Mute Songbird (boyxboy) -Comp...

By SammyDAdams

851K 47.7K 11.6K

He hasn't said a word in years... His voice though, is a work of art............ I was inspired to write this... More

First Day
Mrs. Clark
Day Two
After School
Staying for dinner
Making Plans
Climbing Rocks
Emotion Overload
The Tickle Monster
Waking Up
Long Week
Movies on the Couch
Long Walks
The Rock
Family Ties
Dinner Party
Come in stay in.
Hotel Rooms
Learning the Ropes
All alone together
Driving Miss Daisy
The long week
When the parents are away...
Tuesdays with Danny
Udder madness
The Arts
The light of day
Out with it
Break Time
The Big Picture
A note
Ending One
Ending Two

Homeward Bound

17.4K 882 113
By SammyDAdams

*** The R rated stuff is over in the Excerpts book :)

"Welcome home honey!"

I hadn't exactly been on a three-month archeological dig in Mongolia but it was nice that mom was so happy to see me. I knew she was relieved I was home safe, too. I had a theory that she thought her eyes were magical and that no harm would come to me as long as I was in sight. They were nice eyes, don't get me wrong, but it had felt nice to be away from them for a night. Very nice.

I still couldn't believe everything that had happened. I wondered if she could see it on me. Maybe I looked different? More mature or more worldly or I don't know, just happier? Was I walking weird? Let me just say that I had been super glad for the soft padded seats on the fancy bus this morning. It was probably in my head but they just looked like a good idea. I started to worry that even though her eyes didn't have powers, she definitely had some sort of mom-radar-superpower and that she would just KNOW and it was NOT a conversation I wanted to have right now. Or ever.

"So where is it Asher? Let me see!"

Where is what?!? My heart rate went up to about 110 and my palms were sweaty. There was NOTHING from last night that I wanted to show her. Absolutely, literally nothing. The three hickeys on my neck were probably the least risqué option but I'd been glad my shirt hid them; they'd been quite the surprise this morning.

"I made room for your certificate, I thought we should put it up. I'm so proud of you honey!"

Oh. Oh. The award. I pointed at my suitcase where it was safely packed away.

"Of course. Bring it down when you finish unpacking? I thought we'd go out to dinner to celebrate, so decide where you'd like to go."

I don't think I've ever gone up stairs with a suitcase so fast. I shut my door and collapsed on my bed, then immediately tried to get comfortable. Muscles I didn't even know I had ached. It was nice though and made me think of Dan. And once he was back in my head, I was a goner. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

Asher: Miss u already. I'm a dork.

Dan the Man: Same. Feels weird at home too. Don't know how to explain.

Asher: No I totally get it.

Dan the Man: Want to sneak out and meet at the rock?

Asher: Going out to dinner. Later?

Dan the Man: My parents have a thing, they'll be back around 9. 8?

Asher: Sure. Can't wait 2 see u.

Eight. I was getting a good-night kiss at eight o'clock. I could make it until then. Probably. The wide grin on my face cracked even ME up and I was glad I wasn't in public. Damn I was smitten. But he was so amazing. Perfect, really. And somehow, he liked me. A lot. Even with the stroke and the not talking. But soon, maybe that would change. Maybe I'd finally be able to tell him how I felt and what I was thinking without picking and choosing my words like precious commodities. Hopefully he'd like me just as much then. But what if he didn't? What if he LIKED me quiet?

I jumped off my bed and unzipped my suitcase. I needed to stop thinking so damn much. There was no way to know if the therapy would even work, so convincing myself that horrible things were going to happen was stupid. Tonight was my last night of communicating. Starting tomorrow I was going to have to get the hell over my shyness and force myself to sound like an idiot in front of everyone. Why the hell had I signed up for this? I shut my dresser drawer a lot harder than I needed to before kicking my suitcase towards my closet.

A solid two knocks on my door let me know it was dad. He gave me 10 seconds, then stuck his head in. "Everything alright?"

I nodded.

"You don't look anything like alright, son. What's up?" He pointed towards my phone and then crossed his arms over the barrel that was his chest. He was going to wait me out.

Stressed about therapy tomorrow.

"It would be weird if you weren't. You know that if you really need something, you can tell me anyhow you need to."

Mom will flip. She's told me 100 times that it's all or nothing.

"Yeah, well, that's her. You tell ME if you need anything, alright? I don't want you sick or something and feeling like you can't write a note. Now, speaking of your mother, she wants to know where you want to eat. Any chance I can put in a good word for Italian?"


"Come on Asher, that's not even FOOD. But it's your celebration, so I guess. I'll just eat when we get home."

Not like I get to pick for a long time.

"I guess you're right. Let's hope it's not a long time though, alright? Don't borrow trouble Asher. You hungry yet?"

If it meant making sure I was back by eight, I was starving.

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