When Alec met Magnus (A Malec...

By RosesOfForever

83K 3K 1.8K

Alec Lightwood is a stressed 20 something guy living in New York, working 2 jobs, and just trying to get by... More

Chapter One: Shady Obsessions and Ugly Ass Scarves
Chapter Two: Coffee and Camille
Chapter Three: Stalking and Dinner Invitations
Chapter four: Dinner and He's Mine.
Chapter Five: Shadowhunters and Coffee Service
Chapter Six: Kisses and Carrie
Chapter Seven: Mayhem and Media
Chapter Eight: Deliveries and Designers
Chapter Nine: Wrongs and Rights
Chapter 11: Witches and Wizards
Chapter 12: Warlocks and Kisses
Chapter Thirteen: Camille and Confusion
Chapter Fourteen: Christmas and Siblings
Chapter 15: Cats and Kittens
Cover Designs

Chapter Ten: Coffee and a Hangover

4.3K 187 29
By RosesOfForever

Hey guess! Sorry for how long it took again....this summer was rather eventful. I was in like 8 states over all and I got a girlfriend so score lol xD Anyways, I was going to write more but I decided to just publish this part and post the date in a separate chapter. 

     The first thing Alec felt when he woke up was a blinding pain and the feeling like someone had just kicked him multiple times in the stomach. Where the fuck am I? he thought when he opened his eyes.

There was a huge painting of weird paint smudges on canvas in the vague shape of either a horse or someone eating someone else feet first. There were fake flowers on the bed and a pile of silk gold sheets flung on the gross yellow carpet. Alec sat up and immediately wished he hadn't. The pain in his skull had now escalated to the feeling of a baby elephant using his brain as a bouncy house. On the bedside table sat a glass of water, 2 pills and a note written in very curly hand writting.


I went out for breakfast and a walk. I thought you might need a little time for yourself to think things over. I'll be back around 9am.


Glancing at the clock, Alec realized it was 9:15 already and Magnus would probably be back any minute. He groaned and let his head drop between his legs. What was he going to do? For a long time he had just ignored his sexuality in the hopes that somehow it would magically be okay. He had gone on one or two dates during college but had never really had a relationship. He had been forced to go to a gay bar once in senior year with his roommate, but had only lasted about 30 minutes before he puked all over floor from anxiety. Just then the door knob jiggled and Magnus walked in, carrying a bag from a bakery. "Good morning sunshine, hows the hangover?"

"Shit." Alec groaned. "I swear I'm never going to drink again."

Magnus rolled his eyes and set the bag down on the table. "Honey I tell myself that every monday morning." He said, chuckling and walking over to crouch in front of Alec.

"Did you take the asprin I put out?"

Alec began to shake his head then immediately stopped and doubled over again. "Ugh, I just want to go to sleep and wake up in 10 years when this is all over." He complained, starting to get back in bed.

"Oh no you don't. First things first is to call those pesky siblings of yours. Your phone has been ringing so much I'm surprised it hasn't exploded yet." He said, handing Alec his phone of the side table.

Magnus was right, there was about 50 missed calls from Jace and Izzy, and more texts than he could count. He bit his lip and braced himself for the onslaught of yelling that was about to take place. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL A PHONE IS FOR?? I SWEAR TO GOD ALEXANDER GIDEON BOTH YOUR ARMS BETTER BE BROKEN BECAUSE THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT CALLING."

Alec winced and held the phone away from his ear. Magnus pretended not to be laughing and went about reheating breakfast. "Hey Iz, sorry, I just got all your messages. Im so sorry."
She huffed, and he could hear whispering in the background. "I suppose I can forgive you. But are you okay? Where the hell did you go last night? Everyones been worried sick."

"Everyone?" Alec said in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be a smart ass." She hissed. "Now where are you??"

"I'm....fine. Really Iz. I'm with someone....someone from work."

"....well....I'm glad youre not dead in a ditch somewhere."

Alec smiled. "Love you too sis. Anyways, I'll probably be heading home soon, so I'll see you later."

"Call me when you get home, and dont do anything stupid."


"Sounds like she was pretty upset." Magnus said as he hung up.

"Yeah, she gets really pissy when shes worried. You should have seen her the weeks before she got her acceptance letter to college. If anyone even mentioned school she'd bite their head off like a piece of shrimp."

Magnus laughed and sat down beside Alec. "Breakfast? Its from a bakery down the street. Oh, and I got you some coffee from starbucks, black and boring, just how you like it."

Alec smiled and took the coffee, still in pain. "You remembered."

"Theres not much to remember, I mean its literally the most basic drink order there is, besides pumpkin spice lattes but that's a whole different type of basic....so....last night was pretty....eventful."

Alec sipped his coffee and nodded. "Mind telling me what happened?" Magnus asked, looking hesitant.

He took another drink of coffee and thought for a second. "It was just....well....I thought after a couple years, I mean....I thought we could be normal. Just for the holidays.....but I guess I was wrong. I mean, hardcore christians and flaming homosexuals don't really mix."

Magnus laughed and put an arm around Alec's shoulders. "No, not really. So...umm......last night....you....well....you kissed me. a lot."

Alec groaned again and covered his face with his hands, blushing. "Oh god. Oh god I'm so sorry I was drunk and -"

"Alec, alec calm down its okay. I don't care, really....I just...want to know if that was a one time thing...or...can I expect more kisses?" He asked, smiling hopefully.

Alec bit his lip and stayed silent for a second. "Its just....I want to....I really do...but...I've never had a boyfriend and theres just so many things that could go wrong and -"

"But theres also so many things that could go right. Listen, every couple faces obstacles...it doesn't matter. We can get through them together. But if you say you don't want to, and you just want to be friends, thats fine. But let me ask you this, which one are you going to regret more, walking away, or taking a chance?"

He stayed quiet for what seemed like five minutes...then...all of a sudden he reached up and placed his hand on Magnus's neck, gently pulling his face towards his. As their lips met, all the pressure that had been building up in his chest seemed to melt away as he leaned forward into the kiss. One of Magnus's arms slipped around Alec's waist as the other wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him close. "Does that answer your question." Alec asked, out of breath as they drew apart.

Magnus giggled and kissed his forehead. "Very much so."

"You have to remember though I've never done anything at all like this...I mean I have no idea what the hell I'm doing so if I totally screw up I-"

"Alec, you have got to calm down. Its fine, we can go slow. Hows this, next week, you can come over, I'll make you my famous thai take out and we can just watch a movie or something. Nothing too scary, right?"

Alec exhaled, and nodded. "Right, thats not scary. Sorry, I just...."

"I know."  

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