Society (Phan)

By djhandpml

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Society has never really accepted Dan Howell, but when he meets Phil Lester, society's opinion is now invalid... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Four

463 24 15
By djhandpml

I was woken up obnoxiously early this morning by some thing I would never of expected.

A text, and from Alfie too.

'hiya dan, i'm throwing a house party tomorrow night and yeah do u wanna come? bring alcohol n stuff and invite anyone u wanna idc.'

I had been at this school for a few days and have already been invited to a party? Wow, could this be any easier? Plus I can invite anyone I want? I'll just choose Phil and his stupid nerd friends, then it'll show Phil 'how sorry I really am' and then piss him off after. That and I've always wanted to see what a pissed nerd looks like anyway.

I got changed after pondering about the great things this party could potentially hold and told my Mum. Of course she let me go, she was just happy I had found some 'friends' that 'liked' me. The alcohol thing took a bit of persuasion, but she's just letting me take a bottle of Vodka, and with all the other alcohol contributions, this will turn out to be a shit load of alcohol.

I had never been to a party like this before, or at all. In my seventeen years of living I've never been to a party like this before, I could finally loose my virginity. I'm probably the last person in my year to be a virgin, I bet even the nerds have because the nerds are the best at parties stereotypically.


I highly doubted that we were going to be beat up anyone today because of the exhilaration this party had caused and everyone was fussing around Alfie constantly so at least I could ask Phil if he wanted to join. I didn't share any classes with Phil today being the only classes we shared were Art and English and were sat next to each other in both of them.

Alfie and the group all seemed distracted, even the four pussys of the group, the boys surrounded by sluts who wanted to get laid even though he had a girlfriend but on the other hand, a boy called Connor seemed to be getting a bit too close to Zoe.

It was lunch now and I decided now would be the right time to ask them. I strode my way through everyone fussing about the party and made my way over to the front of the field, where the nerds could freely hang without being scared that they were going to be late for their next lessons. I cringed on the fact that not too long ago I used to be like that.

I see the three of them, sat in a triangle in various different positions, PJ with his legs crossed, Chris with his legs spread and both of Phil's too his right hand side. I made my way closer to them before my thoughts on how I was going to ask them were once again interrupted. Does anyone have any manners to know not to interrupt people? Or is it because half the time no one else can hear them because they are in my head, probably the latter.

"If you're coming over here to beat the shit out of anyone of us, then fuck off." PJ spoke up. I was slightly surprised at him, I wouldn't really expect either of them to swear like that, you can't judge a book by its cover.

"No, actually not." Once again I was interrupted by Chris' mutter of 'makes a change'. The bastard. "I actually came over here to ask you if you would like to come to Alfie's party as my add ons to show you how sorry I really am. All you need to bring is yourself and alcohol."

Chris suddenly screamed "Hell yeah! Don't be killjoys you two, live a little!" He was clearly going this was going to be easy.

Phil and PJ looked at each other with lack of ease, Chris suddenly pulled PJ's glance from Phil to himself and nodded looking back at me. I knew he was still uncertain on the matter but Chris would reassure him there. Lastly, the last person who was needing to be convinced was Phil himself. His glaze flickering between the three of us. PJ, who seemed to be okay now to come spoke up, "Come on Phil, don't worry about it, it'll be fine and if Dan is the usual dick he is there, we're both going." Chris nodded in reassurance with that statement.

"Fine, I'll go." Phil mumbled. "I'll pick you all up from the top park tomorrow night then at seven on sharp. Be there." With that, I walked off, back to the instigators of this entire event. The people who actually kind of accepted me, even though it was all bullshit and I am nothing like this, but I would rather be accepted than a loner.


Tonight is the night. Today is Friday which means the night of the party. Today was pretty uneventful, my Mum showed me the alcohol she had bought me for the party tonight. I had a lesson with Phil today, English, and he was back talking to me like normal. I knew I could get him back, this plan is working too well. The thing is though, he's actually okay. I mean we share the same interests and things but he's okay.

I had just thrown on my black jeans and a white shirt with a few moths on it before getting into my Dad's car to go and pick the other three up. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous, I was shitting bricks. I had never done anything like this at all and I've never tried alcohol either, I'm not too sure why my Mum had bought me alcohol, but she just wanted me to fit in.

I was waiting outside the park at five-to-seven when I saw the three of them with bags, probably containing the alcohol we were about to consume, and similar clothing to myself before Chris knocked on my window.

"Hey, a taxi to-"

"Get in the car, twats." I joked. They all laughed and got in, PJ in the front and the others in the back.

We arrived at Alfie's and I was the most nervous. Thankfully no one could tell, and we took in out drinks and rang the doorbell to see a slightly tipsy Marcus and girl who could of been easy mistaked for 'The Annoying Orange'.

"Hey Dan, nerds, who invited you?" He slurred almost incoherently. Maybe slightly more tipsy that I originally thought.

"I did." Then he motioned us inside.

Alfie greeted me then ran upstairs with Zoe.

"Let's get this bitch started!" Chris shouted over the blaring music. I don't even know why I am hanging with these guys, but everyone is or about to be pissed.

I got the bottle of Vodka out and pour some shots into four glasses. Phil and I were slightly reluctant but did it anyway after the lead of Chris and PJ, who were on their second one already.

I necked the Vodka, feeling the slight burning sensation hit the back of my throat. It killed, feeling slightly more confident, I poured mine and Phil's second one and Chris and PJ's third one, with a complaining PJ about his headache already.

I downed the second one and all the pain began to turn into pleasure. It was like someone lifted the burden I had been carrying for weeks had been lifted. Life was good.

I grabbed us all a beer and we made our way into the main body of the party, everyone was pissed so the four of us would be fine all together. Sipping every now and then, I saw the world from a new perspective completely. I saw everything with maximum delectation.

The different kinds of drunk people were apparent throughout the house, some knocking things over, others sucking of the faces they wouldn't even touch with a metal pole while sober. Alcohol does many strange things to you, in control or not. One thing I have learnt though, drunken words are sober thoughts.

Chris and PJ were no where to be seen right now, so Phil and I were just stood here, sipping any alcoholic beverage we could grab our hands on, talking tipsy about incoherent nonsense. The room was too loud so it was quite hard to hear about whatever Phil was talking about so we decided to go outside. That and Phil kept complaining he had a raging headache that 'was going to kill like a bitch tomorrow'.

So, we made our way through many pissed teens, doing shitty dancing and some mouth dancing with others, to find something we never could of imagined.

Chris and PJ's lips were interlocked, Chris' hands running through PJ's curly brown locks. Everyone was pissed so I doubt any of us would really remember what was currently happening. Shame really, I could've teased them about this sometime in the near future.

I suddenly turned to Phil, "Do you think that they will remember this tomorrow?" I asked him, wondering what the two were like drunk. He has actually been friends with them before this so he knew what their drunk selves were like.

"As much as you'll remember this."

Before I had time to even process what he had just said, his lips smashed onto mine. Of course I had no idea this was his intension, and I wasn't really expecting this, I didn't kiss him back, and thank fuck I didn't.

Alfie and Marcus were stood directly in front of me.

"Dan, what the fuck?" They both said, in exact unison.


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