Hang on to your IQ (On Hold)

By The_Used_Grrl

2.7K 111 20

Unfinished, but if you want to read it and be mad at me go ahead. Another Molsdal story. More

I'm Lonely
You see through my disguise
Nothing Ever Goes My Way
Stepping Back In Time
Days Dawning, Skins Crawling
Sadness The Name of The Spike That Took Me.
I'll Make it, That's All.
Crush and crumble under your defenses
I'll ask the sea for answers.
Nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling.
So all that I can do, is make your fears come true.
Drink You Pretty
I didn't mean it
God knows I've tried
I don't enjoy to watch you crumble

The Molko Effect .

301 10 4
By The_Used_Grrl


"I don't want to go though." Stefan said, his head hurt and he wanted to sleep more. But Jeph decided it was okay to call him after what happened last night.

Jeph only knew some of the story, not the part where Stef got drunk to no return. 

Stefan rubbed his eyes and laid back on the couch, listening annoyingly to Jeph's words.

"But Brian get's super depressed and bitchy whenever he is without a significant other, or even a friend man." Jeph said. It was true, Stefan had seen that many times before and he didn't like it.

Stef sighed. "I told him it was over when I walked out. He'll be confused to see me."

The twenty-one year old didn't want to see Brian for a while. But he knew Jeph, he would do anything to make Brian happy and everyone not pissed off at each other.

So this was going to have to happen, if he liked it or not.

"But you have to at least know he's alright." Jeph replied.

Stefan muttered something underneath his breath, but the other didn't catch it. "Fine, meet me at his flat in thirty minutes." He always had to deal to Jeph's pressuring to make others happy. So he really had to make the plan.

"Okay bye." Jeph hung up.

He grabbed his shoes and put them on in the stairway quickly, while the others in the house looked at him confused.

Bert looked up. "Where the hell are you going? I thought we were going to hang out today, not once I get here you leave."

Quinn agreed with him. "Yeah. And we just got here." 

Jeph finished tying up his first shoe. "I'm just making sure Brian isn't fucking himself up right now. Stefan is gonna meet me there." He didn't really want to lie, everyone cared for Brian's life. If something was messed up in his, everyone else's life were terrible.

Bert called it 'The Molko Effect'.

Quinn looked as confused as Bert. "Stef texted me yesterday saying that it was over between the two of them."

"Really?" Bert sat up. "Can I come?" Jeph could tell he really wanting to check him out, but he didn't need more people.

Jepha shook his head. "No, Brian doesn't need a bunch of shits pressuring him."

He got from his spot and started heading to his car. "I'll be back hopefully once Brian and Stef are back to shagging constantly." He didn't know what to really say.

It was mostly true too.

"Fine, bye." Branden was the only one to reply.

He was the only one Jeph didn't mean to call 'shit'.


Stefan arrived first, parking in the same spot as last night.

He noticed the window was still open from last night and the lights in the flat were on. Brian must've forgotten to turn them off.

He was worried what had happened to him since there was no noise.

Jeph arrived in the lot with his blue car. He quickly got out as Stef stared down at him.

Jeph wasn't as short as Brian- him being only 5'6, but Jeph still had to look up.

"So, you want to go check out the scene?" Jeph really wanted to know if he was ready for this.

Stefan nodded and motioned towards the flat with his coat. He still lead the line though. Jeph followed behind.

The man opened the door to a hall with steps leading to Brian's flat.

 It was empty, the only person still living in the flat below Brian's was a old woman, about sixty. Before Stefan met Brian, that's where he went for all his problems, but it wasn't an actual relationship like they had.

It was more a mother-son relationship.  

The woman opened the door to smile at Stefan.

"Hello honey, how have you been?"

Stefan felt like lying.  "I'm fine. How's Brian?"

She shrugged. "My dear, I haven't heard any noise from upstairs since last night. So he could be out."

"What did you hear last night?" He asked, hopefully she wasn't going to mention the shag from upstairs.

"I heard someone leave and then there was a crash. I didn't really hear anything else besides someone mumbling until about 2 a.m. when there was silence." She looked over at Jeph. 

"Okay, we were just wondering where he was."

Stef had so many thoughts going through his head right now.

"I'll notify you if I hear anything." She smiled and closed her door. "Bye sweetie."

"Bye Becca." Stefan turned around once he heard her footsteps fade. "Maybe he's at Robert's?"

Brian usually stayed there if he wasn't at home.

 "Let's just go upstairs and if he's not there we can check with Robert." Jeph turned back over to the stairs and they walked up.

Stefan and Jeph traveled up to the door that said 'B3' or what the two wrote on it '666'.

Stefan smiled at the memory of that day.

The two had a pretty good relationship.

Until yesterday.

"Come on, let's go inside." Jeph pushed on the door and it opened to a destructed room.

The T.V. was knocked down, shards on glass everywhere. Stefan was hoping Brian was okay.

"What the fuck did you do?" Jepha asked, picking up a paper with some scribbled writing on it. Stefan was starting to regret his decision immediately.

He loved Brian, but something had gotten to him.


Last Night

Stefan and Brian were in a bar. The two decided to go out for drinks, without realizing how crowded the bar was going to be.

People spilled out of the bar.

Stefan didn't want to deal with this, but Brian had found a new girl to try to win over. 

"Well, I'm in a band." Stefan heard Brian say.

He seemed to be happy with this girl.

Stefan just wanted Brian to himself.

The barmaid nudged Stef's arm. "Want anymore sweetie?" She asked.

He nodded and looked down, "fill it please."

She nodded and grabbed more for his cocktail. "Is that yours?" She asked, looking at Brian.

Stefan nodded and took another drink. "Yeah."

She looked at him with her green eyes. "You might want to watch over him." She left to fill other's glasses.

Stef realized that he needed to go before anything happened to him or Brian.

"Brian, can we leave soon?" He asked. 

The short man, didn't seem to pay attention the first time, so he repeated.

Brian turned around angrily. "Can't you see I'm talking to a person here?" 
His voice was stern. "And you can leave whenever you want."

"Fine." Stefan got up and left.

The woman whom was named Ella gave Brian and slip a paper with her number on it.

"Call me." She handed him the paper before she floated on with the rest of the crowd.

Brian rushed out to find Stefan getting on the bus. He hurried an followed him to the back of the bus.

Stefan blocked Brian out, making him confused.

"Hey, you know I'd never leave you."

Brian still was contemplating the idea of calling Ella. She seemed like a good enough woman to want to ruin her life with Brian.

The man pulled his arm away from Brian, who was trying his best to comfort him.

"Brian, I know you. You'll cheat on anyone for another fuck."

He looked up at Stefan with his blue eyes, which he had become friends with. "No, I love you more. Your so fucking special."

Brian came into contact with Stefan's lips. The taste of alcohol and nicotine was in every kiss between the two, and they loved it. 

Stefan never wanted this to leave, but he never knew what Brian was thinking.

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