21. Heart of a Slytherin *

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"Should have known that you've been dancing with a wolf" ~ Dancing With a Wolf, All Time Low

Turning away from my Petrfied best friend, I feel tears prick at my eyes, as Harry reaches toward me.

I shake him off silently, and wall quickly from the Hospital Wing, ignoring McGonagall's shouts, tears slipping rapidly down my cheeks.

I walk into the courtyard outside the infirmary and collapse to the ground, sobs escaping my mouth.

Out of all the people who could have been Petrified, why was it Hermione? She doesn't deserve this...no one does.

From the corner of my eyes, I see someone sit down beside me, and I ignore them; it's probably Harry, Ron or Tay anyway.

"Are you okay?"

I almost choke on air as I realise who the voice belongs to.

I turn my head slowly to see Draco Malfoy sitting beside me.

"Do I look okay, Malfoy?" I mumble, furiously wiping at my eyes, awaiting some sort of insult or snide remark about Muggleborns. "What are you doing here anyway? Just piss off."

"I'm not leaving, look at yourself, you're hysterical," Malfoy says, but not in the insulting way one would expect.

"Good observation," I snap, "what do you expect? My best friend just got Petrified."

"Yeah, I heard about that," He says, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you being nice all of a sudden?" I ask, after a few comments of awkward silence. "You hate my friends and I, you've made that pretty clear these last two years."

"I don't hate you, Haylee," he mutters, only just audibly. "Sure, I hate your brother and I'm not too fond of your friends, but I don't hate you."

"Funny joke, Malfoy," I laugh slightly, but he keeps a straight face, staring at me with a friendly expression. "You're serious?"

"Dead serious, Haylee, dead serious," he explains. "And the main reason I came to you today was so I could make amends with you. So, I'm sorry, for everything, and it would be great if we could be friends."

I don't say anything, instead I just stare at him with wide-eyes.

"Friends?" He then says, outstretching his hand to me.

I contemplate the situation for a moment, before smiling slightly.

"Friends," I say, shaking his hand, like we're agreeing to a truce - which, really, we kind of are. "But I swear, if this turns out to be some sort of pathetic trick, I'll kill you myself, Malfoy."

"Call me Draco," he tells me, chuckling slightly. "Now come on, the professors will have our heads if they find us out here, especially after what McGonagall said at that Quidditch match."

We both stand and begin walking back inside the castle, an awkward silence looming between us.

"So, Wood looked pretty angry about the cancelation," Malfoy - or rather, Draco - says.

"He's livid," I answer. "I don't blame him, that was our chance at winning the cup."

"Especially considering how you smashed us last match," He says. "I still can't believe you took a Bludger just so you could score."

"It was worth it in the end," I muse, as we come across the entrance to the dungeons.

"So I'll see you around, Haylee," Draco says, smiling crookedly.

"Maybe you will," I say, before beginning to think of my other friends. "Hey, do you think we could -"

"Keep this to ourselves?" He cuts me off. "I think that would be best."

With that, we say our goodbyes and I begin walking up to Gryffindor Tower, knowing that McGonagall is going to scream at me for disobeying her.

I turn a corner towards the common room, when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso.

I scream, but the unknown assailant shoves his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams as I struggle desperately against his strong grip.

Suddenly, something heavy is smashed across my head, and everything goes black.


So that happened...

Any thoughts guys?

Please remember to vote and all those other things if you enjoyed, and the next chapter will hopefully be up soon.

Sorry for any typos guys

See you soon

The Potter Twins and the Chamber of Secrets {2}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora