You were Never Broken...

By KazaKurazumi

5.3K 199 74

Your name is Sollux Captor, you just got into a matesprit with Eridan Ampora. But he's been kidnapped! You an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Epilogue #1

Chapter 10

247 11 2
By KazaKurazumi

Sollux's P.O.V.

You listen as Feferi calls Eridan, and you growl low in your throat. You really didn't want to deal with her, but she had call for Eridan.

"Let'2 go." You say, and the two of you get up to leave.

Once out of the theater, you take the phone from Eridan, who pouts.
"Wwhat did I do?" He says and the pout doesn't leave his face. You chuckle and grab his hand when you see the two girls for earlier, glaring at you. You flip the girls off and walk out hand in hand with him.

The walk to FF's was quiet and awkward. You honestly don't think you should be there, but you don't trust her. She has an obsession with you and Eridan, she wants to play you like puppets. And it makes you so fucking mad that you and Eridan fell for it like asshats as Karkat would say.

Once you two arrive, you see him take a deep breath in, and he knocks. The two of you stand there for a moment before the door opens. At first she had a suspicious smile on her face, but after she saw you, it left and was replaced with a look of total disgut.

"Sollux, I didn't invite you." She spats out and you glare her down. She didn't scare you then, she damn sure don't scare you now.
"Ii came becau2e you iinviited my mate2priit. Where he goe2, Ii go. Don't liike iit, then fuck you priince22." You hissed at her, hold him very close to your body. She huffs and moves to allow you two inside.

"-Eridan." He looks up at her and his hand goes to intertwine your fingers with his. He looks at you and you smile at him, giving him the courage to stand his ground.
"Wwhat?" He says and you had to blush, he was so adorable with his stutter. The feeling was mutual between you two, he loved to hear you lisp, even if you hated it.

"Stay away from Sol, )(e doesn't want you. No body does. Make sure you stay from my boyfriend." She states camly, and you feel the insane urge to stab her repeatedly with knives.
"2hut. The. Fuck. Up. Feferii." You bellow and she looks at you, and smirks.
"What?" You say slightly confused, and your instincts were screaming 'hold ED close! Can't trust herrr...' You follow them, and hug Eridan.

"Let -Eridan go Sol. )(e's not good enough for you. You know I'm t)(e better option." She says sweetly and holds her arms out to you with a sweet and innocent smile on her face.

You didn't trust that smile for shit.

She was up to something.

"Wwhat did you call us here for Feferi?" He says eerily calm, and you and her are surprised. He doesn't use her full name, never, it was just and unspoken law that he doesn't. When he says that, you get shivers down your back at the way he sounded like he wasn't completely there, like he wasn't in the moment.

"ED, honey, are you OK?"


Then you hear an insane laughter. You look to your side and he's laughing his ass off.
"What'2 wrong ED, why are you laughiing liike that?!"

You says as he just continues laughing, after laughing for 10 minutes, he looks her dead in the eyes, and says in deathly calm tone, void of emotion,
"Stay the fuck away from my matesprit. I will cull you next time you so much as dare come around him. You don't scare me, you never did. This isn't a threat, this is...." You look back at him to see his face contort to what you and her could probably describe as a insane smile.

"This is a fucking promise, Fef, I will cull you, torturing you first, then I'll make you beg for death. But I wouldn't give you that, I would keep torturing you, and after some time, I would just kill you, in the most painful way possible. Don't make me have to do that, Fef. Just stay the fuck away from him. Sol, let's go "

You couldn't believe your ears, Eridan just talked without his stutter of his, and he fucking threatened the Heiress. The fucking Heiress!!!!! You were scared now, not of FF, but of the Empress. She was like the dark side of The Grandhighblood, and you were honestly scared of her.

"Sol, I fucking said, let's go or do I have to repeat myself?!" He growls at you and you quickly run out, pulling him with you, without rest. Once you were far enough, you stop. Your legs hurt, your head was pounding, and your boyfriend hadn't said anything this whole time.



"Please answer me...."

"Wwhat?" You heard him finally answer you. You had yellow years stinging your eyes, but you didn't care. You tackle him and kiss him, and you two gracefully fall on the grass.

He giggles and you chuckle in the kiss, you feel him wrap his arms around your neck, and you deepened the kiss. Luckily, no one had been around, so you picked him up, and brushed him off.

"ED, you okay? What happened back there?" You ask and the two of you sit on the bench.

"I don't know, I just snapped. She was saying so many mean things, I guess the psychopath in me came out. Sorry for scaring you." He looks down, guilt all over his face. You notice once more, he has talked without his stutter.

"Can you talk without 2tutteriing?" You finally decide to ask, he nods solemnly, and you feel your heart crack a little bit. You gasp, and he smiles,
"I'm sorry I didn't let you knoww. I just think people are more at ease wwhen I stutter. That's wwhy I keep stuttering." He says and your face lights up.

"OK. What 2hould we do now?" You say and he just thinks,
"Wwell, wwe shouldn't go back to the movvies, so maybe go home and wwatch some rom coms, wwhat do you think?" You felt your heart swell now, he had his adorable stutter back.

You two begin to walk home.

Hey! I'm not going to ask the usual, 'how was it?' I'm going to say that when school starts, I won't be able to update as fast.

See you in the next chapter!

-Yanase out

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