Love and loss (a harry potter...

By once_upon_a__fandom

80.4K 2.1K 511

Jadelynn (if you call her that she will hurt you) Lupin is daughter of Remus Lupin and Tonks Lupin but she li... More

Jade Lupin (a harry potter love story)
Diagon alley and sorting
Important note
End of the year
Summer and where am i
The letter
Ellie,diagon alley,lockhart and uncle lucious??????
Astronomy tower
They die
Dealing with an angry Bill
Straws,gum,friends and quidditch
Dueling club with snapicus
Quidditch match and halloween
Saveing ginny from lord no nose
Did someone say my name
Money money money
Crazed fan on the first night
Woo hoo and flirty boy
Swimming pool and finally normal
Splashes,pics,dancing and friends
Our family is complete
hagrids class
Merry xmas
Memories remembered
Back to my kingdom
Im fine. The biggest lie!
We're all here for you
My book of secrets
The anger id never seen
Muggle methods
That is a straight line!!
There is some missing!
Kick up the butt
I taught her well
He's still family
It Changes people
Reunited with................ The Dursleys
Quidditch world cup
Revealing where I've been
Life update

Stop glaring at my boyfriend

754 17 1
By once_upon_a__fandom

Hey so before I start the chapter there is a song linked above and I know there's quite a lot of you reading this now so I would like to ask a favour. Please please please go onto YouTube and find the real video from this as for some reason I couldn't get it on wattpad so I got the lyric video.the song is called don't stay in school by boyinaband and although the title sounds bad he has some good points so please share the hell out of it and let's see if we can make a change! Ok onto the chapter

Jades POV
I had just got bin the common room well I should call it the family room really so yeah and I stumbled in and immediately got picked up by my dad who than sat me on the sofa (couch) and mum sat next to me.
"You are doing nothing but rest for the next 2 weeks" she said tapping my nose gently.
"Yeah right" I mumbled. "I'm not made of China"
"Jade we know your not but you've been seriously ill and could be again if you and us do something wrong please just cooperate this once" the twins said in sync.
I've never seen them so serious so I nodded. I got up to go see Molly and instantly collapsed. Bill and the twins were by my side in an instant helping back to the sofa. Bill had one hand and Fred the other whilst George was behind me in case I fell.
"I thought you were gonna cooperate" bill said. "What were you doing?"
"I know I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I wanted to go see Molly it's not gonna be easy I'm always gonna forget and try and walk but that's why you guys are here" I said smiling at them. They chuckled and nodded before going back to sit down but stayed close by. A few moments later Molly came through to say hello and she gave me not a Weasley hug so I was disappointed so I gave her one but there was more to it and we both knew it. I had moved and claimed a chair by the fire as my own. By now everyone was in their pjs even though it was 6:30 but it was cold so yeah and we're all curled up by the fire waiting for dinner. I was in my pig onesie which is my favourite and in my chair none of us were going down to the feast and Harry and Hermione were here too. Soon Molly came and told us dinner was ready so Oliver and Charlie took me through with bill closely behind.
"By the way I'm training again as soon as I can stand" I said.
"On no your not your not training until your fully healed" Molly said.
"Billy please" I said looking at him with blue eyes and my best puppy dog face.
"Fine" he said giving in.
"Yay" I cheered digging in with everyone watching me as I hadn't eaten a lot recently.
After dinner I was curled up with Harry in my chair.
"you are not leaving my sight again" he whispered.
"Is that so Mr potter" I whispered back.
"Oh yes" then he kissed me and I kissed him back its was perfect until I heard multiple people cough 8 to be exact. I turned to them.
"Stop glaring at my boyfriend" I said cuddling up to him. After a while Ellie and mum took me up to my room where I got into bed and was out like a light.

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