Love and War

By oliviafojt

309K 6.5K 3K

Bella is half quileute and a complete hothead. She pretends to be different with the Cullens, up until her di... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
not an update

Chapter 9

14.9K 291 53
By oliviafojt

Rose P.O.V

Only one more day until we leave this boring tiny town and go see my little sister. God I miss her so much. I should be there with her right now protecting her, but no the two wonder twins had to make us leave her.

"Rosie calm the emotions hun. Your drivin me crazy." Jazz says loud enough for only me and Emmett to hear.

Carlisle and Esme are at some medical conference, Eddie is up in his room sulking, and Alice is in her room doing god knows what.

Emmett, Jazz and I are relaxing in the livingroom. They are playing a racing game and I was reading a car magazine, or attempting to at least.

"Sorry Jazz." I told him truthfully. I would hate to have his power most of the time. Feeling everyone else's emotions 24/7 does not sound appealing at all.

"What were ya thinkin about?" He asks.

"One more day until we leave." I said smiling brightly.

"I know Rosie I can't wait." Em says.

"What else were ya thinkin about?" Jazz asks raising a brow.

I sent him anger, pointed upstairs and mouthed "for making us leave her"

He nodded and sent me acceptance and excitement.

"I can't wait ta see my best friend again. I love ya guys but Bells is the only one besides Peter and Char who really understands and knows me." Jazz said so only we can hear.

"I know what you mean." I said smiling.

And I really did. Bella and Jasper just get eachother. She's one of the only people who truly get me too. That is why she is my sister, no matter what she is.

"Yea I can't wait to see my little belly bean. What color do you think her wolf is?" Em asked. "I think she's the same color as her hair."

"I'm gonna say dark grey or black. Like how she describes her soul." I say chuckling.

"I'm gonna say white because she's got the purest heart of anyone I've ever met. And she is the light in many people's lives. She's our angel." Jazz says smiling.

"Awe that is so sweet." I say. Jasper and Bella are just friends and he's more romantic with her than my husband is with me.

"Bellas made you soft there Major." Em says smiling at Jasper. No matter how much Emmett teases him about being soft, I know he is happy about it. He loves Jasper as a brother and likes seeing him happy.

Jazz shrugs "I know."

I smile, then look to the clock. It's been a whole 3 minutes since I looked at it the last time."Time needs to move faster." I growl in annoyance.

I am in some serious need for some girl time. Since we left Forks last week, I've been with Jazz and Em. I love them both but they drive me nuts. Alice, Tanya, Kate and Irina have tried to get me to go shopping or just hang out with them, but I decline everytime. The only girl I want to hang out with is my Bella boo.

Jasper misses her more than both me and Emmett combined, which sucks. I miss her to the point where it's hard to function normally. I'm honestly surprised that Jazz can move at all, let alone speak. He hasn't wanted to do anything other than play video games, hunt or read.

He has no one besides Emmett and I, and considering we like our alone time, he's by himself alot. I know he spent a lot of time talking to bells after we left. Without Jasper I'm pretty sure Bella would have set Edwards ass on fire the day after her birthday.

Our little sis really has changed Jasper. He's more open and he's a lot happier. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a bond linking them as best friends. He told me the day after we left Forks, that his chest hurt. There was no pull, like there is for mates, his chest just hurts to be away from her.

Apparently it helps to talk to her, and even to think about her. They have talked about it, and she feels the same. I wonder what Paul will think of their relationship?

Bella P.O.V

I woke up at 10 a.m on my back with Pauls arm lazily draped over my stomach. He was on his side with his left leg draped over my legs.

I kissed his forehead and untangled myself from him, getting out of bed. I threw on one of his shirts that stopped mid thigh on me, put on my black panties and threw my hair up in a messy ponytail before going down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

This dam pain in my chest is getting really annoying. I'm so incredibly pissed that my best friend was taken from me. I really would like nothing more than to rip dickward and the conniving little pixie to shreds right now, but I cant.

I sighed and started looking through the fridge. I pulled out eggs, bacon and milk and grabbed bread out of the cupboard. I hope he likes french toast. I turned on the small radio in the kitchen and started singing along to wanted dead or alive, by bon jovi. I dialed Jaspers number and sang it to him on his answering machine. When my chest hurts this bad, his does too. Hopefully hearing my voice will help him alittle.

After I hung up I made the French Toast first, then started on the bacon and eggs. I was still singing when I felt warm arms wrap around me.

"Good morning beautiful." Paul whispered in my ear, placing soft kisses on my neck.

"Morning baby. Breakfast is almost done." I said tilting my head, giving him better access to my neck.

He moved his hands to my hips and let them roam to the bareskin of my legs before lifting the shirt to grab my ass. I let out a little moan, not being able to stop myself. His hands and lips felt too good on my skin.

He let out a soft growl. "You look so sexy in my shirt angel. Thank you for making breakfast." He said sucking on my ear.

I moaned again "if you keep that up I might forget about breakfast and have my way with you right here and now." I groaned out.

"Hmm...I think I'd like that." He whispered, placing open mouth kisses on my neck. "I was really hoping to have you for breakfast this morning." He growled against my mating mark.

I turned off the burners and spun around to face him. "You still can baby." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

He laughed "But then all the food you made will go to waste, because you won't be leaving my bed until the bonfire tonight." He said kissing my neck again.

I groaned "Your gonna be the death of me Paul Lahote."

He chuckled lightly and stopped his torcher on my neck. He stepped back and smiled at me, I rolled my eyes playfully and turned to dish up the food.

I piled two plates and set them on the table. We sat down next to eachother and dug in. He was done before me, and watched me eat the rest of my food in silence.

As soon as I finished he was up and putting our plates in the sink. Less than 10 seconds later he came over and scooped me up in his arms and ran me upstairs. His lips never leaving mine.


Angela texted me an hour ago telling me the bonfire was starting at 6. Well she texted me at 2. I just got to read it an hour ago. Every time I tried to read it before that, I got attacked by my extremely sexy and horny soul mate.

We are currently still laying on his bed, cuddling.

"Babe we gotta get up. Bonfire starts in 2 hours. I wanna go visit with Em before we go." I said kissing his chest.

"Sam and Emily texted me this morning. They are having a bonfire tonight too. They said theyd be at the beach by 5." He said chuckling.

I slapped his chest "why didn't you tell me? I would have made some food to bring with us." I said angrily.

"Uh...Emily sort of told me not too. She told me if I told you about it and you brought food, she would castrate me." He said shuddering.

"Evil woman" I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

He chuckled and kissed me. The kiss was quickly becoming more heated, and if I didn't stop it now, we would never make it to the bonfire.

I broke the kiss and got out of bed, walking to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower and get ready."

"Mind if I join you?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled. "Yes I do. If you join me we will never make it to the beach."

"Fine" he said pouting.

I chuckled and went to the bathroom with my shower stuff. I hurried through my shower, taking 10 minutes and got out. I brushed my teeth and towel dried my hair, threw it in a messy ponytail and wrapped the towel around me.

I walked back to Pauls room and found him up and dressed in jean cutoffs, a white wife beater and black sandals. He looked up when I walked in and followed me with his eyes as I went to my bag to get dressed.

I pulled out my black and white striped bikini, a pair of jean shorts and grabbed one of his wife beaters. I let the towel drop to the floor and chuckled when I heard him growl.

I quickly threw on my clothes and put on my black flip flops. When I turned around he was staring at me lustfully. He smiled and started stalking towards me. I backed away from him and was soon pinned against the wall.

"Come on angel, we still have a half hour." He whispered against my lips.

"I want to go help set up, since I wasn't allowed to make any food." I groaned out.

"Do we have too?" He whined.


"Fine. Let's go." He pouted.

I laughed and grabbed my sunglasses, a Towel and my phone and led him out of the house.

We jogged straight to the beach and found the pack and imprints already there. Emily saw me and waved me over.

"Hey bells. This is Kim, Jareds imprint." She said introducing us.

"I've heard a lot about you Bella. It's good to finally meet you." She said smiling.

"it's nice to meet you too Kim." I said pulling her into a hug. She's family after all.

I looked around and noticed the boys had vanished. "Where'd the guys go?" I asked Leah. She was laying down in the sun a few feet away from us, sunbathing.

"They went to get the food and wood for the bonfire."

"Ah. Makes sense." I said mostly to myself.

I spread out my towel next to Leah and stripped down to my bikini. Emily and Kim did the same next to me and we all layed down in the sun.

We talked for awhile, getting to know more about eachother, when I felt extreme happiness, love and longing. My phone started playing toy soldiers, less than a minute later. I smiled.

"Hey jazz" I answered.

"Hey bells, thanks for the song darlin'. I miss ya. What you upto?" He asks.

"Layin on the beach with Leah, Emily and Kim. We're waiting for the boys to get back with the food for a bonfire. I miss you too sweetheart. I can't wait to see you." I told him excitedly.

"Who is it Bella?" Emily asked.

"Jasper" I told her.

"Hey there sparkly butt" Leah shouted.

He chuckled. "Hi Leah."

"He says hi Lee" I said smiling.

"How'd he know it was me?" She asked confused.

"Well from what ya have told me darlin, Leah is alot like you. And only you would call me somethin like that" He said chuckling.

Leah and I both laughed when we heard him say that. It's definitely the truth.

"Well I just wanted ta hear ya voice. I can't wait to see ya tomorrow darlin'. I've missed ya like crazy." He drawled.

"I know jazz, I've missed you too. I've missed all 3 of you, but especially my bestest friend." I said seriously. We always tell eachother we miss eachother at least twice during our conversations. It helps the pain alittle, sometimes.

"I thought I was your best friend b? You wound me. Looks like me and Jasper will have to fight for the position." Leah said grinning.

I put the phone on speaker as I let out a chuckle so she could hear him better, and so that Emily and Kim could hear too.

Jazz laughs. "Alright Leah, you, me tomorrow at 5 p.m outside of the house. Bring butter, it'll make things more interesting." He says huskily.

Leah stared blankly at the phone for a couple seconds then cracked up laughing. "bring butter" She choked out between laughter.

"What's so funny?" Sam asks coming out of the trees carrying a cooler. The rest of the guys right behind him.

"Bells is talking to Jasper. She called him her best friend, so I told him we'd have to fight for the position. He told me to be ready tomorrow at 5 and to bring butter. It will make things more interesting." Leah explains still laughing.

The guys finally join in "alright I like him." Jake says in between laughter.

Paul came over and bent down to give me a kiss. "Hi Jasper." He says to the phone.

"Hey Paul." Jasper answers.

"Alright I'll let ya go darlin'. See ya tomorrow at the house. Love ya." He says excitedly.

"Love you too. Tell Rosie and Em I love them. See you soon." I replied.

"Bye everyone. Have fun. Paul throw Bella in the water for me." He says amused.

"Bye Jasper." Everyone says. "I will." Paul says grinning.

I narrowed my eyes at him "you throw me in the water baby, and you won't be gettin any for awhile." I threatened.

His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but couldn't think of anything to say.

"So wait, I'm confused. Isn't Jasper a vampire?" Kim asked.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"And your friends with him?" She asked confused.

"Yea." I replied.

"But your a wolf." She says even more confused.

I sighed and told her about my relationship with the Cullens, and everything that happened when I was with them.

By the time I was finished with my story, it was 5:45 and I got a text from Angela saying she was on her way to the beach.

I saw that Mike, Tyler, Ben, Jessica, Lauren and Eric had already arrived, and luckily had not seen me yet.

"Wow. I think I'm going to like those 3. They sound like good people." Kim said honestly.

"They really are." I said agreeing with her. We heard a scream and saw Jake running to the water carrying a flailing Embry in his arms. We all started laughing when Jake threw him in and got tackled in the water himself by Jared. Paul and Sam joined them in the water as well.

I looked to Leah. "Fancy a swim Lee Lee." I said smiling.

She laughed "Of course B. Let's go show them who's boss."

We both got up and ran to the water. Leah jumped on Embry and took him down into the water, while I did the same with Paul.

We swam around for a bit before we gave up. The boys had ganged up on us, so we were out numbered. I was constantly getting tackled by Sam and Paul. Five against two is definitely cheating.

We all got out of the water and I noticed Mikes group was watching us from their spot on the beach. I saw Angela sitting by herself, slightly away from the group and felt my anger rise.

"Ange." I called jogging over to the group.

She got up and smiled at me as I came closer. "Bells. I thought that was you, but I wasn't certain enough to crash your party." She said laughing.

I walked right up to her and hugged her, getting her clothes wet.

"Why don't you come hang out with us, so you don't have to hang out with these douchebags that invited you but think their too good to talk to you." I said gesturing to forementioned douchebags.

"But Bella I invited you too. Why don't you come hang out with us?" Golden retriever asked.

"Yea I'm gonna have to say no. I'd rather eat dog shit." I said shaking my head.

"Then can we come hang out with your group Bella?" Tyler asked.

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Why not? Those guys are totally hot Bella. You can introduce us." Slutbag number 2 said excitedly.

"I said no so leave it alone Jessica. All those boys over there are to good for you. And they won't want your diseased ass anyways. And we are not friends so why would I want any of you to hang out with me?" I asked.

"God Bella what happened to you? You were so nice, and now your acting like a complete bitch." Slutbag number 1 sneered.

"Takes one to know one slutbag." I said smirking at her.

She huffed and crossed her arms. Golden retriever was about to say something but was interrupted by Paul putting his arms around me.

"Come on babe, we're gonna start the food." He said kissing my neck.

Mike looked between the two of us and turned red with jealousy. I chuckled quietly.

"Who's that Bella?" Mike asked.

"This is my boyfriend Paul. Paul this is Angela Webber." I gestured to her. "The rest of them don't matter. Let's go Ang." I said pulling her with me, as I walked with Paul back to our group.

"Thanks for saving me Bells. I really hate those fuckers." She said when we were far enough away from them.

"No problem Angie. I think you've been hanging around me too much, my language is rubbing off on you." I said smiling.

She was laughing as we reached the guys.

"Hey guys this is Angela Webber, my friend from school. Angela that is Sam and his fiancé Emily, Embry and his girlfriend Leah, Jared and his girlfriend Kim and my best childhood friend Jake." I said pointing them out to Angela.

As soon as Angela looked at Jake, they both gasped. I looked between them, and smiled. Jake imprinted on Angela.
I did a little victory dance behind Angela, since she was to busy staring at Jake. Everyone erupted into laughter when I started doing the sprinkler, causing Angela and Jake to compose themselves. Jake chuckled and shook his head at me.

I stopped dancing and took Angela to sit down. I put her in between Jake and I and Paul sat down next to me. We ate and talked for an hour before Jake asked Angela to take a walk with him. She looked to me and I gave her a thumbs up. She blushed but took his hand and walked down the beach with him.

I watched them walk past Mikes group and saw Ben watching them. I could tell he was jealous. Lauren and Jessica looked jealous and furious. And Mike was sulking.

A half hour later Jake and Angela were walking back towards us smiling and laughing. I had never seen Angela so happy.

"How did it go?" I asked as they sat back down next me.

Jake laughed and Angela blushed. "It went good. She believed me right away, and asked me to show her my wolf. She told me I was beautiful." Jake said smiling.

"Well it's true." She said matter of factly.

"You are a very pretty wolf Jakey." I said batting my eyelashes at him.

Angela giggled and Jake rolled his eyes playfully. "Thanks Bells."

"So who all is a wolf and who's an imprint?" Angela asked.

"Wolf" Sam

"Imprint" Emily

"Imprint" Kim

"Wolf" Jared

"Wolf and Imprint" Embry

"Wolf and Imprint" Leah

"Wolf and Imprint" Paul

Angela nodded then turned to me. "And your Pauls imprint Bells?"

"And a wolf." I said.

Angelas mouth fell open. "Your a wolf?" She asks shocked.

"Yep." I replied.

"How long have you been a wolf?" She asks narrowing her eyes.

"Since Thursday. That's why I left the school at lunch." I told her.

"Oh. So did you know the Cullens were vampires?" She asks.

"Yes. I knew as soon as I saw them." I said.

"And you still hung out with them? Aren't vampires your enemies?" She asked.

"Only the ones that kill innocent humans. The Cullens hunt animals. It's why their eyes are gold and not red." I told her.

"I always knew they weren't human. I just never thought they could be vampires." She said shaking her head in disbelief.

"Why don't we all go back to Sams and we can tell her more." Jake said.

"Sounds good." Angela says smiling.

We all got up and started cleaning up. My phone pinged with a message, from Harry Clearwater.

Bella Seth has phased, I can't calm him down. Quil Sr. just called and said Quil is showing signs of phasing. He gives it an hour at most. Can you come here then go to Quils?


"What the hell am I, the fucking wolf whisperer?" I growled.

"What happened?" Sam asked amused at my new nickname for myself.

"Seth just phased and Quil Sr. gives it an hour, before Quil phases. Take Angela to your house, you can tell her my story of being with the Cullens, since I don't know how long this will take. Leah let's go." I said giving Paul a quick kiss then running to the woods to phase with Leah.

"The wolf whisperer?" Angela asked confused.

"Yea B. The Wolf whisperer?" Leah asks grinning.

"Oh shut it Lee Lee." I said playfully.

We jogged through the treeline and stripped. "Baby can you grab our clothes please." I yelled to Paul.

"Will do angel." He replied.

I phased first. Leah was still learning to control her wolf. When she phased we ran towards her house. We heard Seth in our heads the whole way there.



'LEAH?' Seth

'Yes dummy it's me. Bella is with me. We're almost there.' Leah

'Are you guys wolves too?' Seth

'Yes Seth we are' me

We reached Leahs house and ran around to the back yard. Seth was sitting on the ground with his mouth open when he saw us. His fur was the color of sand.

'Wow you guys really are wolves. What's going on?' Seth

We sat down and I showed him everything that has happened since I moved here, and I also explained why we were wolves.

An hour later he was alot calmer and knew everything.

'Alright we have to head to Quils, then I will teach you how to phase back.' Me

We set off towards Quils house. We were almost there when we felt him phase.


'Here we go again' I thought

Alright another chapter down. I hope you all are enjoying my story so far.

All characters, places and some dialog belong to Stephenie Meyer.

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