the awkwardness off and wanted to sort it all out before tomorrow. "Look, I came here to apologise for . . . well slapping you. I just want us both to be in good terms before tomorrow." Getting it all out of her chest made her feel a lot better. He finally met her eyes looking at it from left to right and smiled nervously. "No, I deserved that slap. I'm sorry too . . . for lying. That's not exactly a good way to start a relationship." That word. Julie always imagined what love would feel like but nothing was like she ever expected. That kiss in the wood was unexpected, like a sudden explosion.

"Apology accepted. Now, I've researched this "unity" and I found out that it only applies between two wolves."

"Yes, you and I." He replied with a smile.

"I know but what I meant was between wolves, therefore it does not apply to our human lives."

"Where are you going with this?" He replied instantly.

"I'm saying that this unity is only valid when we're in our wolf forms. That means I won't belong to you when were in this form." She gestured to herself. Rhydian's faced turned into a frown and he averted his gaze away from her face for a while. Julie patiently waited until he managed to face her again.

"I don't understand, what's so bad about unity?" He asked. Julie let out a dry chuckle.

"You don't understand. I want to be free, I don't want to belong to anyone else until I feel that it is the right thing to do."

"Well, I won't lock you up!" He retorted. "I'm not that cold hearted!"

"I'm sure you're not but I'm sticking to my decision. I will help you run this tribe but this is still my life. You won't own me when I have two legs."She replied stonely.

"So this is basically like work." He met her eyes again and with hers she returned it fiercely.


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