Chase The Impossible *A Barry...

By Superjusticeleaguer

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To understand what I'm about to tell you. You need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossib... More

Chapter 1- The Thunder Boomer...
Chapter 2 - Blood & Feathers...
Chapter 3 - The Test Subject...Trial & Error
Chapter 4- The Avenging Angel Is Born...
Chapter 5- Know Your Limits...
Chapter 6 - Group Dates, Cold Guns & Boys, Oh My...
Chapter 7- The Villian Inside
Chapter - 8 Snapped...
Chapter- 9 The Angel Vs. The Vigilante
Chapter - 10 Merry...Bahumbug...
Chapter- 11 When I Grow Up...
Chapter - 12 They Got What They Deserved...
Chapter - 13 Ka-Boom!
Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..
Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...
Chapter - 17 Can't Trick A Trickster...
Chapter - 18 Eye Spy...
Chapter- 19 All Roses Have Thorns..
Chapter - 20 Split Personality
Chapter - 21 The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter - 1 (Part2) Who Is Zoom?
Chapter - 2) Mr. Sandman Bring Me A Dream...
Chapter- 3) Mama Don't Preach
Chapter - 4) Dead Man Walking, Blind Man Seeing
Chapter - 5) Broken Wings
Chapter -6) Falling From Grace
A Special Message
Chapter -7) Flash Pass...
Chapter -8) Trickster Santa & His Bag Of Weather Wizard
Chapter -9) The Origin Story begins
Chapter - 10) Fast Enough...
Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...
Chapter- 12) Good Vs Evil...
Chapter-13) Ghosts From The Future?
Chapter- 14) Bye bye...Boogeyman
Chapter- 15) Trapped in the dome with my worst enemy...
Chapter- 16) Sacrificial Lamb
Chapter- 17) Stranger Things In The Universe
Chapter - 18) The Domino Affect...
Chapter - 19) The Speeding Paradox...
OMG! Plz read!!!
Wally West Storyline????

Chapter - 14 A Near Death Experience...

8.1K 222 270
By Superjusticeleaguer

•Barry's Pov•

I was running with Caitlyn in my arms when I heard that scream.


That can't be Rose!

She said that she was going to be right behind us.

I was tempted to look back but I had to keep running to keep Caitlyn safe.

When the smoke clears and we're at a safe distance.

I look back and see no traces of Rose.

"No, no, no, no. She should have been behind us. She should have been--"

I start to run back but Caitlyn stops me.

"Barry? Barry what happened out there? Where is Rose? Is she beside you?" Dr. Wells says on my radio.

"Are you guys okay?" Cisco asks.

"We're okay, but I don't know where Rose is."

"Barry, the nuclear explosion. There's no telling how much radiation we were exposed to." Caitlyn says with a frightened look on her face.

"You're vitals are normal for your suit. But I can't ping Rose's..." Cisco then gets quiet.

"Rose!" I take off running into the smoke cloud and cough as I inhale some of it.

"Rose! Answer me!"

I look around and hear coughing so I run to it.

I find Ronnie...and Professor Stein.

But where is Rose?

I then feel something grab my leg and I look down to see a hand.

I move quickly and see that it was Rose.

My heart was finally beating back to normal ask pick her up from the ground.

" everyone okay?" She asks as she leans against me.

"Yeah, everyone is fine." She smiles at me and for some reason my heart skips.

"Good, cause I'm tired." She passes out in my arms and I lift her up.

"I found her, guys. And the splicer worked." I say over my radio.

I'm happy that everything worked out but I'm mostly happy that Rose was alive.

"We're coming home...all of us..."

After everyone was checked out I was in the room alone with Rose.

She was still sleep and I just don't want to leave her side.

"I thought you died. Do you know how much that would hurt Joe? Iris? Me?"

I hold her hand and it was hot to the touch but I didn't care.

"Don't ever scare me like that again..." I lean over an kiss her head.

She groans and turns over.

"Mmm, Iris don't tell Barry.." She mutters.

"Tell me what?"

I frown at that but look up when I see Ronnie enter the room.

"How is she?"

"She's fine, just sleeping."

"I actually came here to thank her. She never left us."

"What do you mean?"

He pulls up a chair beside me and sits down.

"When I-we went nuclear for that moment. Rose had flew back from the blast but then she came back and she was containing us. It was amazing. The way she did it, she looked like a God."

I look at Rose and see her twitch in her sleep.

"Well I'm just glad everyone is safe." He pats my shoulder.

"Yeah me too. Thank you, both of you for bringing me back to Cait."

"No problem."

My phone rings and I grab it quick so I don't wake up Rose.

I see its Joe and I'm dreading on telling him about this.


"Barry are you busy?"

"Uh..." I look at Rose then go back to the phone

"No, where are you...?"

•Rose's Pov•

I can't see.

"See no evil, Rosie Posie..."

Who's there?

Wait I can't speak?

"Speak no evil, Rosie Posie..."

I try to listen out for anything.


Other voices...

Anything. But nothing..

"Hear no evil, Rosie Posie..."

Where am I?


"Uh-oh. Rosie Posie, you can't call him here."

Why not?

I suddenly feel something against my ear.

Someone's lips maybe?

"Because, he doesn't belong here. No one does...except ussss..."

I wake up and my sight is disoriented.

"Whoa, Rose. Calm down. You're okay." Caitlyn was there and I was breathing hard.

"I..I can.."

I try to suck in air but my lungs won't listen.

"Rose, look at me." As Caitlyn goes to touch me I raise my hand and a window smashed open.

I fall on my side and try to claw at my throat.

"Rose! Stay with me! Ronnie! Dr. Wells!"

I grab her hand and I'm scared.

I hear a rush of footsteps and for reasons mostly known to me, I expected Barry to be among them.

Sadly is was just Ronnie.

"Get me a syringe."


No needles!

I shove my finger down my throat and Caitlyn grabs me but it too late I throw up and finally I'm able to breath.

I lay on the floor and look out the smashed window.

"It's..dark. How long have I been out?" I ask as I get up on wobbly feet.

"Just a little over four hours. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just felt like I had this knot in my throat. So I figured hey, throw up."

"Caitlyn, Ronnie? May I have a word alone with Rose?"

"Sure thing Dr. Wells." The moment they leave I feel guilty.

"I know I almost died out there bu-" He raises his hand causing me to stop.

"Tell me how it felt."


He removes his glasses and cleans them then puts them back on.

"Today I'm sure your experience a jolt of power and I want to know how did it feel?"


He raises his brow at my answer and I look at the smashed window again.

" felt. Amazing. I don't remember what I did but I do remember that I had kept the nuclear explosion from getting out of hand. And for a split second I fe..."

I look at him and he was smiling which made me feel uneasy.

"Felt like what Rose?"

I swallow hard and chew the side of my lip.

"I felt like I had all the power in the world. Like those Greek gods they make you read about in high school. It's crazy but that's how I felt."

"Would you like to feel that again?"

I shake my head.

"No, because even someone like me shouldn't have that much power. Even if it's for good purposes. It's too tempting and I never want to be tempted. Now if you excuse me Dr. Wells, I need should excuse myself. I did have a extra large cup of water before all of this."

"Yes, please. Do take your time. I'll be just working on a few things in my office, if you need me."

I nod and can't help but feel as if he's watching me as I leave the room...

•Dr. Wells' Pov•

I was standing there in front of Gideon smiling.

"Rose has indeed had yet another break through today, Gideon. She's discovered her lethal purple flame and she's gotten a taste of power. I can only imagine if she's starting to look at Barry differently now or if that will come in time...."

I'll be able to go home soon to a world dominated by her.

And I will rule by her side.

I hear a beep and Gideon brings up a monitor of Rose looking at her reflection.

"What do you see, Rose?" I ask myself as I caress the screen...

•Rose's Pov•

It was a little after seven and I was sitting on my porch.

I get a call and see its Travis.

Wow, I forgot how normal it is to have someone call you and it wasn't so you could go and save the world.


"Hey, are you okay? You sound like you lost your best friend."

"I, um just haven't really been feeling well. But what's up?"

"Not much but I have come to the conclusion that I been the worlds most terrible boyfriend and I was hoping we could go out tonight?"

I was about to say no but decide the opposite.

"Sure, why not? Where do you wanna go tonight?"

"How about some coffee at Jitters then a movie?"

"Sounds like a plan. What time should I be ready?"

I hear a knock on the door.

"Hold on Travis, there is someone at the door."

I answer the door in there he stood. He smiles at me and hangs up his phone.

"I was hoping you and I can just have more time together. So I'm picking you up."

I smile at him put my phone in my pocket. "Let me just go get another jacket and I'll be ready in like two seconds tops."

After we get to jitters. We sit there and we just talk about everything that's been going on minus my superhero job.

"So he really broke your guitar?" I ask as I drink my tea.

"Yeah, and I was so pissed. But he was my managers son, so I decided that if I was going to get back at him. I needed to do it and not get us kicked out of the gig."

"What did you do?"

"Simple. I found out he was pilfering money and caught him on camera."

I laugh at that and he looks at me.

"What's that look for?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"It's just, I don't know. How are you so perfect?"

I scoff.

"Trust me, I'm anything but perfect."

He reaches over the table and leans over then kisses my lips.

I want to return it but, this just doesn't feel right.

"I love you..." He whispers.

My eyes widen and when he leans back and looks at me he looks away.

"I know, we've barely been on dates but I just feel this connection with you. I mean I understand if you don't feel the same way yet."


What's that suppose to mean?

"Do you guys need anything else? We're about to close up." A waiter says to us.

"I'm good. Babe?" Travis asks me.

"Can I get a chocolate muffin to go pleas..."

I look and see two little red dots pointed on Travis and on the waiter.

I glance back and see two army men in the bushes.

"Travis get down!"

Just then the glass shatters and bullets and darts go flying everywhere.

When we're under the table I grab Travis.

"You get out of here."

"No, not with out you."

Damn it Travis, how am I suppose to save you?

"Go! I'll be right behind you!"

I shove him forward and we both run in the crowd of people only to be separated.

But maybe that's for the best.

I push open the back entrance door and I'm about to fly but feel a bright light on my back.

"Hands in the air!"

With quickness, I press Barry's numbers on speed dial and pray he can get to me in time.

I put the phone back in my pocket and lift my hands up.

I turn and see about six army men plus some general.

"Rose West. The Avenging Angel herself."

How the hell does he know about me?

"Who are you? Besides some little soldier knock off?"

He chuckles and circles me.

"Well young lady my name is General Wade Eiling, United States Army."

"What do you want? Why trap me in Jitters alley?" I say loud and clear.

"This place was just a chance and I want you're gifts. I want to create the perfect army. Which will include your gifts and Firestorm..."

I look past him and see a whiz by all the army men, beating them up and I smile.

All except Eiling were standing.

"Took you long enough." I say with a smile at Barry.

He was about to speak but Eiling throws some weird cube in the air it explodes right over Barry.

Little pins all drop and he goes down with a scream.


I go to raise my hand but Eiling points a gun at me.

"We were just expecting to catch you. But him? He's just the frosting on the cake. Now put your hands down slowly and no one will get hurt, sweetheart."

He looks past my shoulder and I take the chance and see its S.T.A.R. Labs van.

I look back at Eiling and swing with all my might and knock that old man on his ass.

"Don't me call me sweetheart."

"Get in!" I hear Caitlyn yell.

I grab Barry and we both get in the van....


"Caitlyn you need to hurry. Barry's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin." Dr. Wells instructs.

Caitlyn was pulling each needle out of Barry and I just feel guilty.

"Barry, I'm so sorry."

I hold his hand and he winces as Caitlyn pulls out another needle.

Ronnie and Cisco were both helping her and I look at Dr. Wells.

"That General wanted Firestorm, the flash and me. How does he even know about us?"

"Eiling knows a lot more than people think. But if I'm correct. He wants to use all of your powers to create the perfect soldier."

"Well we need to finish this so I can go go Stein's house. Eiling's going to be after him too." Barry groans as another needle gets taken out.

"Stein's fine." Ronnie comments.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"He's right there." We all look up and Professor Stein was standing right there.

"I don't think Mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we hoped..."

After Barry becomes needle free Caitlyn runs some tests on Stein and Ronnie.

"You're brain waves are in perfect sync. Almost like you're minds are one."

"I'm still inside Ronald."

"I wouldn't have used those exact words professor." I say as I stand near Barry.

"Anyways, if this Eiling is as dangerous as you say, then I need to warn Clarissa." Stein gets up but Barry stops him.

"I promise, Rose and I can get to Clarissa and take her out of the city in time, but we need you to stay here. Professor, we need you to trust us."

He nods after some time.

"Very well.." Cisco takes him out of the room and Barry motions me to the hall.

"I know I snapped at you an-"

Barry hugs me and he kisses my hair.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. Your dad had found out some new stuff on my moms murder and he's getting closer on solving it."

"It's okay, I understand. But I w-"

"No need to be sorry. Everything was cleared up. I'm just glad you're safe." He hugs me again and my body feels warm.

"Thanks Barry." I hug him back and we just hold each other.

Until I hear my phone ring.

"Crap, crap, crap." I let go of Barry and see that Travis was calling me.

"Hey, Travis..."

"Hey Travis? Where are you? I tried to go back inside but those soldiers were surrounding that place like no bodies business."

"I'm safe, I'm with friends." I hear a sigh of relief come from his mouth.

"Thank god, where are you I can come pick you up."

"No that's fine, I'm just going to have my sister come pick me up. You have a good night."

"Yeah, good you..."

"Yeah you too." I hang up quickly and don't dare look at Barry.

Why do I feel so guilty all of a sudden?

Hmm maybe because you still have feelings for Barry and you don't want to hurt Travis' feelings...

Oh shut up who asked you?


Certain circumstances has made living arrangements a bit funky but hey, when the military is looking for you why not have company?

"All right you guys can stay in Iris' old room. It's kind of small, but--"

"Hey sis!" Crap I forgot she was coming over, how will Barry explain this?

"Hey, well I guess I'll have to cook for more than just us huh?" Iris says as she looks at our extra guess.

"Hey, sweetheart." Dad walked out of the kitchen and pauses as he sees, Ronnie and Caitlyn with us.

"Do I want to know?"

"No, no you don't. Barry, you got this right?" I grab my dads hand and we walk back into the kitchen.

"Thanks a lot Rose." Barry calls out.

"You're welcome!"

When dad and I are in the kitchen he places his beer down.


"Do you want the short version or the long one?"

"Give me a version to start, Vincent."

"Dad, I swear I'm not in trouble...well maybe the military is after me."


"See, I knew I should have told you the long version. But I do have to skip the part where I almost died an-"

"You what?"

"Dad I'm a superhero keep up. Now..."

I tell dad the whole story and even tell him about the Ronnie and Stein thing.

"And that's why they're here. Nice talk dad, we should do this again sometimes."

I grab an apple off of the counter and take a bite leaving my father speechless in the kitchen.

•Dr. Well•

I wheel into Eling's office and he was sitting at his desk.

"Harrison." He looks up and I park right in front of his desk.


"I had a feeling you would be wheeling by. Tell me. They still pulling needles out of Barry Allen's hide?"

He knows more than I give him credit, but he doesn't know everything so I have the upper hand.

"I guess your sweet little flash didn't want his side kick to get taken away. Speaking of his side kick, where did you find, Miss West? Her abilities would make a perfect soldier."

"Miss Wests abilities are far from my reach, which is why I came here. I don't know how Firestorm works, but I know the man who does."

"Why would I want firestorm when I really want Miss West?"

I smile at him.

"Because, I'm not giving you Miss West, but I will sacrifice Firestorm and the man behind it."

He chuckles loud at my comment.

"You're one cold bastard, Harrison. But I'll bite, I'll take firestorm...for now."

"Tell me, Wade. What do you plan on doing with Firestorm?"

"A new dawn is upon us. With firestorm my soldiers will be the best. With those abilities, they'll make all those other countries seem like cavemen fighting with sticks. Now when you get me firestorm then you know where to find me..."

I nod and wheel out of his office.

He thinks he's so clever, but no man with his mind set will ever be able to harness Rose's gifts.

But I'll be patient.

I've been patient this long, what's a few more days?"

•Rose's Pov•

The next morning I find Barry in the living room looking at a few old photos.

"Barry?" He looks over at me and gives me a soft smile.

"Hey, Rose. Did I wake you?"

"No, I couldn't sleep. But why are you up?"

He shrugs as I sit beside him on the couch.

"Just been thinking about what your dad showed me."

"Should he have not shown you?"

"I had to know, Rose...."

"You've been through so much. You have all your life. You're so strong and smart...but don't let all of that build up inside of you. Talk it out. You've got friends to hear you out. I know this all feels like a brand new burden, but hey...let's share it. Let it be our burden." I give him a smile and he nods.

"Yeah. Well, I've been thinking about how Joe said that my blood was there at the crime scene."

"Really? I don't remember you bleeding that night."

"I wasn't, he said the blood was me, as an adult."

My eyes widen.

"Wait so, does that mean you can time travel? Can you go back in time and stop me from buying those suspenders?"

He gives me a funny look and laughs.

"Ah, there it is. That award winning Barry Allen smile."

"You always can make me laugh when I'm feeling down."

"Well it's my job, that'll be twenty bucks please." I hold out my hand and he pops my palm.

"How about an I.O.U?"

"Nope, no good. I take either money or gift cards as payment."

"What, no strawberry milk?"

"That's only if you make a payment of fifty bucks then throw in the strawberry milk."

"You're a crook you know that right?" He smiles and I shrug.

"Girls gotta eat."

"Well eat this." He pounces on me and I laugh hysterically as I feel him tickle me.

"Barry! Barry! I give! I give!" He stops and I tackle him but he moves so he's on top of me again.

We both laugh and he seems to stare into my eyes.


My heart was beating fast and my pulse was rushing a mile a minute.

I swallow hard before answering.

"Yes, Barry?"

"You have really pretty eyes..." I see him lean down and I should stop him.

I should push him off call him a creep for thinking I would allow this but my body felt paralyzed.

His lips were closing in and I wanted this.

"Barry? Rose?" Caitlyn calls out.

Barry scrambles off of me and helps me up.

Caitlyn looks at us with a narrowed look.

"You wanted us?" I ask as I smooth my hair down.

"Dr.Wells, he wants to see us. Something about Stein being kidnapped."

"All right, let's go." Caitlyn walks out and Barry stops and turns to me.

"I meant what I said, Rose. You have really pretty eyes." He smirks and leaves me feeling warm and very very confused...

"They didn't hurt you?"

"Barry, I told you. Only my pride was hurt. Unfortunately, i'm not in the position to take on armed soldiers."

"Where do you think Eiling took Professor Stein?" Caitlyn asks.

"I imagine some off-the-books military research facility."

"We have to get him back. He's not safe."

"Easy Rose, Eiling has already demonstrated he has the weaponry to disable the Flash, there's no telling what he has in store for you."

"We can't let him turn Stein into a weapon." Cisco comments.

"How do we find him?"

Everyone looks right at Ronnie.


Caitlyn hooks Ronnie up to some machine that measures his brain wave patterns.

"No abnormal brain activity. All vitals steady."

"You really think Ronnie can somehow feel where they're keeping Stein?" Barry asks Dr. Wells.

"Yeah, it's like a twin link thing right?" I answer without even thinking.

"Exactly, Miss West." He smiles at me and I look back at Ronnie.

"I don't feel anything right now."

"Just keep trying, Ronnie."

"I am Cait, but whatever this is it doesn't have an on and off switch."

Ronnie then runs his eyes and starts to shake.

"Wait, I feel something. I'm-- I'm cold..."

Suddenly Ronnie screams out in pain.

"You're okay man. We got you."

"What's happening to him?"

"Nothing's happening to him. It's happening to Stein, and Ronnie is feeling his pain. I was wrong. The connections not temporary. It's only getting. Stronger."

"Just try and hold on."

"Water...water." He moans out.

Cisco hands him the glass but Ronnie pours the water out and smashes the glass then takes the broken piece to his arm.

He starts to cut and Caitlyn tries to stop him but Barry moves her hand.

"Caitlyn, let him."

"But he's cutting himself."

"I know...just let him."

She does and we all see him write where on his arm.

When he puts the glass down he sits there and frowns.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing just...some tapping. It's like, tap, tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap, tap, tap..."

"Morse code."

"I got this." Cisco goes running off to decipher it.

"Same thing again. Tap, tap. Tap...."

"27." Cisco says.

"What does that mean?"

"Army bases, they sometimes go by numbers, like Area 51." Barry replies.

Cisco gets on the computer. "Facility 27, about 300 miles away. It was shut down in 1961."

"That's where they're keeping Stein. Barry let's go."

"I'm coming with you two."

"No you're not. You can't." Caitlyn says in a stern voice.

"I'm connected to Stein. I have to go."

"Did you ever stop to think why your connection to him is growing stronger by the minute? Maybe you're being drawn back together. Maybe your proximity will cause you to re-merge into one."

"And what happens to me if he gets killed?"

I take off running and grab my suit and put it on.


"Yes, Dr. Wells?"

"Be sure that you don't use your new abilities. At any cost."

"I won't, Dr. Wells. Besides I don't know how to control it well enough."

He nods and Barry runs in and grabs his suit.


"Ready." Ronnie answers behind us.

When we get there, Barry says that he'll get inside to grab Stein while I keep look out above and Ronnie stays hidden.

"Oh yeah, this place definition doesn't look too shady. How about we just walk up and ask for Stein back along with a cup of sugar too?"

"Rose, just stick to the plan."

"Aye aye, captain." I fly up in the air making sure to stay in the shadows and see Barry run inside and came back out with Stein.

"Let's get out of here." Barry says up to me.

"Uh, guys we have company." I point and a few soldiers were outside of the gate points guns and a tank at us.

One guy shoots and a bazooka missile comes right towards Ronnie and Stein.

Barry runs up and grabs it but the moment he touches it, it explodes and he screams.

"Run!" Barry yells.

Ronnie and Stein both take off and I stay in the air.

Barry listens to his radio and takes off running.

I fly higher int the air and hear guns being fired at me.

One hits my wing but I ignore the pain.

I swoop down and grab one of their guns and swing him in the air as he knocks a few people out.

"Need a hand?" I look and see Ronnie all blazed of glory.

"Yeah, you handle them. I'll get Eiling." I order. He nods and takes off.

I find Eiling and he was smiling.

"This ends now."

"Yes, it does...but just for you."

He tosses something in the air and before I could dodge it ejects and my wings get caught in it.

"I had this especially made for you. I know you can fly and can move things with your mind. So this net freezes all of your bodily functions."

I feel angry and feel a spark ignite under my finger tips.

"Time to go."

I feel my fingers warm up but just when Barry came by and punches Eiling right in the face.

He was knocked out cold and Barry breaths hard.

"That was a lot of running."

Barry picks up some sharp piece of metal and cuts the ropes.

I'm free and instantly can feel my limbs starting to work again.

"Where's Ronnie and Stein?"

"I'll go get him."

He takes off and I look back at Eiling.

I walk over to him and kick him right in the side.

He gasps and I grab his face.

I know my hand is warming up.

"If you ever show your face again, I will burn your tongue out so you'll never speak again. Got that?" He nods and I let him go.

"I may be an avenging angel but don't make me put my angel half on the shelf and show you a demon, Eiling." I take off in the air and find Barry and Ronnie.

"You fellas ready to go home?"

"Yeah." The say in unison.

"Good, let's go home." Ronnie takes off in the air as well and Barry goes running....

Barry takes off his shirt when we get to S.T.A.R. Labs and reveals a nasty burn mark.

I cringe when I see it.

"It's not as bad as it looks, Rose."

Caitlyn helps him out and I sit on a desk.

"Hey, Rose?"

"Yeah Ronnie? Wait you are Ronnie right?"

"Yeah it's me, Stein and I separated like ten minutes ago. But I want to say your secrets safe with me."


He picks up my hand and I see a small purple smoke come from it. I blow it out and he lets my hand go.

"I won't say anything to Barry."

"Why would I care if you told Barry?"

He scoffs and hugs me.

"I know that look. I still give Cait that look every time she enters the room." He kisses my cheek and I can't help but blush.

"Thanks Ronnie. Caitlyn's lucky to have you."

"And Barry's lucky to have you."

"Ronnie?" Caitlyn calls out to him.

"Oh, Barry and I are-" Ronnie was already walking over to Caitlyn so I just let my voice go soft for a moment.

"We did good today." I jump hearing Barry's voice.

"Uh, yeah. We did." I offer my fist to him but instead he kisses my cheek and walks away.

Just when I think I'm getting over you Allen you do things like that and it keeps me coming back to you....

•Dr. Wells Pov•

I had ran in and grabbed Eiling without even his soldiers knowing and dropped him right at the floor of the sewers.

"What--what the hell was that?" He asks.

I stand before him and distort my voice.

"It's good to see you again, General."

"Who are you?"

"Just a follower of the Avenging Angel. But to make things less complicated..."

I take my mask off.

"'re one of them. A meta-human."

"Oh general. I'm like Mr. Allen, but I'm nothing like Miss West. No she's in a category all on her own. In fact she is what I strive to be. Now you'll never touch either of them because I protect my own..."

A growl reverberates in the sewers.

"What was that?"

"Now, an old friend of ours."

He flinched and starts to look around.

"That's in my head..."

He looks up at me in horror.

"Dear God..."

"Sorry, Rose can't save you. General."

Grodd grabs Eilings leg and drags him away as he screams for mercy....



Hey guys! I hope you all liked this chapter, as you can see Rose is this chapter, the next chapter will tug at your little Bose (haha see rose and barry's ship name anyways) heart strings. Okay it will rip your heart out because well you'll see. Comment below and down forget to vote! Also if any of you are Avenger fans love Iron man I have a fic out on him now.
Just the preface but trust me it's going to be good. Same God complex but she actually is a god. I like Greek mythology so let's see how Tony Stark will hold up ;) haha UP UP & AWAY!! Okay I need a cape XD p.s. That is Barry crying because he thought Rose wouldn't wake up..

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