Better Off Away (BOOK 2)(Watt...

بواسطة samanthamoore_

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Sequel to Better Off Alone • Macey Littlefield has only ever wanted to get away. And now, she finally has the... المزيد

I Keep Silent And I Dream
Drowning Worries In Laughter
It's A Long Flight To New York
A Dream Within My Reach
Belonging More Than Ever Before
A Well Practiced Play
The Eighth Intern
An Offer For Success
When Did I Become A Liar?
Lies And Cheats
Calling My Name
Mae and Herb
Eyes On The Prize
Confessions Over Coffee
Crashing Down
A Golden Light
A Reminder
Go Get Coffee With Her
Why Don't You Ask Him?
It Was A Mistake
Not Broken But Torn
I'm Only Gaining Momentum
Just Now Hearing It
On Fire
The Possibility of Us
A Call Home
The Story Unfolds
The Once Golden Boy
A View Of The Abyss
A Dream That Can't Be Lost
Becoming Lighter Than Air
Far Less Golden
A Light Of Their Own
The Creal Ordeal
Worry And Moving On
An Escape
A/N: I've made a mistake
Never Look Back
Moving On
Chasing Down My Future
A Coffee Date
Tripling Momentum
A Beautiful Memory
Creal Arts
For the First Time
Author's Note


350 22 2
بواسطة samanthamoore_

I'm saved from anymore awkwardness by the presence of Mae as she brings our food. She lays the plates before us and smiles kindly at both of us. "You enjoy your food now, you hear?"

Jack smiles and thanks her and I do the same. As I begin eating I try to think of anything to say that will get us away from where the conversation had been headed.

"I just love the City." I look out the window of the Diner towards the bustling people and traffic whirring by.

Jack smiles. "It certainly is full of life. Have you traveled much?"

I shrug, disappointed by my uninteresting answer. "No, not really. I grew up in a small town of southern California. I've been to Los Angeles once and New York City six times. My aunt lives just outside the city, you see. But besides that, I haven't gone anywhere. I'm sure you have, though."

Jack shrugs. "It came with the family name, I guess."

"Tell me where you've been." There's an underlying tone of envy in my voice.

Jack smiles, memories lighting up his eyes. "I've been to Sydney, Berlin, Paris, L.A., Mexico, Hawaii, Ontario - every continent except Antarctica. My father has been taking me places since I turned twelve. He wanted to immerse me in the life I was to live. The traveling was so exciting at first. He would let me be a tourist the first few times, but then, it got to be just business. I was to stay in the hotel or the office wherever we went."

"What about England, though? Surely you've lived there some?"

He shrugged. "After he began taking me on the trips I moved to New York since it's where Creal Headquarters is."

"Do you miss England?"

"All the time, but I can't go back there." He says, dropping his fork on the edge of his plate, clearly irritated.

"Why?" I ask, intrigued.

"My father hasn't been back to England since... since I turned twelve. Some things went on there and he refuses to go back there. Because of that, he forbade me of returning, as a matter of image. I haven't been back since - not because he forbade it... but because... I have some bad memories from there too."

I set my fork down, no longer hungry. I've clearly upset Jack and I feel terrible for doing so. "Jack, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"No," Jack says abruptly, taking his napkin from his lap and setting it on the table next to his plate, "I told you that you're welcome to my secrets and you are, Macey."

"Can I ask one more question?"


"Why did you go to California and... leave everything behind?"

He smiles, albeit bitterly. "Because... I realized that being immersed wasn't what I wanted. I've never wanted this..."

"So why did you come back now?"

He laughs bitterly, his voice matching it. "Because my father told me it was that or disowning me. I guess, I was scared of losing my, shall we say, extravagant lifestyle. And, I will admit, I missed the City."

I smile, but sadness has seeped into me. "What would you do if you were back in California? Isn't it better that you're actually working for your life rather than just coasting on your father's success?"

Jack laughs. "I wasn't coasting on my father's success while I was in California."

"Isn't that why he's disappointed in you? You were squandering the fortune and muddying the name?" I ask, growing a little uneasy.

Jack looks at me, eyes narrowed and jaw slack with amusement. "No, Macey... I was going to school while I was out there. I wanted to become educated in a field I actually enjoyed. That's why I was out there."

"But... I thought... Weren't you partying and befriending celebrities?" I ask, feeling a little embarrassed.

He shrugs. "Don't most college kids party? And I mean, celebrities are people, just like you and I. I chose them as my friends because I knew they wouldn't use me for my money and I wouldn't use them for theirs. There was nothing wrong about what I was doing - except disobeying my father who was manipulating me to begin with."

"Oh. Wow, Jack, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions." And for lying to you right this moment.

Jack shrugs. "It's all okay. A lot of people jump to conclusions. Most of them, however, don't let me explain. So, thank you for that." He smiles, his dimples making another appearance.

I feel my insides squirm as I look at him, clearly caught in a lie. But it's all worth it, right?


The ride back to the Home is quiet, but not awkwardly so. Jack hums beneath his breath, happier than I've ever seen him. He drums his fingers across the steering wheel and has a small smile on his lips. He catches me watching him and gives me a wink.

I look away, a smile twitching onto the corners of my own lips. He must be happy from seeing Mae and Herb at the diner. I hope Jack's good mood stays, but I'm afraid it won't. Surely his father will make sure it disappears.

"Jack, won't we get in trouble for skipping the afternoon?" I gaze back over at him and see his smile falter.

He shrugs his shoulders, the smile coming back and cementing itself. "I don't really care, to be honest. He can't do anything, really."

"To you. He can't do anything to you, Jack. But to me, he can. He can send me home in the blink of an eye."

Jack looks at me, his eyes apologetic and filled with guilt. "Oh, shit. Macey, don't worry. I'll tell him how it isn't your fault. I made you skip."

Jack pulled the Porsche into the gravel lane and up to the Home's front doors. Waiting for us in the doorway, with fire in her eyes, is Mia.

Jack hops out of the car and instead of watching me struggle, he pulls me gently from the car in one swoop motion. He helps my feet find their grounding and then we both face Mia, although, Jack seems to be ignoring her presence some.

"Your father wants both of you in his office." Mia smiles kindly at Jack, but gives me a smug smirk.

Jack completely ignores her still and reaches for my hand, taking it in his own. I nearly melt at the touch of him, but Mia's sharp gaze keeps me in my place.

Jack pulls open the door and leads me confidently to his father's office he doesn't knock on the door, just pushes it open and enters the office, confidence in his every move.

Jeremiah is waiting for us, just as Mia said he was. He motions to the seats in front of his desk and Jack ignores him, as he remains standing. I don't move either, still anchored by Jack's hand.

"Jack." Disapproval is etched and seeped into the name as Jeremiah looks reproachfully at his son.

Jack rolls his eyes, but I feel his hand tighten ever so slightly around my own. "Yes, father?"

Jeremiah's anger boils onto the surface of his face. "The two of you left the premises of Creal Publishing at noon break?"

It's a question, but I don't dare answer him. Jeremiah holds my future in his palm right now and at any moment he could crush it with a simple move.

Jack shrugs. "Yeah, we both left."

I look to Jack, my eyes wide with anger and confusion. He said he would cover for me and here he is, telling Jeremiah I left Creal of my own will.

Jack ignores me, only fiddling his thumbs together lazily. Jeremiah inhales sharply and looks between Jack and me, clearly wanting an explanation from us.

Jack rolls his eyes and sighs heavily. "I forced Macey to leave with me for lunch. We went to a diner and lost track of time."

Sorry. Jack should be saying sorry.

But he doesn't. He remains silent as Jeremiah continues to stare both of us down with his icy gaze.

Finally, Jeremiah clears his throat. "Well, there must be punishment or else a bad precedent will be set for the other interns."

For the first time since entering his father's office, Jack shows emotion. He stiffens in his seat with a look of panicked alarm. "Father, surely you aren't going to punish Macey? I told you, she was forced. I made her do it."

Jeremiah's eyes are cold. "And as a result of your actions, she will suffer punishment."

The phone on Jeremiah's desk rings, abruptly notifying me just how stiff the atmosphere in the office is. Electricity crackles between Jeremiah and Jack and I watch on wearily, fearing for my place. Jeremiah answers the phone, a stern scowl still etched into his features.

"Yes...What?! Did they resend it? Well, they need to! ....What do you mean 'can't'? Come to my office and meet me outside... Yes, now." Jeremiah hands up the phone and narrows his eyes at Jack and I. "I'll return in a moment."

As soon as Jeremiah is out of the office, Jack turns to me, panic still in his eyes and guilt as well. "I'm so sorry, Macey."

I shake my head, trying to process all that is going on. Does this mean I'm going home? Or am I just having a minor punishment?

"It's okay, Jack. It's not your fault. I could have resisted if I'd really wanted to."

But inside I couldn't help but wonder, could I really have resisted Jack?Or have I fallen under his spell and charms already?

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