Back to then(Riker Lynch)

By victoriar5riker

2K 164 84

This is a story about how Tori Rose got lost 10 years in the Lynch past. In her time Riker Lynch is her huge... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter # 12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14

Lightning Strikes

114 15 9
By victoriar5riker

Tori's POV

As I open my eyes I hear a faint beeping while the bright light fades. "She's awake!" My dad shouts.

"Where am I?" I ask confused.

"You are at a hospital in NewMarket(England), do you remember your name sweeties?" I nurse asks me.

"Tori Rose," I froze remembering what happened. As my face dropped my skin went cold, was it all a dream? "Riker" I say under my breath. My parents both leave the room after speaking to the nurse, she follows them out. I try to see out the door but my position on the bed is no good.

"Tori?" asks a tired, yet still pretty, Riker.

"Oh thank god," I say relieved. "What happened?"

"You were hit by lightning."

"The bright light, that's how I got back here!"

"What do you mean?"

"The lightning must have been how Kat was going to get me back here but since we were uh, um..."

"Kissing" He finished for me blushing.

"Ya well it obviously took you back as well. Do you know what day it is?"

"Ya it's July 3rd, 2015"

"The day I met you"

"Second best day ever" He says twitching his eye awkwardly.

"I know what you mean and I know you can't wink so stop it already!" I lightly hit his arm and we laugh till my parents walk in.

"Hey sweetheart are you ok? Your friend Kat called and said she was still upset, do you know what that was about?" My mom asked.

I put on my best confused face and said, "Uh, I have no idea."

"Oh well ok,"  she replies with concern in her eye.

Kat's POV

"Oh! So you think you can just bring home a little souvenir?! Well, I like presents too. Troy, come with me."


I hope you all enjoyed my story and don't forget to vote and comment. I will start a sequel after 25 votes. Have a wonderful day :)


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