Nathan Sykes mum?

By gracesimpo

191K 3.4K 1.2K

'36 year old Kirsty Machado and 19, nearly 20, year old Nathan Sykes have openly admitted their relationship... More

Nathan Sykes mum?
Part 2- ''My mum's a cougar!''
Part 3-''You know? You're quite attractive.''
Part 4- 'The extremely sexy curly haired guy'
Part 5-''I wasn't eavesdropping!''
Part 6- ''I think, I think I'm falling in-''
Part 7- ''Can I finish what I was saying before?''
Part 8- She's defiantly not a baby girl!
Part 9- ''Kayla? Hurry up, I need a piss!''
Part 10- ''We were practicing drama?''
Part 11- ''Will you marry me...''
Part 12- what could I eat and still look attractive eating?
Part 13-''Aw, don't cry Nath.'
Part 14-''You do like spaghetti bolognaise, don't you?'
Part 15- ''I'm never letting you go.''
Part 16-''I love you, Kirsty.''
Part 18- ''Are you gonna tell me how you really feel?''
Part 19- ''Can you stay tonight?'
Part 20- ''You know, this is like something out of a movie.''
Part 21- ''Remember what?''
Part 22- ''Y-you have a boyfriend?''
Part 23- ''You're my step dad!''
Part 24- ''Where are you?''
Part 25- ''you better tell me the deets!''
Part 26- How did I know that was a lie?
Part 27- Was it something to do with her?
Part 28- I've missed you.
Part 29- Do you need me to hold your hand?
Part 30- Epilogue.

Part 17- ''We're friends.''

4.9K 108 22
By gracesimpo

Kayla Pov-

''I'm done Nathan, I'm done with this!'' I shouted at him; he shook his head.

''You're not.'' 

''I am. You don't understand what I have to go through and it's like you just don't care! Whenever she's not there, I am and it's not fair on me!'' I explained. Nathan shook his head and sighed. ''So what you're saying is that I don't care about you? I just use you when Kirsty isn't here?'' His voice was harsh, and cold. I knew I'd offended him but what about me in this situation?

''I don't know Nathan, I don't know what to think. When she comes back, you don't even talk to me. Am I supposed to like that? Because I don't.'' I replied. ''I don't talk to you because we both know what she's like!'' He raised his voice at me but I refused to give in.

''No, talking to me will not annoy her. And not talking to her will satisfy her so whatever Nathan, you go on whatever side you want. I don't care.'' 

''So you're giving up on us? Just like that?'' Nathan simply asked. ''We can't work if Kirsty is there. It takes two to be in a relationship and seems that every time we fall out, I'm the one left alone because you have her.'' I shrugged. ''But you know it's you I want to be with, not her. And you know how complicated things are, why can't you be as understanding now?'' He questioned, but this was only frustrating me.

''I've been understanding now Nathan for months, and it just get's harder! I want it to work between us because I love you but sometimes, you've got to let the one's you love go...'' The words I was saying did hurt me, but they needed to be said. Nathan and I, we'd never work, would we? I mean, not with Kirsty, his career, and whatever else in the way.

''I don't think you quite realise that when we're together, without her, we're the happiest couple in the world. We have fun, we laugh, we smile and we both enjoy ourselves! Yet when Kirsty comes back you don't talk to me. You barley even look at me. And what it feels like, is that you don't want to talk to me, and it feels like you just use me to fill in the gap when Kirsty isn't around. And I know how bad that is of me to say but it's just how I feel Nathan!'' 

''I-I don't know what to say, Kayla. I don't mean to make you feel like that, because it's not true.'' Nathan stuttered his words and I could see that he meant them.

''We need to end here.'' I stated, un-able to look at him; I couldn't face it.

''What does that mean? We're breaking up?'' He asked.

''Let's just think of it as we were never together in the first place.'' I half smiled, even though it was ripping my heart in two inside.

''K-kayla.'' Nathan reached out, holding my hand in his. 

His soft touch sent shivers down my spine. But it was a feeling I loved, a feeling I longed for. As my eyes met his I could see the pain inside them and it was me that caused it to be there. 

''I don't want to lose you.'' His words were soft, saddened. 

''You won't, we'll always be friends.'' I smiled.

Nathan shook his head and stepped closer to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face. ''I don't want to be friends, I want to be so much more than that.'' He told me. His fingers stroked gently down my cheek and followed the line of my jaw. As they reached my chin, he pulled my face upwards towards his own. 

Our lips met.

Moving directly in time and fitting perfectly together, I got that same electricity feeling pulsing through my body. But this kiss was different. This one was tender; a kiss I wouldn't forget. It was like we were saying goodbye, but then hello at the same time.

''Do you feel that too?'' Nathan whispered against my lips. 

''Yes.'' I answered simply. 

''Then why are we ending what could be amazing?'' He asked.

I removed myself from his hold and stood back again, returning to an upright posture. ''It was amazing, Nathan.'' I smiled, running my hand down his arm for comfort.

''But we both have to move one, you're getting married next month!'' I tried to act happy, excited even, just for him. But it didn't work. 

''So who's your best man gonna be?'' I teased, nudging his arm slightly. ''Jay probably.'' He chuckled. ''Shit!'' I exclaimed, realising I was supposed to be meeting Jay in ten minutes.

''I have to go, I'm supposed to be meeting Jay for a coffee!'' I announced. I grabbed my bag from the dresser in the hall and opened the front door. 

''Wait!'' Nathan called.

''What are we?'' He questioned.

''We're friends.'' I told him, before I left the house knowing what I'd done was stupid because I loved him.


''Am I late?'' I worried as I sat down in front of him, placing my drink down as well.

''Only by twenty minutes.'' Jay chuckled. 

''I'm so sorry, I got held up!'' I apologised, feeling instantly bad. Jay laughed and put his hand on top of mine on the table. ''Don't worry about it, it's fine.'' He reassured with a friendly smiled. 

''So what got you so caught up?'' He asked out of interest. I tried to thunk of an excuse but nothing good came to mind. For god sake!

''I was just, erm, on the phone to Charlie!'' I rushed, and I guess it was pretty believable. ''I guess I just lost track of time.'' I added, just to add another little hint of truth. ''Ah, so you had a lot of gossip?'' He winked and I did cringe a little inside. But I laughed on the outside and nodded in agreement with him.

''I heard Kirsty's back?'' 

''Yeah, she is.''

''Everything okay at home then?'' He questioned, taking a sip of his coffee. ''Yeah, everything's fine. I just feel I should leave them to it now though, like I should move out.'' I shrugged. ''Well I always have a free room.'' Jay offered. 

''I wouldn't want to be a burden.'' I awkwardly said. ''You've been with me before, we had fun, didn't we? Well the offers always there anyway.'' He grinned. ''Thank you, Jay.'' I returned the smile as I looked up at him. 

I realised how much of a nice guy Jay was. He was always there for me, and I knew he hoped that I'd like him a little more than I friend, but I couldn't. Not with the whole Nathan situation. Maybe if I hadn't have gotten involved with Nathan, things would be a lot more simple and I would have liked Jay.

But no, I'm an idiot.

''How are you and Nathan doing?''

''We're not together, I mean he's marrying my mum next month! It was stupid to even stay together in the first place.'' I sighed. ''It'd never work.'' I added. 

''Anyway, can we forget about those two for a bit?'' I asked and Jay nodded.

''Course we can!''


''Where the heck have you been?!'' Charlie screeched, pulling me in for the worlds longest hug. ''Sorry, I've been caught up, I guess.'' I laughed awkwardly. ''I can see that.'' Charlie winked. 

''Now you need to tell me all about it!'' She jumped up and down in excitement like it was some fascinating story she was about to be told. ''Calm down first.'' I stuck my tongue out and hugged her again.

''I've missed you!'' I sighed. 

''I've missed you too.'' She smiled as we broke apart.

''Do you want to go to a party on Friday?'' I questioned. ''Course I do! I mean why do you  even ask? When do I ever refuse a party invite?'' She exclaimed and I laughed. ''True!'' I announced.

''It's a wedding party.'' I warned her and her facial expression changed instantly serious. ''Are you okay about it?'' She checked, and that's what I loved about Charlie. She always cared how other felt.

''I'm fine.'' I smiled.

''Are you sure?'' She questioned.

''Yes, I'm fine!'' I chuckled.

''But we'll have to go dress shopping, I mean you'll be meeting The Wanted and other famous guests which will be going!'' I told her and then her face lit up.

''Let's go then! And you can tell me all about your bitch of a mum as we shop!'' Charlie happily told me. 

I laughed and let her drag me to her car.

This is what I needed right now, my best friend.

*Part 17!

Hope you like it!

Please comment with what you think and please vote and fan too, I appreciate it!:D

Thank you so much for reading, 

I dodn't expect this story to get as many reads and for people to enjoy it as much as they do, so I just wanted to thank everyone who reads, votes, comments and yeah!

So this is dedicated to all of you! ;)

I love you all!

Thanks again, 

Love Lizzie. X*

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