Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Tim...

By katiebarakarth

139K 3.6K 1K

Alex and Jules have been best friends for years. They know everything thing about each other... except that J... More

Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Time Low Fanfic)
Picture Day
Picking Up The Pieces
What Are You Trying To Prove?
They're Called All Time Low
Project Runway
Any Other Girl
My Jules
Going Too Far
Man Up, Gaskarth
Who Said Anything About Love?
I'm Tired
I've Got A Plan
Take It Off
What's Up, Gaskarth?
The End [Part 1]
New Beginnings
Ride Home
Disrupting My Sleep
Happy Birthday
Some Best Friends They Are
How Many
The End [Part 2]

Just One Kiss...

4.3K 106 36
By katiebarakarth

Alex stayed flanked at my side the next day at school. He was just extra... there. We were in the caferteria and he'd chosen the seat next to me. If I moved he moved. And despite how annoying that may sound I found it sweet he still wanted to protect me from Rudd. And sort of Necessary.

Especially since I didn't know what Rudd had planned on doing that night. He hadn't be sexually agressive, but he had me pinnied and that was probably the scariest part. I didn't know what he was going to do. Would he rape me? Did he just want me to listen to that twisted story to hurt me? It did hurt. Not that I cared about him all that much, but because I'd dismissed Alex's warnings and hurt him for a guy. Plus it's a bruise to the ego that a guy would only date me because of Alex.

"Alex, I know you want to stay with me, but I have to pee," I told him pushing slightly away from him.

"Ohh, no you don't" he took my upper arm in one hand and slid me back to him, "You could've gone to the bathroom if you'd listened to me about Rudd, but you didn't so you can't."

I sighed, "How long are you going to hold that over me?"

He was focused on eating his lunch so his answers became very simple. "However long I feel like it."

"I just don't understand what that has to do with me needing to go to the bathroom," I shoved a piece of pasta into my mouth.

Alex finally turned to face me with an exhuasted look on his face, "Look, Jules, if I can't go to the bathroom with you... you said it yourself, we didn't know what he was going to do to you last night."

I nodded, "What if Ally comes with me?"

"Gladly," she scoffed looking at Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes, "It's not like I called you fat. Calm down."

"So now you're saying I'm fat?"

"No, now I'm saying you're acting ridiculous," he rolled his eyes.

"Jerk," she huffed.

I raised an eyebrow, "What happened here?"

"Nothing," Jack looked annoyed. I've seen Ally and him fight a lot, but he never looked annoyed with her. Usually he seemed to be enjoying it. "Excuse me."

He stood up. We watched him walk away to meet a girl walking into the cafeteria. He leaned down to kiss her. Her arms wrapped around his neck. I glanced over at Ally, whose arms were crossed over her chested angrily.

I cleared my throat, "What's happening there?"

Alex tapped my forehead. "Anyone up there?" He asked.

I shooed his hand any, "What?"

"Jules, Jack and Clare been dating for like a month," Rian told me.

"What?" I repeated more shocked this time.

"Someone was preoccupid with Rudd," Ally mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, but knew she was right, even if she hadn't said it in the nicest of ways.

Jack and Clare were making their way over to us. "Excuse me," Ally growled and got up to leave.

Rian and I shot each other a look. She so loved him. I sighed and leaed onto Alex's shoulder, "They're so perfect together."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Jack and clare?"

"No," I scoffed, "Jack and Ally.'

"All they do is fight!" He looked surprised.

"With sexual frustration," I leaned my head up to let my hot breath tickle his ear trying to drive hime the point of sexual frustration. He shivered and I laughed. He leered down at me with hooded eyes. He blinked twice and then smiled down at me.

Jack and Clare came to sit with us. I frowned and sat up when I saw Clare sit in Ally's previous seat.

Clare beamed friendly at me. "Hey, Jules. I've heard a lot about you." She extended her hand. I looked down at her hand before slowly accepting it in mine with a fake smile. Normally I'd be very open to the guys getting a girlfriend, hell Rian's ex, Kara, was one of my best friends until they broke up, but Jack and Ally were perfect together. They just needed a little time to see that.

"Hi, Clare," I pulled my hand back.

Ally walked back to our table with a bag of chips. She looked up and scowled at Clare. "You took my seat."

"Oh," Care got up, "Take it. I'll sit with Jack." She found herself and comfy spot on Jack's lap and the two sett;ed into each other.

He muzzled her neck with a smile like a dog being pet by it's owner.

"Black," Ally blurted out and sat back into her old seat.

Jack sent her an unamused look and she rolled her eyes. Clare seemed completely oblivious.

Alex stiffened and perked up at the sight of something. I searched in front of him.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll be right back," he said suddenly.

He stood up causing his chair to scrape against the tile floor. I saw him march away and realized by the direction which he was going that he was aimed at Rudd.

By the time I caught up to him Alex was slamming Rudd against the cafeteria wall with a handful of shirt in his fist. Rudd let out an 'oaf' when he felt the slam.

"Alex," I pleaded when I saw the bruise on Rudd's face. He barelt glanced back at me. Apparently it only increased his anger and Alex slammed him into the wall again.

Rudd moaned, 'Back off.'

Alex laughed dryly, "That's funny. I said that to you and you didn't seem to understand. In fact, you almost raped Jules."

Rudd rolled his eyes, "I wasn't going to raped anyone."

People were starting to glance over at us.

Alex growled.

"Alex." I placed a hand on his forearm and he relaxed.

Rudd smiled, "Thanks, sugar lips."

Alex slammed him again, "Don't talk to her, got it?"

I gnored Rudd and continued. Alex had this savage look in his eyes. Like a dog that's about to bite. With dark eyes and an angry, scrunched up face. I knew if I didn't do something soon he'd kill Rudd.

"Alex," I tried again, but this time he didn't relax. "It's okay, I'm okay."

he scowled and glanced back at me, "But one more minute and you wouldn't have been."

"Alex," I whispered one more time. He looked back slightly loosening his grip, "Look you already gave him a black eye, he learned his lesson."

He dropped Rudd with an angry glare and walked away with me. I went to sit with our friends, who looked confused and shocked, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hall with him.

"Let's ditch," he beamed down at me.

i sighed. It was my fault Alex was so wound up because of Rudd. So I nodded, "Let's go."

Alex and i spent the rest of the day together talking about anything and nothing all at the same time. I didn't dare bring up Rudd or anything boy related and neither did he. By the very end of the night I was cuddled into Alex's side more than half asleep.

Alex's POV

I bit my bottom lip. I prayed this wouldn't be considered taking advantage.

Jules was lying comfortably in my arms. I watched her chest rise up and down in sync with her breathing. I licked my lips. Oh god I couldn't even pretend to resist anymore. Just one kiss...

I leaned in and pressed my lips against her warm ones. Only quickly though. She mummuered something against my lips and I grinned then frowned. Oh god what did I just do?

A?N: What do you all think of Jules and Alex kissing? Comment, vote, and fan!

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