Nobody's Girl (British urban...

By shedontcurrr

9.1K 653 147

sometimes hate can be the best love. More



394 31 16
By shedontcurrr

[kept it short and cute so the next one can be longer, I'm loving the support guys I really appreciate the reads and votes, ty xx]


It seemed the kiss with Devonte was all I could think about all week. The feeling of his wandering hands all over me had stained my senses and I couldn't even walk past him in class the same way anymore. But of course, he was avoiding me like a plague, just as I was avoiding Him.

And Hazel.

And CJ.

And Robbie.

Robbie. I really did feel like the most stupid girl.

I needed to apologise to him.

For lying and telling him I didn't like him at all.

It hurt to remember how I spoke to him.

After the care taker had found us after about an hour, I ran out of the steaming room and straight into the toilets.

And who would I meet but Esme, stood in front of the stained mirror with a mascara wand in her hand.

"Guess you got taught the lesson you needed." She bore her eyes into the bruises on my neck and the cut on my jaw. I didn't realise how bad I look until she reminded me.

After a last once over and a proud smirk she'd walked out.

The worst part was having to sit in my last period for the day and already expecting Devonte to walk right past me.

"Malorie-Jane are you alright?" Mr Lewis had asked just after the lesson had ended. I nodded and practically ran out of class, glad the day had finally ended, only to be met by a startled Robbie outside.

I couldn't describe how fast he pulled me into him and how gently he brushed my hair away from my face.

Or the glint in his eyes. The worry. The way he brushed off his friends when they asked if he was joining them for football practice later.

"MJ, what.."

"I'm fine."

My voice was hoarse and my throat had began to ache because I liked how he cared so much for me but I hated the fact that I had to be such a bitch to him.

"Lemme take you home."

"I said I'm fine!" I pushed his arms off me and began to walk in the opposite direction.

"What's wrong."

He was hot on my tail.


He kissed his teeth "Don't lie to me."

I ignored him and fastened my pace.

I saw CJ with her arms over her chest, leaning quietly by the lockers.

This sucked so much.


I came to a hault when I realised I'd end up crying if he called me for any longer.

"Okay , you wonna know what's wrong? The fact that you won't leave me the fuck alone! I don't like you Robbie, so I would really appreciate if you got off my back and stopped following me around like some lost puppy!"

He looked taken aback by my words and in fact, I was too.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"I don't recall stuttering."

He nodded melodramatically and slowly started to walk backwards.


It took every strength in me to pretend not to care.

But God knows I did.

I felt the huge urge to phone him, there an then at 11:30 in the night and I almost dailled his name till I remembered the text he'd sent me about deleting his number.

Its funny how things turn out. I thought about that morning. What if Ms sykes hadn't asked me to get the register? What if I took the opposite corridor on my way there? What if I didn't do that stupid thing with Devonte? Would I still be this upset with myself? Would Robbie feel any different about me? Was this meant to happen?

Suddenly I was glad I was miles away from home, in a bed that wasn't my own. I felt at peace knowing all the drama could be put on hold for these couple of days. I didn't have to think about it so much. I could push it to the back of my mind and concentrate on the reason I was actually here, to meet my dad.

I absent mindedly stared at the ceiling of the box room. The lights were off and my eyes wandered in the darkness.

I don't know how long I'd been laying awake on the reasonably comfortable single bed but it must have been a long while because I had lost control of my entire body.  I heard a few noises from the hallway which was probably Tracy in the bathroom.
I played with my phone in hand, tossing it up and down before sighing in exasperation. I needed to stop beating myself up and move forward from this. I vowed to myself that I would forget about everyone that had hurt me in these past few weeks and concentrate on those I had hurt. I shut my eyes and started to list names in my head. And of course the first was Robbie. He didn't deserve for me to do this to him. And I definitely didn't deserve a guy like him. I note that I would have to speak to him immediately I was back in London and try and make amends.
The footsteps became louder towards my doors before they abruptly opened. I quickly pulled the heavy sheets over my shoulders and turned towards the window to give the impression that I was asleep. What I wasn't expecting was to have them yanked off me right after by a pair of broad hands.

"What the_"

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?"

Oh. Hell. No.
Even in the dark I could establish it definitely was not Tracy, but in fact the lanky looking guy with the mop head who barged past me that night. 
He burned his eyes into me and went on to yank the sheets entirely off me. Bearing in mind I was dressed in just a shirt that didn't even reach my thighs.
"Can you stop that!" I hissed in a tone close to mute, pulling the shirt down.
"Then can you proceed to get off my bed?"
I sat in disbelief for a few seconds before retaliating.
"Your bed? I didn't see your name on it..."
I only realised how childish I must've seemed after I had made that comment.
He peered at me in a disgusted look before bending closer to my profile.
"Get. The fuck. Up."
His breath which stank of alcohol blew over my face.
"Malorie are you_" Tracy walked in and switched the lights on. "Oh Dylan."
"I don't remember mum saying you could turn my room into a flipping motel while I was away."
Now the lights were on, I got a clearer image of his face. He was... Immaculate. Beautiful, almost angelic.
"Get the fuck up!"
Or not.
"Dylan!" Tracy his business as though we weren't even there.
I sent Tracy a light smile before proceeding to leave the room.
"Can you ever be polite?!" I heard her nag behind me in the room.
I slumped into the sunken
sofa and shut my eyes.
This better go as planned.

I'd had enough with surprises.

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