Strange (boyxboy)

By Insomniatic_love

98.7K 5.5K 1.4K

Oliver has always been different. After being abandoned by his parents and left with his bohemian aunt, he wo... More

Pink for Leelah


5.8K 366 98
By Insomniatic_love

Oliver threw himself off his bed and onto the floor, his attempt at avoiding the raining glass. While it helped some, he could still feel little pains on his face and arms where he'd been cut. His breathing was quick and his heart hammered with adrenaline, everything was blurry. Fear clouded him and with a trembling voice he yelled, "Harley!"

Soon, footsteps were heard and the door flung open, revealing a frazzled Harley, her pink hair tangles and eyes wide. "Oli?" She questioned, carefully making her way towards the boy who was a mess on the floor. The glass on the floor made her cautious, but as soon as she reached her nephew, she crouched with him and held his head to her chest. "What happened?"

Oliver sniffled and shook his head weakly, energy lowering as the adrenaline left his body. "I don't know. I- I had this awful dream and when I woke up it just happened!"

The eccentric woman looked down at her shaken nephew and swiped a finger over one of the few cuts that decorated his cheek, frowning at the blood. Her eyes honed in on the dried blood beneath his ears, though, and the look on her face darkened. Everything was so messed up.

Harley carefully helped Oliver up and led him from the room, only turning back once to look at the damage. She'd seen it all before.


Oliver couldn't go to school the next day. His body was exhausted and at random points in time his ears would throb and he would curl in pain. He took medicine and rested but nothing could stop how he felt, physically and mentally. Even with how absolutely horrid his body felt, how he felt inside was worse. The people who wanted his help, he wasn't there for them. For God's sakes he couldn't figure anything out, they needed him and he was worthless.

Never had something like this happened to Oliver before. He'd always been able to help the dead rest. Whether they had been murdered or died peacefully in their sleep, he helped. Now, though, all he could connect was the fact that multiple people over the years had gone missing.

He did as much research as possible, taking advantage of having a ditch day. He filled journals with information and wrote out questions, things that needed to be asked. All the teens who had gone missing were from ages fifteen to nineteen. One about every year and a half, some theories were probable but not likely. A serial kidnapper, a secret slave trade, and many more, but they got more ridiculous as he went along.

When the clock hit three, Oliver sighed and shut his laptop down. His shaky hands rubbing over his grey eyes in absolute exhaustion. Sleep sounded wonderful.  He was so tired and it was still so early, he couldn't sleep and he knew it. Not only because of time, but because he was afraid.

The voices would come back, hauntingly disturbing and terrifying.


At dinner that night Harley was quiet and reserved. Her usually confident and eccentric attitude diminished by awful emotions. Conversation was nonexistent and it didn't take long for the older woman to excuse herself and leave to her room. It was sad, until Oliver's phone went off. He looked down to see a new message and was brightened when seeing Luke's name. No txt and u ditched school. Trying 2 avoid me already?

Of course not, why would you think that? 

Oliver grinned and was happy to know that Luke was thinking of him. It was amazing that someone actually cared.

When his phone vibrated, Oliver read it and grinned widely. Just hoping that we're still on? We could go out Saturday?? What the pale teen wanted to reply with was one giant YES, but he knew how creepy that would look. So he settled for something less dramatic.  Sure, what time are you thinking?

4;30?? We could meet at the movie theatre(:

After that, for Oliver, it was like Heaven. The two texted each other for hours, flirting and making plans for their date. Even after his awful night and day, it seemed that Luke could cheer him up just by texting. For someone with little actual human interaction, the way that the other boy made Oliver was amazing. He loved the way his stomach would tingle and his would blush, it made him feel human. Something he never really got the chance of before.

After awhile, both said goodnight. Oliver was smiling and excited as he lay on the couch that night, he kept his arms firmly around Jeffy who purred at the attention. He couldn't wait till Saturday.


All of Saturday Oliver was a bundle of joy, his mood at an all time high. He was going on an actual date with someone he found amazing. When it reached three, he became all nerves. He was fidgety as he took a shower and had shaky hands when he did his hair.

It took a little over thirty minutes to pick out an outfit, it made him wonder if Luke was freaking out as much as he was. He hoped so but doubted it. The two had texted a little through out the day but had stopped when Oliver said he needed to get ready.

When it reached four ten, Oliver checked himself over in the mirror again and ruffled his hair. "Bye Aunty H! I'll see you later!" He called before leaving the house, getting in her car, and driving away. He arrived at the towns small movie theatre minutes before four thirty and shot a text to Luke telling he was there and waiting.

Oliver stepped out into the cold weather and leaned against the wall of the theatre. He could see his own breath in the air, but ignored it as he watched the parking lot for Luke. He saw others come and go, time passing. He checked his phone to see the time, five O'clock. His heart dropped into his stomach-  thirty minutes late.

With shaky fingers, Oliver clicked onto Luke's contact and hit the call button. It rang four times before it stopped and went to voice mail. With embarrassed tears in his eyes the pale boy put his phone away and stomped back to Harley's car, slamming the door as he sat down.

He felt so stupid.

He was cold  and sad and angry. Of course Luke stood him up! Why wouldn't he?

Oliver furiously wiped at his teary grey eyes and leaned against the steering wheel. He was zoned out and jumped when he heard a knock on his window. He looked up to see a familiar, smiling face. Oliver rolled down the window with one hand and rubbed his eyes with the other. "Hey, Dan." He said quietly.

"Hey, Oli, are you okay?"

Oliver nodded slightly but was frowning. He saw Dan look around before the warm eyes were focused on him again. "What are you doing out here?" 

"Just about to leave."

Dan shrugged a little before giving a friendly smile. "Want to come see a movie with me?"

Oliver nodded, his teary eyes drying as Dan helped him out of the car.




hehe, tell me what you thought?


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