Music Camp { A Short Luke Hem...

By TakenOverByZoe

781 59 9

It is a camp in which you will make music, make friends and learn stuff. You learn to play new songs, and to... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E p i l o g u e

S e v e n

52 4 0
By TakenOverByZoe

You wake up from a someone screaming outside the room. After that a knock follows. Bethany turns around in her bed and grunts. You roll your eyes and decide to open the door.

Valery and Ashley haven't talked to you since yesterday. When Bethany and you returned to the cabin they were already asleep, maybe it was for the best. You tie your hair up in a quick high ponytail and put on some sweats.

''Open the door!'' You hear again, and Valery curses something you way again. ''Open the freaking door bitch,'' she says. You throw her a glare she doesn't see due to her closed eyes and walk to the door to open it.

You see the two boys standing there, one of them with a bag in his hand and the other with cups of coffee. ''Good morning,'' Ashton says with an amused grin. ''Shut up Irwin, I just woke up,'' you mutter to him as he grins widely. Luke also seems very amused by your appearance, but you decide to just ignore him.

''We thought we'd best start on the song as early as possible,'' Luke states. ''So you decided that half past seven was the right time?'' You ask them both rhetorically. Unfortunately those boys love to answer rhetorical questions, so they do. ''Yep,'' Ashton says.

''Well, Bethany isn't even awake yet, and I'm not even dressed,'' you point out, causing them both to look at your beautiful pyjamas.

''You might have seen that wrong mate,'' you hear someone yawn behind you. You turn around and Bethany also appears in the picture now. Her hair is all over her head and she has huge bags underneath her eyes. ''Jesus, what did you sleep on? Potatoes?'' You ask her while cocking one eyebrow.

''No, I just couldn't sleep because someone kept snoring,'' she says while throwing you a glare. ''I snored?'' You ask her surprisedly. ''Yeah you did, quite loud,'' she says before yawning once more. She's wearing a pair of sweats and an oversized Adidas sweater.

The boys both give her that amused look as well, but she just shrugs it off. ''I see you brought coffee,'' she mentions. The boys both look at you and then the cup. ''Yeah, we did,'' Luke says with a friendly smile. ''We'll get dressed and be out in a sec,'' you say before throwing the door in their faces and hurrying to your back to pick out some clothes to wear. Bethany does the same and in three minutes you're both wearing your outfits for today. You quickly brush your hair and teeth before exiting the cabin, followed by Bethany.

You both didn't care about the other girls so much anymore, so you didn't try to be silent. ''We're done,'' you tell the boys as you're outside. ''We see,'' Ashton states before eyeing you both up and down. ''Ready to head towards the lake?'' You decided that the lake would be your inspirational place to write. ''Sure,'' Bethany says and you both follow the boys to the lake.

Ashton hands you both your coffee and you take small sips from the hot liquid. ''How did you even get this? They don't serve coffee for students on this camp,'' you say while gratefully looking at it. ''Sometimes you just have to do things you don't talk about later,'' Luke shrugs. ''You snuck into the kitchen?'' Bethany boredly asks him, and he nods. ''Wow, such a badass,'' you mutter while chuckling, and his cheeks heat up.

You all sit down in the sand and put down your instruments so that they won't be filled with sand. Luke opens his bag and reveals several sandwiches and even some bagels. ''Was it bagel morning today?'' You ask them, and they nod. You take one of the bagels with cream cheese and take a bite out of it. ''Hm, this is good,'' you mumble with your mouth full. Ew, that was kinda gross. Luckily the guys didn't mind. Way to embarrass yourself in front of Luke, Hailey.

''I know, right?'' Ashton says with his mouth full of food as well. Bethany also takes a bite from her sandwich and Luke does the same. After you've eaten all the food you grab the notebook again and start thinking. ''We need lyrics and more music,'' you sum up.

''We've already got a big part of the music though, I think we'll get even a bigger part by repeating some of the things we already used and adding some new things,'' Ashton says, and you nod. ''Have you worked out the rhythm yet?'' You ask him, and he nods.

He grabs his cajon and sits down on it. ''I was thinking something like this in the chorus,'' he says before rolling some rolls on his cajon with a nice beat in it. ''Sounds great,'' Bethany says with a smile. ''We could most definitely use that in the chorus,'' when she flips through her notebook something catches your eye.

''Hey, is that what I think it is?'' You ask, and you snatch the notebook away from her. She looks at you with a shocked expression and widened eyes. You flip through it again and see the page filled with some lines.

''You already thought of some lyrics?'' You ask her while looking up. ''Well, I thought I could maybe start on them, but they're horrible and I understand if we don't use them. They just suck and-'' Ashton snatches the notebook out of your hands and starts reading the lines as well. ''Those are actually really good Beth,'' he says while looking at her with a encouraging smile. ''We're definitely using those,''

Her cheeks heat up and she looks at her fingers. ''Okay,'' she says.

--------- ---------

''I think this is pretty good for now,'' Luke says after a whole morning full of practising and other things like that. You've written a big part of the song now, which is good. This afternoon you can take lessons for the instrument you play, that is mostly for the people who play instruments that they don't really play outside this camp.

The four of you decided that you wouldn't follow them since you already know how to play your instruments, and there isn't much to learn anymore. Now you're all just hanging out at the small stage near the lake, not really knowing what else to do. Hanging out with the boys like this is nice, they're really nice and funny. You get along really well, so you're glad you got to know this side of them.

You're not so sure about Calum and Michael though, not that they're here at the moment. If they really are the inconsiderate bastards they seem to be, why do Ashton and Luke like them? It seems like such thing is impossible. And as if they saw it as a invitation...

''Hey.'' you hear and you look up. Calum and Michael are standing in front of the stage. Apparently they didn't really see the use of the music lessons as well. ''Hey,'' Luke and Ashton both reply. You're not so sure whether you should greet them or not, same goes for Bethany.

''Hey,'' she eventually decides, and that's when you also greet them with a nod of your head. ''How 's your song doing?'' Calum asks the four of you while also sitting down on the stage. You're really confused right now, why would he be nice to you?

''Pretty good, I guess,'' you say. ''We've got the biggest part already done,'' he nods understandingly. ''That's nice, our band's almost done as well,'' he says. It's actually quite special that you're already done, since it's only the fourth day here and you have three more to go. But then again, today is Thursday and Saturday is the final concert. The final concert is a contest, every band has to perform her or his song and in the end the best song and band will be chosen as winner.

It's not only about the song, or the music. It's also about how you play together as a band, which would be very awkward if you were still fighting with each other.

''That's good,'' Luke awkwardly says. You're glad you're not the only one who finds this awkward.

''Okay, what do you want,'' Ashton asks after a long pause filled with awkward silence. You're all a bit taken back by his sudden statement. You'd never expected him to actually speak up to them with this much confidence. Calum and Michael both exchange a look with each other.

''We just came to talk,'' Michael says, after which Calum softly nudges him. Okay, what is going on here? Why are they even acting like this?

''I'm sorry we became so... Dominant on this camp,'' Calum says after Michael is literally speechless. ''We didn't mean to boss you around like that. When you asked us about becoming friends with the girls yesterday, we started to realize how much of an asshole we have been to you, Ashton and Luke. We want things to be like before we went on this camp, when we had a good friendship,'' Calum says with pleading eyes.

''We just were afraid that you wouldn't have eyes for us anymore if you would get girlfriends, you barely even spoke to us the last four days. Then we realized that was because we were assholes, and once more: we're sorry,'' Michael finally speaks up. Now the four of you are completely speechless. ''So you're saying you're sorry?'' You finally ask, joining the conversation. Michael and Calum eagerly nod.

''Yeah, we're also sorry towards you, that we created two bastards,'' he says with a sheepish grin. You start to chuckle a bit, thinking about that time when Ashton and Luke were both too scared to even be nice to you.

''They were scared of you,'' Bethany says while trying to hide her own smile. Michael and Calum both look at her in surprise. ''We were not!'' Ashton exclaims.

''Yeah you were. You wanted to remain friends with Calum and Michael, that's why you weren't nice to us. You were scared that they wouldn't want to be friends with you anymore,'' she shoots back, Michael and Calum both listening with dropped jaws.

''You were scared of us? Is that why you didn't hang around with us anymore?'' Michael asks. ''Yeah, we kind of became your friends while the two of you already had been best friends for a long time. We were afraid that you would ditch us because we didn't want to follow your rule,'' Luke eventually admits.

''Why would we do that? We're a team mate, we wouldn't ditch you for some stupid rule we made up because we were scared of losing the two of you,'' Calum says.

''Can I ask something?'' You ask, and they nod. ''Why were you so sure about them falling in love with us? We can be just friends, right?'' You ask, ignoring the frowns from both Luke and Ashton. Calum widens his eyes and gives you that: are-you-serious look.

''You're girls, pretty ones may I add. The odds that two hormonal boys would fall for you were pretty high,'' Michael snorts. ''Well thank you,'' you say after slightly blushing, ''but still that doesn't have to mean that you're immediately falling for someone,'' they both shrug. ''The odds were high,'' Calum just plainly states.

''Well, okay. I'm glad it's okay now though,'' you say, and the two boys both nod. Luke and Ashton are smiling again and they're giving each other manly hugs. Awe, such bromance. Bethany and you both exchange a smile while watching them. What does this mean? Is the whole rule broken now? Is it over? That must mean Bethany and Ashton could actually become a couple now. Not that you think it will happen in the last three days, but there's still that possibility.

They've known each other for four days now, from which two weren't really as nice though. They've had two nice days, if it's the right way to say it. ''Want to join us while hanging out?'' You ask Calum and Michael when they're done hugging the other boys. ''Sure,'' they both shrug and they join you on the stage.

--------- ---------

After a long afternoon and a game of truth and dare Bethany and Ashton left you. They were going to hang out together like she promised him yesterday, and now you were left with the four of you. You being the only girl would be awkward in some situations, but here it wasn't awkward at all. The boys treated you like one of them, which made everything easier.

''What do you think that they're doing now?'' Luke asks you. ''Well, I know what they're doing,'' Michael says while making kissy faces. ''Pig,'' you mutter and they all laugh. You finally got along with the other boys as well, which was very nice. The whole afternoon existed of playful banter and stupid jokes, but it was fun.

''I don't think they're kissing,'' you state, after which the boys give you confused glances. ''Why not?'' Luke asks you surprisedly, and you shrug. ''Beth's not like that. She's known him for four days now, two of them he was an asshole. Don't expect everything to be fine in just one and a half day, anything could happen,'' you say, and they all understandingly nod. ''You have a point,'' Michael says but he continues making the kissy faces.

''Haven't you seen any cute girls here?'' You ask Calum, and his cheeks heat up a little. ''Not really,'' he says. You don't know if he feeling awkward because it's an awkward question, or because he's lying. ''You sure?'' Luke asks, thinking the same thing as you. ''Uhm, yeah. I'm pretty sure,'' the tanned boy says. You don't believe him one bit, but you'll eventually find out this week.

Luke seems to accept the answer, but you can see in his eyes that he doesn't believe Calum either. Now he turns towards you with a smile. ''Feel like coming with me? I want to show you something,'' he says. You nod and grab the hand he's holding out. ''We'll be back later,'' he tells his friends before pulling you with him. You obediently follow him, not having a clue about where he's going.

When you're standing on the dock with several boats tied to it, you realize what he's doing. ''Are we going on a boat?'' You ask him, and he excitedly nods. ''Yeah, get in,'' he says while pointing to one of the rowing boats. You get in and watch him as he follows your example. He grabs the paddles and unties the rope. Now all you can do is trust him on his rowing skills...

--------- ---------

His rowing skills appeared to be absent. After a long road you're on the middle of the lake, which took him a lot of effort. The only thing is... You don't know how to get back now. It doesn't matter what he tries, you're only going in circles. He's exhausted from the way here and now you're kind of stuck here.

''Well,'' he says before gasping for air. ''At least we have a good view now,'' you look at him confused. ''What do you mean? A good view for what?'' He smiles a bit before pointing behind you. You turn around and see what he's pointing at: the sunset. ''Someone told me that the sunset is beautiful when you're on the lake, so I decided to take you here,'' he says and you look at the happening in awe.

''This is magical,'' you say, and he proudly pats his chest. ''I knew you would like it,'' he sits down next to you, trying not to flip the boat in the process and stares at the beautiful sunset as well. ''Why did you take me here, Luke?'' You ask him. He shrugs, ''I guess I just really like you Hailey,'' he says. ''But you barely even know me,'' you say, causing a frown to spread on his face. ''Well, tell me something. I want to get to know you,'' he says. You look at his pleading eyes and give in.

''Well, I have a little sister,'' you say. ''I live in a house, which is nice,'' he chuckles a bit, after which you do the same. ''I love playing guitar and listening to music. Bethany is my best friend and we hang out a lot. Some of my favourite bands are Green Day, Nirvana, AC DC, Arctic Monkeys and Fall Out Boy. You tell a lot more about yourself, as he listens to you.

''I think I just started liking you even more,'' he sighs when you're done. You slightly smile at the blonde haired boy, wishing he could just be yours already. But sadly he can't... You barely even met and besides... What do you know about him? Right... Nothing.

''Luke, we can't be together,'' you bring out, watching his eyes fill with sadness. ''Why not?'' He whispers. ''I don't know you, you could be a serial killer! And besides... Just knowing all of this,'' you gesture at everything here, ''is going to be over from the moment this camp ends, isn't a very nice thing,'' you looks at you both hurt and confused.

''We can make it work, it doesn't have to end here. We live not that far from each other, we can visit each other any time,'' he says, trying to save the last bits of magic before they completely disappear. ''You say that now, but when we're back home you probably don't even remember me. There will be so many girls living around the corner, so much prettier than me. When I show up on your porch I'll probably find you making out with your super hot model girlfriend, not remembering the weird girl from music camp that happened to like you a lot,'' you say while making big gestures in the air.

''Wait... You really think I'm just going to forget you after this and start dating a model? That's crazy!'' He says. ''I'll never be able to forget you Hailey, and if I let you walk away I'll never forgive myself,'' you look at your feet and feel tears filling your eyes. ''I want to go back to the camp,'' you say.

''Fine, ignore it! But remember one thing: I won't,'' he grumpily says before he furiously starts to row back to the shore. You're frozen by his words and can't say anything anymore. Why can't everything be like in romantic comedies? If this was one, you'd be happily living the rest of your life with Luke Hemmings, the guy who happens to like you for some reason.

Why you're letting him go? You have no idea, but you know this was the right decision... Right?

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