The Transfer Student

By XxElviraxX

118K 2.9K 803

Elvira May just transferred into Konoha High with her best friend, Elize Chiffon. The pair of them are from A... More

Chapter 1: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Chapter 2: A Heated Dodgeball Game
Chapter 3: The Not-So-Warm Welcoming
Chapter 4: Washroom Escapees
Chapter 5: Daughter of a Cop
Chapter 6: You're Wrong, Uchiha
Chapter 7: You Stupid Moron
Chapter 8: Humble Home
Chapter 9: I Don't Need You
Chapter 10: A Drug Called Lust
Chapter 11: The Cute Idiot
Chapter 13: Uchiha Sasuke Is Freaking Hot
Chapter 14: The Last Ride
Chapter 15: A Harsh Rejection and a New Friend
Chapter 16: The Competition
Chapter 17: Feelings That Matter
Chapter 18: Vacation Victims
Chapter 19: Gambling Problems
Chapter 20: The Doom Bringer
Chapter 21: Secret Secret Santa
Chapter 22: Enemy Territory
Chapter 23: Facing My Fears
Chapter 24: First Day, First Night
Chapter 25: Little Red Riding Hood
Chapter 26: All Things Unpleasant
Chapter 27: A Little Adventure
Chapter 28: Scorching Hot Gossip
Chapter 29: A Clench
Chapter 30: Disses for Dinner
Chapter 31: Bring the Heat
Chapter 32: Definitely Not the Hiccups
Chapter 33: Diapers Only
Chapter 34: War
Chapter 35: Just Like Yesterday
Chapter 36: His Origins
Chapter 37: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 38: A Good Deed For Two
Chapter 39: The Butterfly
Chapter 40: Falling For the Truth
Chapter 41: A Change of Heart
Chapter 42: House Sitting
Chapter 43: The Chrysanthemum
Chapter 44: The Orchid
Chapter 45: The Rose
Chapter 46: Revenge
Chapter 47: A Passed Test

Chapter 12: Deal

3K 74 11
By XxElviraxX

It had been a week since my little sleep over at Sasuke's place and it was the last day before the exams started.

"Ohhhh! Good work, Elvira! You defined Elize's face beautifully in this portrait, wonderfully done! A plus!" Jiraiya threw me an awkward high five.

I returned it with a smug smile, Liz handed in her work, a picture of Gaara sitting under our favourite tree at lunch. Jiraiya gave her an A plus as well, we weren't surprised, after all, we were his favourite students. I leaned back in my chair as everyone else handed their work in nervously. I wonder what Sasuke did in the end, he couldn't have used the picture I made him draw using the blocks, it had to be a drawing of someone. Sasuke finally stood up when the art teacher called his name. He looked at me self-confidently and stood up, with a large bag at his side. I'd say it was about seventy centimeters across and forty centimeters tall. I looked to be a landscape painting. I cast him an amused expression and he unveiled his artwork. The whole class, including me, gasped, I nearly fell backwards on my chair.

"Oh ho ho! Look class! Sasuke here displays the true meaning of art! Women and love!" Jiraiya exclaimed, thumping Sasuke on the back proudly.

I was speechless, my mouth open in a wide, uncontrolled gape.

"When. The. Hell. Was. That" I hissed.

He held up his cellphone and grinned like a little kid, "When you took a nap at my place, I downloaded the picture into my PC".

The painting was one of me, lying asleep on his desk, only my head and the upper half of my back was visible. My eyes were closed and, thankfully, my mouth was too. My hair was sprawled across the table and my back, a few pieces hanging over my face. If I weren't so angry about him taking a picture of me and then redrawing it, I would've said it looked beautiful.

Jiraiya turned red, "Aw, so you agree to model for Sasuke-kun but not me?" he sniffed.

"That wasn't the case" I said, my voice hard and quiet, struggling to keep my emotions in check.

My head pounded with anger, my blood boiling as he returned to his seat. He winked at me, I gave him my middle finger.

"Hey!" Sasuke caught up to me at lunch, "How'd you like my drawing" he chirped.

"It was a piece of bull" I grunted back, trying my best to not look at him.

"Aw, come on, I'm sorry I took a photo of you!" he apologized, clinging to my arm.

"Hmph" I turned away from him.

I decided to act like those girlie girls and ignore him, holding a grudge.

"Hey, you wanna hang out after school?" he asked, following me around like a dog.

I didn't answer. He continued to bug me non-stop, even when I was eating. I just pretended that he didn't exist. I missed Liz, I wished that we could hang out more instead of having this puppy follow me around all day.

"Hey! Are you purposely not talking to me?" he demanded.

I threw out my garbage and looked around for Liz, ignoring the yapping dog at my heels.

"Elvira, come on! I said I was sorry!" he begged for me to say something.

I finally located Liz and Gaara, sitting on a picnic bench a little ways away. I dashed over to them, desperate to escape Sasuke.

"Hey guys, can I join you?" I added a 'please' using my eyes.

"Sure" Liz piped up and patted the seat next to her.

Sasuke sat himself down across from me, next to Gaara, frowning sadly.

"What's wrong, Sasuke?" Gaara asked innocently.

He sighed, "Elvira won't talk to me" he whined.

I started to talk animatedly with Liz, taking my attention off of him. I was a little scared of what he was capable of.

The bell rang, "Let's go, then" I said quickly and hurried back to class, not giving Sasuke a chance to talk to me.

"Hey! Liz, could I talk to Elvira alone please?" Sasuke asked, puppy eyes agleam.

Liz giggled, "Sure" and she went off to find Gaara.

Sasuke grabbed me roughly and covered my eyes with his hands. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, still not speaking.

"Please, please, please talk to me" he begged.

I shook my head, trying to gain my vision back. He removed one of his hands but his other arm just covered my eye again. His free hand moved slowly down my arm, pausing where my chest should've been aligned.

I cracked and elbowed him in the ribs, "You damn pervert" I muttered darkly.

He was unfazed by my attack, "Yay! You spoke!" he cheered.

I sighed and let a truly sad face take over my expression, "What do you want?" I asked, tired of his stupid plans and motives.

"I just wanted to ask you out on a date" he said casually.


He frowned, "Why? I haven't even set a date yet!" he complained.

"No" I repeated.

"Why?" he asked again.

I actually didn't know why but I guess I just didn't want him to jump to any conclusions. After all, I had no idea whether I liked him or hated him. It might've been both.

I thought desperately and then came up with the greatest plan ever, I smiled seductively, "I'll go out with you" he brightened, "If you can score higher than me on your exam average" I finished.

His crooked smile returned to his face, "Easy" he smirked.

"And, if you fail to do so, you have to leave me alone...forever and you have to come to school the next day wearing all pink clothing" I said, restraining my wide smile.

He thought about it for a moment and then spoke, "Deal".

"Okay then, Mr. Einstein that's gay, we'll see after exam week, won't we?" I returned his confident beam.

"We will" he answered.

I could feel his dark mood as he left for home. I whooped and jumped into the air, punching the air with my fist. I'll never have to see his face again! I skipped home that day, not bothering to take the bus.

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