I don't know, I just...

De reezasparx

412 10 4

"when you are in pain,you either being taken care of or you take care of others" I paused a second and sa... Mais

1. Leaving the loved ones
2. Finding Friends
3.fault is mine
4. The Dinner
5. Change?
6. Reasons Behind
8. You are my date
9. It is time we meet
10. The date
11. It is not right
12. The Proposal
13. The day she left
14. some colour
15. little home

7. Almost perfect

14 0 0
De reezasparx

"Walter stop it " reez finally came to my rescue.

"what? I didn't do anything." He said just like a jerk.

'he is a jerk'.

"I know what you are doing just shut up and eat" she said again.

"okay" he said imitating a good boy.

Like that dinner was a disaster for me and playful for everyone else. Even val seems to like him. She is not taking my side. She is always talking to him and he treats her nice. I don't want him to treat her nice, if he do so she will leave me and go to him. I am not used to this. I am jealous of him. In my house, majority of people are taking his side. not to mention there are only two people beside me and him. I won't let this happen in my reign. I have to get back to the top but I don't know how.

"walter I am going to take painting classes" val said. Wait she is calling him by his name? she never calls anyone by their original name. she always comes up with a nick name. And 'walter', she got to be kidding me.

"oh my little princess going to be a painter" he said it and she nodded very cutely. Oh my god 'princess' how can she ever hate him now. I am totally ruined. I used to feel guilt of him but now he is my ENEMY.

'I HATE YOU WALTER EVANS, I HATE YOU. CANT YOU HERE ME' my soul is crying out loud.

I am praying god to make him leave but he is not leaving. He is watching TV with val and reez of course I am there too to 'watch' TV but I am not at peace. He got huge business to handle, don't he have to go back and take care of things? He is been here all day.

"hey lets go out in the evening it will be beautiful" my heart sunk as he said that. He is planning to stay all day.

"where?" reez asked.

"anywhere and everywhere we all can have fun" he said looking at val. Val is so excited. Apart from the fact that he makes me angry he also makes the girls happy. I like that but I must not like it.

"okay lets go then" reez smiled brightly and val clapped. They looked at me.

"yeah lets go out then" I said smiling at them. After all I want them to be happy.

We started at 5.30 pm.

I can't believe he knows a lot of fun places to go. All of them are for familys and kids. We are never stopping at one place. Moving from one place to another having fun, eating tasty unhealthy food. We finally stopped at a place. Its like an amusement park or something I am not well aware of what these places called. I could ask but so called 'wall' will definitely make fun of me.

Now we are looking at a small ferris wheel which I am scared to death. Reez and val are so excited to ride it.

"val you are so small to ride it. Its not safe" I said fearing what she going to ask next.

"it's for kids" she said.

"you need someone to go with you" I am shouting a little because with all the people around its hard to hear.

"I will go with her" reez said.

'what? Now you two are friends. Great'

"but still I don't feel good about it, I have to answer your parents if you get scared or something" I let out my original problem.

"I ride it with mom and dad every time I we come here. Please cathy, please."

Oh now she is being cute. You know I can't say no to cuteness.

"okay........ but be careful you two"

"its just a small wheel priya" reez said smiling at me.

"yeah whatever" I tried to hide that I am shaking and succeeded.

"walt you wanna come" reez asked him.

'yeah! go every one, leaving me alone in this familiar place'

"no I'll stay here. You guys go ahead"

Wow I really thought he'll go.

"lets go" they are going hand in hand. I cant help but smile with happiness. They are so excited for a little wheel. They really are kids.

"I am sorry" he said suddenly. And I did my usual. I jumped at his voice. Internal face palming.

"for what?" I asked. I have no idea why would he apologise me.

"I know, me playing jokes on you makes you angry."

'yeah Columbus you discovered it'.

"its very hard for me to be happy priya" he stopped a bit saying that. I felt sad a little.

"ever since my mom, everything is hard for me. So I tried to forget about everything and started ignoring. Then Larren came. Somehow her presence made me feel peace. I wanted that peace to be with me forever. But she loved someone else, and went away. Then I decided not to react to this world and I did. Reez is not happy about it. She is always worried about me. I was never able to let Larren go but after that dinner at your house I was able to let her go. it was like a goodbye. Seeing them together as a couple made me realise that they are meant to be together. Now I feel free and peaceful. But I still love her and it doesn't hurts like it used to."

Oh my god he actually talking his heart. I don't know how to react. I am looking blankly at him.

"reez is right. Toughest of the things go easy when you are there. You make others feel comfortable. You make reez happy and strong. That's more than I ever wanted. But you also make me happy too. You are so pure and innocent. You cant hurt people even if you want to, so stop saying sorry to me. Even if you do I can always get my revenge by making fun of you. Teasing you is the only fun I can get you know" He said chuckling.

Teasing me makes him happy? He is saying good things about me and being a jerk at the same time. Only he can do that.

"I owe you a lot for a lot of things but I'll never stop teasing you. Its just so amusing to me. So please don't make it too easy for me. Try hard."

I cannot believe his nerve.

"I hate you" I said and that's it he started laughing so loud.

"priya" before I move to kill him reez called me from up.

"cathy" val is waving at me.

I looked up and suddenly looked away. A lot of old things came to my mind.

These things scare me too much. My body started tensed up. My breath suddenly went odd. I need air to breathe. I can't breathe. My head is spinning. I am sweating heavily. Everything is getting blurred. Suddenly my eyes closed on their own and I can't open them. Air.....

When I opened my eyes I am on a bench in reez's lap. Her eyes are worried.

So she came down to me without having the ride. What a disaster I am. They are here to have fun and I killed it all. Shit I hate myself.

"I am sorry" I said as I felt the never ending guilt.

I heard a sigh and I know whom it belong to.

"you don't leave that, word do you?" pain is obvious in his eyes.

'was he worried about me that much'.

"is cathy okay" little val asked who sat next to reez.

"I am okay. Now lets go get some fun" I said sitting up.

"no we are going home" he said firmly but you cant win with me.

"sorry dad we cant leave until we finished all these games" I said and started dragging reez and val with me.

Well, its three against one so he followed us.

Starting then we invaded all the stalls there. we bought some weird stuff like funny hats and goggles. Me and reez loved some of the rides only specified to kids. Well we tried to enter along with val but ended up thrown out as we are not kids. We even tried to bribe them but they are pretty strict. Don't worry, We got our revenge by throwing stones at them secretly and we escaped safely but the last shop guy saw us and started running after us. We all started running too. Walter grabbed val as she cant run fast. Finally we reached walter's car and escaped from there.

It was so close what if that guy catches us? We were all silent for a couple of seconds and started laughing like crazy people. I happened to sit next to him and val and reez are behind.

"next time don't you dare do that" yeah you are right grandpa started again. Even back there he didn't want us to throw stones. He completely lacks fun sensors. He just looks young and thinks old.

"yes grandpa we wont ever do that again" I said and chuckles encouraged me from behind.

He looked at me. Wait? He is not angry and not smiling either. I tried to know what his expression by looking at him. Ppch, no I could not find. I think he needs a psychiatrist.

I looked at the road when I heard tyres scratching the road roughly. OH MY GOD.

A car just went to our right making the screech sound and our car took a very odd left turn so we all bent to right.

'God bless the seatbelt inventor.'

What happened really is it was a small road we were taking and no divider. As wall didn't looked at the road for a few seconds looking at me being angry or whatever for calling him grandpa, he didn't see the car coming in front of us. We have to go left side but as he was not looking at the road we went straight. The one in the front car to us may have thought we go straight so he turned to the left of us just then wall realised we has to turn left and did so without seeing the car in front of us. So that plotted the chaotic situation. The front car driver changed his direction to our right trying to avoid hitting our car. And wall realised whats happening and turned left too much so we can avoid hitting the car. I must say the one in the front car must be good otherwise things would have gone bad being fault is on our side.

"everyone okay" wall said looking at three of us.

"yeah" we nodded in unison.

"what the hell was that man" the one in the other car was already out of his car and stated walking towards ours.

'this is going to be bad'

Wall signed us to stay inside and went out of the car. I know its completely my fault. I am such an idiot. Only if I kept my mouth shut these all would not have happened. The thing that is killing me is 'what if something would have gone wrong' I would have caused everyone's dea... shit I want to die now.

I looked out, the other guy looks familiar he looks more like..... wait its him from the plane. My co passenger.

I stepped down the car reez tried to stop me but I gave her an 'its alright' look so she kept quiet.

"are you drunk or something what were you thinking" he is still shouting at wall.

As walter looked sideways he saw me.

"I told you to stay inside" now his expression is angry.

I looked at the other guy he turned his head to see who walter is looking at, and he saw me. I am pretty sure he recognised me as his eyes grew bigger and I don't know whats his expression either.

I smiled weakly at him and said

"sorry it was all my fault. I distracted him" his eyes twitched at this and I don't know what that meant. Seems like today is my 'cant read expressions day'. Great.

"and I am glad you could pull it off otherwise my stupidity would have" my voice broke and a tear escaped my eyes. My heart is ripping into pieces. The thought that something would have happened to these people because of me is tearing me down.

"its not your fault priya" walter said coming to me. I know he is lying. Even he knows whose fault is this, yet he trying to help me. Seems like everyone here is way more nicer than me.

"hey please don't make me feel bad. Cause i feel like I am the reason you are crying" the other guy said.

"oh no its not your fault" I said as fast as I can, not wanting him to feel bad again because of me.

"I know. By the way I am Ankith I never got the chance to introduce myself in the plane" he said smiling.

"I am priyanka" I said trying to wipe my crying face.

"you live around here?" he asked and wall looked at him more like snapped at him.

I was about to say yes but then a horn sound came from his behind and he said

"I'll meet you again, bye" and he left.

Well, we headed for the car too. Still I feel very sad. I wish I could get punished for what I did may be at least then I may feel not like this. I cant see in their eyes.

We reached home reez left val at her home. After she came back she and walter tried to tell me its not my fault then I silently left the hall and went inside the bed room. She came in when he left and sat beside me on the bed. She didn't say anything probably don't want to lie again saying its not my fault. I laid down and closed my eyes.

'thanks krishnaa for saving them from my stupidity. I owe you all my life. Thank you so much'.

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