☼The Summer of Harry Styles☼

By jessiegirlbaby

19.4K 171 32

On the outskirts of London, a young adult full of ambition hides within a home that is constantly surrounded... More

Editing/Authors Note
Chapter 1: Contact
Chapter 2: Dwindle
Chapter 3: Misconception
Chapter 4: Steps
Chapter 5: Level
Chapter 7: Destined
Chapter 8: Unhinged
Chapter 9: Impede
Chapter 10: Remedy
Chapter 11: Incensed
Chapter 12: Reoccurrence
Chapter 13: Slumber
Chapter 14: Challenged
Chapter 15: Plans
16. New Friends.
17. Decisions
18. Meetings
19. Parents
20. Black Out
21. Relationships
22. Feelings
23. Vacation
24. Paradise
25. Sharing
26. Emotions
27. Shouting
28. Moving
29. Hide-And-Seek
30. Indescive
31. Crystals

Chapter 6: Protective •

615 5 1
By jessiegirlbaby

Status: Edited

Ashley P.O.V.

The straw swishes back and forth in the cup and it mixes the lemonade, making it look like a tornado. Chatter fills the kitchen, and I get lost in the small beverage.

Arden holds Zayn's hand as she points at the laptop and plays the track she has been working on, along with the lyrics. She's written a new song called 'Slow Down', and she's really excited to introduce it to her producer. She got signed by a record company last year, her fathers best friend actually. She's very wealthy, her family, so we grew up in the same neighborhood. We've always been best friends, for as long as we can remember.

"So are you two a couple?" I ask innocently, sipping on my drink after. I glance at Arden and a blush is prominent on her cheeks.

"Actually, Zayn asked me last night." She confesses and a small smirk shows on his face as he looks at me, and I give him a little thumbs up.

"I'm happy for you guys." I speak and reach for a chip in the container on the table. We had decided to get lunch once we came home from the beach, and the rest of the boys went out with their girlfriends, while Harry had a studio session.

"Aren't we supposed to be going out tonight, babe?" Arden asks him and he nods.

"I think Harry said something about it, did he talk to you Ash?" He asks, and raises an eyebrow, popping a chip in his mouth. His smirk is prominent and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Wait, are you and Harry a thing now too?" Arden asks, throwing her dish in the sink.

"Maybe." I mumble and she smiles.

"Knew it."

"Okay, whatever." I roll my eyes and close the container of chips, placing them in the fridge.

"So, where is Harry going to take you tonight?" Arden swoons, nudging me in the shoulder.

"Um... to some big nightclub called 'Jango's' I think? He told me that you guys and the rest of the group are supposed to be coming too." I explain, swishing the lemonade around once again.

After that conversation with Harry on the beach, I met some girls named Eleanor which was Louis's girlfriend and Sophia, who was Liam's girlfriend. They were actually really nice girls and I guess I just judged them too quickly. I learned that Eleanor was a model and that Sophia was a real estate agent and a part time model. They were both extremely pretty.

"Zayn!" Arden scolds, turning around to face him, hands on her hips. "Why didn't you tell me until now?"

"Whoops. Guess it must have slipped mind." He shrugs and she rolls her eyes at him, when he brings her into his arms. They make such an adorable couple.

"Zayn, it's not funny! We should actually go buy some new dresses at the mall. We haven't gone shopping in forever." Arden suggests, slapping Zayn's hands from her waist so she can get up.

"I'll drive." Zayn offers, picking up his keys from the counter.

"No, Zayn. I want my dress to be a surprise to you. I'll drive okay? You can go meet up with the boys, while we go shopping. Please? I mean, do you really want to be in a girly store with us and get tackled by little 10 year old fans, or go hang out with Harry?" She asks with a small smile, and she knows she's caught him.

His eyes widen as he comes to the realization. "Yeah, your right. I'll see you tonight then, yeah?" Zayn says kissing her cheek and walking towards the door.

"Yup!" She yells as the door shut. "Cmon, we've got some major shopping to do!"


"I don't know. You don't think it makes me look hippy?" She grumbles, turning around to look at her backside in the mirror. I chuckle and cock my head to the side.

"Not at all. I think it's perfect."

She had picked out a white coverslip, strapless dress that ended just below the knee, with gray sparkly heels. It didn't look bad at all.

"Okay. I'll get it." She smiles widely and turns toward me, her smile widening even more if that was possible.

"Wow. That dress looks amazing on you." She compliments and I smirk, looking in the mirror. The black slim strapless dress hugs my hips tightly, and the navy blue blazer fits my bust perfectly. It looks casual if anything for a club.

"Thank you. Black is slimming." I comment and add up the price in my head. Not too bad for this store. "If we spend any more time in here, I might regret spending all this money."

We quickly get changed and pay for our dresses and the blazer. Arden and I walk to the car, and soon enough, arrive home. I quickly got the bags out of the trunk and locked the car before walking up to the door. Carly didn't have her key besides the car one and she looked at the door solemnly.

"Here." I laugh, pulling out my key and opening the door.

As soon as I close the door, a loud laugh rings throughout the place. And it wasn't Arden's.

There's someone here.

I turned around and saw Arden, frozen with fear. I grab one of the umbrellas off the rack and start to tip toe up the stairs.

"Wait!" Arden whispers. "What if they are dangerous?"

"Then grab the other umbrella." I whisper like its obvious. She does so, and we both started tip toeing up the stairs.

To say this situation was freighting, was the least I could say. TV lighting from the den bounced off the hallway walls, only emitting a small amount of light, and it didn't help the blackness that covered the area. It was hard to even navigate without hitting a wall, or Arden falling into me. Once we had made it to our rooms hall, I stepped with caution.

As soon as my foot stepped around the corner, a hand tried grabbing me from in front of my body and I practically screamed, making the captivator scream also. I almost dropped the umbrella but I kept a firm hold and began hitting the figure in front of me.

I don't fuck around.

It began to groan in pain, so I halted my actions as did Arden, but I still kept my umbrella up in the air as a warning.

"Who the fuck are you?" My voice comes out shaky, more than I intended and the person groans again.

"I'm sorry, okay, it's just me!" His thick accent rings throughout the hallway and my eyes squint through the darkness to see if I'm correct.

Goddammit Harry.

"Shit... I didn't mean-" I begin to speak and when he stands, his face is contorted in pain as he stares at me. "Oops?"

"I'm so sorry Harry!" I exclaimed bending down as he clenched his stomach and groaned in pain.

"Yeah, me too." He chuckled coughing.

He got up and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed.

"Me? You guys are the ones that pelted me with umbrellas like maniacs!" He defended.

"Well, what the hell are you doing in my house?" I argued.

"Oh.. well um... Zayn kind of took Arden's key and let us in! We came to suprise you guys!" He answered smiling.

"Well, great suprise." I mumbled sarcastically.

I know noticed what he was,wearing in the light of the tv. He had on dark skinny jeans and a navy blue T-shirt. He paired it with a black blazer and white converses.

"Oh, yeah. Partying clothes." I whispered.

"Yeah all the boys are here in the den and the girls fell asleep." He chuckled

"Okay, let me just get ready." I said pushing past him and opened the door to my room.

I turned on my light and Sophia was asleep on my bed.

"Oh Harry." I sighed.

• • • • • • •

"Wow. I look perfect." I whispered into the dresser mirror.

Sophia had woken up about three minutes after I came into the room. She helped me get ready quickly. Well, she didn't just help. She did everything.But I had to admit, she did really good.

"Yup! Your welcome! Let's go!" She exclaimed yanking me out of my chair and out the door.

• • • • • •

My eyes widen at the limo parked casually in our driveway. Where the hell did this come from?

I gawk at Harry but he just shrugs, dragging me towards the doors. We all got in one by one, Louis telling the driver our destination.

The whole ride there was loud as hell. Music was blaring. Louis, Arden, Niall, And Sophia all screeched while singing 'Call Me Maybe'. Harry and Zayn were arguing about global warming (don't even ask how that topic came up), while Liam, Eleanour and I were talking about how Spongebob Squarepants made no sense whatsoever (don't ask me how that came up either).

The music was shaking the car, the bass echoing loudly. To make things worse, after 'Call Me Maybe', 'A Thousand Miles' came on. From what I've learned, it was one of Louis's favorite songs. Oh god no.

His phone is plugged in to the aux.

He started singing and dancing and everyone joined in except for me, Liam, And Eleanour. It seemed like we were the most mature of the group. Everyone was dancing like crazy, so literally, the limo was bouncing up and down.

"If I could fall into the sky, do you think time, would pass me by! Cause you know I would walk a thousand miles if I could just see you... Tonight!" Everyone yelled laughing. I started dancing along with Liam And El too, trying to have fun. Hey, if you can't fight em, join em.

About 5 minutes later, we arrived at the night club laughing and ready to have a good time.

We all got out, one by one, and walked into the nightclub. Wow, so this is what a club looks like.Okay, I've never been to a club since I was 15 and got wasted. I didn't really remember because I passed out. But this one, was huge.

There had to be at least a thousand people here. "Albatroaz" was playing, bodies grinding to the tune and raving on the dance floor. The smell of liquor and beer spread through the air and neon lights were flashing in every direction.

"C'mon babe, let's go find a booth!" Harry shouted over the music. He dragged me to an empty booth while everyone followed.

"We're gonna go dance!" Louis shouted as he grabbed Eleanour and pulled her onto the dance floor.

"I'll go get us some drinks!" Niall shouted.

"I'll come with!" Harry, Louis, and Zayn shouted together.

"I'll be back." Harry whispered in my ear kissing my forehead, and walked over to the bar.

"Cmon, let's go dance!" Sophia yelled in my ear and pulled me onto the dance floor.

I think she was already mentally drunk because she starting dancing like crazy and fell into this random guy. Wait... Fabion?

"F-Fabion?" My eyes widen, taking in his appearance. He's gotten more attractive, his green eyes shining off of the neon lights. They brighten once he realizes it's me and it isn't as awkward anymore.

"Ash?" His accent is thick as he steps closer, someone accidentally pushing him towards me. I chuckle at his flustered demeanor and he smiles at me. "What are you doing here?"

Fabion was my next door neighbor growing up. We were the same age and really close. We were practically brother and sister. He was always there for me. He would beat up anyone who laid a hand on me in school. He was really over protective. He was my best friend, and I haven't seen him in years since he moved away in 10th grade.

"You know, just living through my youth while I can." I laugh, punching his arm. I lose my breath when he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight, my feet lifting off the ground a bit and I throw my arms around his neck, missing the feeling of hugging him. He sets me back down, my feet hitting the solid floor and my body sways with the music. "The question is, what are you doing here? I thought you moved."

"I did, I actually go to NYC University. I'm just here visiting my Mum. How have you been?" He asked smiling.

"Awesome! I just finished college and I go to the University of Oxford next year!" I yell over the music that has somehow gotten louder in a matter of seconds.

"Are you and Arden still in touch? I tried to get ahold of you but I think your number changed..." He yells back, moving along to the music also.

"Yeah, it did. Me and Arden live together actually. And Sophia is the one that bumped into you, Liams girlfriend. Liam Payne, from One Direction?" My voice gets a little smaller as the song changes to another.

" I think we should all get together sometime. But for the time being, want to dance?" He asks.

"Why not?"I smirk, moving my body along with his.


"What's his name?" Fabion asked.

"Harry. He became my boyfriend about few hours ago, but it feels like more time."I replied. We are dancing to 'Bangarang' by Skrillex and talking about our normal lives. I honestly have no idea where Dani went.

"Well, he's a really lucky guy." He smiles, fist bumping to the pounding sound around him.

" Yeah, he is a really good guy. You guys should meet sometime-" Im interrupted by Fabion getting pushed to the ground, and my eyes widen as his chest hits the floor. My gaze shifts to the contender and I lock eyes with a very angry Harry. His fists are clenched, and his eyes are glazed over from the obvious alcohol intake. He's an angry drunk.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shout pushing Harry back. By now Fabion had already gotten back up.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He asks, brushing off his jeans.

"Fuck yeah I'm her boyfriend!" Harry retorts angrily. He takes a step closer to Fabion, but he doesn't cower away. "Who the hell are you?"

"Woah, just calm down. Im-" Fabion starts, and holds out his hand, but drops it when Harry cuts him off.

"You know what? Forget it. I don't care who the fuck you are, don't you dare lay a hand on her, get it?" Harry spits at him, getting into Fabion's face and it feels like my feet are glued to the ground.

"I didn't mean to offend you. We were just dancing, It's not a big deal." Fabion makes the mistake of shoving Harry away from him and suddenly Harry grabs his shirt into his hands, tackling him to the ground.

"Harry! Get off of him!" I shout, and I want to intervene, but there is nothing I can do. Harry starts to throw punches at him and he slams Fabion's head into the ground, causing him to groan. I am surprised people are still dancing.

Fabion flips over and tries to push Harry off of him, but he is just too angry. Harry punches him in the nose and Fabion's head snaps back and I feel dizzy at the scene in front of me. Harry flips them back over, then grabs Fab's shirt and punches him in the gut. Fabion was barely fighting back.

I quickly tug at Harry's curls trying to get him to let up, and surprisingly it works, and he releases Fabion. I grab Harry's arm and push him away from Fabion, who is now standing wiping his nose off.

"Fabion, Im so sorry for his behavior. I love you but I really have to go. Thanks for the fun night." I shout, hiding Harry back, and I kiss him on the cheek before yanking Harry through the crowd, and out of the club.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I immediately ask once we were on the sidewalk. I let go of his arm, and stand before him, my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Nothing! I wasn't the one dancing on a random fucking guy!" He retorts angrily, his voice echoing throughout the night. He is beyond furious but I don't cower down.

"He was my old best friend, practically my brother, you condescending imbecile!" I shout, my teeth clenched. His expression immediately turned soft at my tone and my fists clench at my sides.

"Oh, Ash , I didn't know. I'm sorry-" He starts but I cut him off.

"No Harry, save it. I thought you we're the type to get jealous, but clearly I was wrong. Thank You for ruining the whole night and finally making me realize who you are." I chuckle bitterly, my palm pressed to my forehead.

How could I be so stupid?

I turn around and start to walk in the opposite direction, until his voice stops me.

"Don't walk away from me." He has growled the command and my eyes narrow, as I turn back around.

"You do not dictate what I do, or do not do. There is no reason for me to stay here with you, after what you have just done." I reply, my eyes glazed over with anger. His eyes are bloodshot, his green eyes a darker shade.

"We need to talk about this." He says calmly, and steps towards me, but I hold up a hand.

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is. What about us? How are we going to get through this?" His voice is laced with anger and I don't want to deal with him when he is this drunk.

"There is nothing to get through Harry. You want to know why?" My voice is quiet as I step towards him and I whisper my last words as I gaze into his eyes. "Because there is no 'us'."

His expression emanates defeat as I back away, leaving him on the sidewalk.

I turn and begin to run, taking off my heels as I did. Tears burn my eyes as my feet pad along the concrete, the cool night air running through my hair, my destination unknown.

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