you [njh]

By horanjpg

67.4K 3.1K 801

[DISCONTINUED] everything starts when i was half naked and got locked out outside of my apartement, i decided... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.7K 99 12
By horanjpg

I didn't know what to do, i didn't even realise i was gripping on my tshirt. There's so much i want to say but it seems like my tongue is tied in knots.

"Hey." that's all i could say.

It was enough to make her head snapped, i could see her eyes widen. She partened her mouth, like she was about to say something but it didn't make it.

"Hot Hazelnut Latte." the guy behind the counter said.

"I don't know if you remember me but we met before.." i said. Not gonna look at anything else but her.

Her hair was in a ponytails, she was wearing a dress, along with a thin white cardigan. Her side profile was so clear to me. Her little freckles near her ear... she's so beautiful.

She looked at me with her bright blue-green eyes.


"You remember my name, nice..." i said, stuffing my hands to the pocket of my jeans.

She scoffed, "Come on!" She realised her voice got a bit louder, "I don't have time for your silly games." she added.

"Right. I'm sorry." i said.

"You're sorry?" she asked me, then i nodded.

She then chuckled, "Funny how it came from someone who said sorry doesn't fix a thing."

I didn't say a thing, cause what can i say? She's right. I'm such a big asshole in her eyes. "Now, if you'd excuse me." she added then she walked away, holding her cup of coffee.

"Kate..." i tried to hold her hand, trying to stop her, but she just brushed it away.

I groaned, i bring my hands to my hair and making it more messy.

I took my drink and went to my seat.

"What's with the grumpy face, old man?" Liam said.

I shaked my head. "No.. nothing, nothing. Just start this fucking shit already."

"Aplogies people.." Liam said, commenting on my harsh words. Like i care.

Bla bla bla. EP this EP that, cover this, tour maybe, gigs and stuffs. I'm just not in the mood right now. All i want to do is smash the fucking window. I don't know why i'm so mad. I don't know the reason why. Is it because Kate? Is it because of myself? I did this. I gotta fix it. I tried. But... fuck. I really don't know what has gotten into me. She got me hypnotized, it's like i'm hooked. It sounds so girly and stupid, but that's the best way of putting everything into words.

"Excuse me.." i said and got up. I wandered through the cafe and look for her. It wasn't that hard though, she was seated by the window, concentrating on whatever that is in her phone. I sighed. Slowly, i approached her and sat in front of her. She looked at me and there was a moment of silence between us, and it kills me.

"Kate.." i said.

She sighed, "What do you want?"

"Just.. listen to me. Okay? I want you to listen to me..." i said. She nodded and said okay but it came out almost like a whisper.

"I know i'm such a pain in the fucking ass, a dicktit, an asshole, i'm all that, really. It took me some time to realize that and i am deeply terribly so fucking sorry about every single thing that i do, me being an asshole in the club, me being an asshole in my car, me being asshole in just some minutes ago, i'm sorry for snapping at you, it just that i had a trauma on rejections and i really hate it..." i stopped to catch a breath, then i added, "I could write you a song, a poem or even an essay, telling how much i am sorry because Kate, i really miss those times we have spent together and i would really love to have that back again if i could..." i licked my lips, "But, um.. i also know, i'm not worth your time, i'm not... and maybe, we're just not gonna be friends again but please please please before it's gonna be the last time i see you, please, accept my apology."

I took a long breath, poor my lungs. She didn't say anything but looked at me. It honestly kills me the fact that there are a fucking silence between us, when did this happen?

"Say something..." i said.

She sighed once more and said, "Do you mean-"

"I'm back." a guy came up behind me and he doesn't even look like her brother or uncle or father. Maybe her siblings. Or, maybe.. the guy Mary has been talking about...

"Um, Matt... This is Niall." Kate introduced this Matt guy to me, he reached out a hand and i gladly accept it. We did the bro handshake and he nodded at me.

"I'm just gonna... order a brownies. Do you want one?" Matt asked us, and we politely said no. So when Matt left us, she started talking.

"Sorry.. would never mean a thing if you did the mistake again." she said, not looking at me but at the hem of her cardigans.

"I won't... give me a chance." i said, reassured her.

"You kind of disappoint me, do you know that Niall?" she looked at me with her bright eyes, "I thought you weren't like this... i guess i just have a high expectations of you."

"Ouch." i said.

"But i couldn't hate you that much... even though i want to." she explained. "You're forgiven. Actually i have forgiven you for a week but i want to see you really mean it..."

My lips curved into a smile then i stood up to hug the girl. Yeah. Almond skin, Rose hair. Kate is back. I got her back. I got her.

"Miss you." she mumbles onto my chest

I chuckled, "I miss you too." I let her go then, we were looking at each other again.

"Where did you go?" i broke the silence.

"Oh.." she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Away.. with my friend."

"Matt?" i asked.

"Yeah, Matt." she said.

"Where?" i asked again.

She hummed, "Places. I don't know, there's so much to tell." she smiled. "How about a movie night? I'll tell you everything."

"Deal. When?"

"Thursday." she replied.

"Thursday is okay." i said.

"Okay." she nodded. "Oh, why you're here?"

"Band meeting." i shrugged, but she went so excited.

"Really? Where are other boys?" she asked and look for them.

"Let's go." i offered her my hand, and she took it, thank God. It would be awkward if she didn't.

I guided her to my seat, Liam saw us and he grinned, "Heeey!"

"Oh god, how are you all!" she said grinning while hugging Harry, Louis and Liam.

"Where have you been? Niall have been keeping you for himself huh?" Louis said.

"Yeah he kept me in his freezer, it was horrible." i joked. I looked at the people that were sitting around the table. "Oh am i interrupting something? I'm so sorry, i don't know..."

"It's okay, we weren't talking about anything important." Harry said. "How you been Kate?"

"I'm okay, living life and all. How's the EP?" she asked us.

"EP is doing pretty fine." Liam said.

She smiled, "Well, then, i could reassure you guys that i would be the first person who will buy it."

"That's my girl!" Louis cheered.

We had a chat for a while but then we have to finish our band meeting and Kate has to be somewhere. I also had a little chat with Matt, he seems like a very cool guy, his personality is like Liam's and Harry's. It was nice meeting him. Kate told me that she's going to attend the wedding of Matt's sister in 2 weeks. But it's gonna be in LA, so she's gonna be in LA for a couple days.

"So.." i huffed, we were outside, waiting for Matt who just went to the toilet.

"Yeah, so.."

I looked at her for a while, then said, "I'm really glad we're okay."

She smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

"You still haven't told me where you're going." i said, stuffing my hands into my jeans' pockets.

"Oh.." she said, "We just got back from Bonnaroo festival in Nashville yesterday night and i felt too tired to actually went back home... so i stayed at Matt's place." she finished.

But then she realised something and she said again, "Yeah fuck that's not the question," she laughed.
"We're going to the Central Park Zoo and the National Museum. Because.. Matt haven't been to any zoo in NY before, and, i haven't been to the National Museum." she chuckled, "So it's gonna be a first time for both of us- the zoo and the museum."

I nodded, as in cue, Matt came and smiled at us, "Ready?"

"Well, have fun.. both of you." i said.

"Nice meeting you, mate!" Matt shaked my hand.

"Yeah bro. Let's hang out some more." i said.

"Sure." Matt said.

"Alright. So i guess i'll see you soon?" i said.

Kate showed me a cheeky smile, "I'll see you soon, Niall."

yeeaaaaaah theyre bax!!!! prepare for more niall and kate moments!!! wo hoo wo hoo

i think i need like a cute shipname for them but i couldnt think of anything cute

BUT YEAH im sorry this chapter sux ass. just wanna show you what Kate has been doing this week! and also kate n matt r kinda cute dont lie!

i hate to do this but 15 votes for the next chapter??? :D :D

btw i saw ariana like 5 days ago and she was so pretty it was surreal! and we made eye contact for a split second shes VERY CUTE but there was a project and people were holding a sign and it was a pic of her and her grandpa snd she cried when she came to my section cause the girl next to me was holding a giant poster and also the pic, SHE CRIED JN THE MIDDLE OF MY WVERYTHING everyone was like aahhhhh :((( djsnxjanznanak n her voice is amazing but anyway okay i should go I LOVE YOU ALL

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