Ten Days - luke hemmings

By aajscribbles

1.2K 96 40

"Ten days, that's all I need." - luke More



97 6 2
By aajscribbles

"A bar? Luke, it's five in the afternoon." I whined when I saw the building we pulled up next to. We had just spent an hour in the coffee house and we ate honey muffins while Luke told me all about the downy burdock flower that came from somewhere in Europe.

It was a really cute lilac puffball looking flower with purple spikes coming out of it. He told me it was an edible plant but there was no way in hell I would be testing his theory out. I was never a girl to be really obsessed with flowers. In fact, I really hated the gesture. It was way too cliché for me but there was something different about Luke's approach to the whole ordeal.

He didn't just randomly buy me a bunch of flowers just as he was about to see me. No, he took the time (because apparently he had enough of it to waste) to look of a weird ass flower and then learn about it so he's something smart to talk to me about.

No boy had ever done anything like that and I was still trying to sort my feelings out. Yes, he was still the most annoying person I know... well, besides my best friend but there was like this tiny three percent of him that was actually funny and sweet.

"We're not here to get drunk." Luke mumbled as he shut the engine off. He took the flower from my hand and rested it carefully between the two seats. He got out the car and I rolled my eyes and got out behind him.

I choked on musty, cigarette filled air when I walked into the bar and my eyes started to bar. Luke didn't seem bothered by it and it made me wonder how many times he's been in this place for it not to affect him.

He glanced behind him and took my hand and stared pulling me through the crowd of people. I didn't know how this place was this packed this early in the day. When Luke stopped walking I let my eyes wander around I found out why.

"We're here to see a band?" I asked as pointing to the stage that was set. There were a few instruments plugged in and I started to get excited.

"Yeah! It's this band that plays here. They're really good!" Luke shouted over the music blasting through some speakers in the corner.

"What's their name?"

"Clover! They're basically just a cover band but they're really awesome because it's just all girls." He said and I beamed and nodded. I was pretty open where music was concerned so I grabbed the opportunity to indulge in it whenever I could.

"Sick!" I said and he beamed and nodded. "How did you find them?!"

"My friend is with one of the girls." Luke said and I nodded as they all came on stage. They all looked pretty normal to me and I was excited to see what they would sound like.

"Which one?" I asked standing on my toes so I could speak directly into Luke's ear.

"The one with the tambourine!" Luke said with a laugh before turning to look at me. "So like... my friend plays the base and he thought her that and she knew a bit of guitar so she used to do that then he was all like he thought her everything he knows so just to annoy him she plays the tambourine."

I was about to answer when someone tapped the mic and I turned my attention to the stage. She was really cute and had the most adorable smile ever.

"Hey, everyone!" He said into the mic and Luke yelled beside me. She looked over at him and rolled her eyes. "Uh, just thank you all for coming out today! We're clover and this is I Wish!"

My eyes widened as the opening chord played and I turned around to look at Luke. "I love this song!" I screamed and Luke nodded and started swaying to the music.

Just as she was finishing up with the first verse Luke nudged me. When I looked over at him he had the biggest smile ever and his eyes were wild. "You ready?!" He asked and I nodded because I knew exactly what he was talking about."

"One... two... three!"

"I wish I was tall, I wish I was fast. Wish I could shop with a bag full of cash 'cause if I want you, I gotta have that. Come, come kiss me boy!" We both screamed before I started laughing but Luke continued the song.

"I wish I had style, I wish I had flash. Wish I woke up with a butt and a rack 'cause if I want you, I gotta have that. Come, come kiss me boy!"

When the song was over they all introduced themselves and aside from being some decent singers they were some pretty funny people.

Two hours and a few One Direction, The Veronicas and Little Mix songs later, they were preparing to close the show and my t-shirt was sticking to my back but I was having the time of my life.

The girl who introduced herself as Kimmy started talking into the mic and the entire room got eerily silent. "Thank you all for coming out to see us today!" She said and everyone stared clapping and she smiled before continuing. "Okay, our last song is dedicated to one of the dorkiest guys I've ever known and he's the nine foot giant standing right over there!" She said pointing to Luke who got two shades redder.

"Thank you so much for coming, Luke! This is under the sea."

I don't think I ever heard a group of grown men and women scream a Disney song at the top of their lungs before and it was beautiful.

I was so tired when Luke dropped me home that I didn't even remember inviting him in...


I am so bored it isn't even funny but fivesauceoption has a few badass stories you should check out and Alizey5SOS is also pretty good.

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