Orson Heights

By omahalanin

48.6K 977 161

Being Axl Heck's best friend isn't easy, just ask Becca James. From the moment she returns from boarding scho... More

Valley Girls
All In
Kids In The Dark
Tenerife Sea
On Top
I Don't


3.2K 73 3
By omahalanin

A/N --- Becca's outfit is in the external link as always! This chapter killed me to write because how they wrote it in the show was just as heart wrenching as if it was real life. xoxo


Making sure that Morgan's hand is securely in my own, I walk up to my front door. She smiles at me every time I turn around to see if she's okay, melting my heart just a little more. She looked good tonight with her hair pinned away from her face and her cute little vest that I think looks adorable on her. We stop near the door, just taking a moment to look at each other before I lean in and peck her on the lips.

She looks at me differently though, her mouth forming a small frown before she looks up at me. "The last seven weeks and two days have been so great." She smiles up at me, probably about to profess her love to me like we have done multiple times before. Her pretty smile catches my eye, and I can't help but smile back at her.

"I know right." I agree, rubbing my thumb across her hand as my grip on her tightens. She straightens her back before shaking her hair from her face. I keep smiling at her, unaware of what else I could possibly do at this more than perfect moment. The wind blows against us slightly, sending a cool breeze across my face.

She opens her mouth again before closing it, pursing her lips. "But, I don't think we should go out anymore." She explains, her words coming out as if we were in slow motion. My eyebrows furrow and I assume she just wants to take things slow and go back to how we were when we would randomly kiss during our study sessions before we started dating.

I raise my eyebrows as I talk, taking my hands from hers. "Do you wanna just sit in the car and explore our bodies?" I ask, watching Morgan's teeth gnaw at her bottom lip -- something she does when she's nervous. Not understanding what she means, I take a step closer to her, only to have her take a step back.

"Axl, what I'm saying is...I think we should break up." With her words, my heart starts burning and sweat starts to form on my forehead. It feel's like someone is stabbing me in the chest as hard as they can as fast as is possible. I try to calm down and speak, but I start to stutter out my words every time I open my mouth. 

I shake my head, not knowing why she wants this. "Wha...what? Why? What did I do?" I ask, trying my best to keep my eyes from watering in front of her. What have I done lately to make her want this? I've done everything right, I even told her I loved her and she said it back. How do you do this to someone you love?

"Nothing, it's just..I don't know like last week we were at the library and I was doing research and you just kept staring at that video game magazine." She says like it's my fault she wants to break up. She tries to force a smile onto her face while her eyebrows arch downwards sadly. I look to my feet before looking back up at her.

"It had a hologram of a dragon." I explain to her, trying to get her to understand that it was a freaking hologram of a dragon and it was sick. She cuts my explanation off quickly, seeming like she doesn't have time to deal with me trying to keep our relationship from crumbling to the ground.

Her eyes don't meet mine anymore as she speaks. "Which is cool, but, a whole hour?" She ask and I try to stutter out an excuse but she's faster than me. "Look, you are really fun, I just think that I may need someone a little less fun and more focused, you know?" She holds my hands in hers, locking our eyes as she speaks.

"But, we're like, in love." I try to persuade her to reconsider her decision. How can you just be tired of being with someone you love? It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't make any god damn sense and she just wants to drop this on me now? She gives me an apologetic look, almost to say 'I never loved you' before walking to her car, leaving me behind.

I cough a little and walk to the house, shutting the door behind me. Mom is sitting on the chair next to the door, reading a magazine. "Is Morgan staying for dinner?" She asks, my heart aching just at her name. I stumble into the living room, trying to keep my composure as Mom looks up at me, smiling before She looks back at her magazine.

"No." I force out, trying to make it sound as if I'm not about to cry but god it's so hard. How could she just crush me like that? How could she go on for so long acting like she loved me when she didn't? I gave up so much for her, I was going to go to prom with her and now it's all ruined. My life is ruined all because of her.

"Awe, that's too bad. I found a pan in the drawer, I thought I'd try cooking something. You know, we could always order in." She says just as I snort, trying to hold back my tears. Her heads snaps up to look at her, while she pulls her feet off of the ottoman. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" She asks, motioning for me to move over to her.

I whimper before starting to walk. "She broke up with me." I sit next to her as she wraps her arms around me, looking at the tears falling from ym face. "Mom, I feel like I'm dying." I sniffle, pushing myself into her. She rubs my back, rocking me softly when I hear footsteps in the kitchen.

"Sue, call Becca. Now." Mom snaps, returning to her nurturing self by holding me to her.

Becca POV

"Where is he?" I rush as I slam the door behind me, Sue's worried eyes connecting with mine first. She points down the hall to his bedroom, sending me off running in that direction. I get to his room, already hearing whimpering from outside. Opening the door, I see Frankie sitting on Axl's bed, holding him tight while he sobs uncontrollably.

She looks at me and smiles softly, moving her head away from Axl. "Buddy, Becca's here." She says and in an instant Axl climbs up the bed and pulls me down, sobbing in my arms as he holds me. I fix my glasses and he wraps his arms tighter around my waist before placing one of his legs across my own.

"She never loved me." He chokes out, my chest being completely saturated in his tears. He wipes his face with his sleeve, his bloodshot eyes looking into my own. I shush him and press his head to my chest, kissing his forehead softly. "She said she needs someone less fun and more focused. I can be focused." He tries to say, his voice cracking towards the end where he hiccups from crying.

I place my hands on his face, pulling his head so he will look up at me. "Let's go to bed, okay?" He nods at me, his bottom lip trembling while the tears continue to stream down his face. I start pulling his clothes off, removing his jacket first before pulling his baseball tee over his head. His chest is wracked with sobs as I move lower, unbuttoning his jeans.

I pull them down his legs, folding them before placing them on the floor with his jacket. "Can you cuddle me?" He asks, his voice weak from exhaustion. I nod and lay on my back, pulling him so he will lay down across my chest. I intertwine our legs, wrapping my arms across his back, running ym nails up and down his skin.

I hum softly, peppering his face with kisses as his tears start to slow down. "Do you remember Troy?" I ask, pushing his hair from his face. He just nods, looking confused at my words. "I never told you because I thought that you'd kill him, but he cheated on me with Casey Sampson right before I left for school." I tell him, watching his eyebrows furrow.

"I'll kill him if you want me to." He chokes out, snuggling himself closer into my body. "Why do I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest?" I sigh at his words, holding him as close as possible to my body. His tears are coming out much slower than before, but still dropping from his eyes in short spurts.

"I love you, so much Axl. You're my best friend and god, I adore you beyond words. You are a fantastic person, just try to sleep okay? We can talk about everything tomorrow when you feel better, alright?" I mumble against his hairline, rubbing his back softly. His body starts to become less tense as he eases into my hold.

He nods, pecking my shoulder. "I love you too."

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