|[ The Soul Reaper - 2 ]| [UN...

By The_Experiment

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The war between the kingdoms of Thalandor and Trinstone has been stopped, the battle-hungry king, Soldin, is... More

Eltor: The Soul Reaper
Prologue // Sand
Chapter 1 // Return of the Heir
Chapter 2 // A Stolen Heart - Part I
Chapter 2 // A Stolen Heart - Part II
Chapter 3 // Betrayal
Chapter 4 // Breakout - Part I
Chapter 4 // Breakout - Part II
Chapter 5 // Leap of Faith
Chapter 6 // Fleeing
Chapter 7 // Brother in Blood
Chapter 8 // Dawn of a New Day - Part I
Chapter 8 // Dawn of a New Day - Part II
Chapter 9 // Ālis
Chapter 10 // Lost Halfling
Chapter 11 // Disguise and Lies - Part I
Chapter 11 // Disguise and Lies - Part II
Chapter 12 // Towers Tall, Dungeons Deep
Chapter 13 // Night Bird
Chapter 18 // To Start a Ruse
Chapter 19 // Into the Lion's Den
Chapter 20 // Traitor
Chapter 21 // Victory? Or Defeat?
Chapter 22 // Enemy of Old
Chapter 23 // Déjà vu
Chapter 24 // Blood and Tears
Chapter 25 // Edge of Darkness
Epilogue // Return of the Old One
Acknowledgments and Stuff :D

Excerpt from "The Broken Seal"

38 3 0
By The_Experiment

Cedric rolled over onto his side, feeling the cold absence of Irene beside him. His eyes flew open to see she was no longer with him.

"No!" he cried, scrambling to his feet. Snow fell from his hair and his clothes. He brushed it away impatiently, oblivious to the cold seeping down his spine, only aware of the cold seeping into his chest. She was gone. She had gone without him. He searched in the almost dead firelight for her footprints – she couldn't have just disappeared! It was still dark; he could catch her, stop her, and keep her there with him. He couldn't just let her go.

He found a set of footprints in the snow, winding away through the trees and hurried after them. It looked like she had only been walking- the steps were close together. Perhaps she had only just left. He could catch up, he could grab her and hold her, and never let go of her. The horses whinnied nervously and he turned. He would take his horse – it would be quicker.

He mounted and rode after the footprints, listening to the trees whip by almost invisibly until the rushing sound of water reached his ears. He was almost there – and up ahead he could see a shadowy figure moving. Was it Irene? Or someone else? He prayed it was her and urged his horse forwards faster. He could catch her – he could stop her – he could save her.

He burst through the last line of trees and watched as a bright blue light lit up the area. Irene turned and looked at him, a sad smile on her face. A figure wearing a hood made of the deepest blue possible appeared beside her and they spoke, mumbling words he couldn't hear. A moment later they turned and began walking away from him.

"No!" he cried, leaping off the horse and sprinting towards them, ignoring the icy snow that splashed up on his legs. "No, Irene! Come back!" she turned away, and with a step moved into thin air – and disappeared. She was gone.

"NO!" Cedric shouted, jumping awake. He frantically wiped the tears from his face and rolled out of bed, shaking violently. The same dream – the same nightmare – every single night. Ever since she had left him. He chewed his lip, sitting down on the edge of his bed and resting his head in his hands. He felt almost every emotion at once – sadness, grief and frustration at losing her, and anger, and resentment at her not saying goodbye – anger at her just leaving.

There was a quiet knock at the door and for a moment Cedric thought about ignoring it, and pretending he was still asleep. But he stood and answered the door, looking into the face of Bentol.

"I heard you shout, sire." Bentol said with a shallow bow, "And I came to see if I could be of assistance."

"You and I both know there is no cure what ails me." Cedric said darkly. He didn't mean to be rude to Bentol, or to any of those who he met or worked with. But his anger was boiling beneath his skin, so shallow that even just dipping a toe in and the people around him felt his wrath. Bentol's eyes darkened slightly, his mouth curving down in a slight frown.

"You are not the only one who misses her." he said gently, though there was an edge hiding within his voice, "Yes, you and her were... there is no denying that you two..." he sighed, "However, there are others within this court, and that of Thalandor who miss her too. Do not pretend her loss is your burden to bare on your own."

"Do you have nightmares about her?" Cedric snapped, "Do you see her turning away and leaving you every single night?" Bentol didn't reply, just stood and watched his king silently. "I didn't think so." Cedric finished bitterly.

"I am sorry sire," Bentol said, sounding both sympathetic and resigned, "if there is nothing I can do for you, I shall take my leave." He turned and began to walk away down the hall.

"I'm sorry." Cedric called after a pause, "I know she was your friend too." Bentol nodded.

"It is okay, sire." He gave a tiny smile, "We all have our ways of grieving."


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