Another Garmau Fanfiction

By AnonymosFangirl

33.8K 654 413

First I want to say that This is based on a youtube series called Minecraft Diaries. The story is about a gir... More

The Incident
The Cure
New in Town
A Favour
Bro Fight
To Forgive or not Forgive
A Very Cute "Friendship"
Sophie and the Past
1.5 k reads
A Date by the Lake
A Day With The Kids
Infiltrating Pheonix Drop
Sorry and Farewell


2.5K 57 51
By AnonymosFangirl

(Don't start the music yet ! I'll tell you when ;) -btw name in the A/N)
Laurence's  POV~

She ... She was awake ! It was a miracle!
"Aphmau you're awake !"
I didn't even pay attention to Garroth that one minute ago was hugging her ! My love is awake! Wait ... Garroth hugging her ? What was he doing here anyway ? Ah who cares? She is awake !
"Lucinda ! Come up here! "
In less then a minute she entered the room
"Aphmau you are alive ! Oh my goodness I thought we lost you !" She said as she hugged her tight

Aphmau's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes.
What happened ? Where was I? And why was I here? The first person I saw was Garroth ... Without his helmet? That's unusual ... He was covering his face with his hands
"Aphmau? You're awake ! "
He hugged me as tight as possible . Even tough I was shocked I hugged him back . Then Laurence entered the room with a pretty allium bouquet . How nice of him . He called Lucinda that was sooo happy to see me alive . She must have been really worried ...
"For how long was I out? "
"A few hours."
"What happened while I was out?"
"Nothing really ... Everyone was worried about you so No one actually worked "
"Let's go to the plaza ! I want everyone to know that I am alive , to stop worrying about me"
"And after that let's throw a party! " Laurence said exited
-----Time skip to the party-----
Wow people of Phoenix drop really work fast ! The party is already done !
"Hello lady Aphmau ! Do you like the party? " said Molly as I came to the party
"The plaza looks wonderful! You guys really did a great job "
"Thank you ! We are really happy that our Lord is safe and sound hehe! Now go have fun!"
After I talked to all of the people present at the party I was thinking about eating a piece of cake but someone approached me
"May I have this dance?"
"Oh G-Garroth hi! Um yes you may !
I was so nervous ... I am always nervous around him . Did he realise I was blushing? I am so embarrassed ...

Garroth's POV ~

She accepted ! I was so happy! We danced together during the whole party ! She is a really good dancer. It was the night of my life ! And it was not over yet ...

Third person's POV ~
(Start the music now! :3)
After the party was over everyone went to their houses except for Aphmau that wanted  to take a walk around the village and Garroth that wanted to escort her for safety reasons. They stopped on the hill where the statue of lady Irene is going to be and sat on the edge. They started talking about random stuff until today's incident came in the conversation
"So , how did you actually wake me up ? "
He wanted to avoid the question but Aphmau didn't let him.
"Do you really want to know?"
Of course! This is why I asked you."
"Ok then..."
He looked her right in the eyes , grabbed her hand and said
"Like this ..."
And kissed her . After they separated she rested her head on his shoulder and they both stood in the moonlight.

A/N wasn't that cute ? Awwwww :3 if that would happen in the actual series ...
But anyway hope you enjoyed ! This is not the end . This book will have a lot of chapters so be prepared !
Another chapter will be up tomorrow but only one because I must camp on Aphmau's channel for the next episode of McD!
Name of the song "Just a dream piano cover "

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