Grew up with Green. To love A...

By ShadowSigns

107K 2.9K 1.1K

Astral doesn't remember anything about her childhood. But she does know that as far as her memory stretches... More

Today is the day.
GenoMorphs Mental Mole
Filler, but Cute. (I hope)
Team day.
To be R.T or not to be R.T.
The Spanish Cobra?
New Mission
Rememberance and Retaliation.
Amazo vs Astral (vs Batman)
Arrows Are Loose
Poison; a womans weapon
Connections go both ways
Him and I
Painfully Healing Treatment
A Bad Misunderstanding
Part of the plan?
Oh, Amnesia! My, Amnesia!
The truth told behind a lie
A Maze of a Day
Got some news.
Visions in Red
Trust is a Privledge
Feeling the 'Astur'?
Fighting for Love
Under the Sea
Everyone can be a Hero
The 'real' of reality.
Boy who cried 'Shazam!'
Coming Together, Falling Apart

Numerous Death Looks Something Fierce.

7.3K 225 139
By ShadowSigns

First order of business, I went back through my previous chapter (Mental Mole) and made a few corrections and also added a few sentences with Astrals personal commentary on a couple of the scenes to make it more interesting. Re-read if you wish but it really wasnt that much. Just expect there to be more in here.

Second order is that since I got so many absolutely heart warming comments about what you guys think about my POVs, I have decided to continue in 1st person. This one will be a lot longer than the first two so I'll try to keep it enticing. Haha, bare with me! Please enjoy!

Special thanks to Just_not_here bekkihaiti liveandlovewithpeace Lizardgurl DianaOrnelas6 Najeeali crazypup110FairyWren14 iznek123 maddylittle98 For Voting, Commenting and/or placing this book in their reading lists. Thank you!!


I groaned as my brain was brought back to action and I instantly felt the broken ribs in my chest. My lungs desperately cried for air to level out the pain but every breath I took made it worse. And on top of that, my back felt like I thrown into a wall.

Superboy's attack replayed in my head. Oh, right.......I kinda was.

The Guys! My eyes popped open in hope that they would be there but all I saw was a poorly lit metal ceiling. My pupils reacted quickly to the light even if it was faint. What caught me off guard what the fact that I felt semi-comfortable where I was. I pressed my fingertips down and felt the sensation of mattress under me. The springs creaked under the small amount of pressure telling me it wasn't the great of quality.

"So, you have awakened?" I recognized the voice but it wasn't til I turned my head to the side to see him did I actually believe it. There stood the Genomorph that had helped me and my friends escape Guardian yet kinda let us into a trap with Superboy.

"Why am I here? Where are my friends?" I asked hoarsely.

"I am called Dubbilex. The head Genomorph here at project CADMUS." He introduced as he rose his hand towards me and his horns glowed. "Let me assist you."

I was levitated from the mattress and turned so my feet were closest to the floor. He set me down gently and my legs caught my weight. I realized the room was only lit with a single torch against the wall like in Viking times or something.

"I'm Astral, and you still haven't answered my questions." I said quickly. My arm rose to wrap over my chest where the pain was originating.

"You are.....special." He hummed out. "You were able to connect to my brother and even swore to aid us when others did not even spare a second look at our kind. I wished to ask you to help to give us freedom, if you choose."

Freedom. It was something Hal and John gave me. I don't remember what happened to me before they found my body. I was in a warehouse out in the middle of nowhere, curled up in a corner with cuts and bruises lacing my pale skin that was only covered with a extra large, plain white shirt that was stained red in areas. But I do remember that I felt complete darkness, caged, trapped. It was suffocating.

But there were other questions that crossed through my mind. Desperate for answers, I spoke them aloud. "CADMUS is your home, isnt it? Why betray them?"

His eyes drifted from mine regretfully. "CADMUS is not the home that we wish it to be. Dr.Desmond, the main researcher, has created more of my brothers for power and threatens to destroy them should they refuse to obey. I only desire us to remain living in peace."

My face softened and I sighed in defeat. "Fine. You have me on you side." I stated straightening my back and narrowing my eyes. He looked back up to my swirling colored eyes and a faint look of a smile graced his lips. You could hardly see it but it was definitely there."Now, where are my friends?"

"They are secured in a room not to far from here." He explains. His voice dimming to a monotonous level. "I can lead you there, but there is a risk that you may get caught by Dr. Desmond or his Guardian." His words were the only thing I needed for my adaptation to activate.

My skin began to dim and fade, like fog evaporating. Second by second, I was disappearing from view until all I saw when I looked down was a empty floor. Invisibility, that was what was happening to me. No thermal imagery could find me. No solid object could touch me. My movements, voice, and breathing were silenced as well. I was gone.

"It seems that is no longer a problem." Dubbilex observes. I smile to myself since he can no longer see me.

"I will contact you mentally to state my location while we move." I opened my mind to his. He gave me a curt nod and we made haste out of the room. My movements were slowed due to the pain in my ribs.

God I'm pathetic! I can bet over 3/4ths if not all of the justice league has been inches from death yet they've still stood strong and did their best to protect the world. And here I am.....complained about 2 freaking ribs. My teeth grit and I took a deep breath and held it as I pushed back my pain. 'Stay strong, Astral' I told myself.

"Let us move on." Dubbilex proposed as we silently walked down the maze of walls. Like I promised, I always maintained a connection to Dubbilex to explain where I was.

It wasn't long until we came across a door that was a twin to the one that was a threshold to Superboy's room. "I'm guessing this is it?" I asked though it was more rhetorical. He answered me with a brief nod and moved to the panel next to the door which opened silently to his code.

He walked in calmly and deathly quite. I, myself, ran in as fast as I could with a hand over my chest as I wheezed over the sharp stabbing but I ignored it as best I could. As soon as I got a clear sight of the whole room, I felt like crying. There, hung like trophies, were my friends and allies. There was some talking behind me but I blocked it out as my teammates withered in pain. Rods were attached to their chests and electrical shocks racked through their pods. They were each grunting and crying out in torture. Below them were hollow glass balls that were filling with some sort of red gas.

Quick thinking training with Batman was now a reflex in my mind. I turned on my heel and ran at the woman behind the computer board and through my weight into her, knocking her out of her seat. She yelped at the sudden push but I ignored it and danced my own fingers over the keys.

"What are you doing?!" Dr. Desmond seethed at the bewildered woman. I stopped for a second and locked over my shoulder at this man that gave off the tell of 'I have more power than you so you have to do what I say'. Yep, this had to be the head honcho here. Guardian, dressed in his g-gnome and all, was standing directly next to him.

Suddenly, the door was pulled completely out of its place by a familiar diamond 'S' logo-ed Boy with a seriously pissed off look on his face. With the main electrical system wiring to the door snapped off, the shocks to the guys stopped and they all relaxed again."I told you to-!" Desmond was halted in his place as Superboy merely whipped his arm outwards and throwing the Dr. and Guardian straight to the wall.

"Dont give me orders." Superboy snapped back just before walking up to the pods. Well damn, guess hes not under their control anymore. Plus, he's like.... a Bob Marley calm, if you get my meaning, compared to our match earlier.

"Thanks for stealing my spotlight, man." I whined with a tease, forcing back my invisibility. Superboy and the others twisted their gaze towards me and the main three out of the four of them smiled.

"Astral!" They cried happily but Aqualad's sounded more like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest.

"Sorry I made you guys worry about me." I apologized as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You were already here and you didn't do anything?" Superboy rasped with criticism. I rose a brow at him with a blank expression now on my face. Both my hands flung to the computer board that remained in front of me like I was presenting a school project. "Did you think I was just playing Xbox on this thing?" I retorted sarcastically to make him feel stupid.

He growled in his throat. I smirked at my success but we were pulled from our dispute when Kid spoke up. "So, is he here to help us or fry us?"

There was a small pause as Superboy looked back at the three. "Huh. I dont seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option." The mini Krytonian said with slight amusement. I mentally scoffed, I really hope this guy can become naturally good instead of his 'only option'.

That was when the cuffs to Robin released their grasped as well as the door to the pod opened and gravity took him to the ground, though he caught himself easily. I moved around the board to them as Robin began to complain. "Urggh, finally! Lucky batman isnt here. He would've had my head for taking so long." He said as he rubbed his wrists. I smiled and gave him a quick hug at seeing that he was ok. He tensed at the sudden action but hugged me back just as fast.

"Seriously? Thats what you're worried about?" Kid asked dumbfounded. Me and Robin pulled away and scoffed up at the speedster. He had no idea the precise ways batman trained, if it wasn't done by the necessary time frame, it mean a heep load of extra hard work back at the cave. "The whole league will have our heads after tonight!"

Robin leaned over and pressed a button over the board. The pods opened and the cuffs let go of their captors. "Free Aqualad." He instructed Superboy. "I'll get Kid Mouth"

"Don't you give me orders either." Super-sass warned before leaping up to Aqualad's pod and throwing his arm over his own shoulders. Robin did the same but with a few more hops up than S.B. I heard a few moans behind me and found that Dr. Desmond and Guardian were beginning to get their heads back in order after S.B's push.

"We need to go." I stated firmly. "What? No hug for me?" Kid whined with drooping shoulders and a pouted face. "Right now, KF. If we get out of here alive, I swear I will hug you and buy you all you can eat dinner."

"Awwhh Yeah!!!" He exclaimed with a fist pump and a huge smile. The others shook their heads and we began our exit. "You- You'll never get out of here, I'll have you back in your pods by morning. Including that girl!" Desmond swore.

"That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all." Robins tisked as he turned and threw three of his birdarangs at the balls of red gas that exploded on impact.

"What is it with you and this 'whelmed' thing?" Kid asked as we left the threshold.

We had hardly got anywhere when I was brought back to a walk and hunched over, clutching my shirt tightly over my chest. My breathing was rapid. "You're holding us up!" I heard S.B snap.

What came next, I couldn't control from passing my lips. "You're the one that broke two of my ribs when you attacked me so I'm really sorry that I may be a little under the weather here!!" I seethed with pure venom and sarcasm. It must have been scary seeing as everyone fell silent.

I heaved strenuously from my outburst which made it worse. It was like someone was taking a heated blade and gabbing it directly into my lungs.

"Hop on." I instantly looked up to the familiar voice to see Aqualad with his back to me and a knee on the ground. I immediately drifted my eyes away with embarrassment and personal disappointment. But knowing we didn't have a lot of time, I wrapped my arms around his neck, careful of his gills, and laid my small figure against his back.

His arms locked under my thighs and he stood back up easily. I was only a good 125 pounds, and that was all muscle that for some reason Hal is extremely proud of me having. I could feel Aqualad's muscles move under me as he began to run along with the others. "Sorry I'm being such a burden to you all." I muttered aloud enough for them to hear but still tried to hide behind Aqualad's shoulder. "And I'm sorry for snapping Superboy. I know you weren't in control of yourself when it happened."

I didn't have to look at them to know a smirk was spread across KF, Robin, and Aqualad's face while Superboy was merely clicked his tongue at me.

"Seeing as you saved me from Superboy's onslaught from earlier, consider this repayment." My carrier whispered for my ears only. My cheeks instantly flustered with red and I gulped. I could feel the low laugh that rumbled up from his lungs.

"Y-You saw that? Hehe, I thought you had already been knocked out." My voice shook with nervousness. He merely let out another chuckle at me.

We turned another corner but stopped dead in our tracks at the sight of four of the larger, ape-like Gnomorphs. The elevator was just behind them making their presence our only obstacle.  Superboy literally leaped into action by slamming on the first gneomorphs face, bringing to the ground. He then effortlessly gripped its shoulder and threw it against the others. S.B's force against them, threw their own bodies against the wall making the entire structure shake.

"Superboy!" Aqualad called out deeply. "The goal is escape, not to bury ourselves down here." He reprimanded. Robin and Kid had moved ahead to get the elevator doors open.

"You wanna escape?!" S.B yelled back throaty. It was scary enough for me to back down and hide behind Aqualad. But the sarcasm that was hidden in it made me expect a 'I'll show you an escape!!' to follow but was only met with him throwing away his weapon and running at us.

Aqualad moved his hands so now one wrapped around my waist letting my legs dangle and he pressed me into him tightly. My grip tightened on him and I watched helplessly as he put his free arm around S.B's shoulders and the mini krytonian launched from the shafts side. We lifted a few stories up but we slowly began to decrease in velocity. "I'm falling." Superboy whispered with confusion.

My eyes widened and in a sudden reflex to falling, my wings sprouted and singularly pushed me up along with the two boys. However, like I thought before, their size was crowded in the small area and they scratched harshly against the metal walls. I winced at the sudden grip of stinging but we luckily made it just enough a few more levels where KF and Robin were. S.B and Aqualad grabbed the edges while I hung on to my carrier tightly so my weight wouldn't shift his balance off the ledge.

I hissed to myself as I retracted my wings back into my body. Their skinned edges, no doubt, remained as an appearance of a open rash on each side of my spine. Damn, I'm just getting hurt left and right. Typical D.I.D, huh? (Damsel in distress) I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts. I cant let the guys know about this or else I'll just make them worry about me more so I'll be a new obstacle in our own escape.

"Superman can fly. Why cant I fly?" S.B asked more to himself as he looked longingly up the dark shaft.

"Dunno, but it does look like you can leap building in a single bound." Kid tried to encourage. "Still cool."

"Thank you." Said Aqualad towards S.B. "Both of you." His gaze then turned to me and I forced a smile as a you're welcome.

"This'll have to be our exit!" Robin exclaimed as the sound of metal screeching above us. I looked up to see the elevator dropping fast on us. Superboy ripped the doors open and we all jumped inside just as the elevator passed us. I could even feel the wind that blew on me as it dropped. It made me shiver.

I felt Aqualad's hands slip under my thighs again and we continued our run. I'm so glad I'm not self conscious or awkward around guys when it comes to close contact. I can thank Captain Marvel for that. The kid side of him makes it easy to become comfortable around guys even when hes way older than me.

We were making our way down the hallways when Superboy suddenly shouted, "Go left, left!" Kid was ahead as usual, doing as S.B instructed. We all followed and then heard him again. "Right!"

Me and Aqualad were last and it made me believe I was slowing him down. It made my heart drop in disappointment to myself. We turned the right corner and found a straight wall in front of us.

"Great directions, Supey. You trying to get us repodded?" Kid complained.

Superboy seemed genuinely confused at the sight of a blocked way. "No. I-I dont understand." His voice was apologetic though I dont think S.B is too big on saying 'Sorry, I'm wrong.'

My eyes traveled up the wall when I saw a vent that was a significant size. "Hey, Robin." I called transferring my vision to him. "Whats the ventilation in this place?"

His tech hologram extended and after a few buttons, his signature smile formed. "Vast. Goes through all sub-levels."

I nodded and looked at the vent that towered above me. "Aqualad, let go." I asked releasing my grip from him. His hands let me go and I caught myself on the ground. 'This is gonna hurt.' I mentally chastised. "Kid, a boost?" Before he could even register, I ran at him at my own speed. His eyes widened but luckily he figured it out. He linked his hands together and bent down slightly. I jumped with my dominant right foot out and landed on Kid's hands where he jerked me up. 'Good thing I wear spandex under my skirt' I smirked to myself.

I flipped mid air then clasped my legs together soldier style as I collided at the vent and its cover collapsed inward at my force. I flew into and landed the vent with a gasp. I gripped my chest at the aching stabs I was getting and knew were coming. There was a low whistle outside the vent, from KF i'm guessing. "Injured doesn't mean useless, guys!" I yelled playfully with a laugh but then coughed at the pangs in my lungs.

Next up was Robin, KF, Aqualad and finally was S.B. "Lead the way, Boy Wonder." I gestured as he pulled up his Tech. We all crawled through the vents as fast as we could. Robin even stopped once to hack into the security cameras and motion sensors.

"Shh." Hushed S.B. "You hear that?" We all silenced to hear the sounds of clanking metal enclosing on us. The genomorphs were coming.

"Robin, get us out!" I snapped in a whisper.

"This way!" He replied in the same manor. We crawled around one other corner and there was the cover to another opening of the vent. Robin kicked it open and we all jumped out single file. I was surprised when Aqualad actually caught me bridal style out of the vent. "Thanks." I smiled. He grinned back and nodded.

I was even more surprised that he didn't transfer me to his back to keep running. He just took off. I yelped in shock and laced my arms around his neck instantly.

I noticed we exited in a stairway that cascaded both up and down. "Now I've got more room to run." Kid said happily as he pulled down his goggles. In a flash, no pun intended, he was up three flights and still going. Even when there was a group of genomorphs, he just forced through them so hard that he knocked them all out.

I appreciated Aqualad's help but the jolting I got as he leaped up each stair was making me feel worse. "More behind us." Robin gestured to the incoming genomorphs. S.B turned and stomped on the top of the stairwell making it disconnect to the main flight and they all fell with it.

We kept going on and my heart fluttered at the sight of '01 Floor' written next to an open door Robin was next to. Out of that threshold was the door to the outside. I could see the dark and star covered sky and the lights of the city but my vision was crushed as the door shut. Although, it was kinda made up for when KF completely smashed his face against it for trying to stop too late. I bit my lip from laughing aloud.

"We're cut off from the street." Robin stated obviously.

"Thanks." Kid dragged on. "My had hadn't noticed."

"To be fair, Kid, the door might've just have left too large of an impact on you." Stupid joke, I know. But when you spend most of your memorable life with Hal Jordan, you have to deal with bad pick-up lines, horrible social manners, and bad puns. So you tend to pick up the disgraceful habit without knowing.

Kid smiled with amusement but we were both pulled away by the booming of running footsteps getting close to our location. Our pursuers were on their way. "Arh! Cant hack this fast enough. This way!" Robin exclaimed, kicking down a nearby door.

"Oh sh-" I almost cursed when we werent even able to get out of that hallway before we were stopped by a surrounding group of Genomorphs and a very angry Guardian standing in the middle of them all. And with the ones tailing us now trapping us in, we were screwed.

The g-gnome on Guardian's shoulder, as well as the others, began to glow. Now knowing its meaning, I threw up a psychic barrier to my allies minds. Of course, because I wasn't just protecting myself, I began to grow tired as my spare energy wasn't being used for myself. Yep, my body is completely selfish. Geez, my own existence is so confusing.

"Perhaps for the sake of all Genomorphs, our brother Superboy should make up his own mind." I recognize that psychic voice. All the other Genomorphs retreated their mental attack, allowing me to pull back my barrier.

"It was you." S.B concluded surprised. Dubbilex emerged from his brethren with his face blank as per usual. We four remained silent as the two had their interaction.

"Yes, brother. I set the fire and lured your new friends Down into Cadmus, woke them when they were in danger-"

"And guided me." S.B finished. "Why?" Suddenly, to me, everything Dubbilex said made sense. He wants Superboy to be the one who starts the process of making CADMUS better. Someone who can show this world that those who walk the prison of these halls are not enemies, but creatures that want to walk among them as equals. To give them peace.

"Because you yourself as a genomorph will be the catalyst in showing earth that their race are not to be feared, correct?" I pieced together gesturing to S.B yet looking towards Dubbilex. All eyes turned to me in curiosity. Probably wondering what I was talking about. But thats a story for another time.

Dubbilex gave me a nod in confirmation. The g-gnome on Guardian's shoulder jumped off and Guardian instantly shook his head as his mind was being released from control. "Whats going on?" He muttered to himself.

"What do you choose, brother?" Dubbilex asked.

Superboy looked into Dubbilex's eyes with his own narrowed ones and I saw his fists clench. "I. Choose. Freedom." I smiled at his choice and then leaned my head back on Aqualad's chest to rest for a few. I thought I felt him tense but it was gone faster than I felt it. Maybe it was just myself moving.

"Feels like fog lifting." Guardian explained as his gripped the side of his head.

"Guardian?" Aqualad called cautiously as if expecting him to call an attack like last time.

"Go." Golden head quickly recovered himself. "I'll deal with Desmond."

"I think not!"....Speak of the devil.

All the genomorphs cleared a path through to see the mad scientist with a vile with a strange blue substance in hand. Ok, how did we miss that? I mean, I get that the genomorphs were in the way for us to see him but you'd think that one of the other genomorphs would have connected Dubbilex and told him that Desmond was coming.

Guardian turned and stood in front of all of us protectively with his arms out."Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to CADMUS!" His smile was like the Joker's and his eyes widened with craziness. Without another word, he gulped down the vile's contents.

He was instantly twisted with pain and he fell to the ground curled together on his knees. His lab coat ripped from his back as his muscles grew and his skin had darkened to a dull gray. His eyes turned pitch black except for the red orbs as his new pupils. And with his transformation looking completely done, he turned towards us with a dark smile.

"Everyone out!" Guardian commanded as he ran at our new foe. But his bravery was short lived as the new Blockbuster easily threw him off to the side and into the hallway wall. Are wall slams a new superhero move or something? 'Cause it keeps happening a lot. I shook my head to remove my off track thoughts.

With Guardian's failure came Superboy's opportunity. He leaped from the ground and swung at Blockbuster. It kinda terrified me to see that the large grey...thing completely took his punch and threw his own. This must have pissed S.B off 'cause he retaliated instantly with three more of his own punches to Blockbuster's face.

Blockbuster growled and let loose a power forced punch towards S.B, knocking him off and skidding across the hallway floor. My mouth was practically hitting the floor. If this serum was able to allow blockbuster to throw Superboy on his back, then this guy is definitely a team threat.

I almost cried out to S.B when I saw that he had gotten back to his feet and leaped a large amount over Blockbuster and was coming back down with his fists interlocked together over his own head. But before he could collide with his target, Blockbuster pushed off the ground, impacted Superboy midair and complete ripped a hole in the ceiling.

I gripped back onto my carrier as we ran directly under the opening. "Thats one way to bust through the ceiling." Robin commented as he dug into his belt and pulled out a grappling gun.

He aimed and fired it towards the hole where it latched to the upper level. "You think 'lab coat' planned that?" Kid asked more to himself as he laced his hand over Robin's shoulder and they were both pulled up. Though, to his rhetorical question, in a muttered breath I heard Aqualad reply with, "I doubt he is planning anything anymore."

My hold tightened as I felt Aqualad tense. He squatted down and we shot from our spot up to the top. When we looked up, Superboy released himself from Blockbusters hold but was quickly taken captive by both his legs and flung like a tennis ball back in our direction. Specifically me and Aqualad. "Catch him!" I yelled as I squirmed out of the Atlantean's hold and practically fell on Kid.

The speedster caught me with a hand around my waist and placing one of my arms around his shoulders so most of my weight was leaning against him. At the same time, Aqualad caught S.B. Well, he actually knocked into him so hard that they both were flown to their backs and slid back a few feet.

Robin, Kid and I raced to them as fast as we could and helped them to their feet. Blockbuster had turned on his heel with his overconfident smile and roared with strength. It was then at a stand still for a moment. He stood and watched us as we did the same and it gave me time to think. 'So I've got an entire A-list of abilities that I can summon on my list but it will take more energy and will power to handle if its something my body doesn't acknowledge I need at that moment of time.' I contemplated on anything I could have up my sleeve that would help with me in my condition. 'I'm already injured, my team consisted of teens that have hardly battled each other and we're going against a potentially fatal enemy.' I small grin graced my face as I knew exactly what to do now.

"Guys, give me your hand." I commanded hold out my own that wasnt around Kid. My palm was face up and in wait for the others. "What for, Babe?" Kid asked coolly which was impressive with the position we are in now.

I kind of laughed at their hesitance and shrugged my arm out once again. "Just do it!" I raised my voice but not angrily. One by one they did as asked but, not surprising, S.B just stared at me weirdly. "I need all your hands for this to work." I encouraged. He groaned when everyone else looked to him as peer pressure and put his hand in. My fingers wrapped over all of theirs and I closed my eyes.

It was a second later when I let go of them so fast that it was like my hand was on fire. I chuckled as everyone inspected their limbs expecting something special. "What was the purpose of this?" Aqualad asked quizzical.

I hushed him with my finger to my lips. "Its a secret." I whispered playfully.

We were brought back to the situation when Blockbuster screamed in irritation and began his rush at us. "Go, Kid, I'll be fine." I assured my support as I slid away softly. His green eyes watched my cautiously but I nodded to him with a smile and he took off.

I steadied my bearings and stood deathly still in my place knowing what I had done would be in full effect soon. It was something I dont normally do because Hal warned me that one of my abilities isnt able to see the future and that this came at a consequence. But I'm willing to risk that, for my team.

S.B and Aqualad jumped with opposite closed fist limbs extended towards Blockbuster. Both pairs of knuckles sent him tripping back where Kid laid waiting on all fours to trip up the big guy. "Learned that one in Kindergarten." He said proudly dusting off his hands.

That was Robin jumped over his speedy pal and threw three of his birdarangs at Blockbuster but he repelled them with a wave of his armor-like skin over his face. When Blockbuster turned back over to his stomach, there was S.B with a ready stance.

Blockbuster instantly pounced on the krytonian and through him against one of the eight columns that held up the structure.I convulsed at the pressure that shocked through my back and fell to a knee. The rash from my wings making it even less comfortable. Even more stinging resonated in different regions of my body. S.B's impact made its own crater and was held still next to it by Blockbusters grip on his shirt.

Superboy violently sent his barrage of punches at his attacker. Blockbuster's head whipped left and right at his force but reeled back his own fist. In a powerful single dart to the face, S.B hit back against the column yet again. My eyes went blurry for a moment and my head felt like it had been thrown in a washing machine.

Aqualad lashed at Blockbuster with a mace he had made with his water bearers. However, one of his swings were too slow and Blockbuster gripped the mace in his hand, not letting go of S.B, and threw Aqualad over him to the ground that cracked at the force.

Again I arched back in hurt yet I bit my lower lip to refrain from yelping or crying out. Blockbuster then easily threw S.B away at another column. It crumbled down at the contact. My bite increased, tasting the metallic warm liquid in my mouth.

Kid took his chance and ran at Blockbuster just as the beast was about to stomp on Aqualad. But his action was taken advantage off when he was gripped by his arms and thrown back at a barely standing Atlantean. Both were shot back with a groan and hit two more of the columns. I almost didn't notice that the upper level of the building was breaking from the supports. This place isnt gonna survive much longer but maybe the weight will work in our favor.

"Robin, make it all go!" I retched painfully as I held up a shaking hand and pointed to the faltering beams.

"Of course." Boy Wonder breathes with realization. I didn't bother to listen to the rest as I felt another torturous spike rush through me. All air left my lungs and I completely collapsed there. My ribs stabbed as I landed on my front, my entire body burned at the skids, cuts and forming bruises that covered them. My head racked with blurry thoughts. My pain was causing my body to repel the ability I was using but I wasn't about to let it win, not when my friends are in danger this badly.

Again and again the torrent of agony was relayed against my back and it was like I could feel the wings under my skin being affected by it as well. My eyes clenched shut, my nails were digging into my palms by how hard I was maintaining my fists, and sweat was forming thickly over my skin. I know I've dealt with worse pain than this but the fact that this pain echoed through every inch and corner of my corner made me useless to do anything.

"Kid, get Astral!" I heard Aqualad cry out and the next thing I know I was being lifted up in a swift movement. His touch added to everything and I unwilling let a scream out. "What happened to you?" I heard the speedster mutter. My eyes opened slowly to see the red and yellow of Kid's suit. "Later." I gasped. "Astral, your covered in blood, cuts and bruises!" He persisted but I remained silent. But looking up, I saw that the entire building was falling just as I instructed Robin to do. My neck loosely turned my head to the side to see my running team. 'We aren't gonna make it out in time.' I told myself as the debris of the structure was coming close to hitting us.

So with everything I could muster, I lifted my hand over my body and flickered a force field to life. Kid, who was unaware, dropped to the ground and covered over me for protection. The field spread largely over my allies as I had commanded and just in time where the entire building collapsed down. The longer I had it up, the more my breath increased in speed and my ribs dug into my lungs.

When the dust had settled and everything was quiet again I limply let my arm fall and the field died along with it. "We did it." Aqualad's voice rung through his quick breathing.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Robin replied smugly. Even through my pain I felt myself smile at him. My eyes then looked up to the white sphere in the sky that was the source of the light beaming down on us. "The moon." I rasped with some sort of relief that we had managed to make it back to the surface and with the building in rubble and Blockbuster most likely trapped under the left overs.

Everyone went silent for a moment as I believed they were admiring it as much as I was. But when there was a figure that descended as a black mass from the middle of the circle. As it got closer, I could make out the blue tights and red cape; Superman.

"Oh, and Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?" Kid bragged as he moved me to lay my head against his thighs and my back now cooling against the night chilled ground. I wasn't aware of what promise they meant but as the question was directed to S.B, I can safely assume it was between them.

"Astral!" I recognized a voice I hadn't heard since yesterday. It was clamored with distress and I knew when I healed, I was in for the lecture of a lifetime.

"Hal." I called back but then coughed violently. Kid pressed against my arms to keep me still.

"Whats wrong with her?" I heard Robin ask just as a pair of feet landed on earth's solid ground. I watched as my mentor and legal parent leaned over my deathly still figure.

I focused behind him as the rest of the Justice League members all landed close to our area and glaring at us something fierce. These were the very definition of 'if looks could kill'

"Nothing." Hal answered Robin sullenly. "Now that everythings over, she'll begin to heal naturally."

"But earlier she only said she broke a few ribs and she stayed out of the fight. Theres no way she should have these many injuries." Boy Wonder countered.

"Tell me, how many injuries do you have?" Hal snapped back looking at all the others while hovering a hand over me cautiously trying to find a place to touch without hurting me.

They all went wide eyed and looked over themselves. Besides their tattered uniforms, they were completely fine.

"I knew I would be forced out of the fight when I told them I was hurt, so I figured I'd take the rest of the damage too." I joked as best I could though I only kept getting caught in my labored breath.

"But that is not the only reason, is it?" Aqualad added sternly as a way so I couldn't stray from the subject.

I grinned and looked at the dark skinned Atlantean. "Known me for only half a day and you can already read me." I teased. "But yes, I organized the outcome. I knew we weren't as coordinated as we could be since this was our first time fighting together and I know personally that a flaw like that can lead to dire consequences. Then theres the fact that Blockbuster was an equal to S.B. If one of you was knocked down for the count then there was a definite assurance that we would all be dead." I paused to let my explanation sink in. "So I made sure that as you took him down, that I would absorb your injuries to keep going."

"We didnt ask you to-" S.B snapped, probably getting angry thinking I believed someone could take him down but I stopped him before he could finish.

"I know. But I couldnt take the chance.....not with my team." I saw them all smile at my little heart felt statement. Hal just shook his head in defeat. "Now, Superboy, I believe theres someone you need to meet."

My words made him look up to the big man himself and walk forward til they were face to face. With his suit torn, he pulled the symbol of the El's back across his chest to show off.

My smile instantly turned opposite as Superman's face contorted with disgust and utter shock. "Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked distastfully.

"I'm Superman's clone!" S.B admitted firmly. Each League member took a step back in shock. "Explain, now." Commanded Batman.

So thats what the guys did while John and a few of the League took Blockbuster away. And me? I was given to Zatarra while he literally magically healed all the outer injuries I sustained, including my wings. But he told me internally that I not only had my two broken ribs, but I had a shattered right hand, 5 cracked reverberates, and a minor concussion. Yep, this is what I get for taking care of my guys. Well, at least I can walk now.

"Thank you, Zatarra." I bowed my head with gratitude.

He sighed loudly and pressed his fingers to his forehead. "Astral you knew this ability could have sent you to your grave if any one of them suffered a fatal injury. What if we lost you- what if Hal lost you?" His reference to 'we' meant all the members of the Justice League. Most of them all treated me like their own flesh and blood but none more so than Hal. The others secretly had a soft spot for me whether they admit it or not. Giovanni Zatarra even had his own daughter to worry about so loosing his other scared the life out of him.

"Then the others would still be able to live to save the world another day." I retaliated calmly.

"There is more to life than spending your time as a superhero, my child."

"And there is more to being a superhero than saving the lives of just civilians." Zatarra knew he was trapped when I circled back to my concern for my teammates. I stepped forward and placed a assuring hand on his arm. "I've learned everything from you and the Justice League. You just have to trust me to use it as I see fit."

He grasped my hand in his and clasped in between the two."You've definitely grown from the scared little girl that I first met.

I nodded in agreement with pursed lips. "Yeah, you can thank Batman for that." I laughed lightly. "Thank you again. I'll see you again." I bid farewell and returned back to my friends.

"CADMUS will be investigated, all 52 levels, but let's make one thing clear-"Flash jumped in front of Batman's threat.

"You should have called!"

"End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives.You will not be doing this again."

"Well then disappointment will be arriving at you doorstep soon!" I interjected with a smile and in a fake happy 'customer service' person kind of way as I threw my arms over KF and Robin. "'Cause we're doing it anyway!" Batman's eyes narrowed at me but my smile stayed put. Robin looked at me like I had just achieved the status of god by talking back to Batman.

"Agreed, Astral." Aqualad sided with me wholeheartedly.

"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman demanded stepping forward.

"Apologies, my king." His sidekick said as he placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. "But no." Aquaman's eyes widened at his refusal. "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own we forged something powerful, important."

"If this is about your treatment at the hall, The 4 of you-" Flash began with sympathy but was paused by his protégé. Kid gestured to S.B as he was now apart of our team. "The 5 of us, and it's not."

Robin stepped bravely forward up to his mentor. "Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" S.B must have gotten really irritated with everything as he finally spoke up in defiance.

"Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple." He passed all of us and looked up to the dark knight and the other mentors that stood behind him. "Get on board or get out of the way. "

So after the over lasting time it took for the Justice league to compromise with us and a week of preparation, we met in Happy Harbor, R.I where a large mountain stood on the edge between sea and city.

<Mount Justice. July 8>

By this time, Hal had gotten me to a hospital in our home town of Coast City where I was strapped up with a cast for my hand, a brace for my back and ribs, as well as a prescription for my head. You could say I looked extremely hot with this... haha, no. I look like I just came out of a Frankenstein movie.

Anyways, I stood with the team as Hal and John were helping set everything back in order. Everyone was in normal clothes. Even S.B had even exchanged his solar suit for a pair of jeans and a black and red shirt with the same symbol on the front. My 'natural' look was something I made up myself since my look is pretty stand out. My body agrees that its in my best safety to have something that makes me look normal. I have light brown hair and hazel eyes and my outfit is more casual instead of astronomical.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League. We're calling it into service again." Batman explains. "Since you 4 are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms. Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary's in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions."

"Real missions?" Asked Robin with excitement but you could tell he almost didn't believe his own mentor. "Yes, but covert." Retorted the black night deeply.

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chests." Flash joked as he pointed to the huge lightning bolt dead center of him.

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman stated to all of us.

"The 6 of you will be that team." Batman finished

"Cool! Wait....6?" Robin caught himself like we all did when we realized what Batman said. I heard the Zeta beam begin to run behind us and we turned to see Martian Manhunter with a girl next to him who looked extremely shy.

She had his green skin tone and matching outfit but other than that, her face held remarkable human facial resemblance and a thick bunch of red hair draped from her head.

"This is the Martian Manhunter's niece Miss Martian." The Dark Knight introduced.

"Hi." She greeted not even able to look any of us in the eyes. She held her own arm as the other crossed over her chest. I felt so relieved that I wasn't the only girl on the team anymore.

"Liking this gig more every minute." I heard Kid mutter to Robin happily like a normal teenage boy. I instantly slapped the back of his head firmly and crossed my arms. "Scare her away, Kid Flash, and you'll be very sorry." I threatened as he rubbed the back of his head where I had hit him.

He gave me a nervous laugh and walked cautiously up to Miss Martian with my eyes glued to his movements. "Welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash. That's Robin, Aqualad, Astral. It's cool if you forget their names." I cleared my throat harshly. "Kidding!" He screeched out scared. I groaned stepping up next to Kid and pushing him out of the way.

"Dont mind him." I teased. "Its great to have a new member on the team. 'Specially since I'm not a lone girl anymore."

"I'm honored to be included." Her formality made me laugh. She sounds exactly like J'onn.

"Hey, Superboy. Come meet Miss M." Robin called out to the Kryptonian that was still standing in the middle platform in the center of the mountain. He didn't say anything but walked over and stood in his same stance. Her shirt and cape suddenly transformed to where it changed to pure black and a red 'X' across her front to match S.B's.

"I like your t-shirt." Miss M complimented with a blush on her cheeks as she scoped out S.B. I covered my mouth with a hand to stop from laughing as I leaned into her ear. "Careful, hes gonna need some tender loving care before you can try and connect with him." Her blush deepened and I leaned against her as I laughed aloud.

Robin seemed to see it too as he slapped S.B's back and Kid put a hand on his shoulder.

"Today is the day." Aqualad said with a smile.

I let go of Miss M and nodded in agreement."Our day as the Young Justice."

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