Toss Up (Danny Rand)

By MissHattress

36.8K 883 637

". . . A situation in which all outcomes or options are equally possible or equally attractive." For Ari, lif... More

Cirque Aigile
Field Trip
The Spider
The Search
The Dream
The Truth
The Change
Not an update (yet!)
The Fox In The City
Celebrate (Good Times)
Thinking with Portals
Bottle Rockets and Plastic Stars
Double Shift (Part 1)
Double Shift (Part 2)
Double Shift (Part 3)
The Neo Gala Fundraiser


1.3K 32 6
By MissHattress

I take in a deep breath as I concentrate on the easiest routine I can think of, bouncing on the trampoline as I flip once, twice, three times—

I wince before I can complete the fourth turn, my legs locking up as I curl up to land on my back.

"You're getting better, that's great!" Doctor Denisse says as her sister, Rachelle, comes over to help me up. I breathe in the much-needed oxygen, taking her hand gratefully as I sit on the edge of the trampoline. I let out a frustrated sigh as I run a hand through my sweaty hair, resting my arms on my knees as I bow my head.

"We've been at this for two weeks now, Doc," I say catching my breath. "Why is this still happening?"

She gives me a small smile, handing me a bottle of water which I take with a small thanks. "The drug is still working through your system. Since it was developed for mutants, it isn't like any normal drug so it will take some time." She explains.

"I get that . . . but while I'm here, the others are out there saving the day!" I exclaim, gripping the bottle as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"We know you want to be out there with them and this is starting to frustrate you, but you have to be patient, Ari. What you need now is time."

Even though I know she's right, a part of me is still upset that this is all I could do. I wasn't allowed to go on missions or perform in Aigile. The only thing I can do is go to school (which is awkward as hell since I was missing for almost two months) do homework and go straight back to SHIELD headquarters—which was rebuilt because it was destroyed thanks to Green Goblin—and repeat the whole process. It's starting to grate at me that I'm so . . . limited. I'm used to moving around and being active, but I can't do that when my body won't listen to me.

". . . So how are Simone and the others?" I ask changing the subject.

"We've managed to find their families if that's what you're asking," Denisse replies. "Fortunately, they've all handled the situation rather well, although Simone's grandmother was a bit . . . shaky on the subject. We've been working with the Professors that turned themselves in after the infiltration of the facility."

Simone's grandma? "That's good to hear . . . I guess. Doesn't help that they've ruined lives."

Professor Lee and the others are trying to fix their mistakes . . . isn't that enough?" she smiles as the doors behind her slide open, revealing two familiar faces.

"Good afternoon Doctors." Agent Benjamin greets curtly, walking in alongside Agent Ana. The two didn't seem to change other than Agent Ana's hairstyle. It's in a short bob now that complimented her facial structure and maybe now it was a few shades lighter? Agent Benjamin looks the same, his hair slicked back to the side in a classic kind of style. A few greys peppered his dark hair but it makes him looked distinguished.

"Good afternoon, Agents." Doctor Rachelle replies with a nod.

"I guess our session is over for today then," I say hopping off the trampoline with a little wobble. My vision blurs a little and I shake the dizziness away. I can see their concerned looks, but I wave my hand before they can say anything. "I'm fine, see you two next week then?"

"Five O'clock on the dot." Doctor Denisse grins. She's always so smiley, it's kinda nice.

"It's good to see you again, Ari." Agent Ana says with a small smile, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "You have no idea how worried Benjamin has been about you." The man coughs, probably giving her a pointed look through his shades. Ooh, first name bases?

"It's good to have you back." He says as he leads me through the doors.

"How has your treatment been going?" Agent Ana asks, her arm hooked around mine. Probably to make sure I don't keel over.

"Better. I still can't go back to Aigile, or out with the others. Apparently, whatever it was that those crazy scientists gave me, it's working itself out of my system." I reply as she frowns, hearing the grumpiness in my voice.

"Think positively, Ari. If anyone can get through this, it's you."

Or so I keep hearing. "What's on the schedule now?"

"Director Fury would like to speak with you, after that you're free to go to your room." Agent Benjamin states. "I believe your friends should be arriving soon after that."

"I still think me staying here is a bit much . . . I miss my room back at my apartment." I pout, missing the freedom of walking around in my bra. I even miss the crappy wallpaper.

"You know it's for your protection," Agent Ana says patting my shoulder. "We have to keep you safe after all this craziness. We don't know if whoever IVY was working for is after you or the other children that they've captured."

"At least they get to go home. Can't SHIELD supe-up my apartment?" I say crossing my arms childishly.

"The foundation was way too old. Director Fury already told you that." Agent Benjamin says as I sigh.

"I know, I know . . ." before I can further state my claim that I would be completely fine on my own, a red flashing light begins to flare making the two Agents immediately draw their weapons. "W-What's going on?!"

Agent Ana put two fingers to her earpiece, listening intently before nodding and muttering a low "Understood." Before turning to me. "It looks like we have an unwanted visitor in the ship. Orders are to get you into the training room."

"But why—"

"We have to move— now." Agent Benjamin orders as Agent Ana takes my hand and we sprint through the halls. Other Agents are running past us all in a tizzy—and I don't use that word often—   trying to follow their orders to handle the situation. Since I'm still new around the newly made Tri-Carrier, I let Agent Ana guide me through the halls but something's . . . odd. Like something inside of me is reacting to something inside the ship. I shake off the feeling as the wide space of the training room comes into view and the doors slide open.

It seems like we were the first to arrive but I can feel something is off.

"Orders are to stay here until the others arrive." Agent Ana explains, bringing my attention back to her.

"H-huh? Oh, you mean Spider-Man and the gang?"

". . . Yeah. Are you alright, Ari? You look a little pale."

"Yeah, yeah! I'm fine! Just feeling a little queasy is all I guess." I laugh, but I can see that doesn't shake her worry. She's about to say something else, but her mouth seems to freeze just as she's about to speak. "Agent Ana?" I say, quirking a brow as I turn to her partner to see him stuck mid-step. What the hell? I take a step back, the room gaining a sudden chill to it as I jump back on instinct.

Sharp, dark blades that look like feathers land on the place I was just standing on, just inches from Agent Ana. Before I can call out to her my body moves on its own as I dodge to the side to evade two more attacks. Is this the thing that broke into the Tri-Carrier?!

"Whatever you are, let them go!" I shout, my voice echoing as I look around to see if I can spot them. I activate my Eagle Vision when I see no signs of anything. It had changed since I had gotten back, the background was no longer a dark grey. It looks pretty normal now besides the key items having a faint glow to them. I have to admit, it made 'seeing' a lot easier. My eyes land on a shadow hanging high in the ceiling, looking straight down at me in a familiar set of robes.

An Assassin? Are they working for IVY too?

When our eyes connect, they spring down. Moving at an impossibly fast speed and I barely register the tail that sprouts from my lower back move up to defend me. I grit my teeth at the pressure the hooded man is putting on me and manage to push him off, hissing in pain at whatever they used to hit me. It managed to partly slice through my tail but it quickly shapes itself back to normal.

"Ari!" I look to the side to see Spider-Man and the others burst through the doors, looking back and forth between me and the man before moving into fighting positions. "So this is the pesky fly that snuck in here!"

"Doesn't seem so tough to me." Power-Man smirks. I can feel Ava and Danny's eyes on me and I look away, in shame. I still don't feel like myself after they saw me nearly kill Smoker.

"Who the heck are you anyway? And why are you attacking the Tri-Carrier?" Spider-Man demands, pointing a gloved finger to the man.

The man in question slowly stands, his stature more relaxed as he flips his beaked hood back. My eyes widen and something snaps in me, just like with the fight with Smoker and three more tails join the lone one I have. I ball my hands into fists as I began to shake, my body ready to spring and I send a fierce glare to the last person I ever thought I would see.

My Father.

"How . . ." I grind out, the amount of disdain in my voice surprising the others. "You have some nerve showing your face here."

". . . That's a nasty look." He says, his eyes the same hue as mine but calmer. "How are you, Aria?"

"How dare you act as if nothing's happened?!" I spit out, the tails bristling as they curl around me. I grit my teeth so hard I can taste blood, and I try to control the bubbling anger that wanted to explode out of me. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I demand.

"I wanted to see how my daug—"

"You don't have the right call me that!" I shout as I spring forward, the speed I'm moving at making me dizzy as a tail reaches out to grab him.

"You're letting your temper get the best of you." He states calmly, dodging to the side as the same kind of wispy darkness bursts from his back. I bring my arms up to block the tiny projectiles that manage to break through the shield my tails make. Paying no mind to the stinging wounds on my body, I jump forward again, managing to land a spinning kick on him. I take advantage of his wobbling stance and wrap a tail around his abdomen, doing a half turn to toss him into the wall with momentum. He merely cushions his collision with the wing-like shadows that wrap around him like a shell.

A low growl escapes my lips as he lands on his feet, almost completely unscathed. I'm about to rush him again, but he shoots something from his wings that pin me to the walls, my head hitting the metal walls with a harsh thud.

"I just want to talk, Aria. I know I haven't been the best father, but please . . . just hear me out?" he says, hands up and ready just in case I break free.

I struggle against his feathers that pin me by my shirt and pants, my movements causing them to cut into my skin. "As if I want to hear anything from you!" I shout. "Get these things off of me!"

"Ari stop!" White Tiger says as she rushes over to me but I barely glance at her. "You're hurting yourself!"

"Wait, who the heck is this guy?" I hear Nova ask as Spider-Man takes the liberty to tell him.

"From what I can remember . . . that's Ari's dad." his voice is soft, but there's an edge to it. 

"WHAT?!" everyone exclaims.

"It's good to see you again, Peter. You've grown well." Kele says with a nod of his head. Peter doesn't seem surprised in the slightest as he slides his mask off, his face solemn.

"With all due respect sir, what is it exactly that you want?" he asks. I keep my glare on him as White Tiger tries to calm me down but it wasn't until the familiar green suit of Iron Fist steps in front of me that my eyes flicker to his for a second as Peter speaks to him.

"Don't try to change my mind," I mutter, my arms still shaking. Iron Fist just smiles gently as his hand reaches up to cup my cheek.

"You know what it is I'll say, Ari." He says. "At least, I hope you do."

I want to lean away from his touch, but I can't make myself do it and I simply bow my head. "How can anyone expect me to listen to him when he abandoned us?! Why does he show up now after everything that's happened?!" I can feel frustrated tears prick at my eyes, speaking loud enough so that he can hear me.

"Anger and resentment are poison to the soul, Ari. 'Forgive not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.'"

Despite the urge to keep glaring at the man who has the nerve to call himself my father, I eventually tear my gaze away from him and lower my head feeling drained and achy as my tails vanish. Whatever it is that he had hold me up disappear as well, my feet hitting the floors as I keep my gaze downwards.

A few droplets of blood splatter on the ground and I can feel everyone's gaze on me but I say nothing as I turn to walk away, the alarms long gone.


I freeze at the sound of my name in his voice. "You may want to talk to me, but only when I say so," I say, turning my head to half look at him with a glare. "You'll give me at least that much." I say before going thought the sliding doors.



I bury my head in my pillow, my face turned towards the walls as I try to glare a hole into it. About an hour has passed since Kele snuck his way into the ship. I take that time to calm myself down and change into a pair of jean shorts and a navy blue T-shirt. I didn't need to bandage myself up since my wounds healed by the time I got to my room. That would take some getting used to. 

With a frustrated sigh, I kick the wall lightly. After all these years, why did he decide to come back now? I always thought I would see him on my own terms when I would find him . . . not the other way around.

I let out a long sigh, hugging my pillow as I try to get all my thoughts back into some kind of order when there's a knock at my door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, can I come in?" Peter's muffled voice calls out from the other side of the doors. I sit up, swinging my feet over the bed as I walk over to press the button that slides the doors open. "Hey."

I smile tiredly as he steps inside. "Hey."

"Okay, so I know talking out your dad is a touchy subject . . . but I haven't seen you sulk so much since that time you couldn't go to the school field trip to the Aquarium back in sixth grade. Talk to me, Ari." He says taking the chair that's sitting near the computer desk and flipping it around to sit in it.

I rub my arm, sitting down on my bed legs crossed as I swipe a hand through my short hair. "I'm just . . . confused. A part of me is still so angry at him for leaving my mom and me without so much as a goodbye and I never want to forgive him and . . . another part of me wants to just cry and ask him why he left us. To know what was so important that he had to leave?" I rub my tired eyes, emotionally and physically tired.

Peter sighs, rubbing his chin before he speaks. "Well, if I were you I would be in the same position . . ."

"I'm sensing a 'but' coming on."

"But," he smirks. "I think you're lucky. Now before you go all dark-mode on me, hear me out. I know that after losing your mom, you felt alone; trust me I know, but there could have been a hundred different things that could have happened to your dad . . . but he's here. Would you feel just as upset if you found out he died along the way?"

"I never even thought about that . . . considering. I must seem like such an ass to you Pete, I'm so sorry . . ."

"Nah, you have nothing to be sorry about, but we're all pretty worried. You're pretty damn scary when you're angry. Is your arm okay?"

"Upside of the healing factor or whatever it is they called it. I'm fine but I'm starting to get a little scared of myself to be honest." He gives me a worried look, leaning in to listen closer. "Ever since you guys pulled me out of that madhouse, I felt like there's this . . . power inside me."

"You mean those freaky tail things you grow? No offense."

"None taken," I chuckle. "But yeah, every time I use them, I feel something dark trying to take me over. It scares me, Peter. The first time I used it against Smoker, you saw how that left him— if it wasn't for Simone, I don't know if I could have stopped."

"Maybe that's what your dad is here to talk about?" he muses as I look up to him, quirking a brow. "You may not have noticed it, but he and you have a similar . . . talent. Those feather things looked a lot like your tails. Didn't you notice?"

I shake my head. "No, not really, was too busy flying into a fit of rage remember?"

"How could I forget?" He grins, standing to place a hand on my shoulder. "We're here for you Ari, so talk to us instead of bearing it all on your own, okay?"

I smile at his words, smacking his hand away when he begins to ruffle my hair and effectively messing up my do. "Hey, quit it! Do you have any idea how hard is it to work with this hair cut?"

"I think it suits you, gives you a real edgy look!" I stick my tongue out at him as another knock comes from the door. After exchanging a look with Pete, I open the door and see Danny and the others standing there in full uniform.

"Guys! What's up?" I say as they walk in.

"We just wanted to make sure you're alright," Ava says, studying my face. "But I guess we got beaten to the punch."

"Yeah, are you done moping yet?" Sam asks earning a look from Luke.

"Your concern is touching Sam." I scoff with a half-smile as he grins. "I'm feeling a little better, yeah."

"That's good because Fury wants to see you." Luke states. "He's been talking to your dad since you cooped yourself in here."

"I figured as much . . . I guess I can't put it off for any longer, huh?"

"If you need us to be there, we'll be there," Danny says gently taking my hand. I give him a faint smile, taking in a deep breath.

"Thanks, guys, if you don't mind that is . . ."

"Are you kidding? What do you think friends are for?" Luke grins.

The walk to Fury's office is filled with talk about school and what I've missed when we went our separate ways after school. The conversations are mostly between the others, though, so I was only half listening. Thoughts on what I would say to Kele and what he would tell me were whirling in my mind.

How would I even handle this? I haven't seen him since I was four . . . but I have to at least listen without blowing up at him. For mom's sake. 

A light squeeze on my hand brings me back, and I look up to see Danny's green eyes looking down at me. We're a little bit behind the group now, and the others are too busy trying to stop an argument between Peter and Sam to notice us much. That or they were giving us a moment alone.

"You'll be fine, Ari. Have a little faith in yourself." He says quietly, almost as if he's reading my mind. Or it could be the frown on my face. Either or.

"It's kind of hard to when everything I've done so far isn't . . . me."

"We change every day with the choices we make, good or bad, and that is what shapes up into the people we become. You've had a very stressful experience Ari, but you're pulling through. No one is expecting you to make an instant recovery."

"But being a part of SHIELD means I have to be ready for anything, and being out of commission is starting to get to me, Danny." I confess, my grip tightening around the warmth of his hand. "I want to be out there helping people— anything to keep me away from my thoughts."

"Ari . . . Do you mean the things that happened to you under the simulations? You're starting to remember them?" he asks, a hint of dread in his voice as I nod.

"They aren't exactly pleasant . . . everything they did was to crush whatever remnants of my life they could find. I almost lost them if it wasn't for you."

A pained look enters his eyes. "I just wish I could have found you sooner . . . I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, I'm just glad you did. Who knows where I'd be if you didn't." I shudder, not even thinking of the possibilities. If they had succeeded, then I really wouldn't be me.

"Speaking of which, with your Doctor's permission would you mind if we visit a good friend of mine? He is the one who helped me find you."

"Really?" I perk up. "Of course! I'll sneak out if I have to!"

He chuckles a little, leaning down to give me a peck on the cheek and I blush. "Let's not resort to that, hmm? Pushing yourself is the last thing we want you to do; or should we remind you of a certain gym class period?"

"It was only once . . ." I mutter.

"Not according to the Nurse."

"Hey love birds, if you'll look away from each other for a sec you'll notice we're here!" Sam says with a teasing grin. I try to flick him over the head but Danny holds me back with his arms snaked around my waist, standing between us as Ava knocks on the door. It slides open in a silent welcome, the briefing room looking a little like what I remembered it, with the addition of a few new floating screens here and there.

"Good to see you finally made it." Fury's voice calls out from the front of the table. Diagonally sitting across from his is Kele, whose eyes instantly find mine before flickering to Danny's hand holding mine. "I see the whole team decided to tag along, how nice." He smirks before gesturing for us to have a seat.

"I figured whatever Kele had to say to me, he can say it to all of us."

". . . It's your decision, Aria." He answers quietly, arms crossed. That's unexpected. Well, I don't know what I'm expecting exactly . . . I don't really know him all that well.

"So what is it exactly you want to say?" I ask leaning back in my seat, bouncing my leg to keep me from pacing around the room.

Kele and Fury exchange a look before the former speaks up. "From what I can tell, you've already figured out you're not exactly a normal teenager Aria. Fran and I . . . we tried to protect you from this but I guess there's only so much we could have done."

"W-what exactly do you mean, Mr. Kateri?" Peter questions, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. "Is Ari in danger?"

"Not exactly, Peter. I know by now that you know of my ties with The Order, but that's for another time. Right now I have to tell you of that power you've acquired after being captured by IVY."

"So you know about it then, huh?" I say, my voice low. "So where were you?"

"I did my part, even if you didn't realize it."

"Hmm . . . you mean it was you who cleared out the blind spot we snuck in to then?" Ava points out. "Remember when I mentioned something was off? At first, I thought it was Smoker's doing, but when I started to think about it, it didn't add up."

"You have a good head on your shoulders, Ava," Kele says earning a surprised look from the others.

"Great, another super-spy . . ." Sam mutters, not bothering with his helmet any more as he shakes out his hair. "Seriously, is there anyone who doesn't know who we are?"

"It comes with the turf, Sam," Kele smirks.

"Kele was the one who contacted me about IVY's dead spot. We hit a huge snag in the investigation and he supplied us with the schematics of the facility." Fury adds, folding his hands in front of him but looking a little miffed. Guess he didn't like being out-spied.

"So what does that have to do with what's happening to me now?"

Kele lets out a tired sigh, swiping a hand through his thick hair before looking at me with almost sad eyes. "It's a mutation that runs in our blood. More specifically the Kateri blood-line. Our ancestors have had this power passed down through the generations; and in the beginning, thought it to be a blessing from the gods themselves." He explains taking out a rather ragged leather-bound book with two circles inscribed on to it.

One is golden and completely filled in while the one next to it is silver and merely an outline. A line connects the two together and I have a strange feeling I had seen this book before.

"We call ourselves the Shadow Tamers." he continues. "For obvious reasons, and this book has the story every single one before us. I was hoping this day wouldn't come for you, Aria but I have to pass it on to you now."

He passes the book to me, sliding it across the table. I just stare at it and my eyebrows knit together.

"That still doesn't explain anything, like where you've been for most of my life."

"I was hoping to get to that later . . . I know I owe you, but right now you need to know about your history, Aria. This power . . . our power is tied deeply with our emotions; more specifically our negative ones. You had a fifty-fifty shot of developing the mutation, and my being around would have only triggered the change sooner. We wanted you to have a normal life. But if you don't learn how to control it, it will consume you." He says the last part with an edge in his voice as he leans forward.

"Consume me . . . ?" is that what I've been feeling for the past few weeks? That creeping sensation in the back of my mind?

"Your reaction to me was proof enough how out of control you are, if you don't learn how to wield it you can hurt yourself or even worse, your friends." Something in his voice tells me he knows from past experiences, but I don't ask him anything further about it as I look down at the book. I stretch my fingers out to touch the cover, the leather cool and bumpy. A jolt of power jumps at me through my fingertips and I pull my hand back, eyes wide as I feel something cool wrap around my waist.

I look down to see (a much less threatening) version of the tail that appeared earlier today, it puffs up at the tips like a fox's and despite my discomfort with it, it seems almost . . . friendly. "What . . . the hell?" I breathe as I hear Sam snicker.

"Aw, I think it likes you!" he says as I turn my head to give him a small glare. The tail seems to react to this and snaps forward towards him as he lets out a rather girly shriek and falls back in his chair.

"Sorry I can't say the same for you Sammy." I grin as the tail returns to me, swishing back and forth. "I actually might get used to this!"

"Ha-ha, very funny—why is it that every time I do something I get hurt when it's around you?" he frowns as he gets up, looking rather miffed.

"Because you don't learn," Luke says and this causes the four of us to laugh as Sam huffs and crosses his arms before leaning back in his seat like a kid. "I think they're kinda cool."

"It seems to shift between being light as air, to solid as a rock," Danny comments, slowly passing a hand through it as tiny tendrils of shadows wrapped around his fingers. "It's like touching cool water . . ."

This piques my interest as I poke at the thing, but unlike Danny's experience, it wraps around my arm before letting it go. "Um . . . I can't tell if it likes me or not . . ."

"It isn't a matter of that," Kele speaks up, drawing our attention once more. "You and your Shadow are one. From the looks of it, it seems to have taken a form of a fox . . ."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Great actually, there hasn't been a Shadow Fox from as far as the book tells me. It's quite a feat."

I have to push down the sense of embarrassment at the sound of pride in his voice, opting to run a hand through my hair instead to hide it.

"Hey, that could be a pretty cool code name: Shadow Fox. Short and sweet, what do you think Ari?" Peter asks as I mull it over. It did sound good, I had to admit.

"You don't think it sounds too comic-y?"

"Oh yeah, because Spider-Man is such a clever name." Ava scoffs earning a look from him.

"If we can get back to the subject at hand . . ." Fury trails off, eying us all as we all settle back down.

"Still as straight to the point as ever, Nick," Kele says with almost a smile. "If you'll have me, Aria, I would like to teach you everything I know about how to control your Shadow. Learning to harness it and to use it for good."

"You mean . . . here? As in staying in one spot?" I say a bit shocked at his offer.

"That's right," he nods. "I'm through running, and I've been away too long. I know it's selfish of me to ask; but can you find it in you to give your old man a chance?"

Everyone's eyes are on me as they wait for my decision; they all know how I feel about him . . . how much I hate him for leaving my mom and me behind to do . . . God knows what and here he is asking for a chance. I can easily just turn him down, letting him feel what I had for the past nine-plus years but . . .

"Forgive not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace."

". . . Would you feel just as upset if you found out he died along the way?"

Danny and Peter's voices ring in my mind as I contemplate my choice, they're right and I have to at least give him a chance.

". . . Alright." I finally say. "I'll give you one with conditions: just because you are my father doesn't mean you earned the right for me to call you that. Don't expect me to be all buddy with you right away either, I barely know you."

"That seems fair enough."

"And, don't just expect me to get used to this . . . at least not right away."

"You drive a hard bargain, Aria. Reminds me a little of Fran." He chuckles.

"Please don't call me that—just Ari is fine." I cringe earning a few chuckles from the gang.

Great, on top of the SHIELD training, getting kidnapped by some crazy institute, learning I'm a mutant, and finally seeing my estranged father after nearly a decade, my life should get a little easier from here, right? 

Authors Notes:

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updating and thank you so much for your support! This story is nearly reaching One-thousand reads! I know that isn't much to most other Danny stories out there, but it's still really exciting for me. I never thought it would get so many hits-hence why a good part of this story was uploaded all at once.

I've also been wondering about making some kind of little background story on Fran and Kele? Let me know if you guys want to see it!

On another note, once I started to look into how Ari's power worked, it seemed more mystical than mutation. XD but then again, I do tend to over-think a bit . . .

We're almost reaching the end of the pre-written chapters I have and am wondering; would you guys rather have weekly updates as usual (to the best of my abilities) and shorter chapters, or monthly updates but longer chapters? What counts as a longer chapter? On Word, this is about eleven pages long but I'm not sure how long it is on Wattpad.

Anyway, thanks again, you guys. You all are just so . . . swell. As always I hope you guys have an awesome day or night or birthday or any holiday today might be!


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