How To: Not Completely Ruin Y...

By MizMic

2.2K 173 32

Are You Looking For Serious Self Help? ...No? PERFECT! Congratulations On Getting This Far, Other Candidates... More

Ditch The Bitches!
Never Become An Adult
People Are....Interesting.
I'm That Asshole.
High School Shenanigans - Part 1
High School Shenanigans - Part 2
My Anxiety & Embarrassment
The 3 Stages Of Rage
Change, Embrace It.
The Comfort Zone
My Friend The Internet.
Goals (We Ain't Talking Football.)
My Biggest Fear.
A Work In Progress
The Big Project!

Take A Break

93 10 3
By MizMic

I wanna thank you all for sticking around so far it's been a hell of a journey and we're just getting started. If you haven't already been doing so I encourage you to leave a comment below either asking a question or sharing your thoughts as to what you think so far and we can make this book super interactive and involving. Once again thank you all so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of it!


Now I'm the kind of person who loves to be busy, I thrive under the pressure of multiple deadlines and am most annoyed when I'm bored. However, this pressure you believe you're able to cope with does inevitably build up and before long you will have to take a break. When I say I love to be busy that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm productive, busy tends to mean a 3 hour YouTube binge or claiming to watch 1 episode of a series and fully committing to the whole season instantly (thanks Orange Is The New Black.)

Now in high school I learnt many things: how to play table tennis using everything in sight as the table, how to do trigonometry because that's super useful in my day-to-day life and finally, and by far the most important, how to procrastinate like a boss leaving everything till the last minute, YAY consciously failing classes! Or at least I would have failed those classes if I wasn't friends with the people who did the work *wink*.

Anyway, I think it's important to take a moment and do something you enjoy, everybody's guilty of getting caught up in the superficial and sometimes just spending a day with yourself and your thoughts can help you understand who you actually are (behind the zayn malik fan account). For example, when I spend time on my own I like to be outside, the fresh air tends to inspire me to get off my ass and at least attempt to be productive. During times by myself I've learnt many things: Number one, tandem bikes are a terrible idea. Number two, I actually really like myself. I'm great. And three, I learnt that the sky at night is incredibly beautiful even if during the day changes its mind more than I do (#britishstruggles).

As a writer of many different things it's common to get writers block a lot. To get past that wall of sadness I'll watch an inspiring movie (animated films are the weapon of choice cause I'm adult AF) or watching gaming youtubers, I have a youtube problem...but I'm ok with that - I blame you jacksepticeye, vanossgaming and the 13 other gamers I watch. I just went off on a tangent so far that I forgot what this moral was supposed to be, this has just turned into me explaining all my problems with the internet. You're welcome! Let's just assume the moral is that if you procrastinate too much blame it on writers block....Yeah that'll work Sally the sports therapist.

So I challenge you to spend a day without Internet, contact with friends and/or activities. Ask yourself these questions:

- How do I feel the week has gone? Why?

- Biggest achievements of this year?

- Goals for this year?

- How do I achieve those goals?

- What makes me happy?

- What did I learn about myself?

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