Gifted #Wattys2015

By Megs0107

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Started - 7th August 2015 On their 16th birthday, each male and female was sent to a clinic; a clinic that ga... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

187 41 28
By Megs0107


I stood, paralysed, metres away from the battle in front of me. Unable to move or speak, all I could do was watch. Helplessly. My mouth was open, and although no noise was coming out, I could feel my dry and raw throat, racked with screams. My heart was pounding furiously, the adrenaline and rage combining. But I couldn't use it, I couldn't help them. I couldn't save them.

Jason, wolf form, his body grabbed by masked army figures, blood pouring from many wounds. Frost and Theo, fighting side by side, their strengthened forms unable to stop that many bullets. Frost's crystal form broke, leaving her lying in a pool of her own blood.

On the other side of the battlefield, Nashik and Taylor were being swarmed by the same masked men, who clutched onto them, stopping them from escaping using their flight and teleportation. Screaming in anguish and pain was Toby, who held the limp and lifeless body of his girlfriend. Before he too, was taken down by the attackers, bullets slicing through his skin.

More already lay on the blood-soaked battlefield, lifeless eyes wide open, staring into nothing. Their last thought all the same. It was all my fault.

I jolted upright suddenly, eyes wide open, sweating heavily, panicked. I couldn't let that happen, I thought, we have to be ready.

I was up and ready to go in moments, and despite my new room with its space and layout, I wasted no time in leaving it. My heart still racing from my dream, I pounded on everyone's doors, yelling, "Training!", as I went along the corridors.

"Wow Apryl, you're up early!" Jason called from his room.

"Why so anxious to get started?" Madi asked.

"Why wait?" I replied, continuing towards the stairs, and up onto the training floor.

Once everyone had clambered up the stairs, I was ready to begin. "Right, first up, we are going to have pairs based on the most similar abilities and see how that works. Just to test your abilities."

"Sounds good." Jamie added.

"Okay then. Theo, you go with Frost. Blade, with Jason. Love birds, you guys go together." I said, pointing to Toby and Bethan. They rolled their eyes at me but take their places opposite each other on the training markers. I continued - "Erm, Taylor with Nashik and Jamie with Adam. Right Crimson, you're with me and Madi because you can control people, which gives you the advantage, and there's an odd number."

"Obviously we can't all go at once, so the first three pairs will start, got it?" That was Jason, and everyone obeyed quickly.

Blade's swords shoot out of his sleeves, ready for action. I yelled, "Go," and they advanced. Jason transformed into a bear and lunged at Blade, who twisted out the way and poked Jason's side. Obviously they can't really hurt each other. Jason rolled over the sword though, and continued to roll, hitting and then crushing Blade beneath him. As he does he shifted into a wolf and backs off, growling at Blade. Blade advances again, swiping his swords left and right. He suddenly lunged and slashed Jason's front before he can react. The battle was a fairly even fight and I turned to watch Theo and Frosts instead.

Theo held a rock in one closed fist, his figure dark and metallic grey. He swung a punch towards Frost, who ducked and kicked Theo in the stomach. He stumbled back, winded even in his rocky form. They continue a monotonous loop of punches and kicks, until Frost aims for Theo's face. Theo grasped Frost's fist in his hand and head butted her. Hard. He let go of her hand and she stumbled back, collapsing to the floor and losing her crystal form. Impressive.

Bethan was controlling the water from the pre-positioned container, sending it gushing towards Toby. He sent it flying left - using a harsh wind to disrupt its movement. Toby then created two small tornados from his hands, swirling them in circular motions, before directing them at Bethan. Dodging the first one by rolling to the left, Bethan stood again, and sent more water at the second tornado.

Unfortunately, the water did destroy the tornado, but also shot in our direction. Gushes of high pressured water hit the pairs that weren't training. I sighed, my clothes drenched. Madi and Jamie, who had been talking at the time, spit, obviously catching some in their mouths. On looking at the seven of us that stand completely soaked, Bethan and Toby lost it, stopping their fight to laugh at us hysterically. Jason and Blade soon join in too. Theo, who is helping Frost up, can't help smiling at us. Even I am trying desperately hard not to grin, the 'serious training' ruined by an accidental splashing.

I called a break and we all went and got changed, thankful to be dry again. They don't have long though because as soon as I was ready I made everyone come back upstairs for the rest of the pairs to train. "Theo and Toby, you can do the morning patrol." I said.

"Sure thing boss." Toby replied, and Theo nodded. I rolled my eyes but send them on their way.

I got ready to start myself, Madi next to me. I concentrated hard, feeling the blue aura around my hands, making them tingle. Crimson faced us, and his eyes darken considerably, becoming black. I yelled to start. Crimson stared at me and I ducked my head to avoid being controlled. Madi simply disappeared, and I had no idea where she went. I used my powers and sent Crimson flying backwards; I slowed him down just before he hit the wall though. Unfortunately, I looked at him and I just see his grin before everything goes black.

It's only for a second though, as now I can see again, but my brain and eyes feel detached from the rest of my body. It's a strange feeling. I am very aware of everything and everyone around me, but I cannot hear them. I can see them, and all their actions, but they appear to be moving slowly, in slow motion even. This is what it's like to be under Crimson's powers - to be controlled. The world suddenly sped up as I heard an order ring out - find Madi. I can do nothing but obey, and focused my power towards the apparently empty air. Because I'm telekinetic, I can feel every object or thing, and I could sense where I could use my abilities on a person. If I was concentrating. I concentrated hard, focusing on Madi and I found her - hidden, just behind Crimson, ready to attack. I flung her backwards onto the far wall and she became visible again.

Suddenly I take in a harsh breath, my mind fuzzy but definitely my own again. Crimson must have lost control, he did say it didn't last long. I threw Crimson backwards again, but this time pinning him down on the ground with my abilities. "Ugh I give up." Crimson called. I stopped.

We were the first to finish, and Jamie and Adam are mid-battle. Jamie had managed to build a defensive shield of plants to protect her from the frostbite that Adam tried to give her. Adam's shards of ice keep pummelling towards Jamie, who is giving up more and more ground. Her vines snaked slowly across the ground though, and Adam seemed unaware of them curling round his ankles. Jamie suddenly pulled her arms back and the vines pull back as well. Adam fell to the floor with a loud thud, cursing as he realised he had lost.

Taylor and Nashik were having a fast paced fight, both of them mid air, Taylor trying to throw Nashik off him. He couldn't though, and Nashik teleported, still clutching Taylor, back onto the ground. Taylor flew towards Nashik but he had already teleported behind Taylor and grabbed him again. Nashik kept teleporting, over and over again until suddenly Taylor yelled, "Enough, enough! Stop! It's making me feel sick!" Nashik stopped and grinned, and said, "Yeah, it does that to most people."

Over the course of the next few days, we swapped partners and then progress to three's and all different types of training. We were on the 'last' stage really. Straw, well, plant made authority guards had been made by Jamie for us to 'fight'. I used my telekinesis to move the 15 or so guards and make them attack us. After about 10 minutes of me moving a range of vine made guards, 'we' had won. The plants lay in tatters, shredded and defeated.

The last part of practise was just a target practise, making sure everyone was effectively able to disarm and attack the authorities that would surely stand in our way. At least now we had a plan. A plan to get to the authorities and a plan to get inside that building. A way in, that was all we needed. And we would get there. Together.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'd really love it if you could tell me specifically which part you enjoyed I you did, and anything you thought could be improved. As always, all your reads, votes and comments mean the world to me and I'd really appreciate it if you can continue to do so! Thank you!

Also, thank you so much for the 800 reads, it means so much, and to me that's a huge achievement! Thank you!! :)

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