Change Is Yesterday.

By horriblekid143

31.2K 279 101

There's a long history between Connie and Alex. They met when Alex lived in Essex before he 'took a fated tri... More

Chapter 1: Not Again
Chapter 2 (Part A): Run Baby Run, Don't Ever Look Back.
Chapter 2 (Part B)
Chapter 3: Past Becomes Future.
Chapter 4: No Escape.
Chapter 5: The Secret Life.
Chapter 7: Trapped In-between.
Chapter 8: No Idea.
Chapter 9: Irony's A Bitch.
Chapter 10: Where Do You Go When You've Reached Your Limit?
Chapter 11: Stay Close Don't Go.
Chapter 12: Never Stood A Chance Out There.
Chapter 13: Why Don't You Say So?
Chapter 14: Girls Make Boys Cry.
Chapter 15: Please Take Me Anywhere But Here.
Chapter 16: You've Made Your Bed, Sleep Tight My Love.
Chapter 17: She's So Close But She's So Far Away.
Chapter 18: Tearing At the Seams.
Chapter 19: Eat Your Heart Out.
Chapter 20: You're Worth Fighting For.
Chapter 21: We Could Run Away From Here.
Chapter 22: Catch My Breath.
Chapter 23: We Should Know Better, But We Won't Let Go.
Chapter 24: Love Is Just A Chemical Creation.
Chapter 25: Who Could Deny These Butterflies?
Chapter 26: If You're Afraid I'm Just A Kiss Away.
Chapter 27: He's Determined To Call Her Bluff.
Chapter 28: But Where's Your Heart?
Chapter 29 (Part One): Ready For Forever.
Chapter 29 (Part Two). THE END.

Chapter 6: Hopes.

946 8 1
By horriblekid143



It was far too early for a Sunday morning and after sending round a text three hours prior for everyone to be here, the turnout was pretty good. I looked into everyone's confused and expectant eyes; the reason for the 'emergency meeting' still unbeknown to them...

"C'mon out with it! You're leaving the band aren't you?!" Jack was on his feet, raged. His chest was heaving with the effort to keep hold of his crazy emotions.

"Don't be stupid Jack! I called you all here today because I want to do a UK tour."

Flyzik looked strangely at me, this was clearly not what he'd been expecting. "Well, we were going to do one anyway, but we hadn't set any dates yet.."

"That's what I'm saying! I wanna book dates, starting next week." A silence swept over the room, leaving behind gormless faces and vacant expressions. The impossibility of organising a tour overseas in two days couldn't physically register with them. But I needed the opportunity to trail through the UK. I had to get back the only thing I'd ever wanted. I needed to sort out the mess of mistakes I'd made, if not for me, for her. She needed this too, I couldn't leave her hanging knowing now that she'd been waiting all along. I couldn't let her go this time, not without a fight, not again. 

A few seconds of screaming silence passed and still no-one spoke. Unbearable as the silence was, I wasn't sure if I should carry on. However, maybe against my better judgement, I decided to carry on nonetheless. "I know it sounds impossible but it can be done guys! We can announce dates today and people can start buying tickets right away. It'll be exciting and different, no-one does it like this.."

"There's a reason no-one is deranged enough to decide to tour four countries next week!" Flyzik looked exasperated. I could tell he wanted to blurt out all the obstacles that made this idea extremely illogical, but I think he hoped I would see sense on my own. 

"Flyzik, it is happening. It has to." I wasn't going to argue, so I stood up out of my chair, glares following me as I walked to the door. As childish and as selfish as I was being with this, my stubbornness reared its ugly head only because I really needed to do this. As soon I was outside I heard Zack break the tension by saying,

"I think it's a great idea! Lets do it!" I couldn't help but just laugh at him, he was such a good dude.

"Oh come on Zack, not you too! It just won't work, no-one'll come for one thing!"

"There's always a way, plus Alex wouldn't have asked such short notice if it wasn't extremely important!" Zack was doing his best for him against Flyzik of all people, he wasn't an easy man to argue with; you had to love him for that.

Everyone else was stll plunged into silence, I couldn't believe they wee still in shock. Like Zack said, I wouldn't call it if it wasn't so important. I was aware of how illogical and ridiculous it was, but I'd do it for any other of the lads if they needed it as much as I did.

The next thing I heard was Flyzik's voice, "okay, we'll do what we can, but I'm not promising anything!" I burst into the room to give him hug. He smiled and shook his head at me. Then started firing out orders to everyone, it was going to be stressed Flyzik for a week. Great!

"Tickets on sale today!" I literally jumped for joy. I caught Jack's eye, he didn't know what to think. He didn't know how to react- angrily or happily? I went to sit next to him and to try and get him back on side. I couldn't deal with my best friend resenting me...

"Come here!" I gave him a huge hug, he responded with quite a lot of effort.. "Are you not mad at me?"

"A bit, but I know it's gotta be important to you and so we have to do this for you."

"Thanks dude." I gave him another big hug and we just sat staring at everyone being busy. All I could hope for was that it was worth it, and that I actually found Connie; looking at Jack's frown, I guess he was thinking the same.

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