Prince of Knights (An Arabic...

By TheQueenofDarkness

2.9M 183K 39.1K

Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Historical Fiction. Winner of the 'Readers Choice Award' in Spiritua... More

MUST read if you want to read further :)
Prince of Knights (A Muslim's Love Story)
Prince of Knights Chp1
Prince of Knights Chp2
Prince of Knights Chp3
Prince of Knights Chp4
Prince of Knights Chp5
Here to answer Questions.
Prince of Knights Chp6
Prince of Knights Chp7
Prince of Knights Chp8
20 facts about the Queen.
Prince of Knights Chp9
Prince of Knights Chp10
Prince of Knights Chp11
Prince of Knights Chp12
Prince of Knights Chp13
Prince of Knights Chp14
Prince of Knights Chp15
Prince of Knights Chp16
Prince of Knights Chp17
Prince of Knights Chp18
Prince of Knights Chp19
Prince of Knights Chp20
Prince of Knights Chp21
Prince of Knights Chp22
Prince of Knights Chp24
Prince of Knights Chp25
Prince of Knights Chp26
Prince of Knights Chp27
Final decision
Prince of Kights Chp28
Prince of Knights Chp29
Prince of Knights Chp30
Prince of Knights Chp31
Prince of Knights Chp32
Prince of Knights Chp33
Prince of Knights Chp34
Book Cover!
Prince of Knights Chp35
Prince of Knights Chp36
Prince of Knights Chp37
Prince of Knights Chp38
Prince of Knights Chp39
Prince of Knights Chp40
Prince of Knights Chp41
Prince of Knights Chp42
Eagle of Knights
Prince of Knights Chp43
Prince of Knights Chp44
Prince of Knights Chp45
Prince of Knights Chp46
Nominated for Best Spiritual book
Prince of Knight Chp47
Prince of Knights Chp48
Prince of Knights Chp49
Prince of Knights Chp50
Prince of Knights Chp51
Prince of Knights Chp52
Prince of Knights Chp53
Here to help Muslim Authors
Prince of Knights Chp54
Prince of Knights Chp55
Prince of Knights Chp56
Prince of Knights Chp57
Prince of Knights Chp58

Prince of Knights Chp23

49.5K 2.9K 461
By TheQueenofDarkness

EID MUBARAK GUYS! Insha'Allah this eid will be a blessed one for all of you. Enjoy it as much as you can. Here is my gift for this Eid, have fun reading it :)


~*Without Hope we are lost~*

Raghad looked up from the sizeable silver tray in her hands cleaning wheat grains when rapturous voices reached her ears. She sat crossed leg on a palm mat next to the chicken fence on an early chilly morning. Her brows knitted together. Did the guests arrive to encounter Faris's grandmother this early? Faris had yet to depart for the day and examine the farms.

She placed the tray beside her and rose to her bare feet, her dark azure gown brushed against the mat as she wore her sandals and made her way forward, towards the house in a comely manner. Raghad shivered and goose flesh rose on her creamy skin when a cold wind twirled in the courtyard. It had rained the previous night which caused the weather to be chiller. She swathe her black robe on her form as her teeth clattered and insides trembled. Raghad sauntered in the house, ambled down the hallway with gradual steps then came to halt. She rested her benumb palm on the mud wall next to her and stared at the sight ahead.

Adhari sat there in the main room with Faris's grandmother, little Jazee in her lap along with Batool, Fahd and Nasser who had radiant smiles on their faces. Raghad clamped her teeth on her lip when she comprehended the situation. She stood there, rooted to the ground and observed as they conversed and laughed, unaware of the minutes that passed by.

"She is my aunt's daughter, father's sister." Shouq's voice verbalized.

Raghad gasped and turned her head to look at her sister-in-law who stood next to her, eyes on the family that sat in the main room. "I was not aware of that fact." The bride whispered eyes downcast.

"My father has three sisters and Adhari's mother is the youngest. Adhari has five brothers, she is the only daughter in her family. Uncle Yousuf, her father passed away when she was a mere child that is the reason why my father feels he is obliged to protect her. That is the ground why Faris only converses with her among my other cousins." Shouq sighed.

"Why are you apprising me of this?" Raghad kneaded her palm on her forehead.

"So that you are aware who she is." Shouq faced Raghad and smiled. "Do not fret. You are Faris's spouse now, not Adhari, and I am certain she shall never commit an act like that again. I will talk to her."

The bride parted her lips to vocalize words but another, cold, husky voice sounded from the door. "Salam alikum." It was him, Faris. Her heart compressed inside her bust at the thought of seeing him look at Adhari, chat with Adhari.

Raghad stared at Shouq for a while as wrath ascended in her form, before she could utter something that would afflict not only her but Shouq as well she stepped back. "I shall go fetch water from the well. Fe aman Allah." with that Raghad walked back to the courtyard, trod around to the front of the house, with hot tears clouding her vision and rage aflame in her veins. In downright rage, she snatched two mud pots and made her way out of the house.

The tribe was animated, people ambled around their houses either for their tasks or led their herds for pasture. Few women along with Raghad made their way to the well near the farms, she stopped next to a palm tree, placed the mud pots on the ground then enveloped her shawl around her face so only her eyes were visible, those doe like eyes that gleamed like the vivid sun. Instantly, she bent down grabbed the pots and trailed after the women.

Raghad exhaled in relief when the tribeswomen did not acknowledge her presence. She stood behind them silently and waited for her turn with her thoughts lingering back to what Shouq had pronounced. Did Adhari not apprehend that it was she, who was Faris's spouse, even if their pairing was against her will. Then why on earth would she commit such acts? Faris, did he not know, not to chat with Adhari when it is she, who was his spouse?!

Her eyes followed the herd of camels that proceeded towards the fence on the east side of the tribe. The herd followed a shepherd who had a stick in his hand and a white turban on his head. She averted her gaze from the elderly man to the knights who walked in a small flock to a place she was unaware of, Raghad frowned then shook her head. Few roguish clouds curtained the sun for a while then drifted further away from the glorious sun. Raghad's turn at last approached, when she filled the pots with water she looked over her shoulder to find that she was alone.

"Ya Allah. How on earth will I lift the pots now?" She wondered and attempted to lift the pots but failed. Raghad sat on the wall of the well and glared at everyone that passed by. She looked down at her fingernails to see her henna was scarcely visible. At the thought of her undesired marriage and Faris, desolated tears brimmed her eyes.

"Salam alikum binty." A gentle voice spoke.

Promptly, Raghad rose to her feet and looked up to see the same shepherd stand before her with his mule. Raghad did not reply, she merely stared at the man, unaware what to commit.

"Is something the matter?" The man questioned, distress noticeable in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes at his face, he seemed familiar.

"No." Raghad denied and averted her gaze.

"I believe you have inconvenience with the pots here?" The man interrogated tenderly and she allowed her eyes to meet his, serene ones.

"Yes Aami." Raghad nodded slowly.

The man smiled. "Here," he tugged at the rein of the mule. "My mule shall be the carrier of your pots, binty."

"No, wallahi there is no need for it Aami." Raghad shook her head violently, muddled at his benevolent offer .

"It is okay. My mule will carry the pots to the house then you can request Fahd to bring the mule to my khaima."

"You know who I am?" How can he, when there is a veil on her face?

The shepherd grinned. "Indeed, you are Sheikh Faris's spouse."

Raghad peered at the man for a prolong while, there was something about him, something drastically familiar. Realization cascaded down on her and she gasped then stepped forward on instinct. "Bu Hammad! What on earth are you doing here?"

The elderly man chortled. "I am a mere shepherd."

"No, you certainly are not a mere shepherd. You are a Rashideen, a knight."

"That is what you think of me."

"What is happening here?" Raghad dropped her voice, perturbed.

"My child, did you ponder that Sagr al fursan, Badr will permit you to reside in this tribe, his enemy's tribe abandoned and unshielded?"

Raghad's face turned pallid at his words, at once she searched around. "Are there more of you?"

"Indeed there are." Bu Hammad bend down to lift a mud pot.

"No, you do not apprehend, Badr does not comprehend. You must depart, by Allah if Faris hearkens of this he will annihilate you and raise another bloodshed." Raghad implored.

"If he is what they say about him. I am certain the knight already has the knowledge of my presence, my child. Do not worry all shall be well."

Raghad opened her mouth to utter words but then decided against it, she looked at the mule, at the pots then at last at Bu Hammad. "Jazak Allah khair, Aami."

"Here let me aid you." The old man grabbed the other pot and placed it in the basket that hung from either side of the mule. Raghad stood there flabbergasted at the actions of her dearest sibling. When and how did Badr command his knights to shadow her? Her heart skipped a naive beat and commenced to twirl inside her bust.

"Aami, has Badr been visiting often?" Hope twinkled in her doe like eyes.

Bu Hammad exhaled. "That my daughter you have to ask from Sagr al fursan himself." He verbalized and outstretched the rein of the mule for Raghad. "If you ever need my assistance you know where to locate me."

"Insha'Allah." She gave a nod, enfolded her cold, numb fingers around the rein and walked ahead, away from Bu Hammad.

Raghad dropped her head and proceeded forward eyes downcast. The sleeve of her dark gown flattered with the tranquil wind that swayed around her. Her sandals crunched tiny pebble stones and eyes blinked now and then. The sun ascended a few more stairs and stared down at the world. Wind opened its arms to greet the trees and birds that took flight. Raghad stared at her feet as she ambled to her destination. What if Badr had been visiting the tribe? If he had, why did he not desert the shadows to come forth and encounter his own sister?

Raghad came to a standstill at the force that held her back, she frowned then looked over her shoulder at the mule. A vexed huff escaped her lips when her gaze traveled down the mule's hoof that stuck in a hole. She glared at the mule then let go of the rein and sat on her knees, unaware where she stood, unmindful of her surroundings.

The mule lifted its other leg when Raghad placed her fingers on the stuck ankle. "Do not worry I will not harm you." She murmured and gently attempted to extract the hoof, however was unsuccessful. While she was engrossed in her task, the bride did not perceive the faraway thundering hoofs that made their way towards her like ravenous thunder bolts.

"Bismillah." Raghad mumbled and endeavored to pull the hoof yet once again, forehead creased in sheer concentration and jaw clenched. She unveiled her face when her shawl moved up to cover her eyes. It was then everything occurred in a bat of an eye, she did not have time to react when a tall shadow fell over her hunched form.

Suddenly, like a flash two strong, large arms stretched over her shoulders, pushed the mule in such a manner that the hoof was free from the hole without any complications. Raghad shrieked bewildered when those hands came down on her shoulders and tugged her body back in time to protect her from the uncountable horses that thundered in front of them. Wide, petrified eyes stared at the cloud of dust the horses left behind with a heart that sprinted against time. Raghad swallowed the bile that burned her throat, her body quivered like a leaf on a winter day.

"I knew you did not posses a brain, but by Allah this proves you are eyeless as well." That familiar voice spoke in her right ear. That voice that caused her to weep even in her dreams, the voice that belonged to the man who held her captive. The voice that belonged to her spouse... Faris.

Raghad swallowed again and comprehended that his large palms still rested on her trembling shoulders. She took a step forward, away from his touch that ignited her senses. Gradually she turned around to look at him, there he stood in his glory with the sun behind him and sky ahead. He was garbed in a white kandoora that embraced his wide chest and broad shoulders like second skin. A black headdress on his head, his hair fell on his wide shoulders, with a black robe over his white thobe.

"I...the well...what on earth was that? Who on earth were they?" Raghad gasped, aware how cold sweat trickled down the nape of her neck.

Faris stared at her for a while then shook his head just like he had done before, there were creases on his forehead, and lips pressed in a thin line. "It is strenuous to believe you lived among the Rashideens." He retorted with a raise of his brow.

Raghad placed her hand on her bosom, licked her dry lips and looked up at him. "What are you implying ?"

"This route," Faris jerked his head to where the mule stood. "Is for horses to race and you, bint-ash-sheikh were too preoccupied or shall I say too visionless to take notice of it." He mocked.

Raghad closed her eyes, inhaled then opened her eyes to glare at him or so she attempted. "If I did not get to witness a wedding every other day in your tribe I would have perceived it, Borkan." She turned her face away from him.

Faris parted his lips to pronounce the words that rang in his brain but halted when his gaze landed on the mule. He tilted his head and scrutinized the mule closely. "Where did you find this animal from?" His inquiry caused Raghad to face him again.

The bride paled at his question, she did not desire to inform him of the men her brother left to guard her. Although, Bu Hammad did indicate that faris al fursan was aware of his presence, but that does not mean she would unveil Badr's action to him. His eyes clashed with hers and Faris's dark eyes held her gaze, the power in his gaze dared her to curtain the truth. "I am certain you are well informed who is the owner of this poor mule."

Faris smiled, a smile that touched the corner of his lips, a smile that caused the wind to whirl and birds to retreat in their nests. A smile that held enigmas, a smile that provided a glimpse of his notorious thoughts. "Badr," he began in a tone that swathe it's rope around Raghad's throat. Faris leaned in, near enough for her to hear his whisper. "That sagacious man. However, this act of his was indeed very heedless." He pursed his lips as if in deep contemplation. "Did he ponder that this would go unnoticed? I am aware of every individual that resides in this tribe, ya Sheikha. What Badr committed is very formidable indeed, but he failed to recall that this," he leaned down further, relishing the terror that glimmered in her doe like yes. "Is my tribe."

"You cannot raise a dispute over this, Borkan. Badr did not spill blood, nor did he injure any of your tribesmen."

Faris nodded. "Indeed he did not."Raghad exhaled the breath she did not know she held. "That does not mean I shall remain silent while he sends his men to shadow his beloved sibling in my tribe."

"But_" The knight held his hand up to halt her.

"You have been away from the house from a long while, you must go now. My knights must be wondering where their leader is." He took a step back, waited then took another step back. "In the future if I catch you in a situation like this again. Remember this ya sheikha, I shall not come to your rescue." He smirked and sauntered away from his bride with proud strides.

If Faris knew that Badr had his knights to protect his sister then why on earth was he silent? Why did Faris al Fursan not act? Those men resided in his tribe, those men were his foes there must be something immensely paramount that restrained him from taking action!


I know the chapter is short, but the demand was high and I was EXTREMELY BUSY, no time to think or write. This is a Eid present for all my readers, I hope y'all enjoyed it. VOTE and let me know what you think about this in your COMMENTS.

Aami= Uncle

Binty= Daughter.

*Faris's family:

Faris_ Nasser_ Fahd_Shouq_Batool_Jazee.

*Raghad's family:


Sorry for the mistakes, I wrote this chapter quickly so that I can give you guys something to read on this Eid.

Queens_realm<<<my instagram account for my stories!

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