By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Sleep Over

4.8K 137 57
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

My alarm went off at 3 in the morning as usual, and I slapped it off. I put on a pair of ice blue leggings, a gray and ice blue sports bra, and my running shoes. I pulled my hair up into a bun, then stepped outside.

I did some stretches and jogged in place, then suddenly I was joined by a guy with white hair and blue eyes. Jack Fucking Frost.

"Step aside lady, men are at work." I said, then I started sprinting. I always sprinted the entire hour so this was like my normal running pace. I ran through the city, then cut into a trail that had woods in it. After about 30 minutes I stopped and got a drink from a small stream that was nearby, then paused when I saw Jack running up towards me panting.

"Man, how do you sprint like that? You're hardly sweating!" he complained.

I chuckled shaking my head, "Honey, this is nothing."

"Actually the name is Jack, but you can call me honey any time." he said taking a drink from the stream.

"Whelp, I'm going to go now. Bye Felicia." I said then started sprinting off again. When I reached my house I did my usual training there until I was covered in sweat and felt accomplished for this morning. I took a long cold shower, then put on strawberry lotion. I then put on a white lace crop top, a pair of high waisted denim jean shorts with a black belt, black heeled ankle boots, and a huge earring on my right side. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, put on a little bit of makeup, and painted my nails black.

Yep, I looked hot!

I was actually a rather conservative person, but I realized that looking hot and showing skin makes it easier to distract and manipulate people. So I started dressing like this, only at home do I dress comfy and how I like. Again, all part of the mask.

I walk downstairs and make strawberry muffins. I pop one of them in my mouth, and Anna sprints down the stairs dressed in a black tank top, an white skater skirt  with tribal prints on the bottom, teal sandals and feathered earrings. Her hair was down in there usual braids.

She sat down and ate the muffins, then we walked out to the driveway.

"Elsa..... your ass!" she said. I do admit the shorts were short, but I've seen sluts at school wear way shorter, like to the point where they looked like they were earing denim thongs.

"What, do these pants make my ass look bad?" I asked flexing my butt cheeks making them bounce up and down and making her laugh.

"No, nothing could make your ass look bad." she giggled watching my cheeks bounce to the rhythm of I'm Sexy and I Know It on my motorcycle. We both started laughing non stop when a creep drove by and wrecked because he was watching my ass.

"Thanks Anna." I giggled stopping the show, and I hugged her tightly, "I'm going to the gym after school, and I will be home for our before supper snack. Do your homework, and stay safe."

"Okay, but you live in that gym. You need some friends." Anna said.

"Anna I have you and Eugene. That is all the drama one girl can take." I chuckled.

Anna took off in her car, and I put on my helmet. I took off on my motorcycle, and speed off. I arrived at the school, and parked my bike.

"Elsa!" I heard Eugene calling.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I heard some guy got in a car accident because of you." he said.

"Yeah, he was watching the girls downtown dancing." I shrugged, then Eugene burst into laughter.

"Well, your ass is truly amazing."

"We all knew that." I chuckled.

"No, apparently he managed to take down 3 power lines. There is no school for the rest of the week thanks to that ass!" he said.

"YES!!!!" I shouted, "Cool, I'm going to train. Coming with?"

"Yeah!" he said.


"Elsa, I'm going to have a sleep over thanks to your amazing ass, is that okay?" Anna asked giving me her best puppy dog face.

"Yeah, I'll be home in time for lunch. Have fun!" I said jumping on my bike. Eugene followed me on his, and went to my training warehouse..... or as I like to call it my Dojo.

Together we trained for around four hours, with a few breaks here and there, then called it a day.

After that I drove back to my home, and walked in my house.

"Anna, I'm back from the gym!" I called.

"Okay, I'm upstairs." she called.

"Okay, I'm going to make lunch, what do you want?"

"Food!" she said, and I chuckled.

I walked into the kitchen and made macaroni and cheese, some club sandwiches, and chocolate covered strawberries.

"Okay Anna lunch is ready, you and your friends can come on down." I called then heard Anna sprinting down the stairs.

"WHERES THE FOOD!?!?!" she screamed in excitement.

"It's in the kitchen Anna." I chuckled, "Nice to know I'm a great cook."

"So what did you do at the gym today?" Anna asked.

"A lot of stuff." I said not wanting to lie to her, "You should honestly feel my butt right now, it is rock hard." I chuckled squatting down a smidge and flexing it.

"Elsa!" Anna said while laughing.

"Seriously, rock hard."

I was about to stand up, when someone actually pinched my butt.

"Rock hard, you weren't lying." a male voice said. I turned around to see Jack winking at me.

"Anna, do you have any attachment to Jack of any kind?" I asked.

"Nope, just the girls. Though the guys seem nice" she said honestly.

"Good." I said. I grabbed the top of his hoodie, and punched him so hard he was knocked out.

"Jack!" Everyone yelled while I cracked my knuckles...... well almost everyone. Anna was laughing her head off. She thinks I am just a girl who works out at the gym to keep her figure, she doesn't know how strong I really am or what I can do.

I then sat down and started eating lunch like nothing happened. Jack woke up around a minute later, and I could see he had a black eye forming.

"Follow me perv." I said, and he jumped up and followed me. I led him to my bedroom, and went through my drawers until I found what I was looking for. A cream that pabbie gave me years ago for bruises.

I gently applied it on his eye, and then I could see it getting better.

"Don't ever touch me again." I glared at him then looked at my fist. I didn't see any bruises coming, so that was good.

"Then don't ask." he chuckled.

"I was talking to Anna you idiot, not you!" I said, "Now why are you here?"

"I was invited." he said.

"Bitch please, who sent you?" I glared.

"That information is classified." he chuckled, "Now seriously how do you punch that hard? I thought you were a freak'n analyst."

"Me, an analyst?" I said in disbelief. When he nodded his head, I busted out laughing so hard I was crying.


"I don't know who the hell told you I was a nerd who sat behind a desk all day, but man they are crazy." I said whipping away my tears.

He gave me a funny look that made me chuckle again.

"And trust me, that wasn't hard. I'm not even bruising." I smirked at him, then walked downstairs.

Everyone but Anna looked at me scared, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey Anna, I'm going to go shopping."

"Great! We were too!" Anna squealed.

I was talking about shopping for weapons, but guess I have to look for clothes first.

"Okay, hey can I borrow one of your outfits." Anna begged.

"Sure." I chuckled. "I was going to change anyway. Nothing too terrible, remember no boyfriend until you turn 18."

"I know." she giggled about my protectiveness. I dragged her up to my room and gave her a pair of white lace shorts, a mint blue crop top, white sandals, and some jewelry. Then I changed into short maroon shorts, an black crop top that came a little above my belly button with New York written on it, and a denim top/jacket with the sleeves rolled up, white converse, and a long necklace with a white crystal on it. I let my hair fall down into it's natural loose curls, and pulled my pants down a little, so you could see a little bit of my snowflake tattoo.

I applied a little bit of lip gloss and smiled at my reflection. I looked good. I walked out and Anna smiled at me.

"How are you always prettier than me?" she whined.

"Anna, you are beautiful." I smiled at her, "Now come on, lets go shopping." I smiled at her. We have a lot of money since I inherited all of our parents money this year and Manny's checks. I just don't want us getting used to having it all the time, because it will be hard if we loose it all one day.

We walked downstairs and Jack was staring at me.

I slapped his face lightly and rolled my eyes...... men.

I took my motorcycle, and Anna took her car.

"Hey Anna, race you!" I called

"You're on"! she shouted, and we took off.

I dodged and weaved through traffic, and I saw everyone's eye pop....except Anna's, when my wheels turned sideways. Again just like Batman's motorcycle.

I easily made it first, than sat there and waited.

When Anna came by she pouted.

"No fair, you had a motorcycle."

"And you knew that when you agreed to race me." I chuckled, "Now lets get out of this heat before I melt." I said dramatically.

She laughed at me then we walked into the stores.

"Meet you all later." I said, then walked off. I visited a few clothing stores getting a thing here or there, picked up some books at the book store, got a skateboard, a few video games, and got some Starbucks. I knew this whole time that Jack has been tailing me, so I decided to make it interesting. I walked into a Victoria Secrets, and started looking at panties.

Then I heard, "Sir, can we help you find what you are looking for?"

"Umm.... no I'm just looking for a girl."

"Oh, which one?" the lady asks.

Then I walk started to walk out, when he points to me.

"Oh no! STOP STALKING ME!!! Someone call the police!" I said putting on a convincing show.

After that, he was thrown out of Victoria Secret and pretty sure the mall too.

I stayed in there and got a bikini and some other things, then walked out to see him glaring at me. Must have had some authority in the law to get back in here no problem.

I just laughed and walked to the food court. I sat there for a while, then Anna dragged me out of my chair.

"Elsa! You have to help?"

"With what?" I said while running?" She drug me to the middle of the food court where there was a random breakdancing fight going on.

"Mer bet $200 that she could beat this guy, and lost. Now she can't go shopping."

"Great, can I go home now?" I asked, but Anna took my bags and pushed me into the circle.

The guy looked at me, then started breakdancing. When he was done he glared at me. I shook my head no and went to walk away, then he pulled me by my hair.


I smirked at him, then played my own music and showed him my moves. They were complicated ones that I learned how to do on the streets when I was undercover years ago, and through my training on how to get past laser fields. I did a routine that was like the Matrix only in 90 seconds, and when I was done people put me on their shoulders screaming 'Hell yeah!'. When they finally set me down Anna jumped up and down hugging me, and Merida got her 200 dollars back. (A/N: Dancing scene starts at 0:46 - 2:09)

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Anna screamed.

"That was ridiculous!" Jack said smiling.

I chuckled at all of them, "Seriously can I go home now, I did a lot of exercise today, and I am tired."

"But Elsa. We haven't even had our before supper snack, our supper, our after supper snack, and our midnight snack."

"Wow, how are you girls so thin?" Mer asked.

"Elsa works out a lot, and I just have a high metabolism." Anna said while shrugging.

"Why don't we just stay home and order pizza then." I said. Everyone agreed, then we all drove back home. I got my bags from Anna car, then walked into the house. I called and ordered pizza then changed into a pair of mid thigh cream shorts with some flowers on them, and a maroon halter top. Then I walked downstairs and sat down on a love seat, but no one dared to sit with me.

Then when the pizza arrived I paid the guy, then we all ate.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. Night."

"Elsa!" Anna called.

"What." I groaned.

"We have to play truth or dare."

"Go play by yourself." I chuckled, but Anna grabbed my arm and drug me downstairs. I knew I could easily break her arm, but she was my sister, and I loved her too much to do that.

"Please Elsa." she begged, "We never play any games together anymore, not since......." she stopped. I knew she was going to say since our parents died.

"Fine, one round and that is it. This glorious ass has to get up early in the morning for it's workout."

"Yay!!!" she said hugging me. I just chuckled and hugged back.

Then we all sat in a circle, and someone brought a coke bottle.

Anna spun first, and of course it landed on me. She smirked at me mischievously.

"Elsa, truth or dare?"

"I like living dangerously, so dare." I said.

"Elsa, I dare you to sleep in your bed in your room with...." she spun the bottle again, and it landed on Jack, "Jack for the rest of the break.

"Hell no!"

"Sorry Els, either that or now working out for a week." she giggled knowing she had me.

"Fine, but just you wait. I will get you back."

"Really how?"

"You'll see soon enough." I chuckled, "Okay, my turn." I spun the bottle, and it landed on Merida

"Merida, truth or dare?"

"Dare." she smirked.

"I dare you to dress like a princess on next Monday, for the entire day, as in 24 hours. Ball gown, makeup, high heels, hair done, pink nails painted, tiara, fan, and talk in a preppy girl accent." I smirked and everyone laughed. She looked like she was going to punch me, but Punzie held her back.

"Mer, calm down and spin the bottle!" Punzie said.

"Fine." Mer grumbled and spun the bottle, and it landed on Jack.

"Jack, truth or dare?"

"Everyone else chose dare, so might as well not break the streak." he shrugged.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with the girl that kicked your ass earlier today." she chuckled, and Jack looked at me.

"WHAT?!?!" I shrieked in horror, "Anna, help me out on this here." I said slightly panicking.

Don't get me wrong, I have done a lot lot worse with a lot worse people, but that was to get what I needed to stop the Nightmares. Still I didn't want to kiss anyone, especially Grandpa here.

"Sorry Els, it was a dare." she said smirking at me.

"Fine." I grumbled, "I dragged Jack to my bedroom, and locked the door and covered up the lock hole so no one could see.

"Alright, lets get this hell over with." I said turning towards Jack who was in the far corner of the room.

"Calm down, I don't bite that hard..... usually." I chuckled. I walked over to him, and cupped his cheek, then gently inched closer until my lips met his. He jumped back and looked at me wide eyed.

"You're just as skittish as a kitten." I chuckled while shaking my head. Then this time he pulled me in. His arm securely around my waist and his crappy brown eyes looking into my blue ones. Then he crashed his lips into mine, and I responded. I can feel him smirking against my lips before we pulled away. 

"Six and a three-fourths more minutes to go." he smirked, then started kissing me again. He licked my bottom lip, and I opened my lips. Our tongues played together, and I giggled part way through it because we were tongue wrestling...... spoiler I won. Then he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me over to my bed. He gently sat me down, and continued kissing me.

My hands slipped inside his shirt and gently grazed his well defined abs with my nails causing a moan to slip out of him, and making me chuckle. Then he somehow managed to slide his hands underneath my body, and he squeezed my ass. I let out a little moan/shriek and I could feel him smirking. His hands then let go and snaked their way into my shirt, and took it off of me.

To be honest, this felt amazing. Not like the times I did this to get information, but..... I honestly don't know how to describe it.

He didn't remove my bra, but still cupped each of my breasts in his big hands making a loud moan escape my throat. Then he nipped and sucked on my neck most likely marking me. He has the dominance in this, so I had to take it back.

I pushed us up, so now we were sitting up and I was on his lap. I started moving my hips up and down, driving him nuts, he even moaned my name.

Then the alarm on my phone went off, and we both jumped up. I shut it off, then put my shirt back on. I turned and looked at him blankly.

"Hey Els..........", he said blushing, but I ignored him like I do every guy and walked downstairs.

"There guys it's done." I said making them squeal, "I'm going to take a long shower now and go to bed." I said.

I walked back up towards my bedroom, and went into the bathroom. I took two showers to get the smell of Jack off of me, then brushed my teeth extra long. Once I finally felt clean I put back on my pj's, then jumped into bed.

Then I was joined by none other than the douche himself, only he had white hair again and blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I said trying to push him off my bed.

"I have to sleep here with you until school starts up again." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I turned the other direction so I didn't have to see his smirking face, seriously three days with this prick!!!

Then it got from bad to worse when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Hey Els, where did you learn to do that stuff?"

"Practice." I said.

"Wait, have you slept with someone before...... you know sexually?"

"Many times." I said making sure he couldn't see the tear that was sliding down my cheek.

"Did you at least use protection?"

"No." I answered back.

"How could you be so irresponsible? he asked sounding mad.

"You don't know what I have been through, the childhood I've had, how much I hate myself, what I do to myself when I'm alone, how much I want to give up, how much my heart hurts, and how much I cry. So don't you dare judge me if you don't know me." I said while looking at my wrists which had old scars across them.

"Elsa, you could have gotten pregnant." he said, "That is very irresponsible."

"Jack, no I wouldn't have." I said.

He had no idea what Manny, my parents, and the agency did to me. Nothing at all.

"What?" he asked.

"This is going to be a long three days." I groaned to myself. I set my alarm for 3 in the morning, then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Jack's POV

The moment I was sure she was asleep, I let go of her and got up. I started searching her room for anything about her. The only thing I found was a small box hidden inside her ceiling, but what was in it was huge. There was dozens of medals and awards. Now that wouldn't be so terrible, but I had some of the same ones too. They were medals from the DDSA for best spy, best solo agent, and others I haven't even heard of. I also found was an old picture of her. She looked around 10 years old, and was in DDSA spy suit, and her parents were in the picture as well. They were all holding metals, just like hers. Her parents got one for best group, and she had one for best solo agent.

Again I knew this because I have receive some of those awards over the years, but that isn't what surprised me about this photo. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Winters!! I knew she said her last name was Winters, but I didn't think she meant that Winters!!!!

 They were all smiling at the camera and looked happy. Not once have I seen her smile like that. The only smile she showed was a fake one, and she looked nothing like the little girl in this picture. The little girl was happy, full of hope and dreams, she looked so alive. This Elsa looked like she was putting on a show, and like she was the walking dead. The only thing left inside of her was anger and hate.

Manny was lying to us!!!

I quietly exited the house and walked across the street with the photo, and video chatted him.

"Hey Jack, how is everything?" he asked.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." I glared at him.

"What?" he asked confused, then I lifted up the picture so he could see it.

"Elsa is not a retired analyst who has never worked in the field, she has a past!" I yelled, and Manny sighed.

"Jack, I didn't tell you who she was because she has a past, and is very dangerous." he said.

"So sending us in blind and unprepared is the solution." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sending you her actual file now. Jack, the reason I didn't tell you was because if she knew that you knew who she was, she would have killed you. You are not the first agents I sent after her, but you are the only ones that are alive." he said, then the printer started going off. I grabbed the papers on them, and quickly read them.

Name: Elsa Winters

Code Name: Snow Queen

Family: James Winters, Idina Winters, Anna Winters.

Location: Currently in the Burgesses

Skills: Assassinating, combat, weaponry, martial arts, hacking, spying, languages, ect.

Powers: Winter Bender

She was just like me! I thought I was the only one left!

Time with Agency: Day 237-13 years

Agent Rank: #1

Missions Received: 245

Missions Failed: 0

Strengths: Fighting, assassinating, disarming alarms, defusing bombs, prison escape, improvising, ect.

Across the picture of her there was a stamp with the letters R.E.D. across her face.

"Wait, so she is Agent #1? The agent no one has heard of or seen in years." I asked shocked and in disbelief.

"Yes. Her parents were both the best spies that we have ever seen until they had her. They found out almost immediately that she was a prodigy. Not really sure what type, but killing people was her strong suit. They started training her from the time she could crawl, until she became a living weapon. They wanted her to be their gift to the world, and be a better agent than they ever were. Let's just say they were not disappointed. They did however use many training and other techniques that I still wouldn't approve of today. When she turned 10 she started hitting the field, we used her as a spy/secret agent/assassin. She would go across the globe killing just about anyone with anything in the name to protect our nation. She was by far the greatest force we have ever seen." Manny said in awe.

"Wait, confused. Killing prodigy." Is that even a thing?

"Her brain is remarkable. Within fractions of a second she can think of every possible way to kill everyone in a room if necessary, and how to do it quick. She knows the amount of force, all of the possible weapons, weaknesses of the enemies, everything."

"Then why did she retire?"

"Her parents died. She didn't want to take a risk of getting killed and leave her sister all alone, so she quite. She is also pretty mad at the agency, and some of the stuff that happened to her in those walls, I don't blame her." Manny said sadly.

"So then how do we even convince her to come back with us to the agency?"

"Jack, the Nightmares are planning something, and it will go down soon. She may hate us, but she knows when or not to accept help. She might be rusty too after 5 years of being out of the field. Pitch wants her for her powers and her capabilities, do not let her get captured and protect her sister. Anna knows nothing about the agency or her parents and sister being spies, so she is absolutely defenseless."

"Okay, I should get back and tell the others. Last question, red?" I asked confused.

"Red, you know R.E.D. Retired, extremely dangerous." Manny said, "Jack, if Elsa isn't rusty, then if she really wanted too she could wipe out the entire city. I don't know how much time has changed her, but be careful." Manny said then shut off the connection.

I quickly ran over to the house and woke the others, and told them everything Manny had told me. They were all speechless and shocked, even more after I showed them her file. By that point of time their minds were totally blown.

I quickly shredded her file, and then silently went back into her room where she was still sleeping. I put the picture back where I got it, and continued to search for other stuff like weapons.

Besides the box I found nothing else here to show that she is extremely dangerous. Sure she throws a good punch and is flexible, but she is a girl who works out a lot. She should be strong, and girls are traditionally more flexible than guys.

I just hope these are signs that she is rusty.

After that I quietly got back on the bed, and went into the position I was in before I searched her room. Then I closed my eyes and went to sleep hoping that she wouldn't wake up and murder me in my sleep.

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