1. Dobby the House Elf *

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"Fingerprints sold me out, but our footsteps washed away" Six Feet Under the Stars, All Time Low

"Aw, Haylee look at you!" Harry laughs, pointing at a picture of me when I was a baby.

Looking through the photo album Hagrid gave us is what we've been doing all Summer.

I turn the page, and a picture of Harry, Hermione, Ron and I appears. We were all smiling happily, with Hogwart's robes and Gryffindor ties.

We were just four best friends.

But where are they now?

My sad thoughts are interrupted as Hedwig begins clawing and pecking irritably at her locked cage.

"We can't let you out, Hedwig." Harry sighs sadly, turning to look at the Snowy Owl.

"We're not allowed to do magic outside school," I add.

"And besides..." Harry says, turning to look at me now, "...if Uncle Vernon-"

"Harry and Haylee Potter!" Our Uncle's angry shout interrupts Harry.

"Now you've done it." I mumble as Harry and I begin the short walk downstairs to our 'family'.

We enter the kitchen to find Aunt Petunia humming quietly to herself while decorating an amazing looking cake.

She points us in the direction of our Uncle, and we share a look of distaste before walking to him.

"I'm warning you," Uncle Vernon begins threateningly, as he adjusts Dudley's bow-tie. "If you can't control that bloody bird of yours, it will have to go."

"It's just that she's bored," I say, with an undeniable tone of exasperation. "If we could just let her out for an hour or two."

"So you can send secret messages to our freaky little friends?" He scoffs, continuing to work on Dudley; who is looking very dapper in his tuxedo

"But we haven't had any messages...from any of or friends. Not one...All summer..." Harry says sadly.

Way to make us seem pathetic, Harry...

"Who would want to be friends with you?" Dudley mocks us, before making his way to his mother in the kitchen.

"I should think you'd be a little more grateful." Uncle Vernon says slowly, looking deeply offended. "We've raised you since you were babies, given you the food off our table...even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts."

Whatever helps you sleep at night...

"Not now. It's for when the Masons arrive." I hear Aunt Petunia say, obviously swatting Dudley's hand away from the cake.

"Which should be any minute." Uncle Vernon exclaims, as the rest of the Dursley's gather in the living room, all of them in very formal attire.

"Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?"

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home." Aunt Petunia replies, waltzing across the lounge with her arms outstretched widely.

"Good. And Dudley, you will be...?"

"I'll be waiting I open the door." He says, in a polite voice that is far from genuine.

"Excellent." Uncle Vernon praises.

His proud face then twists into one of distaste and the entire Dursley family loom in on Harry and I, with frowns upon all of their faces.

"And you two?" Our Uncle asks grimly.

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