The Potter Twins and the Cham...

By fxturehearts__

343K 11.5K 7.7K

SO WISE SO YOUNG, THEY SAY, DO NEVER LIVE LONG. Back for their second year of Hogwarts School, Harry and Hay... More

Preface: Suclusion *
1. Dobby the House Elf *
2. Escape to the Burrow *
3. Floo Powder *
4. Lockhart and Lucius *
5. Blocked Barriors *
6. The Flying Car and New Additions *
7. The Howler *
8. Cornish Pixies *
9. Mudblood *
10. Enemies of the Heir *
11. Salazar's Chamber *
12. The Rouge Bludgers *
13. History is to Repeat Itself *
14. Digging Your Own Grave *
15. Parcelmouth *
16. Self Doubt *
17. He Knows Nothing *
18. The Diary is Found *
19. Riddle's Tale *
20. Petrified *
21. Heart of a Slytherin *
23. They Don't Stand a Chance *
24. Follow the Spiders *
25. Figuring Things Out *
26. The Chamber of Secrets *
27. Tom Marvolo Riddle *
28. Basilisk Venom *
29. True Gryffindors *
30. Come Back Home *
Epilogue: To Live and Let Go *
Book 3 is up!

22. Conspiracy *

8.5K 344 145
By fxturehearts__

"Explain to me this conspiracy against me, and tell me how I've lost my powers" ~ Conspiracy, Paramore

My eyes slowly flicker open, and black spots cloud my fuzzy vision. I let out a groan of pain and I outstretch my hands, to find myself laying on the cold floor of some sort of room.

I manage to pull myself into a siting position, and I look around the huge room I'm now in, questions rushing through my aching head.

Where am I?
Am I still in Hogwarts?
Is this a dream?

The last thing I can remember to speaking with Draco...

I reach into the pocket of my Quidditch robes - I never had the chance to change - to find my wand missing.

"Oh god," I murmur, as the sound of echoing footsteps appear on the stone.

In a panic, I pull myself to my feet, only to stumble as my head spins.

With a loud thump I fall back to the ground, gripping my head as the source of the footsteps appears before me.

"Hello, Haylee," the boy says in a smooth English accent. He appears to have a grey tone over his entire body and he is wearing a Slytherin uniform.

"Tom," I whisper, recognising him from what we saw in the dairy. "Tom Riddle? W-what's going on?"

"Haylee Lily Potter, the Girl Who Lived," he says, ignoring my question. "I have you in my grasp at last."

"Wait, w-what are you saying?"

I look him up and down, and I catch sight of a wand in his left hand - my wand.

"Why have you got my wand, Tom?" I ask firmly, although my voice is shaking slightly.

"It was all too easy, you see. It was too easy to lure the Weasley girl in, me it was all too easy for her to lure that Saunters boy in. And now, here you are, the bait for your brother-"

"What?" I cut him off.

"Ginny is the one who opened the Chamber, and her little friend has been helping her. Asher was also the one that brought you here, you can thank him for your head. And now that you are here, your brother is sure to follow you, and then I'll have you both at my reach."

At this moment, a very distant looking Asher walks forward from behind Tom.

"Ginny will be with us soon enough."

Everything inside my mind seems to click, and a gasp escapes my mouth. But Tom speaks before I can make out the words.

"I am Lord Voldemort, the Heir of Slytherin. And tonight will be your last.

Using my wand, Tom sent a spell towards me. The spark hits chest and I'm pushed backwards, making my head smash against the rock hard floor.


Oooo dramatic 😂😂

Sorry that these chapters have been kinda short, but the next few chapters will be in someone else's p.o.v

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